Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.plan.a; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.elasticsearch.script.ScoreAccessor; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Cast; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Constructor; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Field; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Method; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Sort; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Transform; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition.Type; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Metadata.ExpressionMetadata; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Metadata.ExtNodeMetadata; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Metadata.ExternalMetadata; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Metadata.StatementMetadata; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Metadata.error; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ADD; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.AfterthoughtContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ArgumentsContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.AssignmentContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BWAND; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BWOR; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BWXOR; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BinaryContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BlockContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BoolContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.BreakContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.CastContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.CharContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.CompContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ConditionalContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ContinueContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.DIV; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.DeclContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.DeclarationContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.DecltypeContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.DeclvarContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.DoContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.EmptyContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.EmptyscopeContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExprContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExpressionContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtbraceContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtcallContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtcastContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtdotContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExternalContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtfieldContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtnewContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtprecContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtstartContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtstringContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExttypeContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ExtvarContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.FalseContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ForContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.IfContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.IncrementContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.InitializerContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.LSH; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.MUL; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.MultipleContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.NullContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.NumericContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.PostincContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.PrecedenceContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.PreincContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.REM; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.RSH; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ReturnContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.SUB; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.SingleContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.SourceContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.StatementContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.ThrowContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.TrapContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.TrueContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.TryContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.USH; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.UnaryContext; import static org.elasticsearch.plan.a.PlanAParser.WhileContext; class Writer extends PlanAParserBaseVisitor<Void> { private static class Branch { final ParserRuleContext source; Label begin = null; Label end = null; Label tru = null; Label fals = null; private Branch(final ParserRuleContext source) { this.source = source; } } final static String BASE_CLASS_NAME = Executable.class.getName(); final static String CLASS_NAME = BASE_CLASS_NAME + "$CompiledPlanAExecutable"; private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type BASE_CLASS_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getType(Executable.class); private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type CLASS_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type .getType("L" + CLASS_NAME.replace(".", "/") + ";"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type PLAN_A_ERROR_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type .getType(PlanAError.class); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method CONSTRUCTOR = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("void <init>(org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method EXECUTE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object execute(java.util.Map)"); private final static String SIGNATURE = "(Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;>;)Ljava/lang/Object;"; private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type DEFINITION_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getType(Definition.class); private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type MAP_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getType(Map.class); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method MAP_GET = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("Object get(Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type SCORE_ACCESSOR_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type .getType(ScoreAccessor.class); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method SCORE_ACCESSOR_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float floatValue()"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_METHOD_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object methodCall(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, " + "org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition, java.lang.Object[], boolean[])"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_ARRAY_STORE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("void arrayStore(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, " + "org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition, boolean, boolean)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_ARRAY_LOAD = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object arrayLoad(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, " + "org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition, boolean)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_FIELD_STORE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("void fieldStore(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, " + "org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition, boolean)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_FIELD_LOAD = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod( "java.lang.Object fieldLoad(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, org.elasticsearch.plan.a.Definition)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_NOT_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object not(java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_NEG_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object neg(java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_MUL_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object mul(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_DIV_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object div(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_REM_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object rem(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_ADD_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object add(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_SUB_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object sub(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_LSH_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object lsh(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_RSH_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object rsh(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_USH_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object ush(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_AND_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object and(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_XOR_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object xor(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_OR_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.Object or(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_EQ_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("boolean eq(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_LT_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("boolean lt(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_LTE_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("boolean lte(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_GT_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("boolean gt(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DEF_GTE_CALL = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("boolean gte(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.Type STRINGBUILDER_TYPE = org.objectweb.asm.Type .getType(StringBuilder.class); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_CONSTRUCTOR = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("void <init>()"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_BOOLEAN = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(boolean)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_CHAR = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(char)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_STRING = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(java.lang.String)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_OBJECT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.StringBuilder append(java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method STRINGBUILDER_TOSTRING = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("java.lang.String toString()"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOINTEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int toIntExact(long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method NEGATEEXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int negateExact(int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method NEGATEEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long negateExact(long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method MULEXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int multiplyExact(int, int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method MULEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long multiplyExact(long, long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method ADDEXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int addExact(int, int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method ADDEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long addExact(long, long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method SUBEXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int subtractExact(int, int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method SUBEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long subtractExact(long, long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method CHECKEQUALS = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("boolean checkEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOBYTEEXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("byte toByteExact(int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOBYTEEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("byte toByteExact(long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("byte toByteWithoutOverflow(float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("byte toByteWithoutOverflow(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOSHORTEXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("short toShortExact(int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOSHORTEXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("short toShortExact(long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOSHORTWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("short toShortWithoutOverflow(float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOSHORTWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("short toShortWithoutOverflow(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOCHAREXACT_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("char toCharExact(int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOCHAREXACT_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("char toCharExact(long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOCHARWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("char toCharWithoutOverflow(float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOCHARWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("char toCharWithoutOverflow(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOINTWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int toIntWithoutOverflow(float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOINTWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int toIntWithoutOverflow(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOLONGWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long toLongExactWithoutOverflow(float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOLONGWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long toLongExactWithoutOverflow(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method TOFLOATWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float toFloatWithoutOverflow(double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method MULWOOVERLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float multiplyWithoutOverflow(float, float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method MULWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("double multiplyWithoutOverflow(double, double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DIVWOOVERLOW_INT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("int divideWithoutOverflow(int, int)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DIVWOOVERLOW_LONG = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("long divideWithoutOverflow(long, long)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DIVWOOVERLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float divideWithoutOverflow(float, float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method DIVWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("double divideWithoutOverflow(double, double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method REMWOOVERLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float remainderWithoutOverflow(float, float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method REMWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("double remainderWithoutOverflow(double, double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method ADDWOOVERLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float addWithoutOverflow(float, float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method ADDWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("double addWithoutOverflow(double, double)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method SUBWOOVERLOW_FLOAT = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("float subtractWithoutOverflow(float, float)"); private final static org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method SUBWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE = org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method .getMethod("double subtractWithoutOverflow(double, double)"); static byte[] write(Metadata metadata) { Writer writer = new Writer(metadata); return writer.getBytes(); } private final Metadata metadata; private final Definition definition; private final ParseTree root; private final String source; private final CompilerSettings settings; private final Map<ParserRuleContext, Branch> branches = new HashMap<>(); private final Deque<Branch> jumps = new ArrayDeque<>(); private final Set<ParserRuleContext> strings = new HashSet<>(); private ClassWriter writer; private GeneratorAdapter execute; private Writer(final Metadata metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; definition = metadata.definition; root = metadata.root; source = metadata.source; settings = metadata.settings; writeBegin(); writeConstructor(); writeExecute(); writeEnd(); } private Branch markBranch(final ParserRuleContext source, final ParserRuleContext... nodes) { final Branch branch = new Branch(source); for (final ParserRuleContext node : nodes) { branches.put(node, branch); } return branch; } private void copyBranch(final Branch branch, final ParserRuleContext... nodes) { for (final ParserRuleContext node : nodes) { branches.put(node, branch); } } private Branch getBranch(final ParserRuleContext source) { return branches.get(source); } private void writeBegin() { final int compute = ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS; final int version = Opcodes.V1_7; final int access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; final String base = BASE_CLASS_TYPE.getInternalName(); final String name = CLASS_TYPE.getInternalName(); writer = new ClassWriter(compute); writer.visit(version, access, name, null, base, null); writer.visitSource(source, null); } private void writeConstructor() { final int access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; final GeneratorAdapter constructor = new GeneratorAdapter(access, CONSTRUCTOR, null, null, writer); constructor.loadThis(); constructor.loadArgs(); constructor.invokeConstructor(org.objectweb.asm.Type.getType(Executable.class), CONSTRUCTOR); constructor.returnValue(); constructor.endMethod(); } private void writeExecute() { final int access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; execute = new GeneratorAdapter(access, EXECUTE, SIGNATURE, null, writer); final Label fals = new Label(); final Label end = new Label(); execute.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, metadata.inputValueSlot); execute.push("#score"); execute.invokeInterface(MAP_TYPE, MAP_GET); execute.dup(); execute.ifNull(fals); execute.checkCast(SCORE_ACCESSOR_TYPE); execute.invokeVirtual(SCORE_ACCESSOR_TYPE, SCORE_ACCESSOR_FLOAT); execute.goTo(end); execute.mark(fals); execute.pop(); execute.push(0F); execute.mark(end); execute.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.FSTORE, metadata.scoreValueSlot); execute.push(settings.getMaxLoopCounter()); execute.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, metadata.loopCounterSlot); visit(root); execute.endMethod(); } @Override public Void visitSource(final SourceContext ctx) { final StatementMetadata sourcesmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(ctx); for (final StatementContext sctx : ctx.statement()) { visit(sctx); } if (!sourcesmd.methodEscape) { execute.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); execute.returnValue(); } return null; } @Override public Void visitIf(final IfContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final boolean els = ctx.ELSE() != null; final Branch branch = markBranch(ctx, exprctx); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = els ? new Label() : branch.end; visit(exprctx); final BlockContext blockctx0 = ctx.block(0); final StatementMetadata blockmd0 = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx0); visit(blockctx0); if (els) { if (!blockmd0.allLast) { execute.goTo(branch.end); } execute.mark(branch.fals); visit(ctx.block(1)); } execute.mark(branch.end); return null; } @Override public Void visitWhile(final WhileContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final Branch branch = markBranch(ctx, exprctx); branch.begin = new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = branch.end; jumps.push(branch); execute.mark(branch.begin); visit(exprctx); final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); boolean allLast = false; if (blockctx != null) { final StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); allLast = blocksmd.allLast; writeLoopCounter(blocksmd.count > 0 ? blocksmd.count : 1); visit(blockctx); } else if (ctx.empty() != null) { writeLoopCounter(1); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } if (!allLast) { execute.goTo(branch.begin); } execute.mark(branch.end); jumps.pop(); return null; } @Override public Void visitDo(final DoContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final Branch branch = markBranch(ctx, exprctx); Label start = new Label(); branch.begin = new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = branch.end; final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); final StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); jumps.push(branch); execute.mark(start); visit(blockctx); execute.mark(branch.begin); visit(exprctx); writeLoopCounter(blocksmd.count > 0 ? blocksmd.count : 1); execute.goTo(start); execute.mark(branch.end); jumps.pop(); return null; } @Override public Void visitFor(final ForContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final AfterthoughtContext atctx = ctx.afterthought(); final Branch branch = markBranch(ctx, exprctx); final Label start = new Label(); branch.begin = atctx == null ? start : new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = branch.end; jumps.push(branch); if (ctx.initializer() != null) { visit(ctx.initializer()); } execute.mark(start); if (exprctx != null) { visit(exprctx); } final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); boolean allLast = false; if (blockctx != null) { StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); allLast = blocksmd.allLast; int count = blocksmd.count > 0 ? blocksmd.count : 1; if (atctx != null) { ++count; } writeLoopCounter(count); visit(blockctx); } else if (ctx.empty() != null) { writeLoopCounter(1); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } if (atctx != null) { execute.mark(branch.begin); visit(atctx); } if (atctx != null || !allLast) { execute.goTo(start); } execute.mark(branch.end); jumps.pop(); return null; } @Override public Void visitDecl(final DeclContext ctx) { visit(ctx.declaration()); return null; } @Override public Void visitContinue(final ContinueContext ctx) { final Branch jump = jumps.peek(); execute.goTo(jump.begin); return null; } @Override public Void visitBreak(final BreakContext ctx) { final Branch jump = jumps.peek(); execute.goTo(jump.end); return null; } @Override public Void visitReturn(final ReturnContext ctx) { visit(ctx.expression()); execute.returnValue(); return null; } @Override public Void visitTry(final TryContext ctx) { final TrapContext[] trapctxs = new TrapContext[ctx.trap().size()]; ctx.trap().toArray(trapctxs); final Branch branch = markBranch(ctx, trapctxs); Label end = new Label(); branch.begin = new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.tru = trapctxs.length > 1 ? end : null; execute.mark(branch.begin); final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); final StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); visit(blockctx); if (!blocksmd.allLast) { execute.goTo(end); } execute.mark(branch.end); for (final TrapContext trapctx : trapctxs) { visit(trapctx); } if (!blocksmd.allLast || trapctxs.length > 1) { execute.mark(end); } return null; } @Override public Void visitThrow(final ThrowContext ctx) { visit(ctx.expression()); execute.throwException(); return null; } @Override public Void visitExpr(final ExprContext ctx) { final StatementMetadata exprsmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(ctx); final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx); visit(exprctx); if (exprsmd.methodEscape) { execute.returnValue(); } else { writePop(; } return null; } @Override public Void visitMultiple(final MultipleContext ctx) { for (final StatementContext sctx : ctx.statement()) { visit(sctx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitSingle(final SingleContext ctx) { visit(ctx.statement()); return null; } @Override public Void visitEmpty(final EmptyContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } @Override public Void visitInitializer(InitializerContext ctx) { final DeclarationContext declctx = ctx.declaration(); final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); if (declctx != null) { visit(declctx); } else if (exprctx != null) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx); visit(exprctx); writePop(; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } return null; } @Override public Void visitAfterthought(AfterthoughtContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx); visit(ctx.expression()); writePop(; return null; } @Override public Void visitDeclaration(DeclarationContext ctx) { for (final DeclvarContext declctx : ctx.declvar()) { visit(declctx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitDecltype(final DecltypeContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } @Override public Void visitDeclvar(final DeclvarContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata declvaremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final org.objectweb.asm.Type type =; final Sort sort =; final int slot = (int) declvaremd.postConst; final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final boolean initialize = exprctx == null; if (!initialize) { visit(exprctx); } switch (sort) { case VOID: throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); case BOOL: case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: case INT: if (initialize) execute.push(0); break; case LONG: if (initialize) execute.push(0L); break; case FLOAT: if (initialize) execute.push(0.0F); break; case DOUBLE: if (initialize) execute.push(0.0); break; default: if (initialize) execute.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); } execute.visitVarInsn(type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), slot); return null; } @Override public Void visitTrap(final TrapContext ctx) { final StatementMetadata trapsmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(ctx); final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); final Label jump = new Label(); final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); final EmptyscopeContext emptyctx = ctx.emptyscope(); execute.mark(jump); writeLoadStoreVariable(ctx, true, trapsmd.exception, trapsmd.slot); if (blockctx != null) { visit(ctx.block()); } else if (emptyctx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } execute.visitTryCatchBlock(branch.begin, branch.end, jump, trapsmd.exception.type.getInternalName()); if (branch.tru != null && !trapsmd.allLast) { execute.goTo(branch.tru); } return null; } @Override public Void visitPrecedence(final PrecedenceContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } @Override public Void visitNumeric(final NumericContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata numericemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = numericemd.postConst; if (postConst == null) { writeNumeric(ctx, numericemd.preConst); checkWriteCast(numericemd); } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitChar(final CharContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata charemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = charemd.postConst; if (postConst == null) { writeNumeric(ctx, (int) (char) charemd.preConst); checkWriteCast(charemd); } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitTrue(final TrueContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata trueemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = trueemd.postConst; final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); if (branch == null) { if (postConst == null) { writeBoolean(ctx, true); checkWriteCast(trueemd); } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } } else if (branch.tru != null) { execute.goTo(branch.tru); } return null; } @Override public Void visitFalse(final FalseContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata falseemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = falseemd.postConst; final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); if (branch == null) { if (postConst == null) { writeBoolean(ctx, false); checkWriteCast(falseemd); } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } } else if (branch.fals != null) { execute.goTo(branch.fals); } return null; } @Override public Void visitNull(final NullContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata nullemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); execute.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); checkWriteCast(nullemd); checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitExternal(final ExternalContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); visit(ctx.extstart()); checkWriteCast(expremd); checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitPostinc(final PostincContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); visit(ctx.extstart()); checkWriteCast(expremd); checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitPreinc(final PreincContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); visit(ctx.extstart()); checkWriteCast(expremd); checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitUnary(final UnaryContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata unaryemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = unaryemd.postConst; final Object preConst = unaryemd.preConst; final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); if (postConst != null) { if (ctx.BOOLNOT() != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } else { if ((boolean) postConst && branch.tru != null) { execute.goTo(branch.tru); } else if (!(boolean) postConst && branch.fals != null) { execute.goTo(branch.fals); } } } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); checkWriteBranch(ctx); } } else if (preConst != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, preConst); checkWriteCast(unaryemd); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } else { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); if (ctx.BOOLNOT() != null) { final Branch local = markBranch(ctx, exprctx); if (branch == null) { local.fals = new Label(); final Label aend = new Label(); visit(exprctx); execute.push(false); execute.goTo(aend); execute.mark(local.fals); execute.push(true); execute.mark(aend); checkWriteCast(unaryemd); } else { local.tru = branch.fals; local.fals = branch.tru; visit(exprctx); } } else { final org.objectweb.asm.Type type = unaryemd.from.type; final Sort sort = unaryemd.from.sort; visit(exprctx); if (ctx.BWNOT() != null) { if (sort == Sort.DEF) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_NOT_CALL); } else { if (sort == Sort.INT) { writeConstant(ctx, -1); } else if (sort == Sort.LONG) { writeConstant(ctx, -1L); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.XOR, type); } } else if (ctx.SUB() != null) { if (sort == Sort.DEF) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_NEG_CALL); } else { if (settings.getNumericOverflow()) { execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.NEG, type); } else { if (sort == Sort.INT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, NEGATEEXACT_INT); } else if (sort == Sort.LONG) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, NEGATEEXACT_LONG); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } } } else if (ctx.ADD() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } checkWriteCast(unaryemd); checkWriteBranch(ctx); } } return null; } @Override public Void visitCast(final CastContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata castemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = castemd.postConst; if (postConst == null) { visit(ctx.expression()); checkWriteCast(castemd); } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitBinary(final BinaryContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata binaryemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = binaryemd.postConst; final Object preConst = binaryemd.preConst; final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); if (postConst != null) { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } else if (preConst != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, preConst); checkWriteCast(binaryemd); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } else if (binaryemd.from.sort == Sort.STRING) { final boolean marked = strings.contains(ctx); if (!marked) { writeNewStrings(); } final ExpressionContext exprctx0 = ctx.expression(0); final ExpressionMetadata expremd0 = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx0); strings.add(exprctx0); visit(exprctx0); if (strings.contains(exprctx0)) { writeAppendStrings(expremd0.from.sort); strings.remove(exprctx0); } final ExpressionContext exprctx1 = ctx.expression(1); final ExpressionMetadata expremd1 = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx1); strings.add(exprctx1); visit(exprctx1); if (strings.contains(exprctx1)) { writeAppendStrings(expremd1.from.sort); strings.remove(exprctx1); } if (marked) { strings.remove(ctx); } else { writeToStrings(); } checkWriteCast(binaryemd); } else { final ExpressionContext exprctx0 = ctx.expression(0); final ExpressionContext exprctx1 = ctx.expression(1); visit(exprctx0); visit(exprctx1); final Type type = binaryemd.from; if (ctx.MUL() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, MUL); else if (ctx.DIV() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, DIV); else if (ctx.REM() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, REM); else if (ctx.ADD() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, ADD); else if (ctx.SUB() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, SUB); else if (ctx.LSH() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, LSH); else if (ctx.USH() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, USH); else if (ctx.RSH() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, RSH); else if (ctx.BWAND() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, BWAND); else if (ctx.BWXOR() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, BWXOR); else if (ctx.BWOR() != null) writeBinaryInstruction(ctx, type, BWOR); else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } checkWriteCast(binaryemd); } checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitComp(final CompContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata compemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = compemd.postConst; final Object preConst = compemd.preConst; final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); if (postConst != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } else { if ((boolean) postConst && branch.tru != null) { execute.mark(branch.tru); } else if (!(boolean) postConst && branch.fals != null) { execute.mark(branch.fals); } } } else if (preConst != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, preConst); checkWriteCast(compemd); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } else { final ExpressionContext exprctx0 = ctx.expression(0); final ExpressionMetadata expremd0 = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx0); final ExpressionContext exprctx1 = ctx.expression(1); final ExpressionMetadata expremd1 = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx1); final org.objectweb.asm.Type type =; final Sort sort1 =; visit(exprctx0); if (!expremd1.isNull) { visit(exprctx1); } final boolean tru = branch != null && branch.tru != null; final boolean fals = branch != null && branch.fals != null; final Label jump = tru ? branch.tru : fals ? branch.fals : new Label(); final Label end = new Label(); final boolean eq = (ctx.EQ() != null || ctx.EQR() != null) && (tru || !fals) || (ctx.NE() != null || ctx.NER() != null) && fals; final boolean ne = (ctx.NE() != null || ctx.NER() != null) && (tru || !fals) || (ctx.EQ() != null || ctx.EQR() != null) && fals; final boolean lt = ctx.LT() != null && (tru || !fals) || ctx.GTE() != null && fals; final boolean lte = ctx.LTE() != null && (tru || !fals) || ctx.GT() != null && fals; final boolean gt = ctx.GT() != null && (tru || !fals) || ctx.LTE() != null && fals; final boolean gte = ctx.GTE() != null && (tru || !fals) || ctx.LT() != null && fals; boolean writejump = true; switch (sort1) { case VOID: case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); case BOOL: if (eq) execute.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, jump); else if (ne) execute.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.NE, jump); else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } break; case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: if (eq) execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.EQ, jump); else if (ne) execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.NE, jump); else if (lt) execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.LT, jump); else if (lte) execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.LE, jump); else if (gt) execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.GT, jump); else if (gte) execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.GE, jump); else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } break; case DEF: if (eq) { if (expremd1.isNull) { execute.ifNull(jump); } else if (!expremd0.isNull && ctx.EQ() != null) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_EQ_CALL); } else { execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.EQ, jump); } } else if (ne) { if (expremd1.isNull) { execute.ifNonNull(jump); } else if (!expremd0.isNull && ctx.NE() != null) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_EQ_CALL); execute.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, jump); } else { execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.NE, jump); } } else if (lt) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_LT_CALL); } else if (lte) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_LTE_CALL); } else if (gt) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_GT_CALL); } else if (gte) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_GTE_CALL); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } writejump = expremd1.isNull || ne || ctx.EQR() != null; if (branch != null && !writejump) { execute.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.NE, jump); } break; default: if (eq) { if (expremd1.isNull) { execute.ifNull(jump); } else if (ctx.EQ() != null) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, CHECKEQUALS); if (branch != null) { execute.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.NE, jump); } writejump = false; } else { execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.EQ, jump); } } else if (ne) { if (expremd1.isNull) { execute.ifNonNull(jump); } else if (ctx.NE() != null) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, CHECKEQUALS); execute.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, jump); } else { execute.ifCmp(type, GeneratorAdapter.NE, jump); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } if (branch == null) { if (writejump) { execute.push(false); execute.goTo(end); execute.mark(jump); execute.push(true); execute.mark(end); } checkWriteCast(compemd); } } return null; } @Override public Void visitBool(final BoolContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata boolemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = boolemd.postConst; final Object preConst = boolemd.preConst; final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); if (postConst != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } else { if ((boolean) postConst && branch.tru != null) { execute.mark(branch.tru); } else if (!(boolean) postConst && branch.fals != null) { execute.mark(branch.fals); } } } else if (preConst != null) { if (branch == null) { writeConstant(ctx, preConst); checkWriteCast(boolemd); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } else { final ExpressionContext exprctx0 = ctx.expression(0); final ExpressionContext exprctx1 = ctx.expression(1); if (branch == null) { if (ctx.BOOLAND() != null) { final Branch local = markBranch(ctx, exprctx0, exprctx1); local.fals = new Label(); final Label end = new Label(); visit(exprctx0); visit(exprctx1); execute.push(true); execute.goTo(end); execute.mark(local.fals); execute.push(false); execute.mark(end); } else if (ctx.BOOLOR() != null) { final Branch branch0 = markBranch(ctx, exprctx0); branch0.tru = new Label(); final Branch branch1 = markBranch(ctx, exprctx1); branch1.fals = new Label(); final Label aend = new Label(); visit(exprctx0); visit(exprctx1); execute.mark(branch0.tru); execute.push(true); execute.goTo(aend); execute.mark(branch1.fals); execute.push(false); execute.mark(aend); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } checkWriteCast(boolemd); } else { if (ctx.BOOLAND() != null) { final Branch branch0 = markBranch(ctx, exprctx0); branch0.fals = branch.fals == null ? new Label() : branch.fals; final Branch branch1 = markBranch(ctx, exprctx1); branch1.tru = branch.tru; branch1.fals = branch.fals; visit(exprctx0); visit(exprctx1); if (branch.fals == null) { execute.mark(branch0.fals); } } else if (ctx.BOOLOR() != null) { final Branch branch0 = markBranch(ctx, exprctx0); branch0.tru = branch.tru == null ? new Label() : branch.tru; final Branch branch1 = markBranch(ctx, exprctx1); branch1.tru = branch.tru; branch1.fals = branch.fals; visit(exprctx0); visit(exprctx1); if (branch.tru == null) { execute.mark(branch0.tru); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } } return null; } @Override public Void visitConditional(final ConditionalContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata condemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Branch branch = getBranch(ctx); final ExpressionContext expr0 = ctx.expression(0); final ExpressionContext expr1 = ctx.expression(1); final ExpressionContext expr2 = ctx.expression(2); final Branch local = markBranch(ctx, expr0); local.fals = new Label(); local.end = new Label(); if (branch != null) { copyBranch(branch, expr1, expr2); } visit(expr0); visit(expr1); execute.goTo(local.end); execute.mark(local.fals); visit(expr2); execute.mark(local.end); if (branch == null) { checkWriteCast(condemd); } return null; } @Override public Void visitAssignment(final AssignmentContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); visit(ctx.extstart()); checkWriteCast(expremd); checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } @Override public Void visitExtstart(ExtstartContext ctx) { final ExternalMetadata startemd = metadata.getExternalMetadata(ctx); if (startemd.token == ADD) { final ExpressionMetadata storeemd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(startemd.storeExpr); if (startemd.current.sort == Sort.STRING || storeemd.from.sort == Sort.STRING) { writeNewStrings(); strings.add(startemd.storeExpr); } } final ExtprecContext precctx = ctx.extprec(); final ExtcastContext castctx = ctx.extcast(); final ExttypeContext typectx = ctx.exttype(); final ExtvarContext varctx = ctx.extvar(); final ExtnewContext newctx = ctx.extnew(); final ExtstringContext stringctx = ctx.extstring(); if (precctx != null) { visit(precctx); } else if (castctx != null) { visit(castctx); } else if (typectx != null) { visit(typectx); } else if (varctx != null) { visit(varctx); } else if (newctx != null) { visit(newctx); } else if (stringctx != null) { visit(stringctx); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtprec(final ExtprecContext ctx) { final ExtprecContext precctx = ctx.extprec(); final ExtcastContext castctx = ctx.extcast(); final ExttypeContext typectx = ctx.exttype(); final ExtvarContext varctx = ctx.extvar(); final ExtnewContext newctx = ctx.extnew(); final ExtstringContext stringctx = ctx.extstring(); if (precctx != null) { visit(precctx); } else if (castctx != null) { visit(castctx); } else if (typectx != null) { visit(typectx); } else if (varctx != null) { visit(varctx); } else if (newctx != null) { visit(newctx); } else if (stringctx != null) { visit(stringctx); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtcast(final ExtcastContext ctx) { ExtNodeMetadata castenmd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(ctx); final ExtprecContext precctx = ctx.extprec(); final ExtcastContext castctx = ctx.extcast(); final ExttypeContext typectx = ctx.exttype(); final ExtvarContext varctx = ctx.extvar(); final ExtnewContext newctx = ctx.extnew(); final ExtstringContext stringctx = ctx.extstring(); if (precctx != null) { visit(precctx); } else if (castctx != null) { visit(castctx); } else if (typectx != null) { visit(typectx); } else if (varctx != null) { visit(varctx); } else if (newctx != null) { visit(newctx); } else if (stringctx != null) { visit(stringctx); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } checkWriteCast(ctx, castenmd.castTo); return null; } @Override public Void visitExtbrace(final ExtbraceContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = metadata.updateExpressionTree(ctx.expression()); visit(exprctx); writeLoadStoreExternal(ctx); final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtdot(final ExtdotContext ctx) { final ExtcallContext callctx = ctx.extcall(); final ExtfieldContext fieldctx = ctx.extfield(); if (callctx != null) { visit(callctx); } else if (fieldctx != null) { visit(fieldctx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExttype(final ExttypeContext ctx) { visit(ctx.extdot()); return null; } @Override public Void visitExtcall(final ExtcallContext ctx) { writeCallExternal(ctx); final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtvar(final ExtvarContext ctx) { writeLoadStoreExternal(ctx); final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtfield(final ExtfieldContext ctx) { writeLoadStoreExternal(ctx); final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtnew(ExtnewContext ctx) { writeNewExternal(ctx); final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExtstring(ExtstringContext ctx) { final ExtNodeMetadata stringenmd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(ctx); writeConstant(ctx,; final ExtdotContext dotctx = ctx.extdot(); final ExtbraceContext bracectx = ctx.extbrace(); if (dotctx != null) { visit(dotctx); } else if (bracectx != null) { visit(bracectx); } return null; } @Override public Void visitArguments(final ArgumentsContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(error(ctx) + "Unexpected writer state."); } @Override public Void visitIncrement(IncrementContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata incremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final Object postConst = incremd.postConst; if (postConst == null) { writeNumeric(ctx, incremd.preConst); checkWriteCast(incremd); } else { writeConstant(ctx, postConst); } checkWriteBranch(ctx); return null; } private void writeLoopCounter(final int count) { final Label end = new Label(); execute.iinc(metadata.loopCounterSlot, -count); execute.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, metadata.loopCounterSlot); execute.push(0); execute.ifICmp(GeneratorAdapter.GT, end); execute.throwException(PLAN_A_ERROR_TYPE, "The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."); execute.mark(end); } private void writeConstant(final ParserRuleContext source, final Object constant) { if (constant instanceof Number) { writeNumeric(source, constant); } else if (constant instanceof Character) { writeNumeric(source, (int) (char) constant); } else if (constant instanceof String) { writeString(source, constant); } else if (constant instanceof Boolean) { writeBoolean(source, constant); } else if (constant != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } private void writeNumeric(final ParserRuleContext source, final Object numeric) { if (numeric instanceof Double) { execute.push((double) numeric); } else if (numeric instanceof Float) { execute.push((float) numeric); } else if (numeric instanceof Long) { execute.push((long) numeric); } else if (numeric instanceof Number) { execute.push(((Number) numeric).intValue()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } private void writeString(final ParserRuleContext source, final Object string) { if (string instanceof String) { execute.push((String) string); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } private void writeBoolean(final ParserRuleContext source, final Object bool) { if (bool instanceof Boolean) { execute.push((boolean) bool); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } private void writeNewStrings() { execute.newInstance(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE); execute.dup(); execute.invokeConstructor(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_CONSTRUCTOR); } private void writeAppendStrings(final Sort sort) { switch (sort) { case BOOL: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_BOOLEAN); break; case CHAR: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_CHAR); break; case BYTE: case SHORT: case INT: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_INT); break; case LONG: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_LONG); break; case FLOAT: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_FLOAT); break; case DOUBLE: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_DOUBLE); break; case STRING: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_STRING); break; default: execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_APPEND_OBJECT); } } private void writeToStrings() { execute.invokeVirtual(STRINGBUILDER_TYPE, STRINGBUILDER_TOSTRING); } private void writeBinaryInstruction(final ParserRuleContext source, final Type type, final int token) { final Sort sort = type.sort; final boolean exact = !settings.getNumericOverflow() && ((sort == Sort.INT || sort == Sort.LONG) && (token == MUL || token == DIV || token == ADD || token == SUB) || (sort == Sort.FLOAT || sort == Sort.DOUBLE) && (token == MUL || token == DIV || token == REM || token == ADD || token == SUB)); // if its a 64-bit shift, fixup the lastSource argument to truncate to 32-bits // note unlike java, this means we still do binary promotion of shifts, // but it keeps things simple -- this check works because we promote shifts. if (sort == Sort.LONG && (token == LSH || token == USH || token == RSH)) { execute.cast(org.objectweb.asm.Type.LONG_TYPE, org.objectweb.asm.Type.INT_TYPE); } if (exact) { switch (sort) { case INT: switch (token) { case MUL: execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, MULEXACT_INT); break; case DIV: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, DIVWOOVERLOW_INT); break; case ADD: execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, ADDEXACT_INT); break; case SUB: execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, SUBEXACT_INT); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } break; case LONG: switch (token) { case MUL: execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, MULEXACT_LONG); break; case DIV: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, DIVWOOVERLOW_LONG); break; case ADD: execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, ADDEXACT_LONG); break; case SUB: execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, SUBEXACT_LONG); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } break; case FLOAT: switch (token) { case MUL: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, MULWOOVERLOW_FLOAT); break; case DIV: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, DIVWOOVERLOW_FLOAT); break; case REM: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, REMWOOVERLOW_FLOAT); break; case ADD: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, ADDWOOVERLOW_FLOAT); break; case SUB: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, SUBWOOVERLOW_FLOAT); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } break; case DOUBLE: switch (token) { case MUL: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, MULWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE); break; case DIV: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, DIVWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE); break; case REM: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, REMWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE); break; case ADD: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, ADDWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE); break; case SUB: execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, SUBWOOVERLOW_DOUBLE); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } else { if ((sort == Sort.FLOAT || sort == Sort.DOUBLE) && (token == LSH || token == USH || token == RSH || token == BWAND || token == BWXOR || token == BWOR)) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } if (sort == Sort.DEF) { switch (token) { case MUL: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_MUL_CALL); break; case DIV: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_DIV_CALL); break; case REM: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_REM_CALL); break; case ADD: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_ADD_CALL); break; case SUB: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_SUB_CALL); break; case LSH: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_LSH_CALL); break; case USH: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_RSH_CALL); break; case RSH: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_USH_CALL); break; case BWAND: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_AND_CALL); break; case BWXOR: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_XOR_CALL); break; case BWOR: execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_OR_CALL); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } else { switch (token) { case MUL: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.MUL, type.type); break; case DIV: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.DIV, type.type); break; case REM: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.REM, type.type); break; case ADD: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.ADD, type.type); break; case SUB: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.SUB, type.type); break; case LSH: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.SHL, type.type); break; case USH: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.USHR, type.type); break; case RSH: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.SHR, type.type); break; case BWAND: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.AND, type.type); break; case BWXOR: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.XOR, type.type); break; case BWOR: execute.math(GeneratorAdapter.OR, type.type); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected writer state."); } } } } /** * Called for any compound assignment (including increment/decrement instructions). * We have to be stricter than writeBinary, and do overflow checks against the original type's size * instead of the promoted type's size, since the result will be implicitly cast back. * * @return true if an instruction is written, false otherwise */ private boolean writeExactInstruction(final Sort osort, final Sort psort) { if (psort == Sort.DOUBLE) { if (osort == Sort.FLOAT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOFLOATWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); } else if (osort == Sort.FLOAT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOFLOATWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); execute.checkCast(definition.floatobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.LONG) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOLONGWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); } else if (osort == Sort.LONG_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOLONGWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); execute.checkCast(definition.longobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.INT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOINTWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); } else if (osort == Sort.INT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOINTWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); execute.checkCast(definition.intobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHARWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHARWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); execute.checkCast(definition.charobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); execute.checkCast(definition.shortobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_DOUBLE); execute.checkCast(definition.byteobjType.type); } else { return false; } } else if (psort == Sort.FLOAT) { if (osort == Sort.LONG) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOLONGWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); } else if (osort == Sort.LONG_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOLONGWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); execute.checkCast(definition.longobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.INT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOINTWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); } else if (osort == Sort.INT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOINTWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); execute.checkCast(definition.intobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHARWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHARWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); execute.checkCast(definition.charobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); execute.checkCast(definition.shortobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEWOOVERFLOW_FLOAT); execute.checkCast(definition.byteobjType.type); } else { return false; } } else if (psort == Sort.LONG) { if (osort == Sort.INT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, TOINTEXACT_LONG); } else if (osort == Sort.INT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.mathType.type, TOINTEXACT_LONG); execute.checkCast(definition.intobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHAREXACT_LONG); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHAREXACT_LONG); execute.checkCast(definition.charobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTEXACT_LONG); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTEXACT_LONG); execute.checkCast(definition.shortobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEEXACT_LONG); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEEXACT_LONG); execute.checkCast(definition.byteobjType.type); } else { return false; } } else if (psort == Sort.INT) { if (osort == Sort.CHAR) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHAREXACT_INT); } else if (osort == Sort.CHAR_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOCHAREXACT_INT); execute.checkCast(definition.charobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTEXACT_INT); } else if (osort == Sort.SHORT_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOSHORTEXACT_INT); execute.checkCast(definition.shortobjType.type); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEEXACT_INT); } else if (osort == Sort.BYTE_OBJ) { execute.invokeStatic(definition.utilityType.type, TOBYTEEXACT_INT); execute.checkCast(definition.byteobjType.type); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } private void writeLoadStoreExternal(final ParserRuleContext source) { final ExtNodeMetadata sourceenmd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(source); final ExternalMetadata parentemd = metadata.getExternalMetadata(sourceenmd.parent); final boolean length = "#length".equals(; final boolean array = "#brace".equals(; final boolean name = instanceof String && !length && !array; final boolean variable = instanceof Integer; final boolean field = instanceof Field; final boolean shortcut = instanceof Object[]; if (!length && !variable && !field && !array && !name && !shortcut) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Target not found for load/store."); } final boolean maplist = shortcut && (boolean) ((Object[])[2]; final Object constant = shortcut ? ((Object[])[3] : null; final boolean x1 = field || name || (shortcut && !maplist); final boolean x2 = array || (shortcut && maplist); if (length) { execute.arrayLength(); } else if (sourceenmd.last && parentemd.storeExpr != null) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(parentemd.storeExpr); final boolean cat = strings.contains(parentemd.storeExpr); if (cat) { if (field || name || shortcut) { execute.dupX1(); } else if (array) { execute.dup2X1(); } if (maplist) { if (constant != null) { writeConstant(source, constant); } execute.dupX2(); } writeLoadStoreInstruction(source, false, variable, field, name, array, shortcut); writeAppendStrings(sourceenmd.type.sort); visit(parentemd.storeExpr); if (strings.contains(parentemd.storeExpr)) { writeAppendStrings(; strings.remove(parentemd.storeExpr); } writeToStrings(); checkWriteCast(source, sourceenmd.castTo); if ( { writeDup(sourceenmd.type.sort.size, x1, x2); } writeLoadStoreInstruction(source, true, variable, field, name, array, shortcut); } else if (parentemd.token > 0) { final int token = parentemd.token; if (field || name || shortcut) { execute.dup(); } else if (array) { execute.dup2(); } if (maplist) { if (constant != null) { writeConstant(source, constant); } execute.dupX1(); } writeLoadStoreInstruction(source, false, variable, field, name, array, shortcut); if ( && { writeDup(sourceenmd.type.sort.size, x1, x2); } checkWriteCast(source, sourceenmd.castFrom); visit(parentemd.storeExpr); writeBinaryInstruction(source, sourceenmd.promote, token); boolean exact = false; if (!settings.getNumericOverflow() && expremd.typesafe && sourceenmd.type.sort != Sort.DEF && (token == MUL || token == DIV || token == REM || token == ADD || token == SUB)) { exact = writeExactInstruction(sourceenmd.type.sort, sourceenmd.promote.sort); } if (!exact) { checkWriteCast(source, sourceenmd.castTo); } if ( && ! { writeDup(sourceenmd.type.sort.size, x1, x2); } writeLoadStoreInstruction(source, true, variable, field, name, array, shortcut); } else { if (constant != null) { writeConstant(source, constant); } visit(parentemd.storeExpr); if ( { writeDup(sourceenmd.type.sort.size, x1, x2); } writeLoadStoreInstruction(source, true, variable, field, name, array, shortcut); } } else { if (constant != null) { writeConstant(source, constant); } writeLoadStoreInstruction(source, false, variable, field, name, array, shortcut); } } private void writeLoadStoreInstruction(final ParserRuleContext source, final boolean store, final boolean variable, final boolean field, final boolean name, final boolean array, final boolean shortcut) { final ExtNodeMetadata sourceemd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(source); if (variable) { writeLoadStoreVariable(source, store, sourceemd.type, (int); } else if (field) { writeLoadStoreField(store, (Field); } else if (name) { writeLoadStoreField(source, store, (String); } else if (array) { writeLoadStoreArray(source, store, sourceemd.type); } else if (shortcut) { Object[] targets = (Object[]); writeLoadStoreShortcut(store, (Method) targets[0], (Method) targets[1]); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Load/Store requires a variable, field, or array."); } } private void writeLoadStoreVariable(final ParserRuleContext source, final boolean store, final Type type, final int slot) { if (type.sort == Sort.VOID) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Cannot load/store void type."); } if (store) { execute.visitVarInsn(type.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), slot); } else { execute.visitVarInsn(type.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), slot); } } private void writeLoadStoreField(final boolean store, final Field field) { if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(field.reflect.getModifiers())) { if (store) { execute.putStatic(field.owner.type, field.reflect.getName(), field.type.type); } else { execute.getStatic(field.owner.type, field.reflect.getName(), field.type.type); if (!field.generic.clazz.equals(field.type.clazz)) { execute.checkCast(field.generic.type); } } } else { if (store) { execute.putField(field.owner.type, field.reflect.getName(), field.type.type); } else { execute.getField(field.owner.type, field.reflect.getName(), field.type.type); if (!field.generic.clazz.equals(field.type.clazz)) { execute.checkCast(field.generic.type); } } } } private void writeLoadStoreField(final ParserRuleContext source, final boolean store, final String name) { if (store) { final ExtNodeMetadata sourceemd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(source); final ExternalMetadata parentemd = metadata.getExternalMetadata(sourceemd.parent); final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(parentemd.storeExpr); execute.push(name); execute.loadThis(); execute.getField(CLASS_TYPE, "definition", DEFINITION_TYPE); execute.push(parentemd.token == 0 && expremd.typesafe); execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_FIELD_STORE); } else { execute.push(name); execute.loadThis(); execute.getField(CLASS_TYPE, "definition", DEFINITION_TYPE); execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_FIELD_LOAD); } } private void writeLoadStoreArray(final ParserRuleContext source, final boolean store, final Type type) { if (type.sort == Sort.VOID) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Cannot load/store void type."); } if (type.sort == Sort.DEF) { final ExtbraceContext bracectx = (ExtbraceContext) source; final ExpressionMetadata expremd0 = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(bracectx.expression()); if (store) { final ExtNodeMetadata braceenmd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(bracectx); final ExternalMetadata parentemd = metadata.getExternalMetadata(braceenmd.parent); final ExpressionMetadata expremd1 = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(parentemd.storeExpr); execute.loadThis(); execute.getField(CLASS_TYPE, "definition", DEFINITION_TYPE); execute.push(expremd0.typesafe); execute.push(parentemd.token == 0 && expremd1.typesafe); execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_ARRAY_STORE); } else { execute.loadThis(); execute.getField(CLASS_TYPE, "definition", DEFINITION_TYPE); execute.push(expremd0.typesafe); execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_ARRAY_LOAD); } } else { if (store) { execute.arrayStore(type.type); } else { execute.arrayLoad(type.type); } } } private void writeLoadStoreShortcut(final boolean store, final Method getter, final Method setter) { final Method method = store ? setter : getter; if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isInterface(getter.owner.clazz.getModifiers())) { execute.invokeInterface(method.owner.type, method.method); } else { execute.invokeVirtual(method.owner.type, method.method); } if (store) { writePop(method.rtn.type.getSize()); } else if (!method.rtn.clazz.equals(method.handle.type().returnType())) { execute.checkCast(method.rtn.type); } } private void writeDup(final int size, final boolean x1, final boolean x2) { if (size == 1) { if (x2) { execute.dupX2(); } else if (x1) { execute.dupX1(); } else { execute.dup(); } } else if (size == 2) { if (x2) { execute.dup2X2(); } else if (x1) { execute.dup2X1(); } else { execute.dup2(); } } } private void writeNewExternal(final ExtnewContext source) { final ExtNodeMetadata sourceenmd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(source); final ExternalMetadata parentemd = metadata.getExternalMetadata(sourceenmd.parent); final boolean makearray = "#makearray".equals(; final boolean constructor = instanceof Constructor; if (!makearray && !constructor) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Target not found for new call."); } if (makearray) { for (final ExpressionContext exprctx : source.expression()) { visit(exprctx); } if (sourceenmd.type.sort == Sort.ARRAY) { execute.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(sourceenmd.type.type.getDescriptor(), sourceenmd.type.type.getDimensions()); } else { execute.newArray(sourceenmd.type.type); } } else { execute.newInstance(sourceenmd.type.type); if ( { execute.dup(); } for (final ExpressionContext exprctx : source.arguments().expression()) { visit(exprctx); } final Constructor target = (Constructor); execute.invokeConstructor(target.owner.type, target.method); } } private void writeCallExternal(final ExtcallContext source) { final ExtNodeMetadata sourceenmd = metadata.getExtNodeMetadata(source); final boolean method = instanceof Method; final boolean def = instanceof String; if (!method && !def) { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Target not found for call."); } final List<ExpressionContext> arguments = source.arguments().expression(); if (method) { for (final ExpressionContext exprctx : arguments) { visit(exprctx); } final Method target = (Method); if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(target.reflect.getModifiers())) { execute.invokeStatic(target.owner.type, target.method); } else if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isInterface(target.owner.clazz.getModifiers())) { execute.invokeInterface(target.owner.type, target.method); } else { execute.invokeVirtual(target.owner.type, target.method); } if (!target.rtn.clazz.equals(target.handle.type().returnType())) { execute.checkCast(target.rtn.type); } } else { execute.push((String); execute.loadThis(); execute.getField(CLASS_TYPE, "definition", DEFINITION_TYPE); execute.push(arguments.size()); execute.newArray(definition.defType.type); for (int argument = 0; argument < arguments.size(); ++argument) { execute.dup(); execute.push(argument); visit(arguments.get(argument)); execute.arrayStore(definition.defType.type); } execute.push(arguments.size()); execute.newArray(definition.booleanType.type); for (int argument = 0; argument < arguments.size(); ++argument) { execute.dup(); execute.push(argument); execute.push(metadata.getExpressionMetadata(arguments.get(argument)).typesafe); execute.arrayStore(definition.booleanType.type); } execute.invokeStatic(definition.defobjType.type, DEF_METHOD_CALL); } } private void writePop(final int size) { if (size == 1) { execute.pop(); } else if (size == 2) { execute.pop2(); } } private void checkWriteCast(final ExpressionMetadata sort) { checkWriteCast(sort.source, sort.cast); } private void checkWriteCast(final ParserRuleContext source, final Cast cast) { if (cast instanceof Transform) { writeTransform((Transform) cast); } else if (cast != null) { writeCast(cast); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(error(source) + "Unexpected cast object."); } } private void writeCast(final Cast cast) { final Type from = cast.from; final Type to =; if (from.equals(to)) { return; } if (from.sort.numeric && from.sort.primitive && to.sort.numeric && to.sort.primitive) { execute.cast(from.type, to.type); } else { try { from.clazz.asSubclass(to.clazz); } catch (ClassCastException exception) { execute.checkCast(to.type); } } } private void writeTransform(final Transform transform) { if (transform.upcast != null) { execute.checkCast(transform.upcast.type); } if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(transform.method.reflect.getModifiers())) { execute.invokeStatic(transform.method.owner.type, transform.method.method); } else if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isInterface(transform.method.owner.clazz.getModifiers())) { execute.invokeInterface(transform.method.owner.type, transform.method.method); } else { execute.invokeVirtual(transform.method.owner.type, transform.method.method); } if (transform.downcast != null) { execute.checkCast(transform.downcast.type); } } void checkWriteBranch(final ParserRuleContext source) { final Branch branch = getBranch(source); if (branch != null) { if (branch.tru != null) { execute.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNE, branch.tru); } else if (branch.fals != null) { execute.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, branch.fals); } } } private void writeEnd() { writer.visitEnd(); } private byte[] getBytes() { return writer.toByteArray(); } }