Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License. */ package; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.elasticsearch.client.Request; import; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; /** * Test for setting the fetch size. */ public abstract class FetchSizeTestCase extends CliIntegrationTestCase { public void testSelect() throws IOException { Request request = new Request("PUT", "/test/doc/_bulk"); request.addParameter("refresh", "true"); StringBuilder bulk = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { bulk.append("{\"index\":{}}\n"); bulk.append("{\"test_field\":" + i + "}\n"); } request.setJsonEntity(bulk.toString()); client().performRequest(request); assertEquals("[?1l>[?1000l[?2004lfetch size set to [90m4[0m", command("fetch size = 4")); assertEquals("[?1l>[?1000l[?2004lfetch separator set to \"[90m -- fetch sep -- [0m\"", command("fetch separator = \" -- fetch sep -- \"")); assertThat(command("SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY test_field ASC"), containsString("test_field")); assertThat(readLine(), containsString("----------")); int i = 0; while (i < 20) { assertThat(readLine(), containsString(Integer.toString(i++))); assertThat(readLine(), containsString(Integer.toString(i++))); assertThat(readLine(), containsString(Integer.toString(i++))); assertThat(readLine(), containsString(Integer.toString(i++))); assertThat(readLine(), containsString(" -- fetch sep -- ")); } assertEquals("", readLine()); } public void testInvalidFetchSize() throws IOException { assertEquals(ErrorsTestCase.START + "Invalid fetch size [[3;33;22mcat" + ErrorsTestCase.END, command("fetch size = cat")); assertEquals(ErrorsTestCase.START + "Invalid fetch size [[3;33;22m0[23;31;1m]. Must be > 0.[0m", command("fetch size = 0")); assertEquals(ErrorsTestCase.START + "Invalid fetch size [[3;33;22m-1231[23;31;1m]. Must be > 0.[0m", command("fetch size = -1231")); assertEquals(ErrorsTestCase.START + "Invalid fetch size [[3;33;22m" + Long.MAX_VALUE + ErrorsTestCase.END, command("fetch size = " + Long.MAX_VALUE)); } }