Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.painless; import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort; import org.elasticsearch.painless.Metadata.ExpressionMetadata; import org.elasticsearch.painless.Metadata.StatementMetadata; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.AfterthoughtContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.BlockContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.DeclContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.DeclarationContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.DeclvarContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.DoContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.EmptyscopeContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.ExprContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.ExpressionContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.ForContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.IfContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.InitializerContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.MultipleContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.ReturnContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.SingleContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.SourceContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.StatementContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.ThrowContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.TrapContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.TryContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessParser.WhileContext; import org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterUtility.Branch; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; import static org.elasticsearch.painless.WriterConstants.PAINLESS_ERROR_TYPE; class WriterStatement { private final Metadata metadata; private final GeneratorAdapter execute; private final Writer writer; private final WriterUtility utility; WriterStatement(final Metadata metadata, final GeneratorAdapter execute, final Writer writer, final WriterUtility utility) { this.metadata = metadata; this.execute = execute; this.writer = writer; this.utility = utility; } void processSource(final SourceContext ctx) { final StatementMetadata sourcesmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(ctx); for (final StatementContext sctx : ctx.statement()) { writer.visit(sctx); } if (!sourcesmd.methodEscape) { execute.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); execute.returnValue(); } } void processIf(final IfContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final boolean els = ctx.ELSE() != null; final Branch branch = utility.markBranch(ctx, exprctx); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = els ? new Label() : branch.end; writer.visit(exprctx); final BlockContext blockctx0 = ctx.block(0); final StatementMetadata blockmd0 = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx0); writer.visit(blockctx0); if (els) { if (!blockmd0.allLast) { execute.goTo(branch.end); } execute.mark(branch.fals); writer.visit(ctx.block(1)); } execute.mark(branch.end); } void processWhile(final WhileContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final Branch branch = utility.markBranch(ctx, exprctx); branch.begin = new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = branch.end; utility.pushJump(branch); execute.mark(branch.begin); writer.visit(exprctx); final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); boolean allLast = false; if (blockctx != null) { final StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); allLast = blocksmd.allLast; writeLoopCounter(blocksmd.count > 0 ? blocksmd.count : 1); writer.visit(blockctx); } else if (ctx.empty() != null) { writeLoopCounter(1); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(WriterUtility.error(ctx) + "Unexpected state."); } if (!allLast) { execute.goTo(branch.begin); } execute.mark(branch.end); utility.popJump(); } void processDo(final DoContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final Branch branch = utility.markBranch(ctx, exprctx); Label start = new Label(); branch.begin = new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = branch.end; final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); final StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); utility.pushJump(branch); execute.mark(start); writer.visit(blockctx); execute.mark(branch.begin); writer.visit(exprctx); writeLoopCounter(blocksmd.count > 0 ? blocksmd.count : 1); execute.goTo(start); execute.mark(branch.end); utility.popJump(); } void processFor(final ForContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final AfterthoughtContext atctx = ctx.afterthought(); final Branch branch = utility.markBranch(ctx, exprctx); final Label start = new Label(); branch.begin = atctx == null ? start : new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.fals = branch.end; utility.pushJump(branch); if (ctx.initializer() != null) { writer.visit(ctx.initializer()); } execute.mark(start); if (exprctx != null) { writer.visit(exprctx); } final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); boolean allLast = false; if (blockctx != null) { StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); allLast = blocksmd.allLast; int count = blocksmd.count > 0 ? blocksmd.count : 1; if (atctx != null) { ++count; } writeLoopCounter(count); writer.visit(blockctx); } else if (ctx.empty() != null) { writeLoopCounter(1); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(WriterUtility.error(ctx) + "Unexpected state."); } if (atctx != null) { execute.mark(branch.begin); writer.visit(atctx); } if (atctx != null || !allLast) { execute.goTo(start); } execute.mark(branch.end); utility.popJump(); } void processDecl(final DeclContext ctx) { writer.visit(ctx.declaration()); } void processContinue() { final Branch jump = utility.peekJump(); execute.goTo(jump.begin); } void processBreak() { final Branch jump = utility.peekJump(); execute.goTo(jump.end); } void processReturn(final ReturnContext ctx) { writer.visit(ctx.expression()); execute.returnValue(); } void processTry(final TryContext ctx) { final TrapContext[] trapctxs = new TrapContext[ctx.trap().size()]; ctx.trap().toArray(trapctxs); final Branch branch = utility.markBranch(ctx, trapctxs); Label end = new Label(); branch.begin = new Label(); branch.end = new Label(); branch.tru = trapctxs.length > 1 ? end : null; execute.mark(branch.begin); final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); final StatementMetadata blocksmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(blockctx); writer.visit(blockctx); if (!blocksmd.allLast) { execute.goTo(end); } execute.mark(branch.end); for (final TrapContext trapctx : trapctxs) { writer.visit(trapctx); } if (!blocksmd.allLast || trapctxs.length > 1) { execute.mark(end); } } void processThrow(final ThrowContext ctx) { writer.visit(ctx.expression()); execute.throwException(); } void processExpr(final ExprContext ctx) { final StatementMetadata exprsmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(ctx); final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx); writer.visit(exprctx); if (exprsmd.methodEscape) { execute.returnValue(); } else { utility.writePop(; } } void processMultiple(final MultipleContext ctx) { for (final StatementContext sctx : ctx.statement()) { writer.visit(sctx); } } void processSingle(final SingleContext ctx) { writer.visit(ctx.statement()); } void processInitializer(InitializerContext ctx) { final DeclarationContext declctx = ctx.declaration(); final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); if (declctx != null) { writer.visit(declctx); } else if (exprctx != null) { final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx); writer.visit(exprctx); utility.writePop(; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(WriterUtility.error(ctx) + "Unexpected state."); } } void processAfterthought(AfterthoughtContext ctx) { final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final ExpressionMetadata expremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(exprctx); writer.visit(ctx.expression()); utility.writePop(; } void processDeclaration(DeclarationContext ctx) { for (final DeclvarContext declctx : ctx.declvar()) { writer.visit(declctx); } } void processDeclvar(final DeclvarContext ctx) { final ExpressionMetadata declvaremd = metadata.getExpressionMetadata(ctx); final org.objectweb.asm.Type type =; final Sort sort =; int slot = (int) declvaremd.postConst; final ExpressionContext exprctx = ctx.expression(); final boolean initialize = exprctx == null; if (!initialize) { writer.visit(exprctx); } switch (sort) { case VOID: throw new IllegalStateException(WriterUtility.error(ctx) + "Unexpected state."); case BOOL: case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: case INT: if (initialize) execute.push(0); break; case LONG: if (initialize) execute.push(0L); break; case FLOAT: if (initialize) execute.push(0.0F); break; case DOUBLE: if (initialize) execute.push(0.0); break; default: if (initialize) execute.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); } execute.visitVarInsn(type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), slot); } void processTrap(final TrapContext ctx) { final StatementMetadata trapsmd = metadata.getStatementMetadata(ctx); final Branch branch = utility.getBranch(ctx); final Label jump = new Label(); final BlockContext blockctx = ctx.block(); final EmptyscopeContext emptyctx = ctx.emptyscope(); execute.mark(jump); execute.visitVarInsn(trapsmd.exception.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), trapsmd.slot); if (blockctx != null) { writer.visit(ctx.block()); } else if (emptyctx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(WriterUtility.error(ctx) + "Unexpected state."); } execute.visitTryCatchBlock(branch.begin, branch.end, jump, trapsmd.exception.type.getInternalName()); if (branch.tru != null && !trapsmd.allLast) { execute.goTo(branch.tru); } } private void writeLoopCounter(final int count) { final Label end = new Label(); execute.iinc(metadata.loopCounterSlot, -count); execute.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, metadata.loopCounterSlot); execute.push(0); execute.ifICmp(GeneratorAdapter.GT, end); execute.throwException(PAINLESS_ERROR_TYPE, "The maximum number of statements that can be executed in a loop has been reached."); execute.mark(end); } }