Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * * * EJBCA: The OpenSource Certificate Authority * * * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * * * See terms of license at * * * *************************************************************************/ package org.ejbca.extra.ra; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Vector; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.ejbca.extra.db.Message; import org.ejbca.extra.db.MessageHome; import org.ejbca.extra.db.PKCS10Request; import org.ejbca.extra.db.PKCS10Response; import org.ejbca.extra.db.PKCS12Request; import org.ejbca.extra.db.PKCS12Response; import org.ejbca.extra.db.SubMessages; import org.ejbca.extra.util.RAKeyStore; import org.ejbca.util.CertTools; import org.ejbca.util.CryptoProviderTools; /** * A test client for the External RA API that can be used for simple load and performance test and * to figure out expected response times for different types of requests. * * Important, if signing is used must the RA server key store be configured as an 'Super * Administrator' in EJBCA. * * @version $Id: 10226 2010-10-19 12:59:56Z anatom $ */ public class ExtRATestClient { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExtRATestClient.class); //private static final String TYPE_CERT = "CERT"; private static final String TYPE_KEYSTORE = "KEYSTORE"; private static final String SECURITY_UNSECURED = "UNSECURED"; private static final String SECURITY_SIGNED = "SIGNED"; private static final String SECURITY_ENCRYPTED = "ENCRYPTED"; private static final String SECURITY_SIGNEDENCRYPTED = "SIGNEDENCRYPTED"; private static final int ARG_TYPE = 0; private static final int ARG_KEYSTOREPATH = 1; private static final int ARG_PASSWORD = 2; private static final int ARG_ENCRYPTIONCERT = 3; private static final int ARG_SECURITYLEVEL = 4; private static final int ARG_REQUESTSPERMIN = 5; private static final int ARG_CONCURRENTRAS = 6; private static final int ARG_WAITTIME = 7; protected PrivateKey raKey = null; protected X509Certificate raCert = null; protected Vector cAChain = null; protected X509Certificate encCert = null; protected String securitylevel = SECURITY_UNSECURED; protected boolean requestKeyStore = false; protected int reqPerMin = 10; private int concurrentRAs = 2; protected int waitTime = 30; protected int generateUserRequests = 0; protected SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); protected static final String pkcs10_1 = "MIIBkzCB/QIBADBUMQswCQYDVQQGEwJTRTETMBEGA1UECBMKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEh" + "MB8GA1UEChMYSW50ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRUZXN0" + "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDczgi13kcTGTMmOdMU/QzvH6JV" + "QxL23dqdYpsV//XHO2bjKlgqqc3MpGH4QQkz/80rzFi4EwuqBpOnXo0P09I2jztk" + "IG4TSM+RwOfvaAMDJ1B6eeih6JX+v0A5PaWJlx1nshUuikcYJK3iNVepy39li0m3" + "OBwub9NnnVWXuClUGwIDAQABoAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADgYEAz4NpjNraufWg" + "ZDv5J1muOHwZvOO9Is1L8WvMLG+jgH8Q2rPpDq8buIIWDy6VK8ghr7xhZzEZznTX" + "5HLSLB1a6KvktiVSKB0nmAmDU28xXLWWwkA7/68J6DvAipk00bHdxuEJ4+Mg8UJ0" + "Mr+aXDlmZUfghzlB70dDUy/Np/YJVb8="; private MessageHome msghome = null; ExtRATestClient(String[] args) throws Exception { CryptoProviderTools.installBCProvider(); if (args.length != 8) { log.debug("Number of arguments: " + args.length); help(); System.exit(-1); // NOPMD, it's not a JEE app } else { requestKeyStore = args[ARG_TYPE].equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_KEYSTORE); EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("external-ra-cli"); msghome = new MessageHome(entityManagerFactory, MessageHome.MESSAGETYPE_EXTRA, true); securitylevel = args[ARG_SECURITYLEVEL]; if (!securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_UNSECURED) && !securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNED) && !securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_ENCRYPTED) && !securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNEDENCRYPTED)) { throw new Exception("Invalid SecurityLevel: " + securitylevel); } if (securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNED) || securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNEDENCRYPTED)) { RAKeyStore rakeystore = new RAKeyStore(args[ARG_KEYSTOREPATH], args[ARG_PASSWORD]); Certificate[] chain = rakeystore.getKeyStore().getCertificateChain(rakeystore.getAlias()); cAChain = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) { if (((X509Certificate) chain[i]).getBasicConstraints() != -1) { cAChain.add(chain[i]); } } raKey = (PrivateKey) rakeystore.getKeyStore().getKey(rakeystore.getAlias(), args[ARG_PASSWORD].toCharArray()); raCert = (X509Certificate) rakeystore.getKeyStore().getCertificate(rakeystore.getAlias()); } if (securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_ENCRYPTED) || securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNEDENCRYPTED)) { CertificateFactory cf = CertTools.getCertificateFactory(); encCert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(new FileInputStream(args[ARG_ENCRYPTIONCERT])); } reqPerMin = Integer.parseInt(args[ARG_REQUESTSPERMIN]); concurrentRAs = Integer.parseInt(args[ARG_CONCURRENTRAS]); waitTime = Integer.parseInt(args[ARG_WAITTIME]); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ExtRATestClient testclient = new ExtRATestClient(args);; } public void help() { System.out.println("External RA API Test Client"); System.out.println( "Usage : <CERT | KEYSTORE> <KeyStorePath> <KeyStorePwd> <EncCert> <SecurityLevel> <RequestsPerMin> <ConcurrentRAs> <WaitTime>"); System.out.println("Where :"); System.out.println( " <CERT | KEYSTORE> : Type of test, CERT creates single PKCS10 requests, KEYSTORE creates one PKCS10 and one PKCS12 request for each message"); System.out.println( " <KeyStorePath> : The path to the keystore used to sign/encrypt messages. Use NOKEYSTORE for unencrypted security level."); System.out.println( " <KeyStorePwd> : Password to unlock the keystore,. Use NOPWD for unencrypted security level."); System.out.println( " <EncCert> : Path to certificate (DER) used to encrypt messages,. Use NOCERT for unencrypted security level."); System.out.println(" <SecurityLevel> : Security Level, Valid values are " + SECURITY_UNSECURED + ", " + SECURITY_SIGNED + ", " + SECURITY_ENCRYPTED + ", " + SECURITY_SIGNEDENCRYPTED + ""); System.out.println(" <RequestsPerMin> : Requests to generate every minute per concurrent RA."); System.out.println(" <ConcurrentRAs> : Number of concurrent RAs that will create requests."); System.out.println( " <WaitTime> : Number of seconds to wait for answer before exception is thrown.\n\n"); System.out.println( "The database connection is configured in META-INF/persistence.xml. The JDBC driver JAR should be copied to the endorsed directory.\n"); System.out.println("Examples : "); System.out.println(" Simple test sending unsecured requests every 5 s in one thread "); System.out.println(" expecting an answer within 60 s :"); System.out.println(" java -jar externalra-cli.jar CERT NOKEYSTORE NOPWD NOCERT " + SECURITY_UNSECURED + " 12 1 60 \n"); System.out.println( " Advanced test using encrypted and signed requests for pkcs10 cert and a pkcs12 keystore "); System.out.println(" every 1 min in two threads, expecting an answer within 60 s :"); System.out.println( " java -jar externalra-cli.jar KEYSTORE rakeystore.p12 foo123 enccert.cer SIGNEDENCRYPTED 1 2 60 \n"); } /** * Starts the test application */ public void run() { for (int i = 1; i <= concurrentRAs; i++) { ConcurrentRAThread rAThread = new ConcurrentRAThread("Thread-" + i); println("Starting new Thread : " + "Thread-" + i); rAThread.start(); } } public synchronized void createUser(String username, SubMessages submessages) { msghome.create(username, submessages); } public synchronized Message findByUser(String username) { return msghome.findByMessageId(username); } public synchronized void println(String message) { System.out.println(message); System.out.flush(); } private class ConcurrentRAThread extends Thread { // NOPMD, it's not a JEE app private boolean run = false; private String threadName = ""; private long serialNumber = 0; public ConcurrentRAThread(String threadName) { this.threadName = threadName; } public void run() { run = true; while (run) { try { // Start Request Thread RequestThread reqThread = new RequestThread(threadName, serialNumber++); reqThread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { sleep(getTimeToNextRequests()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } private long getTimeToNextRequests() { return (60000 / reqPerMin) + (random.nextLong() % 1000); } public void stopThread() { = false; } } private class RequestThread extends Thread { // NOPMD, it's not a JEE app private boolean run = false; private String threadName = ""; private long serialNumber = 0; public RequestThread(String threadName, long serialNumber) { this.threadName = threadName; this.serialNumber = serialNumber; } public void run() { // Generate request String username = "TEST_" + threadName + "_REQ-" + serialNumber; long pkcs10RequestId = 0; long pkcs12RequestId = 0; long starttime = new Date().getTime(); SubMessages submgs = generateSubMessage(); pkcs10RequestId = createPKCS10Request(username, submgs); if (requestKeyStore) { pkcs12RequestId = createPKCS12Request(username, submgs); } createUser(username, submgs); run = true; // Wait for response boolean processed = false; Message msg = null; int wait = waitTime; while (wait >= 0 && run) { msg = findByUser(username); if (msg != null && msg.getStatus().equals(Message.STATUS_PROCESSED)) { processed = true; break; } try { sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } wait--; } if (!processed) { println("Error : Couldn't get processed response within the specified waitTime : Username :" + username + ", WaitTime : " + waitTime); } else { SubMessages respmsgs = null; if (raKey != null) { respmsgs = msg.getSubMessages(raKey, cAChain, null); } else { respmsgs = msg.getSubMessages(null, null, null); } PKCS10Response pkcs10resp = (PKCS10Response) respmsgs.getSubMessages().get(0); PKCS12Response pkcs12resp = null; if (requestKeyStore) { pkcs12resp = (PKCS12Response) respmsgs.getSubMessages().get(1); } if (pkcs10resp.getRequestId() != pkcs10RequestId) { println("Error in PKCS10 Request requestId doesn't match responseId for user : " + username + ", request Id : " + pkcs10RequestId + " = " + pkcs10resp.getRequestId()); } if (requestKeyStore && pkcs12resp.getRequestId() != pkcs12RequestId) { println("Error in PKCS12 Request requestId doesn't match responseId for user : " + username + ", request Id : " + pkcs12RequestId + " = " + pkcs12resp.getRequestId()); } if (!pkcs10resp.isSuccessful()) { println("Error in PKCS10 Request for user : " + username + ", message : " + pkcs10resp.getFailInfo()); } if (requestKeyStore && !pkcs12resp.isSuccessful()) { println("Error in PKCS12 Request for user : " + username + ", message : " + pkcs12resp.getFailInfo()); } long endtime = new Date().getTime(); float processtime = ((float) (endtime - starttime)) / 1000; if (pkcs10resp.isSuccessful() && !requestKeyStore) { println(" " + username + " Generated Sucessfully in " + processtime + " seconds, Total Requests " + ++generateUserRequests); } if (requestKeyStore && pkcs10resp.isSuccessful() && pkcs12resp.isSuccessful()) { println(" " + username + " Generated Sucessfully in " + processtime + " seconds, Total Requests " + ++generateUserRequests); } } } private long createPKCS10Request(String username, SubMessages submessages) { long requestId = random.nextLong(); submessages.addSubMessage( new PKCS10Request(requestId, username, "CN=PKCS10REQ", "", "", null, "EMPTY", "ENDUSER", "AdminCA1", pkcs10_1)); return requestId; } private long createPKCS12Request(String username, SubMessages submessages) { long requestId = random.nextLong(); submessages.addSubMessage(new PKCS12Request(requestId, username, "CN=PKCS12REQ", "", "", null, "EMPTY", "ENDUSER", "AdminCA1", "foo123", PKCS12Request.KEYALG_RSA, "1024", true)); return requestId; } private SubMessages generateSubMessage() { if (securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNEDENCRYPTED)) { return new SubMessages(raCert, raKey, encCert); } if (securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_SIGNED)) { return new SubMessages(raCert, raKey, null); } if (securitylevel.equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_ENCRYPTED)) { return new SubMessages(null, null, encCert); } return new SubMessages(null, null, null); } public void stopThread() { = false; } } }