Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to ElasticSearch and Shay Banon under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. ElasticSearch licenses this * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.river.jolokia.strategy.simple; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse; import org.elasticsearch.common.joda.time.DateTime; import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger; import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLoggerFactory; import org.elasticsearch.river.jolokia.JolokiaRiverSetting; import org.elasticsearch.river.jolokia.JolokiaRiverSetting.Attribute; import org.elasticsearch.river.jolokia.RiverSource; import; import; import org.jolokia.client.J4pClient; import org.jolokia.client.exception.J4pRemoteException; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pReadRequest; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pReadResponse; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import; import; /** * A river source implementation for the 'simple' strategy. * <p/> * It connects to a Jolokia server, fetches from it by using a merge method * provided by the river task. * <p/> * * @author Christer Wikman, DevCode */ public class SimpleRiverSource implements RiverSource { private final ESLogger logger = ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleRiverSource.class.getName()); protected RiverContext context; protected JolokiaRiverSetting setting; public SimpleRiverSource() { } @Override public String strategy() { return "simple"; } @Override public SimpleRiverSource riverContext(RiverContext context) { this.context = context; return this; } @Override public String fetch() { for (String host : setting.getHosts()) { fetch(host); } return null; } private static final String FIELD_SEPERATOR = "."; private static final String ERROR = "error"; private static final String ERROR_PREFIX = ERROR + FIELD_SEPERATOR; private static final String TIMESTAMP = "@timestamp"; private static final String REQUEST_URL = "request"; private static final String RESPONSE = "response"; private static final String ERROR_TYPE = "error_type"; private static final String OBJECT_NAME = "objectName"; private static final String HOST = "host"; private static final String FULL_HOST = "fqdn"; private static final String DOMAIN = "domain"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private String[] getAttributeNames() { try { String[] attribs = new String[setting.getAttributes().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < setting.getAttributes().size(); i++) { attribs[i] = setting.getAttributes().get(i).getName(); } return attribs; } catch (Exception e) { return new String[] {}; } } private Map<String, String> getAttributeTransforms() { try { Map<String, String> mappings = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Attribute attr : setting.getAttributes()) { if (null != attr.getTransform()) { mappings.put(attr.getName(), attr.getTransform()); } } return mappings; } catch (Exception e) { return new HashMap<String, String>(); } } private void createReading(StructuredObject reading) { try { context.riverMouth().create(reading); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to create document for " + reading, e); } } private String getObjectName(ObjectName o) { return o.getDomain() + ":" + o.getCanonicalName(); } private String getUrl(String hostname) { return String.format(setting.getUrl(), hostname); } private StructuredObject createReading(String hostname, String catalogue, String objectName) { StructuredObject reading = new StructuredObject(); reading.source(TIMESTAMP, new DateTime().toDateTimeISO().toString()); reading.source(HOST, getHostPart(hostname)); reading.source(FULL_HOST, hostname); reading.source(DOMAIN, getDomainPart(hostname)); reading.source(REQUEST_URL, getUrl(hostname + catalogue)); reading.source(RESPONSE, HttpStatus.SC_OK); reading.source(OBJECT_NAME, objectName); reading.source(TYPE, setting.getLogType()); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : setting.getConstants().get(hostname + catalogue).entrySet()) { reading.source(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return reading; } public void fetch(String hostname) { String url = "?"; String objectName = "?"; String[] attributeNames = new String[] {}; try { String catalogue = getCatalogue(hostname); String host = getHost(hostname); String port = getPort(hostname); String userName = getUser(hostname); String password = getPassword(hostname); url = getUrl((null == port ? host : (host + ":" + port)) + catalogue); objectName = setting.getObjectName(); Map<String, String> transforms = getAttributeTransforms(); attributeNames = getAttributeNames(); J4pClient j4pClient = useBasicAuth(userName, password) ? J4pClient.url(url).user(userName).password(password).build() : J4pClient.url(url).build(); J4pReadRequest req = new J4pReadRequest(objectName, attributeNames);"Executing {}, {}, {}", url, objectName, attributeNames); J4pReadResponse resp = j4pClient.execute(req); if (setting.getOnlyUpdates() && null != resp.asJSONObject().get("value")) { Integer oldValue = setting.getLastValueAsHash(); setting.setLastValueAsHash(resp.asJSONObject().get("value").toString().hashCode()); if (null != oldValue && oldValue.equals(setting.getLastValueAsHash())) {"Skipping " + objectName + " since no values has changed"); return; } } ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("rhino"); for (ObjectName object : resp.getObjectNames()) { StructuredObject reading = createReading(host, catalogue, getObjectName(object)); for (String attrib : attributeNames) { try { Object v = resp.getValue(object, attrib); // Transform if (transforms.containsKey(attrib)) { String function = transforms.get(attrib) .replaceFirst("^\\s*function\\s+([^\\s\\(]+)\\s*\\(.*$", "$1"); engine.eval(transforms.get(attrib)); v = convert(engine.eval(function + "(" + JSONValue.toJSONString(v) + ")")); } reading.source(setting.getPrefix() + attrib, v); } catch (Exception e) { reading.source(ERROR_PREFIX + setting.getPrefix() + attrib, e.getMessage()); } } createReading(reading); } } catch (Exception e) { try {"Failed to execute request {} {} {}", url, objectName, attributeNames, e); StructuredObject reading = createReading(getHost(hostname), getCatalogue(hostname), setting.getObjectName()); reading.source(ERROR_TYPE, e.getClass().getName()); reading.source(ERROR, e.getMessage()); int rc = HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; if (e instanceof J4pRemoteException) { rc = ((J4pRemoteException) e).getStatus(); } reading.source(RESPONSE, rc); createReading(reading); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("Failed to store error message", e1); } } } private boolean useBasicAuth(String userName, String password) { return null != userName && null != password; } private String getPassword(String hostname) { String[] parts = hostname.split("@"); if (parts.length > 1) { String[] authParts = parts[0].split(":"); if (authParts.length > 1) return authParts[1]; } return null; } private String getUser(String hostname) { String[] parts = hostname.split("@"); if (parts.length > 1) { return parts[0].split(":")[0]; } return null; } private String getCatalogue(String hostname) { String[] parts = hostname.split("/", 2); if (parts.length > 1) { return "/" + parts[1]; } return ""; } private String getHost(String hostname) { String[] parts = hostname.split("/")[0].split("@"); if (parts.length > 1) { return parts[1].split(":")[0]; } return hostname.split("/")[0].split(":")[0]; } private String getDomainPart(String hostname) { String[] parts = hostname.split("/")[0].split("\\."); if (parts.length > 1) { return join(".", Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 1, parts.length)); } return ""; } private static String join(String del, String[] array) { if (array.length > 1) { return array[0] + del + join(del, Arrays.copyOfRange(array, 1, array.length)); } return array[0]; } private String getHostPart(String hostname) { return hostname.split("\\.")[0]; } private String getPort(String hostname) { String[] hostParts; String[] parts = hostname.split("/")[0].split("@"); if (parts.length > 1) { hostParts = parts[1].split(":"); } else { hostParts = hostname.split("/")[0].split(":"); } if (hostParts.length > 1) { return hostParts[1]; } else { return null; } } /** * Send acknowledge command if exists. */ public void acknowledge() { } @Override public RiverSource acknowledge(BulkResponse response) throws IOException { return this; } @Override public RiverSource close() { return this; } public RiverSource setting(JolokiaRiverSetting setting) { this.setting = setting; return this; } /** * Converts NativeArray and NativeObject recursively * * @param object the native object * @return converted object */ private Object convert(Object object) { if (object instanceof NativeObject) { return convertObject((NativeObject) object); } else if (object instanceof NativeArray) { return convertArray((NativeArray) object); } else { return object; } } private Map<String, Object> convertObject(NativeObject object) { Map<String, Object> mapOutput = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Object o : object.getIds()) { String key = (String) o; mapOutput.put(key, convert(object.get(key, null))); } return mapOutput; } private List<Object> convertArray(NativeArray array) { List<Object> listOutput = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object o : array.getIds()) { int index = (Integer) o; listOutput.add(convert(array.get(index, null))); } return listOutput; } }