Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Patrick Woodworth * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import static*; /** * @author Patrick Woodworth */ public class WeaveMain { public enum CipherMode { RAW, NONE, DECRYPT, ENCRYPT } public static final String TEST_SERVER = "http://localhost:8080/weave/"; public static final String TEST_USERNAME = ""; public static final String TEST_PASSWORD = "foobarbang"; public static final String TEST_SYNC_KEY = "xrwjwg42i6q9ds6ctwhudb9x24"; private static final int INDENT = Integer.getInteger("indent", -1); private static final Properties smLoginProperties = new Properties(); private static final WeaveFactory smWeaveFactory = new WeaveFactory(true); private static CipherMode smCipherMode = WeaveMain.CipherMode .valueOf(System.getProperty("mode",; private static JSONObject smCryptoKeysObj; private static BulkKeyCouplet smBulkKeyPair; private static String getUserEmail() { return smLoginProperties.getProperty("login.authAccount", TEST_USERNAME); } private static String getServerUrl() { return smLoginProperties.getProperty("login.server_url", TEST_SERVER); } private static String getPassword() { return smLoginProperties.getProperty("login.password", TEST_PASSWORD); } private static String getSyncKey() { return smLoginProperties.getProperty("login.sync_key", TEST_SYNC_KEY); } private static void loadLoginProperties() { InputStream in = null; try { String credsPath = System.getProperty("weavecreds", System.getenv("WEAVE_CREDS")); if (credsPath == null) return; File credsFile = new File(credsPath); if (!credsFile.isFile() || credsFile.length() < 1) return; in = new FileInputStream(credsFile); smLoginProperties.load(in); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { WeaveUtil.close(in); } } private static synchronized JSONObject getCryptoKeys(UserWeave weave) throws WeaveException { if (smCryptoKeysObj == null) { try { String respBody = null; String keysFilePath = System.getProperty("weavekeys", System.getenv("WEAVE_KEYS")); if (keysFilePath != null) { try { File keysFile = new File(keysFilePath); respBody = WeaveUtil.readToString(keysFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (respBody == null) { URI nodeUri = weave.buildSyncUriFromSubpath("/storage/crypto/keys"); WeaveResponse response = weave.getNode(nodeUri); respBody = response.getBody(); } smCryptoKeysObj = new JSONObject(respBody); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new WeaveException(e); } } return smCryptoKeysObj; } private static synchronized BulkKeyCouplet getBulKKeyPair(UserWeave weave) throws WeaveException, GeneralSecurityException, JSONException { if (smBulkKeyPair == null) { String userEmail = getUserEmail(); String userLogin = WeaveUtil.legalizeUsername(userEmail); byte[] syncKey = Base32.decodeModified(getSyncKey()); JSONObject cryptoKeysObj = getCryptoKeys(weave); JSONObject cryptoKeysPayload = new JSONObject(cryptoKeysObj.getString("payload")); smBulkKeyPair = WeaveUtil.buildBulkKeyPair(userLogin, syncKey, cryptoKeysPayload); } return smBulkKeyPair; } public static void retrieveAndDump(String nodepath) throws Exception { String userEmail = getUserEmail(); UserWeave weave = smWeaveFactory.createUserWeave(URI.create(getServerUrl()), userEmail, getPassword()); BulkKeyCouplet bulkKeyPair = getBulKKeyPair(weave); String respBody; if (nodepath != null) { URI uri = weave.buildSyncUriFromSubpath(nodepath); System.err.println("GETURI: " + uri.toASCIIString()); if (nodepath.startsWith("/storage/crypto/keys")) { dump(getCryptoKeys(weave)); return; } WeaveResponse response = weave.getNode(uri); respBody = response.getBody(); } else { respBody = WeaveUtil.readToString(; } if (respBody.startsWith("[")) { System.err.println("JSONARR:"); JSONArray jsonNewArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonOldArray = new JSONArray(respBody); for (int ii = 0; ii < jsonOldArray.length(); ii++) { JSONObject jsonObj = jsonOldArray.optJSONObject(ii); if (jsonObj != null) { jsonObj = safeSwapForCiphered(jsonObj, bulkKeyPair); jsonNewArray.put(jsonObj); } else { System.err.println("WARNING array element " + ii + " was not a JSONObject"); } } dump(jsonNewArray); } else if (respBody.startsWith("{")) { System.err.println("JSONOBJ:"); JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(respBody); jsonObj = safeSwapForCiphered(jsonObj, bulkKeyPair); dump(jsonObj); } else { System.err.println("NONJSON:"); System.out.println(respBody); } } public static void doPut(String nodepath) throws Exception { String userEmail = getUserEmail(); UserWeave weave = smWeaveFactory.createUserWeave(URI.create(getServerUrl()), userEmail, getPassword()); BulkKeyCouplet bulkKeyPair = getBulKKeyPair(weave); String sendBody = WeaveUtil.readToString(; String respBody; if (nodepath != null) { URI uri = weave.buildSyncUriFromSubpath(nodepath); System.err.println("PUTURI: " + uri.toASCIIString()); if (nodepath.startsWith("/storage/crypto/keys")) { throw new Exception("You don't want this"); } WeaveResponse response = weave.putNode(uri, sendBody); respBody = response.getBody(); } else { respBody = sendBody; } System.err.println("RESPONSE:"); System.out.println(respBody); } public static String retrieveRaw(String nodepath) throws Exception { String userEmail = getUserEmail(); UserWeave weave = smWeaveFactory.createUserWeave(URI.create(getServerUrl()), userEmail, getPassword()); URI uri = weave.buildSyncUriFromSubpath(nodepath); System.err.println("GETURI: " + uri.toASCIIString()); WeaveResponse response = weave.getNode(uri); return response.getBody(); } public static JSONObject safeSwapForCiphered(JSONObject jsonObj, BulkKeyCouplet bulkKeyPair) { return safeSwapForCiphered(jsonObj, bulkKeyPair, smCipherMode); } public static JSONObject safeSwapForCiphered(JSONObject jsonObj, BulkKeyCouplet bulkKeyPair, CipherMode cipherMode) { JSONObject retval = null; try { retval = swapForCiphered(jsonObj, bulkKeyPair, cipherMode); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("FAILURE " + cipherMode + " SWAPPING"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (retval == null) retval = jsonObj; return retval; } private static JSONObject swapForCiphered(JSONObject jsonObj, BulkKeyCouplet bulkKeyPair, CipherMode cipherMode) throws JSONException, GeneralSecurityException { if (cipherMode == NONE || cipherMode == RAW) return jsonObj; String oldPayloadStr = jsonObj.optString("payload", null); if (oldPayloadStr == null) return jsonObj; // todo what about jsonarrays JSONObject wboOldPayload = new JSONObject(oldPayloadStr); JSONObject wboNewPayload = (cipherMode == ENCRYPT) ? WeaveUtil.encryptWboPayload(bulkKeyPair.cipherKey, bulkKeyPair.hmacKey, wboOldPayload) : WeaveUtil.decryptWboPayload(bulkKeyPair.cipherKey, bulkKeyPair.hmacKey, wboOldPayload); JSONObject newNodeObj = new JSONObject(jsonObj.toString()); if (cipherMode == ENCRYPT) { newNodeObj.put("payload", wboNewPayload.toString()); } else { newNodeObj.put("payload", wboNewPayload); } return newNodeObj; } public static void dump(JSONObject jsonObject) { try { String out = INDENT > -1 ? jsonObject.toString(INDENT) : jsonObject.toString(); System.out.println(out); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void dump(JSONArray jsonObject) { try { String out = INDENT > -1 ? jsonObject.toString(INDENT) : jsonObject.toString(); System.out.println(out); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String nodepath = null; if (args.length > 0) nodepath = args[0]; loadLoginProperties(); String method = System.getProperty("method", "get"); if ("put".equals(method)) { doPut(nodepath); } else { if (smCipherMode == RAW) { System.out.println(retrieveRaw(nodepath)); } else { retrieveAndDump(nodepath); } } } }