Java tutorial
/* * * * Created on 19 December 2007, 09:32 * * Form controller to carry out actions on form to support * register interest requests and retrieve previously submitted * register an interest requests. Creates supporting request xml/pdf files and * confirmation messages. Submitted data validated by * org.emmanet.controllers.RequestFormValidator * * Dependencies - * org.emmanet.model.WebRequestsDAO * * v1.0 released 04-02-2008 * v1.1 released 14-02-2008 - xml files no longer need to be sent with e-mail message * Removal requested by * Removed by 14-02-2008 * v1.2 released 25-02-2008 - xml files no longer created or stored on server. * No longer needed as caused problems with original EMMA workflow * (see emmadb discussions 15-22 February 2008). * xmlFileprefix added to determine stage of request in pdf file name * Added by * v1.3 released 10-04-2008 - Archiving centre mail addresses added to cc map * added by requested by * v1.4 released 11-06-2008 - Archiving centre id added to database entry * added by requested by */ package org.emmanet.controllers; /* * #%L * InfraFrontier * $Id:$ * $HeadURL:$ * %% * Copyright (C) 2015 EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import org.emmanet.model.StrainsDAO; import org.emmanet.model.WebRequestsDAO; import org.emmanet.util.Encrypter; import; import org.springframework.mail.MailException; import org.springframework.mail.MailSender; import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage; import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender; import org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper; import org.springframework.ui.velocity.VelocityEngineUtils; import org.springframework.validation.BindException; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.emmanet.model.LaboratoriesManager; import org.emmanet.model.NkiEsCellsDAO; import org.emmanet.model.StrainsManager; import org.emmanet.util.Configuration; /** * * @author Phil Wilkinson */ public class RequestFormController extends SimpleFormController { private JavaMailSender javaMailSender; private WebRequests webRequest; private StrainsDAO sd; private NkiEsCellsDAO esd; public static final String ID = "1"; private List requestByID; private MailSender mailSender; private VelocityEngine velocityEngine; private String pathToXml;//TODO USE ACCESSOR METHOD TO SET FROM private String pathToMTA; private File file; private File mtaFromURL; private String xmlFileName; private String xmlFileprefix; private String pdfFile; private String xmlExt = ".xml"; private String pdfExt = ".pdf"; private String mailSubjectText; private String internalSuccessView; /* pdfTitle determined according to request being register * interest or new request */ private String pdfTitle; private boolean pdfConditions; private String Bcc; private String tetCc; private String[] nkiescellCc; private String[] xmlMailTo; private Map Cc; private Iterator it; private boolean mailSend; public static final String MAP_KEY = "returnedOut"; final static String FILELOCATION = Configuration.get("TMPFILES"); private static String BASEURL; private Map returnedOut = new HashMap(); private Encrypter encrypter = new Encrypter(); private HttpSession session; private List ccCentre; private String frozenCost; private String liveCost; private String frozenDelivery; private String liveDelivery; private String liveShelfDelivery; private String liveShelfCost; private LaboratoriesManager lm = new LaboratoriesManager(); private String impcDataExists; @Override protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) { /* * ADDED TO SOLVE ISSUE WHERE MISSING PARAM CAUSES formBackingObject() must not be null ERROR * THIS ALLOWS FORM TO DISPLAY FOR NEW REQUESTS */ StrainsManager sm = new StrainsManager(); sd = new StrainsDAO(); session = request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("BASEURL", getBASEURL()); if (request.getParameter("ID") != null) { //System.out.println("ID PARAM= " + request.getParameter("ID")); String ID = request.getParameter("ID"); /* try { ID =, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RequestFormController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }*/ String decryptedID = encrypter.decrypt(ID); //System.out.println("REQFORMDECRYPTED==" + decryptedID); if (decryptedID == null) { WebRequestsDAO wrd = new WebRequestsDAO(); String unencryptedID = request.getParameter("ID"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("((-|\\+)?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)+"); Matcher m = p.matcher(unencryptedID); System.out.println("unenc id == " + unencryptedID); request.getSession().setAttribute("message", null); if (request.getParameter("ID") == null) { request.setAttribute("ERROR", "TRUE"); SimpleMailMessage webmasterMsg = new SimpleMailMessage(); webmasterMsg.setTo(""); webmasterMsg.setFrom(""); webmasterMsg.setSubject("Encrypted and unencrypted IDs invalid"); webmasterMsg.setText("This error has occurred, check server"); mailSender.send(webmasterMsg); } else if (unencryptedID != null) { WebRequests wr = new WebRequests(); if (m.matches()) { System.out.println("MATCHES"); wrd = (WebRequestsDAO) wr.getReqByID(unencryptedID); } else { //not matching so unencrypted redirect to invalidurl page wrd = new WebRequestsDAO(); request.setAttribute("ERROR", "TRUE"); System.out.println("NO MATCHES"); SimpleMailMessage webmasterMsg = new SimpleMailMessage(); webmasterMsg.setTo(""); webmasterMsg.setFrom(""); webmasterMsg.setSubject("Encrypted and unencrypted IDs invalid"); webmasterMsg.setText( "This error has occurred, check server for unencryptedID:-" + unencryptedID); mailSender.send(webmasterMsg); } } //REDIRECT TO NEW PAGE EXPLAINING SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS AND THAT A SECURE ENCRYPTED ID IN AN EMAIL HAS BEEN RESENT String preEncodedEncryptedID = encrypter.encrypt(ID); try { ID =, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RequestFormController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } wrd.setEncryptedId_req(ID); Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("BASEURL", BASEURL); model.put("id", wrd.getEncryptedId_req()); model.put("strainname", wrd.getStrain_name()); model.put("emmaid", wrd.getStrain_id()); model.put("sci_e_mail", wrd.getSci_e_mail()); String rtoolsID = ""; WebRequests wreq = new WebRequests(); List rtools = wreq.strainRToolID(wrd.getStr_id_str()); sd = sm.getStrainByID(wrd.getStr_id_str()); System.out.println("STRAINSDAO VALUE IS " + sd.getEmma_id()); System.out.println("rtools size=" + rtools.size()); it = rtools.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // II =; // rtoolsID = o[0].toString(); Object oo =; rtoolsID = oo.toString(); System.out.println("rtoolsid=" + oo.toString() + " - labid=" + wrd.getLab_id_labo()); } model.put("rtoolsID", rtoolsID); model.put("labID ", wrd.getLab_id_labo()); returnedOut.put("model", model); ///now mail SimpleMailMessage msg = new SimpleMailMessage(); msg.setReplyTo(""); msg.setFrom(""); msg.setBcc(""); msg.setTo(wrd.getSci_e_mail()); if (wrd.getSci_e_mail() == null) { msg.setTo(""); } msg.setSubject("Your EMMA Strain Interest Registration Form - " + "strain can now be ordered: " + model.get("emmaid") + " (" + model.get("strainname") + ")"); String content = ""; if (wrd.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { /* Request for a Sanger line need to apply different mail template */ System.out.println("\n\n\nTHIS IS A CRISPR LINE\n\n\n:"); content = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(velocityEngine, "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerRegInt-Template.vm", model); } else { content = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(velocityEngine, "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/regInt-Template.vm", model); } msg.setText(content); try { System.out.println(msg); mailSender.send(msg); } catch (MailException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } wrd = new WebRequestsDAO(); request.setAttribute("ID", null); request.setAttribute("UNENCRYPTEDID", "TRUE"); return wrd; } else { WebRequestsDAO wr = new WebRequestsDAO(); wr = webRequest.getReqByID(decryptedID); wr.setAvailabilities(webRequest.availabilitiesList(wr.getStr_id_str()));//to satisfy JIRA-219 wr.setDistributionCentre(lm.getLabByStrainID(wr.getLab_id_labo())); wr.setLiveCost(liveCost); wr.setFrozenCost(frozenCost); wr.setFrozenDelivery(frozenDelivery); wr.setLiveDelivery(liveDelivery); wr.setLiveShelfCost(liveShelfCost); wr.setLiveShelfDelivery(liveShelfDelivery); // return webRequest.getReqByID(decryptedID); //RETURNING WEBREQUEST WITH NO PARAMS SET return wr; } } else { WebRequestsDAO wr = new WebRequestsDAO(); if (request.getParameter("wr") != null) { wr.setRegister_interest("1"); } if (request.getParameter("sname") != null) { wr.setStrain_name(request.getParameter("sname").toString()); } if (request.getParameter("cname") != null) { wr.setCommon_name_s(request.getParameter("cname").toString()); } if (request.getParameter("id") != null) { wr.setStrain_id(request.getParameter("id").toString()); } if (request.getParameter("new") != null) { //this is a new request show blank form wr.setRegister_interest("0"); //wr.setEurophenome("no"); //wr.setWtsi_mouse_portal("no"); } //MOUSEBOOK UPDATES if (request.getParameter("source") != null) { //coming from an external source so check for parameters to pre-fill form wr.setSci_title(request.getParameter("sci_title")); wr.setSci_firstname(request.getParameter("sci_firstname")); wr.setSci_surname(request.getParameter("sci_surname")); wr.setSci_e_mail(request.getParameter("sci_e_mail")); wr.setSci_phone(request.getParameter("sci_phone")); wr.setSci_fax(request.getParameter("sci_fax")); wr.setCon_dept(request.getParameter("dept")); wr.setCon_institution(request.getParameter("con_institution")); wr.setCon_addr_1(request.getParameter("con_addr_1")); } //END MOUSEBOOK UPDATES if (request.getParameter("status") != null) { //this is an insert by an archiving centre and now mist have a site id String username = (request.getParameter("user")); } if (request.getParameter("q") != null) { //this is an jquery ajax call for autocomplete strain names from insert form int query = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("q")); setSuccessView("../ajaxReturn.emma"); returnedOut.put("ajaxReturn", webRequest.strainList(query)); return new ModelAndView("../ajaxReturn.emma", MAP_KEY, returnedOut); // return "ajaxReturn.emma"; } if (request.getParameter("str_id_str") == null || request.getParameter("str_id_str").equals("0") && request.getParameter("status") != null) { if (request.getParameter("status") != null) { // this is an insert and therefore the id or str_id_str isnt yet known and will have to be pulled using ajax } else if (!request.getParameter("id").isEmpty()) { // if (!request.getParameter("id").isEmpty()) { String toFormat = request.getParameter("id"); int start = 3; int end = toFormat.length(); toFormat = toFormat.substring(start, end); int i = Integer.parseInt(toFormat); wr.setStr_id_str(i); } } if (wr.getStr_id_str() != 0) { wr.setAvailabilities(webRequest.availabilitiesList(wr.getStr_id_str()));//to satisfy JIRA-219 } else if (request.getParameter("str_id_str") != null) { wr.setAvailabilities( webRequest.availabilitiesList(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("str_id_str")))); } wr.setCvDAO(webRequest.isoCountries()); //added to rectify incorrect strain names appearing in /* int sID; System.out.println("STRAIN ID = " + wr.getStr_id_str() + " PARAM VAL=" + request.getParameter("str_id_str")); if ( request.getParameter("str_id_str") != null || !request.getParameter("str_id_str").equals("0")) { sID = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("str_id_str")); } else { sID = wr.getStr_id_str(); } sd = (webRequest.getStrainByID( sID)); wr.setStrain_name(sd.getName()); /* New requirement to hide TA options from user requesting strains from SANG and FCG who don't have TA access units now need to grab site id using strain id */ WebRequests wReq = new WebRequests(); if (request.getParameter("type") != null && request.getParameter("type").equals("nkiescells")) { ccCentre = wReq.ccArchiveMailAddresses(wr.getStrain_id(), "nki_es_cells"); wr.setReq_material("ES Cells"); } else { ccCentre = wReq.ccArchiveMailAddresses("" + wr.getStr_id_str(), "strains"); } // List ccCentre = wReq.ccArchiveMailAddresses(wr.getStr_id_str()); Object[] o = null; it = ccCentre.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { o = (Object[]); wr.setLab_id_labo(o[0].toString()); // System.out.println("o[0].toString() == " + o[0].toString()); //System.out.println("o[0].toString() == " + wr.getLab_id_labo()); } sd = sm.getStrainByID(wr.getStr_id_str()); System.out.println("405 STRAINSDAO VALUE IS " + wr.getStr_id_str()); if (sd != null) { System.out.println("405 STRAINSDAO VALUE IS " + sd.getLs_consortium()); System.out.println("405 STRAINSDAO VALUE IS " + sd.getName()); System.out.println("sd values two is " + sd.getLs_consortium() + " + " + sd.getId_str()); } else { int iPhenoExists; iPhenoExists = wr.getStr_id_str(); if (iPhenoExists == 0 && request.getParameter("str_id_str") != null) { iPhenoExists = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("str_id_str")); } System.out.println("pheno exists IS " + wr.getStr_id_str()); sd = sm.getStrainByID(iPhenoExists); // System.out.println("412 STRAINSDAO VALUE IS " + sd.getEmma_id()); } //sd=sm.getStrainByID(wr.getStr_id_str()); //System.out.println("STRAINSDAO value for name is" + sd.getName ()); //sd.getArchiveDAO().getLab_id_labo(); // System.out.println("lab id is" + wr.getLab_id_labo() + " OR its taken from request " + request.getParameter("lab_id_labo")); if (wr.getLab_id_labo() != null) { wr.setDistributionCentre(lm.getLabByStrainID(wr.getLab_id_labo())); } else if (request.getParameter("lab_id_labo") != null) { wr.setDistributionCentre(lm.getLabByStrainID(request.getParameter("lab_id_labo"))); } wr.setLiveCost(liveCost); wr.setFrozenCost(frozenCost); wr.setFrozenDelivery(frozenDelivery); wr.setLiveDelivery(liveDelivery); wr.setLiveShelfCost(liveShelfCost); wr.setLiveShelfDelivery(liveShelfDelivery); System.out.println("Mouse portal val is " + wr.getWtsi_mouse_portal()); System.out.println("europhenome val is " + wr.getEurophenome()); wr.setWtsi_mouse_portal(null); wr.setEurophenome(null); impcDataExists = ""; if (sd != null) { impcDataExists = sd.getLs_consortium();//.getImpc_phenotype_data_exists(); if (impcDataExists != null && impcDataExists.contains("IMPC")) { impcDataExists = "yes"; } } wr.setImpc_phenotype_data_exists(impcDataExists); System.out.println("impc data is...." + impcDataExists); return wr; } } @Override protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) { WebRequests wr = new WebRequests(); StrainsDAO sdSubmit = new StrainsDAO(); WebRequestsDAO webRequest = (WebRequestsDAO) command; session.setAttribute("req_material", null); mailSubjectText = ""; sdSubmit = null; esd = null; String type = request.getParameter("type"); System.out.println("TYPE is set to " + type); if (!webRequest.getStrain_name().toLowerCase().contains("wtsi")) { //webRequest.setWtsi_mouse_portal("no"); // webRequest.setEurophenome("no"); } String strainID = "" + webRequest.getStr_id_str() + ""; if (type != null && type.equals("nkiescells")) { esd = (NkiEsCellsDAO) (wr.getESCellsByID("" + webRequest.getStrain_id())); } else { sdSubmit = (wr.getStrainByID(webRequest.getStr_id_str())); } mailSend = true; Cc = new HashMap(); int im = 0; // Late stage addition for multiple cc addresses TODO MAKE BETTER Cc.put("1", new String("")); //Cc.put("2", new String("")); if (request.getParameter("triggerMails") != null && request.getParameter("triggerMails").equals("managersonly")) { //map key + 1 im = 2; } else { Cc.put("2", new String(webRequest.getCon_e_mail().trim())); //map key + 1 im = 3; } // Get responsible centre mail address(es) and add to map List ccCentre = new ArrayList(); if (request.getParameter("type") != null && request.getParameter("type").equals("nkiescells")) { ccCentre = wr.ccArchiveMailAddresses(webRequest.getStrain_id(), "nki_es_cells"); } else { ccCentre = wr.ccArchiveMailAddresses("" + webRequest.getStr_id_str(), "strains"); } Object[] o = null; it = ccCentre.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { o = (Object[]); Cc.put("" + im + "", o[1].toString()); webRequest.setLab_id_labo(o[0].toString()); im++; } o = null; System.out.println("cccentre size=" + ccCentre.size()); String ArchContactEmail = ""; if (ccCentre.size() > 0) { o = (Object[]) ccCentre.get(0); ArchContactEmail = o[1].toString(); } /* if (webRequest.getApplication_type().equals("ta_or_request") || webRequest.getApplication_type().equals("ta_only")) { //if one of these values then has passed the country eligibility controlled by javascript in requestFormView.emma/jsp webRequest.setEligible_country("yes"); }*/ System.out.println("wtsi mouse portal value is:: " + webRequest.getWtsi_mouse_portal()); // webRequest.setBil_addr_1("testaddress1"); wr.saveRequest(webRequest); if (request.getParameter("status") != null) { } else { request.getSession().setAttribute("message", getMessageSourceAccessor().getMessage("Message", webRequest.getSci_firstname() + " " + webRequest.getSci_surname() + ", Your request submitted successfully, you will receive " + "confirmation by e-mail sent to the address " + webRequest.getSci_e_mail().trim())); } String rtoolsID = ""; List rtools = wr.strainRToolID(webRequest.getStr_id_str()); System.out.println("rtools size=" + rtools.size()); it = rtools.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object oo =; rtoolsID = oo.toString(); System.out.println("rtoolsid=" + oo.toString() + " - labid=" + webRequest.getLab_id_labo()); } // Create hashmap for velocity Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("name", webRequest.getSci_firstname() + " " + webRequest.getSci_surname()); model.put("emmaid", webRequest.getStrain_id().toString()); model.put("timestamp", webRequest.getTimestamp()); model.put("ftimestamp", webRequest.getFtimestamp()); model.put("sci_title", webRequest.getSci_title()); model.put("sci_firstname", webRequest.getSci_firstname()); model.put("sci_surname", webRequest.getSci_surname()); model.put("sci_e_mail", webRequest.getSci_e_mail().trim()); model.put("sci_phone", webRequest.getSci_phone()); model.put("sci_fax", webRequest.getSci_fax()); model.put("con_title", webRequest.getCon_title()); model.put("con_firstname", webRequest.getCon_firstname()); model.put("con_surname", webRequest.getCon_surname()); model.put("con_e_mail", webRequest.getCon_e_mail().trim()); model.put("con_phone", webRequest.getCon_phone()); model.put("con_fax", webRequest.getCon_fax()); model.put("con_institution", webRequest.getCon_institution()); model.put("con_dept", webRequest.getCon_dept()); model.put("con_addr_1", webRequest.getCon_addr_1()); model.put("con_addr_2", webRequest.getCon_addr_2()); model.put("con_province", webRequest.getCon_province()); model.put("con_town", webRequest.getCon_town()); model.put("con_postcode", webRequest.getCon_postcode()); model.put("con_country", webRequest.getCon_country()); //billing details if (!webRequest.getRegister_interest().equals("1")) { model.put("bil_vat", webRequest.getBil_vat()); model.put("PO_ref", webRequest.getPO_ref()); model.put("bil_title", webRequest.getBil_title()); model.put("bil_firstname", webRequest.getBil_firstname()); model.put("bil_surname", webRequest.getBil_surname()); model.put("bil_e_mail", webRequest.getBil_e_mail().trim()); model.put("bil_phone", webRequest.getBil_phone()); model.put("bil_fax", webRequest.getBil_fax()); model.put("bil_institution", webRequest.getBil_institution()); model.put("bil_dept", webRequest.getBil_dept()); model.put("bil_addr_1", webRequest.getBil_addr_1()); model.put("bil_addr_2", webRequest.getBil_addr_2()); model.put("bil_province", webRequest.getBil_province()); model.put("bil_town", webRequest.getBil_town()); model.put("bil_postcode", webRequest.getBil_postcode()); model.put("bil_country", webRequest.getBil_country()); } //end biling details model.put("strain_id", webRequest.getStrain_id()); if (sdSubmit != null && type == null) { System.out.println("OK THIS IS FROM STRAINS TABLE"); model.put("strain_name", sdSubmit.getName());//webRequest.getStrain_name());//change req by Sabine as strain name sometimes changed in strains table but remains static in web_requests model.put("strainname", sdSubmit.getName());//webRequest.getStrain_name());//change req by Sabine as strain name sometimes changed in strains table but remains static in web_requests model.put("consortium", sdSubmit.getLs_consortium());//added to satisfy } else if (esd != null && type.equals("nkiescells")) { System.out.println("OK THIS IS FROM NKIESCELLS TABLE"); model.put("strain_name", esd.getStrain_name()); model.put("strainname", esd.getStrain_name()); } System.out.println("STRAIN_NAME VAL IS " + model.get("strain_name") + " " + model.get("strainname")); model.put("common_name_s", webRequest.getCommon_name_s());//TODO need to take from when all model files are incorporated model.put("req_material", webRequest.getReq_material()); model.put("live_animals", webRequest.getLive_animals()); model.put("frozen_emb", webRequest.getFrozen_emb()); model.put("frozen_spe", webRequest.getFrozen_spe()); // TA application details model.put("application_type", webRequest.getApplication_type()); WebRequestsDAO vatEligbleCheck = new WebRequestsDAO(); vatEligbleCheck = wr.getReqByID(webRequest.getId_req()); String EUEligible = vatEligbleCheck.getEligible_country(); model.put("ta_eligible", EUEligible/*webRequest.getEligible_country()*/); // if(webRequest.getEligible_country() != null && webRequest.getEligible_country().equals("yes")) { if (EUEligible.equals("yes")) { model.put("EU", Integer.parseInt("1")); } else { model.put("EU", Integer.parseInt("0")); } model.put("ta_proj_desc", webRequest.getProject_description()); model.put("ROI", webRequest.getRegister_interest()); //new e-mail message requirements for eucomm model.put("ArchContactEmail", ArchContactEmail.trim()); model.put("requestID", webRequest.getId_req()); model.put("labID", webRequest.getLab_id_labo()); model.put("rtoolsID", rtoolsID); model.put("BASEURL", BASEURL); if (webRequest.getDistributionCentre() != null) { model.put("DistributionCentre", webRequest.getDistributionCentre().getName() + ", " + webRequest.getDistributionCentre().getCountry()); } if (webRequest.getLab_id_labo() != null && !webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("4")) { /* * FOR LEGAL REASONS MTA FILE AND USAGE TEXT SHOULD NOT BE SHOWN FOR MRC STOCK. * MRC WILL SEND MTA SEPARATELY (M.FRAY EMMA IT MEETING 28-29 OCT 2010) */ if (sdSubmit != null) { model.put("mtaFile", sdSubmit.getMta_file()); } else if (esd != null) { model.put("mtaFile", esd.getMta_file()); } } System.out.println("rtoolsid=" + model.get("rtoolsID") + " - labid=" + model.get("labID")); String velocTemplate = null; if (webRequest.getRegister_interest().equals("0")) { /* Set values for template to be used, PDF Title & mail message subject text * for strain submission */ System.out.println("lab id == " + webRequest.getLab_id_labo()); if (rtoolsID.equals("9") && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerSpecificSubmissionConfirmation-Template.vm"; } else if (type != null && type.equals("nkiescells")) { session.setAttribute("req_material", webRequest.getReq_material()); velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/escellRequest-Template.vm"; } else if ((sdSubmit.getLs_consortium() != null) && sdSubmit.getLs_consortium().equals("EUCOMMToolsCre") && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerSpecificSubmissionConfirmation-Template_eucommtoolscre.vm"; } else if (sdSubmit.getName().matches(".*em\\dWtsi.*") && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { /* Request for a Crispr line need to apply different mail template */ System.out.println("\n\n\nTHIS IS A CRISPR LINE\n\n\n:"); velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerSpecificSubmissionConfirmation-Template_crispr.vm"; } else { session.setAttribute("req_material", webRequest.getReq_material()); velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/submissionConfirmation-Template.vm"; } pdfTitle = "EMMA Mutant Request Form"; //TODO SET MAIL SUBJECT LINE HERE xmlFileprefix = "req_"; mailSubjectText = "Your Request from EMMA - confirmation of receipt: "; pdfConditions = true; //cc for TET systems strain List rtool = new ArrayList(); //to avoid tet cc being used if str_id_str (numeric only) for nki es cells is the same as a tet strain id if (type != null && type.equals("nkiescells")) { //do nothing } else { rtool = wr.strainRToolID(webRequest.getStr_id_str()); } for (Iterator it = rtool.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer I = (Integer); if (I == 5) { //TET strain Cc.put(Cc.size() + 1, tetCc); } } } else if (webRequest.getRegister_interest().equals("1")) { if (rtoolsID.equals("9") && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { /*##NEW TEMPLATE FOR SANGER */ velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerSpecificInterestSubmission-Template.vm"; } else if (sdSubmit.getLs_consortium().equals("EUCOMMToolsCre") && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerSpecificInterestSubmission-Template_eucommtoolscre.vm"; } else if (sdSubmit.getName().matches(".*em\\dWtsi.*") && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("1961")) { /* Request for a Crispr line need to apply different mail template */ System.out.println("\n\n\nTHIS IS A CRISPR LINE\n\n\n:"); velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/SangerSpecificInterestSubmission-Template_crispr.vm"; } else { velocTemplate = "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/interestSubmission-Template.vm"; } pdfTitle = "EMMA Strain Interest Registration Form"; xmlFileprefix = "roi_"; mailSubjectText = "Your EMMA Strain Interest Registration Form - confirmation of receipt: "; pdfConditions = false; } System.out.println("Templ8 to be used is : " + velocTemplate);//"org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/interestSubmission-Template.vm" String content = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(getVelocityEngine(), velocTemplate, model); // Format strain id to correct 0 padding TODO MAY NEED TO GO NOT NECESSARY HERE AS DONE ABOVE NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("00000"); String formattedID = formatter.format(webRequest.getStr_id_str()); // NB USED AS PDF FILENAME AS WELL xmlFileName = xmlFileprefix + webRequest.getTimestamp() + "_" + webRequest.getSci_firstname() + "_" + webRequest.getSci_surname() + "_" + formattedID; pdfFile = createPDF(model, pathToXml + xmlFileName + pdfExt); if (webRequest.getLab_id_labo() != null && webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("3")) { //a Hemholtz request so need to create xml file and mail to Susan EMMA-539 //better check to make sure it isn't a ROI System.out.println("Send xml file to Helmholtz"); System.out.println("req material from model is: " + model.get("req_material")); if (!webRequest.getRegister_interest().equals("1")) { model.put("con_country_code_iso", wr.isoCountryCode(webRequest.getCon_country()));//Added EMMA-539 CharSequence csFE = "embryos"; CharSequence csFS = "sperm"; CharSequence csL = "live"; CharSequence csR = "Rederived"; if (model.get("req_material").toString().contains(csFE) || model.get("req_material").toString().contains(csFS)) { model.put("cost", frozenCost); System.out.println("cost from model is: " + frozenCost); } else if (model.get("req_material").toString().startsWith(csL.toString())) { model.put("cost", liveCost); System.out.println("cost from model is: " + liveCost); } else if (model.get("req_material").toString().startsWith(csR.toString())) { model.put("cost", liveCost); System.out.println("cost from model is: " + liveCost); } else { model.put("cost", null); System.out.println("being set to null"); } System.out.println("cost model is : " + model.get("cost")); // XML file content Template created by Velocity String xmlFileContent = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(getVelocityEngine(), "org/emmanet/util/velocitytemplates/requestXml-Template.vm", model); try { /* Create request XML file from velocity template * named to format req_TIMESTAMP_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME_STRAINID.xml */ File fileXML = new File(pathToXml + xmlFileName + xmlExt); // Create pdf from model // pdfFile = createPDF(model, pathToXml + xmlFileName + pdfExt); // Create file if it does not exist // REMOVED AS XML NO LONGER REQUIRED //boolean success = file.createNewFile(); boolean success = fileXML.createNewFile(); if (success) { // File did not exist and was created Writer out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileXML), "UTF8")); out.write(xmlFileContent); out.close(); //NOW MAIL HELMHOLTZ/SUSAN EMMA-539 MimeMessage xmlMessage = getJavaMailSender().createMimeMessage(); try { MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(xmlMessage, true, "UTF-8"); helper.setReplyTo(""); helper.setFrom(""); helper.setTo(xmlMailTo); //helper.setTo(""); helper.setSubject("XML request file for request id " + model.get("requestID") + " (" + model.get("emmaid") + "). "); helper.addAttachment(xmlFileName + xmlExt, fileXML); getJavaMailSender().send(xmlMessage); System.out.println("Sent xml file to Helmholtz"); } catch (MessagingException ex) { } } else { // File already exists // Do nothing } } catch (IOException e) { } } } MimeMessage message = getJavaMailSender().createMimeMessage(); try { MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true, "UTF-8"); helper.setReplyTo(""); helper.setFrom(""); helper.setBcc(Bcc); System.out.println("bccADDRESS===== " + Bcc); Iterator i = Cc.values().iterator(); String[] ccAddresses = new String[Cc.size()]; int iK = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { String ccAddress = (String); ccAddress = ccAddress.trim(); ccAddresses[iK] = ccAddress; iK++; System.out.println("ccADDRESS===== " + ccAddress); //helper.addCc(ccAddress); } if (request.getParameter("type") != null && request.getParameter("type").equals("nkiescells")) { helper.setCc(nkiescellCc); //helper.setCc(ccAddresses); } else if (request.getParameter("triggerMails") != null && request.getParameter("triggerMails").equals("managersonly")) { //no cc addresses else managers only email repeats } else { helper.setCc(ccAddresses);//.addCc(ccAddresses); } //ccCentre = Arrays.asList(nkiescellCc); helper.setTo(webRequest.getSci_e_mail().trim()); String correctStrainname = ""; if (sdSubmit != null) { correctStrainname = sdSubmit.getName(); } else if (esd != null) { correctStrainname = esd.getStrain_name(); } helper.setSubject(mailSubjectText + webRequest.getStrain_id() + " (" + correctStrainname /*webRequest.getStrain_name()*/ + ") Your request ID: " + webRequest.getId_req()); helper.setText(content); /* xml files no longer need to be sent with e-mail message * Removal requested by * Removed by 14-02-2008 */ //helper.addAttachment(xmlFileName + xmlExt,file); FileSystemResource file = new FileSystemResource(new File(pdfFile)); helper.addAttachment(xmlFileName + pdfExt, file); /* * FOR LEGAL REASONS MTA FILE AND USAGE TEXT SHOULD NOT BE SHOWN FOR MRC STOCK. * MRC WILL SEND MTA SEPARATELY (M.FRAY EMMA IT MEETING 28-29 OCT 2010) */ String mtaFile = ""; if (webRequest.getLab_id_labo() != null && !webRequest.getLab_id_labo().equals("4")) { if (sdSubmit != null) { mtaFile = sdSubmit.getMta_file(); } else if (esd != null) { mtaFile = esd.getMta_file(); } // if (sdSubmit.getMta_file() != null && !sdSubmit.getMta_file().equals("")) { if (mtaFile != null && !mtaFile.isEmpty()) { if (!model.get("application_type").equals("ta_only")) { //add mta file if associated with strain id //String mtaFile = sdSubmit.getMta_file(); // mtaFile="this is a test.pdf"; System.out.println("mta file value is::" + mtaFile); // System.out.println( " OK now mta file from model value is " + model.get("mtaFile").toString()); // || model.get("mtaFile").toString().equals("") if (mtaFile != null || model.get("mtaFile") != null) { FileSystemResource fileMTA = new FileSystemResource(new File(getPathToMTA() + mtaFile)); System.out.println( "file mta is-> " + fileMTA + " and to string is " + fileMTA.toString()); //need to check for a valid mta filename use period extension separator, all mtas are either .doc or .pdf if (!fileMTA.exists()) { System.out.println("MTA file " + mtaFile + " cannot be accessed"); } else { helper.addAttachment(model.get("mtaFile").toString(), fileMTA); } } } } } if (request.getParameter("triggerMails") != null) { if (request.getParameter("triggerMails").equals("no")) { //user has specified no mails to be sent from insert interface System.out.println("NOT OK to send mail, the value submitted was : " + request.getParameter("triggerMails")); mailSend = false; } else if (request.getParameter("triggerMails").equals("managersonly")) { //remove to address and set to cc addresses System.out.println("OK to send mail to managers only, the value submitted was : " + request.getParameter("triggerMails")); helper.setTo(ccAddresses); ccAddresses = null; } } System.out.println("mailSend value is : " + mailSend); if (mailSend) { System.out.println(content); System.out.println("OK to send mail, the value submitted was : " + mailSend); System.out.println(message); //helper.setCc(""); //helper.setBcc(""); //helper.setTo(""); getJavaMailSender().send(message); System.out.println(model.get("consortium")); System.out.println("Mail sent "); } Cc = null; } catch (MessagingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (request.getParameter("status") != null) { if (request.getParameter("status").equals("insert")) { return new ModelAndView(getInternalSuccessView()); } } //test logging of previous refferal URIs for Sanger lines //to improve europhenome/mouse portal interest logging // <c:if test="${fn:containsIgnoreCase(command.strain_name,'wtsi')}"> //System.out.println(model.get("strain_name").toString()); if (model.get("strain_name") != null && model.get("strain_name").toString().toLowerCase().contains("wtsi")) { //System.out.println("CONDITION IS TRUE"); BufferedWriter out = null; Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat ldf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMM"); try { out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(FILELOCATION + "/wtsiRefererLogging." + sdf.format(date), true)); //System.out.println(out.hashCode() + " - " + FILELOCATION + "wtsiRefererLogging." + sdf.format(date)); String referer = request.getHeader("Referer"); if (referer.contains("")) { //log to file as from wtsi mouse portal out.write(ldf.format(date) + "-" + referer); } else { //Need to log a message so all requests are logged for metrics out.write(ldf.format(date) + "-" + "WTSI request not generated from another site. " + referer); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); //Logger.getLogger(RequestFormController.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } finally { try { out.newLine(); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); //Logger.getLogger(RequestFormController.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } } } return new ModelAndView(getSuccessView()); } public String createPDF(Map model, String filePath) { /* I really don't like this iText library. * Takes so much effort to figure it all out * to get an acceptable pdf rendition. */ Document doc = new Document(); try { System.out.println(model.get("timestamp")); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(filePath));; Paragraph pHead = new Paragraph(pdfTitle + "\n\n", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 11)); pHead.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(pHead); doc.add(new Paragraph(pdfTitle + "\nRequest ID:" + model.get("requestID") + "\n\n", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 20))); Paragraph pSubHead = new Paragraph( "Following data have been submitted to EMMA on " + model.get("ftimestamp"), FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 11)); pSubHead.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(pSubHead); doc.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Space padding underline Chunk underlined = new Chunk( " " + " "); underlined.setUnderline(new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 0.0f, 0.2f, 16.0f, 0.0f, PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_BUTT);//Black line doc.add(underlined); Font font = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 11); // Set table cell widths equiv. to 25% and 75% float[] widths = { 0.25f, 0.75f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); table.setWidthPercentage(100); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Scientist\n\n", font)); cell.setColspan(2); cell.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cell); table.addCell("Title"); table.addCell("" + model.get("sci_title")); table.addCell("Firstname"); table.addCell("" + model.get("sci_firstname")); table.addCell("Surname"); table.addCell("" + model.get("sci_surname")); table.addCell("E-mail"); table.addCell("" + model.get("sci_e_mail")); table.addCell("Phone"); table.addCell("" + model.get("sci_phone")); table.addCell("Fax"); table.addCell("" + model.get("sci_fax")); PdfPCell cellShip = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("\nShipping Contact\n\n", font)); cellShip.setColspan(2); cellShip.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellShip); table.addCell("Title"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_title")); table.addCell("Firstname"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_firstname")); table.addCell("Surname"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_surname")); table.addCell("E-mail"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_e_mail")); table.addCell("Phone"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_phone")); table.addCell("Fax"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_fax")); table.addCell("Institution"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_institution")); table.addCell("Department"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_dept")); table.addCell("Address Line 1"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_addr_1")); table.addCell("Address Line 2"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_addr_2")); table.addCell("County/province"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_province")); table.addCell("Town"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_town")); table.addCell("Postcode"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_postcode")); table.addCell("Country"); table.addCell("" + model.get("con_country")); if (!model.get("ROI").equals("1")) { //webrequest is not a roi so these were set above so send them to pdf PdfPCell cellBill = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("\nBilling Details\n\n", font)); cellBill.setColspan(2); cellBill.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellBill); table.addCell("VAT reference"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_vat")); table.addCell("Purchase Order Number"); table.addCell("" + model.get("PO_ref")); table.addCell("Title"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_title")); table.addCell("Firstname"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_firstname")); table.addCell("Surname"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_surname")); table.addCell("E-mail"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_e_mail")); table.addCell("Phone"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_phone")); table.addCell("Fax"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_fax")); table.addCell("Institution"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_institution")); table.addCell("Department"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_dept")); table.addCell("Address Line 1"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_addr_1")); table.addCell("Address Line 2"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_addr_2")); table.addCell("County/province"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_province")); table.addCell("Town"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_town")); table.addCell("Postcode"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_postcode")); table.addCell("Country"); table.addCell("" + model.get("bil_country")); } PdfPCell cellStrain = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("\nStrain Details\n\n", font)); cellStrain.setColspan(2); cellStrain.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellStrain); table.addCell("Strain ID"); table.addCell("" + model.get("strain_id")); table.addCell("Strain name"); table.addCell("" + model.get("strain_name")); table.addCell("Common Name(s)"); table.addCell("" + model.get("common_name_s")); if (model.get("req_material") != null) { PdfPCell cellMaterial = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("\nRequested Material\n\n", font)); cellMaterial.setColspan(2); cellMaterial.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellMaterial); table.addCell("Material"); table.addCell("" + model.get("req_material")); } if (model.get("live_animals") != null) { table.addCell("Live Animals"); table.addCell("Selected"); } if (model.get("frozen_emb") != null) { table.addCell("Frozen Embryos"); table.addCell("Selected"); } if (model.get("frozen_spe") != null) { table.addCell("Frozen Sperm"); table.addCell("Selected"); } if (pdfConditions) { String text = ""; String text1 = ""; String text2 = ""; String header = ""; String header1 = ""; String header2 = ""; if (model.get("application_type").equals("request_only")) { text = new StringBuilder().append(text).append( "\nYou have indicated that you have read the conditions and agree to pay the transmittal fee " + "plus shipping costs.") .toString(); header = new StringBuilder().append(header).append("\nStandard request\n").toString(); } else if (!model.get("application_type").equals("request_only")) { header1 = new StringBuilder().append(header1) .append("\nApplication for Transnational Access Activity").toString(); if (model.get("application_type").equals("ta_only")) { text1 = new StringBuilder().append(text1).append( "\nYou have indicated that you have read the conditions and have applied for free of charge TA only. " + "In the case of the TA application being rejected the request process will be terminated.") .toString(); header1 = new StringBuilder().append(header1).append(" (TA Option B)\n").toString(); } else { text1 = new StringBuilder().append(text1).append( "\nYou have indicated that you have read the conditions and have applied for free of charge TA " + "and have agreed to pay the service charge plus shipping cost if the TA application is rejected.") .toString(); header1 = new StringBuilder().append(header1).append(" (TA Option A)\n").toString(); } header2 = new StringBuilder().append(header2).append( "\n\nDescription of project (1/2 page) involving requested EMMA mouse mutant resource. " + "The project description will be used by the Evaluation Committee for selection of applicants:") .toString(); } if (!model.get("application_type").equals("request_only")) { // table.addCell("" + model.get("ta_proj_desc")); text2 = new StringBuilder().append(text2).append("\n\n " + model.get("ta_proj_desc")) .toString(); } if (!model.get("application_type").equals("request_only")) { //we have a ta header and text to add PdfPCell cellConditions1 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(header1, font)); cellConditions1.setColspan(2); cellConditions1.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellConditions1); PdfPCell cellConditions2 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(text1)); cellConditions2.setColspan(2); cellConditions2.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellConditions2); PdfPCell cellConditions3 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(header2, font)); cellConditions3.setColspan(2); cellConditions3.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellConditions3); PdfPCell cellConditions4 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(text2)); cellConditions4.setColspan(2); cellConditions4.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellConditions4); } else { PdfPCell cellConditions = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(header, font)); cellConditions.setColspan(2); cellConditions.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellConditions); PdfPCell cellConditionsTxt = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(text)); cellConditionsTxt.setColspan(2); cellConditionsTxt.setBorder(0); table.addCell(cellConditionsTxt); } } doc.add(table); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } doc.close(); return filePath; } public WebRequests getWebRequest() { return webRequest; } public void setWebRequest(WebRequests webRequest) { this.webRequest = webRequest; } public MailSender getMailSender() { return mailSender; } public void setMailSender(MailSender mailSender) { this.mailSender = mailSender; } public VelocityEngine getVelocityEngine() { return velocityEngine; } public void setVelocityEngine(VelocityEngine velocityEngine) { this.velocityEngine = velocityEngine; } public String getPathToXml() { return pathToXml; } public void setPathToXml(String pathToXml) { this.pathToXml = pathToXml; } public JavaMailSender getJavaMailSender() { return javaMailSender; } public void setJavaMailSender(JavaMailSender javaMailSender) { this.javaMailSender = javaMailSender; } public String getBcc() { return Bcc; } public void setBcc(String Bcc) { this.Bcc = Bcc; } public Map getCc() { return Cc; } public void setCc(Map Cc) { this.Cc = Cc; } public String getInternalSuccessView() { return internalSuccessView; } public void setInternalSuccessView(String internalSuccessView) { this.internalSuccessView = internalSuccessView; } public String getTetCc() { return tetCc; } public void setTetCc(String tetCc) { this.tetCc = tetCc; } public String getPathToMTA() { return pathToMTA; } public void setPathToMTA(String pathToMTA) { this.pathToMTA = pathToMTA; } /** * @return the BASEURL */ public String getBASEURL() { return BASEURL; } /** * @param BASEURL the BASEURL to set */ public void setBASEURL(String BASEURL) { this.BASEURL = BASEURL; } /** * @return the xmlMailTo */ public String[] getXmlMailTo() { return xmlMailTo; } /** * @param xmlMailTo the xmlMailTo to set */ public void setXmlMailTo(String[] xmlMailTo) { this.xmlMailTo = xmlMailTo; } /** * @return the nkiescellCc */ public String[] getNkiescellCc() { return nkiescellCc; } /** * @param nkiescellCc the nkiescellCc to set */ public void setNkiescellCc(String[] nkiescellCc) { this.nkiescellCc = nkiescellCc; } /** * @return the frozenCost */ public String getFrozenCost() { return frozenCost; } /** * @param frozenCost the frozenCost to set */ public void setFrozenCost(String frozenCost) { this.frozenCost = frozenCost; } /** * @return the liveCost */ public String getLiveCost() { return liveCost; } /** * @param liveCost the liveCost to set */ public void setLiveCost(String liveCost) { this.liveCost = liveCost; } /** * @return the frozenDelivery */ public String getFrozenDelivery() { return frozenDelivery; } /** * @param frozenDelivery the frozenDelivery to set */ public void setFrozenDelivery(String frozenDelivery) { this.frozenDelivery = frozenDelivery; } /** * @return the liveDelivery */ public String getLiveDelivery() { return liveDelivery; } /** * @param liveDelivery the liveDelivery to set */ public void setLiveDelivery(String liveDelivery) { this.liveDelivery = liveDelivery; } /** * @return the liveShelfDelivery */ public String getLiveShelfDelivery() { return liveShelfDelivery; } /** * @param liveShelfDelivery the liveShelfDelivery to set */ public void setLiveShelfDelivery(String liveShelfDelivery) { this.liveShelfDelivery = liveShelfDelivery; } /** * @return the liveShelfCost */ public String getLiveShelfCost() { return liveShelfCost; } /** * @param liveShelfCost the liveShelfCost to set */ public void setLiveShelfCost(String liveShelfCost) { this.liveShelfCost = liveShelfCost; } }