Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to ElasticSearch and Shay Banon under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. ElasticSearch licenses this * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.index.gateway.blobstore; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException; import org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.*; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue; import org.elasticsearch.index.deletionpolicy.SnapshotIndexCommit; import org.elasticsearch.index.gateway.*; import org.elasticsearch.index.settings.IndexSettings; import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent; import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId; import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard; import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.InternalIndexShard; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog; import org.elasticsearch.index.translog.TranslogStreams; import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * */ public abstract class BlobStoreIndexShardGateway extends AbstractIndexShardComponent implements IndexShardGateway { protected final ThreadPool threadPool; protected final InternalIndexShard indexShard; protected final Store store; protected final ByteSizeValue chunkSize; protected final BlobStore blobStore; protected final BlobPath shardPath; protected final ImmutableBlobContainer blobContainer; private volatile RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus; private volatile SnapshotStatus lastSnapshotStatus; private volatile SnapshotStatus currentSnapshotStatus; protected BlobStoreIndexShardGateway(ShardId shardId, @IndexSettings Settings indexSettings, ThreadPool threadPool, IndexGateway indexGateway, IndexShard indexShard, Store store) { super(shardId, indexSettings); this.threadPool = threadPool; this.indexShard = (InternalIndexShard) indexShard; = store; BlobStoreIndexGateway blobStoreIndexGateway = (BlobStoreIndexGateway) indexGateway; this.chunkSize = blobStoreIndexGateway.chunkSize(); // can be null -> no chunking this.blobStore = blobStoreIndexGateway.blobStore(); this.shardPath = blobStoreIndexGateway.shardPath(; this.blobContainer = blobStore.immutableBlobContainer(shardPath); this.recoveryStatus = new RecoveryStatus(); } @Override public RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus() { return this.recoveryStatus; } @Override public String toString() { return type() + "://" + blobStore + "/" + shardPath; } @Override public boolean requiresSnapshot() { return true; } @Override public boolean requiresSnapshotScheduling() { return true; } @Override public SnapshotLock obtainSnapshotLock() throws Exception { return NO_SNAPSHOT_LOCK; } @Override public void close() throws ElasticSearchException { } @Override public SnapshotStatus lastSnapshotStatus() { return this.lastSnapshotStatus; } @Override public SnapshotStatus currentSnapshotStatus() { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = this.currentSnapshotStatus; if (snapshotStatus == null) { return snapshotStatus; } if (snapshotStatus.stage() != SnapshotStatus.Stage.DONE || snapshotStatus.stage() != SnapshotStatus.Stage.FAILURE) { snapshotStatus.time(System.currentTimeMillis() - snapshotStatus.startTime()); } return snapshotStatus; } @Override public SnapshotStatus snapshot(final Snapshot snapshot) throws IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException { currentSnapshotStatus = new SnapshotStatus(); currentSnapshotStatus.startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { doSnapshot(snapshot); currentSnapshotStatus.time(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentSnapshotStatus.startTime()); currentSnapshotStatus.updateStage(SnapshotStatus.Stage.DONE); } catch (Exception e) { currentSnapshotStatus.time(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentSnapshotStatus.startTime()); currentSnapshotStatus.updateStage(SnapshotStatus.Stage.FAILURE); currentSnapshotStatus.failed(e); if (e instanceof IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException) { throw (IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException) e; } else { throw new IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException(shardId, e.getMessage(), e); } } finally { this.lastSnapshotStatus = currentSnapshotStatus; this.currentSnapshotStatus = null; } return this.lastSnapshotStatus; } private void doSnapshot(final Snapshot snapshot) throws IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException { ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs; try { blobs = blobContainer.listBlobs(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException(shardId, "failed to list blobs", e); } long generation = findLatestFileNameGeneration(blobs); CommitPoints commitPoints = buildCommitPoints(blobs); currentSnapshotStatus.index().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); currentSnapshotStatus.updateStage(SnapshotStatus.Stage.INDEX); final SnapshotIndexCommit snapshotIndexCommit = snapshot.indexCommit(); final Translog.Snapshot translogSnapshot = snapshot.translogSnapshot(); final CountDownLatch indexLatch = new CountDownLatch(snapshotIndexCommit.getFiles().length); final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Throwable> failures = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Throwable>(); final List<CommitPoint.FileInfo> indexCommitPointFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); int indexNumberOfFiles = 0; long indexTotalFilesSize = 0; for (final String fileName : snapshotIndexCommit.getFiles()) { StoreFileMetaData md; try { md = store.metaData(fileName); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to get store file metadata", e); } boolean snapshotRequired = false; if (snapshot.indexChanged() && fileName.equals(snapshotIndexCommit.getSegmentsFileName())) { snapshotRequired = true; // we want to always snapshot the segment file if the index changed } CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo = commitPoints.findPhysicalIndexFile(fileName); if (fileInfo == null || !fileInfo.isSame(md) || !commitPointFileExistsInBlobs(fileInfo, blobs)) { // commit point file does not exists in any commit point, or has different length, or does not fully exists in the listed blobs snapshotRequired = true; } if (snapshotRequired) { indexNumberOfFiles++; indexTotalFilesSize += md.length(); // create a new FileInfo try { CommitPoint.FileInfo snapshotFileInfo = new CommitPoint.FileInfo( fileNameFromGeneration(++generation), fileName, md.length(), md.checksum()); indexCommitPointFiles.add(snapshotFileInfo); snapshotFile(snapshotIndexCommit.getDirectory(), snapshotFileInfo, indexLatch, failures); } catch (IOException e) { failures.add(e); indexLatch.countDown(); } } else { indexCommitPointFiles.add(fileInfo); indexLatch.countDown(); } } currentSnapshotStatus.index().files(indexNumberOfFiles, indexTotalFilesSize); try { indexLatch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { failures.add(e); } if (!failures.isEmpty()) { throw new IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException(shardId(), "Failed to perform snapshot (index files)", failures.get(failures.size() - 1)); } currentSnapshotStatus.index().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentSnapshotStatus.index().startTime()); currentSnapshotStatus.updateStage(SnapshotStatus.Stage.TRANSLOG); currentSnapshotStatus.translog().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Note, we assume the snapshot is always started from "base 0". We need to seek forward if we want to lastTranslogPosition if we want the delta List<CommitPoint.FileInfo> translogCommitPointFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); int expectedNumberOfOperations = 0; boolean snapshotRequired = false; if (snapshot.newTranslogCreated()) { if (translogSnapshot.lengthInBytes() > 0) { snapshotRequired = true; expectedNumberOfOperations = translogSnapshot.estimatedTotalOperations(); } } else { // if we have a commit point, check that we have all the files listed in it in the blob store if (!commitPoints.commits().isEmpty()) { CommitPoint commitPoint = commitPoints.commits().get(0); boolean allTranslogFilesExists = true; for (CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo : commitPoint.translogFiles()) { if (!commitPointFileExistsInBlobs(fileInfo, blobs)) { allTranslogFilesExists = false; break; } } // if everything exists, we can seek forward in case there are new operations, otherwise, we copy over all again... if (allTranslogFilesExists) { translogCommitPointFiles.addAll(commitPoint.translogFiles()); if (snapshot.sameTranslogNewOperations()) { translogSnapshot.seekForward(snapshot.lastTranslogLength()); if (translogSnapshot.lengthInBytes() > 0) { snapshotRequired = true; expectedNumberOfOperations = translogSnapshot.estimatedTotalOperations() - snapshot.lastTotalTranslogOperations(); } } // else (no operations, nothing to snapshot) } else { // a full translog snapshot is required if (translogSnapshot.lengthInBytes() > 0) { expectedNumberOfOperations = translogSnapshot.estimatedTotalOperations(); snapshotRequired = true; } } } else { // no commit point, snapshot all the translog if (translogSnapshot.lengthInBytes() > 0) { expectedNumberOfOperations = translogSnapshot.estimatedTotalOperations(); snapshotRequired = true; } } } currentSnapshotStatus.translog().expectedNumberOfOperations(expectedNumberOfOperations); if (snapshotRequired) { CommitPoint.FileInfo addedTranslogFileInfo = new CommitPoint.FileInfo( fileNameFromGeneration(++generation), "translog-" + translogSnapshot.translogId(), translogSnapshot.lengthInBytes(), null /* no need for checksum in translog */); translogCommitPointFiles.add(addedTranslogFileInfo); try { snapshotTranslog(translogSnapshot, addedTranslogFileInfo); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to snapshot translog", e); } } currentSnapshotStatus.translog() .time(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentSnapshotStatus.translog().startTime()); // now create and write the commit point currentSnapshotStatus.updateStage(SnapshotStatus.Stage.FINALIZE); long version = 0; if (!commitPoints.commits().isEmpty()) { version = commitPoints.commits().iterator().next().version() + 1; } String commitPointName = "commit-" + Long.toString(version, Character.MAX_RADIX); CommitPoint commitPoint = new CommitPoint(version, commitPointName, CommitPoint.Type.GENERATED, indexCommitPointFiles, translogCommitPointFiles); try { byte[] commitPointData = CommitPoints.toXContent(commitPoint); blobContainer.writeBlob(commitPointName, new FastByteArrayInputStream(commitPointData), commitPointData.length); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException(shardId, "Failed to write commit point", e); } // delete all files that are not referenced by any commit point // build a new CommitPoint, that includes this one and all the saved ones List<CommitPoint> newCommitPointsList = Lists.newArrayList(); newCommitPointsList.add(commitPoint); for (CommitPoint point : commitPoints) { if (point.type() == CommitPoint.Type.SAVED) { newCommitPointsList.add(point); } } CommitPoints newCommitPoints = new CommitPoints(newCommitPointsList); // first, go over and delete all the commit points for (String blobName : blobs.keySet()) { if (!blobName.startsWith("commit-")) { continue; } long checkedVersion = Long.parseLong(blobName.substring("commit-".length()), Character.MAX_RADIX); if (!newCommitPoints.hasVersion(checkedVersion)) { try { blobContainer.deleteBlob(blobName); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } // now go over all the blobs, and if they don't exists in a commit point, delete them for (String blobName : blobs.keySet()) { String name = blobName; if (!name.startsWith("__")) { continue; } if (blobName.contains(".part")) { name = blobName.substring(0, blobName.indexOf(".part")); } if (newCommitPoints.findNameFile(name) == null) { try { blobContainer.deleteBlob(blobName); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore, will delete it laters } } } } @Override public void recover(boolean indexShouldExists, RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus) throws IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException { this.recoveryStatus = recoveryStatus; final ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs; try { blobs = blobContainer.listBlobs(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "Failed to list content of gateway", e); } List<CommitPoint> commitPointsList = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean atLeastOneCommitPointExists = false; for (String name : blobs.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith("commit-")) { atLeastOneCommitPointExists = true; try { commitPointsList.add(CommitPoints.fromXContent(blobContainer.readBlobFully(name))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to read commit point [{}]", e, name); } } } if (atLeastOneCommitPointExists && commitPointsList.isEmpty()) { // no commit point managed to load, bail so we won't corrupt the index, will require manual intervention throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "Commit points exists but none could be loaded", null); } CommitPoints commitPoints = new CommitPoints(commitPointsList); if (commitPoints.commits().isEmpty()) { // no commit points, clean the store just so we won't recover wrong files try {; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("failed to clean store before starting shard", e); } recoveryStatus.index().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus.index().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.index().startTime()); return; } for (CommitPoint commitPoint : commitPoints) { if (!commitPointExistsInBlobs(commitPoint, blobs)) { logger.warn("listed commit_point [{}]/[{}], but not all files exists, ignoring",, commitPoint.version()); continue; } try { recoveryStatus.index().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoverIndex(commitPoint, blobs); recoveryStatus.index().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.index().startTime()); recoverTranslog(commitPoint, blobs); return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "failed to recover commit_point [" + + "]/[" + commitPoint.version() + "]", e); } } throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "No commit point data is available in gateway", null); } private void recoverTranslog(CommitPoint commitPoint, ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) throws IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException { if (commitPoint.translogFiles().isEmpty()) { // no translog files, bail recoveryStatus.start().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus.updateStage(RecoveryStatus.Stage.START); indexShard.start("post recovery from gateway, no translog"); recoveryStatus.start().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.start().startTime()); recoveryStatus.start().checkIndexTime(indexShard.checkIndexTook()); return; } try { recoveryStatus.start().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus.updateStage(RecoveryStatus.Stage.START); indexShard.performRecoveryPrepareForTranslog(); recoveryStatus.start().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.start().startTime()); recoveryStatus.start().checkIndexTime(indexShard.checkIndexTook()); recoveryStatus.updateStage(RecoveryStatus.Stage.TRANSLOG); recoveryStatus.translog().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); final AtomicReference<Throwable> failure = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final Iterator<CommitPoint.FileInfo> transIt = commitPoint.translogFiles().iterator(); blobContainer.readBlob(, new BlobContainer.ReadBlobListener() { FastByteArrayOutputStream bos = new FastByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean ignore = false; @Override public synchronized void onPartial(byte[] data, int offset, int size) throws IOException { if (ignore) { return; } bos.write(data, offset, size); // if we don't have enough to read the header size of the first translog, bail and wait for the next one if (bos.size() < 4) { return; } BytesStreamInput si = new BytesStreamInput(bos.bytes()); int position; while (true) { try { position = si.position(); if (position + 4 > bos.size()) { break; } int opSize = si.readInt(); int curPos = si.position(); if ((si.position() + opSize) > bos.size()) { break; } Translog.Operation operation = TranslogStreams.readTranslogOperation(si); if ((si.position() - curPos) != opSize) { logger.warn("mismatch in size, expected [{}], got [{}]", opSize, si.position() - curPos); } recoveryStatus.translog().addTranslogOperations(1); indexShard.performRecoveryOperation(operation); if (si.position() >= bos.size()) { position = si.position(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "failed to retrieve translog after [{}] operations, ignoring the rest, considered corrupted", e, recoveryStatus.translog().currentTranslogOperations()); ignore = true; latch.countDown(); return; } } FastByteArrayOutputStream newBos = new FastByteArrayOutputStream(); int leftOver = bos.size() - position; if (leftOver > 0) { newBos.write(bos.bytes().array(), position, leftOver); } bos = newBos; } @Override public synchronized void onCompleted() { if (ignore) { return; } if (!transIt.hasNext()) { latch.countDown(); return; } blobContainer.readBlob(, this); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { failure.set(t); latch.countDown(); } }); latch.await(); if (failure.get() != null) { throw failure.get(); } indexShard.performRecoveryFinalization(true); recoveryStatus.translog().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.translog().startTime()); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "Failed to recover translog", e); } } private void recoverIndex(CommitPoint commitPoint, ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) throws Exception { recoveryStatus.updateStage(RecoveryStatus.Stage.INDEX); int numberOfFiles = 0; long totalSize = 0; int numberOfReusedFiles = 0; long reusedTotalSize = 0; List<CommitPoint.FileInfo> filesToRecover = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo : commitPoint.indexFiles()) { String fileName = fileInfo.physicalName(); StoreFileMetaData md = null; try { md = store.metaData(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { // no file } // we don't compute checksum for segments, so always recover them if (!fileName.startsWith("segments") && md != null && fileInfo.isSame(md)) { numberOfFiles++; totalSize += md.length(); numberOfReusedFiles++; reusedTotalSize += md.length(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("not_recovering [{}], exists in local store and is same", fileInfo.physicalName()); } } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { if (md == null) { logger.trace("recovering [{}], does not exists in local store", fileInfo.physicalName()); } else { logger.trace("recovering [{}], exists in local store but is different", fileInfo.physicalName()); } } numberOfFiles++; totalSize += fileInfo.length(); filesToRecover.add(fileInfo); } } recoveryStatus.index().files(numberOfFiles, totalSize, numberOfReusedFiles, reusedTotalSize); if (filesToRecover.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("no files to recover, all exists within the local store"); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("recovering_files [{}] with total_size [{}], reusing_files [{}] with reused_size [{}]", numberOfFiles, new ByteSizeValue(totalSize), numberOfReusedFiles, new ByteSizeValue(reusedTotalSize)); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(filesToRecover.size()); final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Throwable> failures = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Throwable>(); for (final CommitPoint.FileInfo fileToRecover : filesToRecover) { recoverFile(fileToRecover, blobs, latch, failures); } try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "Interrupted while recovering index", e); } if (!failures.isEmpty()) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "Failed to recover index", failures.get(0)); } // read the gateway data persisted long version = -1; try { if (DirectoryReader.indexExists( { version = Lucene.readSegmentInfos(; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId(), "Failed to fetch index version after copying it over", e); } recoveryStatus.index().updateVersion(version); /// now, go over and clean files that are in the store, but were not in the gateway try { for (String storeFile : { if (!commitPoint.containPhysicalIndexFile(storeFile)) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } private void recoverFile(final CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo, final ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs, final CountDownLatch latch, final List<Throwable> failures) { final IndexOutput indexOutput; try { // we create an output with no checksum, this is because the pure binary data of the file is not // the checksum (because of seek). We will create the checksum file once copying is done indexOutput = store.createOutputRaw(fileInfo.physicalName()); } catch (IOException e) { failures.add(e); latch.countDown(); return; } String firstFileToRecover =; if (!blobs.containsKey( { // chunking, append part0 to it firstFileToRecover = + ".part0"; } if (!blobs.containsKey(firstFileToRecover)) { // no file, what to do, what to do? logger.warn("no file [{}]/[{}] to recover, ignoring it",, fileInfo.physicalName()); latch.countDown(); return; } final AtomicInteger partIndex = new AtomicInteger(); blobContainer.readBlob(firstFileToRecover, new BlobContainer.ReadBlobListener() { @Override public synchronized void onPartial(byte[] data, int offset, int size) throws IOException { recoveryStatus.index().addCurrentFilesSize(size); indexOutput.writeBytes(data, offset, size); } @Override public synchronized void onCompleted() { int part = partIndex.incrementAndGet(); String partName = + ".part" + part; if (blobs.containsKey(partName)) { // continue with the new part blobContainer.readBlob(partName, this); return; } else { // we are done... try { indexOutput.close(); // write the checksum if (fileInfo.checksum() != null) { store.writeChecksum(fileInfo.physicalName(), fileInfo.checksum()); }; } catch (IOException e) { onFailure(e); return; } } latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { failures.add(t); latch.countDown(); } }); } private void snapshotTranslog(Translog.Snapshot snapshot, CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo) throws IOException { blobContainer.writeBlob(,, snapshot.lengthInBytes()); // // long chunkBytes = Long.MAX_VALUE; // if (chunkSize != null) { // chunkBytes = chunkSize.bytes(); // } // // long totalLength = fileInfo.length(); // long numberOfChunks = totalLength / chunkBytes; // if (totalLength % chunkBytes > 0) { // numberOfChunks++; // } // if (numberOfChunks == 0) { // numberOfChunks++; // } // // if (numberOfChunks == 1) { // blobContainer.writeBlob(,, snapshot.lengthInBytes()); // } else { // InputStream translogStream =; // long totalLengthLeftToWrite = totalLength; // for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChunks; i++) { // long lengthToWrite = chunkBytes; // if (totalLengthLeftToWrite < chunkBytes) { // lengthToWrite = totalLengthLeftToWrite; // } // blobContainer.writeBlob( + ".part" + i, new LimitInputStream(translogStream, lengthToWrite), lengthToWrite); // totalLengthLeftToWrite -= lengthToWrite; // } // } } private void snapshotFile(Directory dir, final CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo, final CountDownLatch latch, final List<Throwable> failures) throws IOException { long chunkBytes = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (chunkSize != null) { chunkBytes = chunkSize.bytes(); } long totalLength = fileInfo.length(); long numberOfChunks = totalLength / chunkBytes; if (totalLength % chunkBytes > 0) { numberOfChunks++; } if (numberOfChunks == 0) { numberOfChunks++; } final long fNumberOfChunks = numberOfChunks; final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(numberOfChunks); for (long i = 0; i < fNumberOfChunks; i++) { final long partNumber = i; IndexInput indexInput = null; try { // TODO: maybe use IOContext.READONCE? indexInput =, IOContext.READ); * chunkBytes); InputStreamIndexInput is = new ThreadSafeInputStreamIndexInput(indexInput, chunkBytes); String blobName =; if (fNumberOfChunks > 1) { // if we do chunks, then all of them are in the form of "[xxx].part[N]". blobName += ".part" + partNumber; } final IndexInput fIndexInput = indexInput; blobContainer.writeBlob(blobName, is, is.actualSizeToRead(), new ImmutableBlobContainer.WriterListener() { @Override public void onCompleted() { try { fIndexInput.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { latch.countDown(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { try { fIndexInput.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } failures.add(t); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { latch.countDown(); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { if (indexInput != null) { try { indexInput.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { // ignore } } failures.add(e); latch.countDown(); } } } private boolean commitPointExistsInBlobs(CommitPoint commitPoint, ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) { for (CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo : Iterables.concat(commitPoint.indexFiles(), commitPoint.translogFiles())) { if (!commitPointFileExistsInBlobs(fileInfo, blobs)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean commitPointFileExistsInBlobs(CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo, ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) { BlobMetaData blobMetaData = blobs.get(; if (blobMetaData != null) { if (blobMetaData.length() != fileInfo.length()) { return false; } } else if (blobs.containsKey( + ".part0")) { // multi part file sum up the size and check int part = 0; long totalSize = 0; while (true) { blobMetaData = blobs.get( + ".part" + part++); if (blobMetaData == null) { break; } totalSize += blobMetaData.length(); } if (totalSize != fileInfo.length()) { return false; } } else { // no file, not exact and not multipart return false; } return true; } private CommitPoints buildCommitPoints(ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) { List<CommitPoint> commitPoints = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String name : blobs.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith("commit-")) { try { commitPoints.add(CommitPoints.fromXContent(blobContainer.readBlobFully(name))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to read commit point [{}]", e, name); } } } return new CommitPoints(commitPoints); } private String fileNameFromGeneration(long generation) { return "__" + Long.toString(generation, Character.MAX_RADIX); } private long findLatestFileNameGeneration(ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) { long generation = -1; for (String name : blobs.keySet()) { if (!name.startsWith("__")) { continue; } if (name.contains(".part")) { name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(".part")); } try { long currentGen = Long.parseLong(name.substring(2) /*__*/, Character.MAX_RADIX); if (currentGen > generation) { generation = currentGen; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("file [{}] does not conform to the '__' schema"); } } return generation; } }