Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopException; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopIllegalStateException; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cfg.ConfigurationOptions; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cfg.Settings; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.ScrollReader; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.ScrollReader.Scroll; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.builder.JdkValueReader; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.bulk.BulkCommand; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.bulk.BulkCommands; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.bulk.MetadataExtractor; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.dto.Node; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.dto.Shard; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.serialization.dto.mapping.Field; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.Assert; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.BytesArray; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.BytesRef; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.SettingsUtils; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.TrackingBytesArray; import org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.unit.TimeValue; /** * Rest client performing high-level operations using buffers to improve performance. Stateful in that once created, it is used to perform updates against the same index. */ public class RestRepository implements Closeable, StatsAware { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RestRepository.class); private static final BitSet EMPTY = new BitSet(); // serialization artifacts private int bufferEntriesThreshold; // raw data private final BytesArray ba = new BytesArray(0); // tracking array (backed by the BA above) private final TrackingBytesArray data = new TrackingBytesArray(ba); private int dataEntries = 0; private boolean requiresRefreshAfterBulk = false; private boolean executedBulkWrite = false; // wrapper around existing BA (for cases where the serialization already occurred) private BytesRef trivialBytesRef; private boolean writeInitialized = false; private boolean autoFlush = true; // indicates whether there were writes errors or not // flag indicating whether to flush the batch at close-time or not private boolean hadWriteErrors = false; private RestClient client; private Resource resourceR; private Resource resourceW; private BulkCommand command; // optional extractor passed lazily to BulkCommand private MetadataExtractor metaExtractor; private final Settings settings; private final Stats stats = new Stats(); public RestRepository(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; if (StringUtils.hasText(settings.getResourceRead())) { this.resourceR = new Resource(settings, true); } if (StringUtils.hasText(settings.getResourceWrite())) { this.resourceW = new Resource(settings, false); } Assert.isTrue(resourceR != null || resourceW != null, "Invalid configuration - No read or write resource specified"); this.client = new RestClient(settings); } /** postpone writing initialization since we can do only reading so there's no need to allocate buffers */ private void lazyInitWriting() { if (!writeInitialized) { writeInitialized = true; autoFlush = !settings.getBatchFlushManual(); ba.bytes(new byte[settings.getBatchSizeInBytes()], 0); trivialBytesRef = new BytesRef(); bufferEntriesThreshold = settings.getBatchSizeInEntries(); requiresRefreshAfterBulk = settings.getBatchRefreshAfterWrite(); this.command = BulkCommands.create(settings, metaExtractor); } } /** * Returns a pageable (scan based) result to the given query. * * @param query scan query * @param reader scroll reader * @return a scroll query */ ScrollQuery scan(String query, BytesArray body, ScrollReader reader) { String[] scrollInfo = client.scan(query, body); String scrollId = scrollInfo[0]; long totalSize = Long.parseLong(scrollInfo[1]); return new ScrollQuery(this, scrollId, totalSize, reader); } public void addRuntimeFieldExtractor(MetadataExtractor metaExtractor) { this.metaExtractor = metaExtractor; } /** * Writes the objects to index. * * @param object object to add to the index */ public void writeToIndex(Object object) { Assert.notNull(object, "no object data given"); lazyInitWriting(); doWriteToIndex(command.write(object)); } /** * Writes the objects to index. * * @param data as a byte array * @param size the length to use from the given array */ public void writeProcessedToIndex(BytesArray ba) { Assert.notNull(ba, "no data given"); Assert.isTrue(ba.length() > 0, "no data given"); lazyInitWriting(); trivialBytesRef.reset(); trivialBytesRef.add(ba); doWriteToIndex(trivialBytesRef); } private void doWriteToIndex(BytesRef payload) { // check space first // ba is the backing array for data if (payload.length() > ba.available()) { if (autoFlush) { flush(); } else { throw new EsHadoopIllegalStateException(String.format( "Auto-flush disabled and bulk buffer full; disable manual flush or increase capacity [current size %s]; bailing out", ba.capacity())); } } data.copyFrom(payload); payload.reset(); dataEntries++; if (bufferEntriesThreshold > 0 && dataEntries >= bufferEntriesThreshold) { if (autoFlush) { flush(); } else { // handle the corner case of manual flush that occurs only after the buffer is completely full (think size of 1) if (dataEntries > bufferEntriesThreshold) { throw new EsHadoopIllegalStateException(String.format( "Auto-flush disabled and maximum number of entries surpassed; disable manual flush or increase capacity [current size %s]; bailing out", bufferEntriesThreshold)); } } } } public BitSet tryFlush() { BitSet bulkResult = EMPTY; try { // double check data - it might be a false flush (called on clean-up) if (data.length() > 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( String.format("Sending batch of [%d] bytes/[%s] entries", data.length(), dataEntries)); } bulkResult = client.bulk(resourceW, data); executedBulkWrite = true; } } catch (EsHadoopException ex) { hadWriteErrors = true; throw ex; } // discard the data buffer, only if it was properly sent/processed //if (bulkResult.isEmpty()) { // always discard data since there's no code path that uses the in flight data discard(); //} return bulkResult; } public void discard() { data.reset(); dataEntries = 0; } public void flush() { BitSet bulk = tryFlush(); if (!bulk.isEmpty()) { throw new EsHadoopException( String.format("Could not write all entries [%s/%s] (maybe ES was overloaded?). Bailing out...", bulk.cardinality(), bulk.size())); } } @Override public void close() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Closing repository and connection to Elasticsearch ..."); } // bail out if closed before if (client == null) { return; } try { if (!hadWriteErrors) { flush(); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Dirty close; ignoring last existing write batch..."); } } if (requiresRefreshAfterBulk && executedBulkWrite) { // refresh batch client.refresh(resourceW); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format("Refreshing index [%s]", resourceW)); } } } finally { client.close(); stats.aggregate(client.stats()); client = null; } } public RestClient getRestClient() { return client; } public Object[] getReadTargetShards(boolean clientNodesOnly) { for (int retries = 0; retries < 3; retries++) { Object[] result = doGetReadTargetShards(clientNodesOnly); if (result != null) { return result; } } throw new EsHadoopIllegalStateException( "Cluster state volatile; cannot find node backing shards - please check whether your cluster is stable"); } protected Object[] doGetReadTargetShards(boolean clientNodesOnly) { List<List<Map<String, Object>>> info = client.targetShards(resourceR.index()); Map<Shard, Node> shards = new LinkedHashMap<Shard, Node>(); boolean overlappingShards = false; Object[] result = new Object[2]; // false by default result[0] = overlappingShards; result[1] = shards; Map<String, Node> httpNodes = Collections.emptyMap(); if (settings.getNodesWANOnly()) { httpNodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Node>(); List<String> nodes = SettingsUtils.discoveredOrDeclaredNodes(settings); Random rnd = new Random(); for (List<Map<String, Object>> shardGroup : info) { for (Map<String, Object> shardData : shardGroup) { Shard shard = new Shard(shardData); if (shard.getState().isStarted()) { int nextInt = rnd.nextInt(nodes.size()); String nodeAddress = nodes.get(nextInt); // create a fake node Node node = new Node(shard.getNode(), "wan-only-node-" + nextInt, StringUtils.parseIpAddress(nodeAddress)); httpNodes.put(shard.getNode(), node); } } } } else { // if client-nodes routing is used, allow non-http clients httpNodes = client.getHttpNodes(clientNodesOnly); } if (httpNodes.isEmpty()) { String msg = "No HTTP-enabled data nodes found"; if (!settings.getNodesClientOnly()) { msg += String.format( "; if you are using client-only nodes make sure to configure es-hadoop as such through [%s] property", ConfigurationOptions.ES_NODES_CLIENT_ONLY); } throw new EsHadoopIllegalStateException(msg); } // check if multiple indices are hit if (!isReadIndexConcrete()) { String message = String.format( "Read resource [%s] includes multiple indices or/and aliases; to avoid duplicate results (caused by shard overlapping), parallelism ", resourceR); Map<Shard, Node> combination = ShardSorter.find(info, httpNodes, log); if (combination.isEmpty()) { message += "is minimized"; log.warn(message); overlappingShards = true; result[0] = overlappingShards; } else { int initialParallelism = 0; for (List<Map<String, Object>> shardGroup : info) { initialParallelism += shardGroup.size(); } if (initialParallelism > combination.size()) { message += String.format("is reduced from %s to %s", initialParallelism, combination.size()); log.warn(message); } result[0] = overlappingShards; result[1] = combination; return result; } } Set<Integer> seenShards = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); for (List<Map<String, Object>> shardGroup : info) { for (Map<String, Object> shardData : shardGroup) { Shard shard = new Shard(shardData); if (shard.getState().isStarted()) { Node node = httpNodes.get(shard.getNode()); if (node == null) { log.warn(String.format( "Cannot find node with id [%s] (is HTTP enabled?) from shard [%s] in nodes [%s]; layout [%s]", shard.getNode(), shard, httpNodes, info)); return null; } // when dealing with overlapping shards, simply keep a shard for each id/name (0, 1, ...) if (overlappingShards) { if (seenShards.add(shard.getName())) { shards.put(shard, node); } } else { shards.put(shard, node); break; } } } } return result; } public Map<Shard, Node> getWriteTargetPrimaryShards(boolean clientNodesOnly) { for (int retries = 0; retries < 3; retries++) { Map<Shard, Node> map = doGetWriteTargetPrimaryShards(clientNodesOnly); if (map != null) { return map; } } throw new EsHadoopIllegalStateException( "Cluster state volatile; cannot find node backing shards - please check whether your cluster is stable"); } protected Map<Shard, Node> doGetWriteTargetPrimaryShards(boolean clientNodesOnly) { List<List<Map<String, Object>>> info = client.targetShards(resourceW.index()); Map<Shard, Node> shards = new LinkedHashMap<Shard, Node>(); Map<String, Node> nodes = client.getHttpNodes(clientNodesOnly); for (List<Map<String, Object>> shardGroup : info) { // consider only primary shards for (Map<String, Object> shardData : shardGroup) { Shard shard = new Shard(shardData); if (shard.isPrimary()) { Node node = nodes.get(shard.getNode()); if (node == null) { log.warn(String.format( "Cannot find node with id [%s] (is HTTP enabled?) from shard [%s] in nodes [%s]; layout [%s]", shard.getNode(), shard, nodes, info)); return null; } shards.put(shard, node); break; } } } return shards; } public Field getMapping() { return Field.parseField(client.getMapping(resourceR.mapping())); } public Scroll scroll(String scrollId, ScrollReader reader) throws IOException { InputStream scroll = client.scroll(scrollId); try { return; } finally { if (scroll instanceof StatsAware) { stats.aggregate(((StatsAware) scroll).stats()); } } } public boolean indexExists(boolean read) { Resource res = (read ? resourceR : resourceW); // cheap hit boolean exists = client.exists(res.indexAndType()); // could be a _all or a pattern which is valid for read // try again by asking the mapping - could be expensive if (!exists && read) { try { // make sure the mapping is null since the index might exist but the type might be missing exists = !client.getMapping(res.mapping()).isEmpty(); } catch (EsHadoopInvalidRequest ex) { exists = false; } } return exists; } private boolean isReadIndexConcrete() { String index = resourceR.index(); return !(index.contains(",") || index.contains("*") || client.isAlias(resourceR.aliases())); } public void putMapping(BytesArray mapping) { client.putMapping(resourceW.index(), resourceW.mapping(), mapping.bytes()); } public boolean touch() { return client.touch(resourceW.index()); } public void delete() { boolean isEs20 = SettingsUtils.isEs20(settings); if (!isEs20) { // ES 1.x - delete as usual client.delete(resourceW.indexAndType()); } else { // try first a blind delete by query (since the plugin might be installed) client.delete(resourceW.indexAndType() + "/_query?q=*"); // in ES 2.0 this means scrolling and deleting the docs by hand... // do a scroll-scan without source // as this is a delete, there's not much value in making this configurable so we just go for some sane/safe defaults // 10m scroll timeout // 250 results int batchSize = 250; String scanQuery = resourceW.indexAndType() + "/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=10m&size=" + batchSize + "&_source=false"; ScrollReader scrollReader = new ScrollReader(new JdkValueReader(), null, false, "_metadata", false); // start iterating ScrollQuery sq = scan(scanQuery, null, scrollReader); try { BytesArray entry = new BytesArray(0); // delete each retrieved batch String format = "{\"delete\":{\"_id\":\"%s\"}}\n"; while (sq.hasNext()) { entry.reset(); entry.add(StringUtils.toUTF(String.format(format,[0]))); writeProcessedToIndex(entry); } flush(); // once done force a refresh client.refresh(resourceW); } finally { stats.aggregate(sq.stats()); sq.close(); } } } public boolean isEmpty(boolean read) { Resource res = (read ? resourceR : resourceW); boolean exists = client.exists(res.indexAndType()); return (exists ? count(read) <= 0 : true); } public long count(boolean read) { Resource res = (read ? resourceR : resourceW); return client.count(res.indexAndType(), QueryUtils.parseQuery(settings)); } public boolean waitForYellow() { return, RestClient.HEALTH.YELLOW, TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10)); } @Override public Stats stats() { Stats copy = new Stats(stats); if (client != null) { copy.aggregate(client.stats()); } return copy; } public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } }