Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * * * EJBCA Community: The OpenSource Certificate Authority * * * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * * * See terms of license at * * * *************************************************************************/ package org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralName; import org.cesecore.authentication.tokens.AuthenticationToken; import org.cesecore.authorization.control.AccessControlSession; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.request.ResponseMessage; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificateprofile.CertificateProfileSession; import org.cesecore.certificates.util.AlgorithmTools; import org.cesecore.configuration.GlobalConfigurationSession; import org.cesecore.keys.token.CryptoToken; import org.cesecore.keys.token.CryptoTokenOfflineException; import org.cesecore.keys.token.CryptoTokenSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.util.Base64; import org.cesecore.util.CertTools; import org.ejbca.config.CmpConfiguration; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.authentication.web.WebAuthenticationProviderSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.raadmin.EndEntityProfileSessionLocal; /** * Message handler for certificate request confirmation message. * * According to RFC 4210 * "Where verification of the cert confirmation message fails, the RA/CA * MUST revoke the newly issued certificate if it has been published or * otherwise made available." * * However, EJBCA does not keep track of the transaction and always responds * with a ResponseStatus.SUCCESS Certificate Confirmation ACK. * * @author tomas * @version $Id: 20468 2014-12-15 12:32:54Z mikekushner $ */ public class ConfirmationMessageHandler extends BaseCmpMessageHandler implements ICmpMessageHandler { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ConfirmationMessageHandler.class); /** Parameter used to determine the type of protection for the response message */ private String responseProtection = null; /** CA Session used to sign the response */ private CaSessionLocal caSession; private CryptoTokenSessionLocal cryptoTokenSession; public ConfirmationMessageHandler(AuthenticationToken admin, String configAlias, CaSessionLocal caSession, EndEntityProfileSessionLocal endEntityProfileSession, CertificateProfileSession certificateProfileSession, AccessControlSession authSession, WebAuthenticationProviderSessionLocal authProvSession, CryptoTokenSessionLocal cryptoTokenSession, GlobalConfigurationSession globalConfigSession) { super(admin, configAlias, caSession, endEntityProfileSession, certificateProfileSession, (CmpConfiguration) globalConfigSession .getCachedConfiguration(CmpConfiguration.CMP_CONFIGURATION_ID)); responseProtection = this.cmpConfiguration.getResponseProtection(this.confAlias); this.caSession = caSession; this.cryptoTokenSession = cryptoTokenSession; } public ResponseMessage handleMessage(BaseCmpMessage msg, boolean authenticated) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(">handleMessage"); } int version = msg.getHeader().getPvno().getValue().intValue(); ResponseMessage resp = null; // if version == 1 it is cmp1999 and we should not return a message back if (version > 1) { // Creating the confirm message response if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating a PKI confirm message response, responseProtection=" + responseProtection); } CmpConfirmResponseMessage cresp = new CmpConfirmResponseMessage(); cresp.setRecipientNonce(msg.getSenderNonce()); cresp.setSenderNonce(new String(Base64.encode(CmpMessageHelper.createSenderNonce()))); cresp.setSender(msg.getRecipient()); cresp.setRecipient(msg.getSender()); cresp.setTransactionId(msg.getTransactionId()); if (StringUtils.equals(responseProtection, "pbe")) { setPbeParameters(cresp, msg, authenticated); } else if (StringUtils.equals(responseProtection, "signature")) { signResponse(cresp, msg); } resp = cresp; try { resp.create(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP processing: ", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP processing: ", e); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP processing: ", e); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP processing: ", e); } catch (CRLException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP processing: ", e); } } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Cmp1999 - Not creating a PKI confirm message response"); } } return resp; } private void setPbeParameters(final CmpConfirmResponseMessage cresp, final BaseCmpMessage msg, final boolean authenticated) { final String keyId = CmpMessageHelper.getStringFromOctets(msg.getHeader().getSenderKID()); String owfAlg = null; String macAlg = null; int iterationCount = 1024; String sharedSecret = cmpConfiguration.getAuthenticationParameter(CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_HMAC, confAlias); if (StringUtils.equals(sharedSecret, "-")) { X509CAInfo cainfo; try { cainfo = (X509CAInfo) getCAInfo(msg.getRecipient().getName().toString()); sharedSecret = cainfo.getCmpRaAuthSecret(); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP response protection: ", e); } } // We don't need to check the shared secret in client mode (= the EndEntiy password) because PBE protection is only supported in RA mode CmpPbeVerifyer verifyer = new CmpPbeVerifyer(msg.getMessage()); owfAlg = verifyer.getOwfOid(); macAlg = verifyer.getMacOid(); iterationCount = verifyer.getIterationCount(); cresp.setPbeParameters(keyId, sharedSecret, owfAlg, macAlg, iterationCount); } private void signResponse(CmpConfirmResponseMessage cresp, BaseCmpMessage msg) { // Get the CA that should sign the response CAInfo cainfo; try { cainfo = getCAInfo(msg.getRecipient().getName().toString()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Using CA '" + cainfo.getName() + "' to sign Certificate Confirm message"); } X509Certificate cacert = (X509Certificate) cainfo.getCertificateChain().iterator().next(); // We use the actual asn.1 encoding from the cacert subjectDN here. This ensures that the DN is exactly as // encoded in the certificate (which it should be). // If we use only the cainfo.getSubjectDN we will get "EJBCA encoding", and this may not be the same if the // CA certificate comes from an external CA that encodes thing differently than EJBCA. cresp.setSender(new GeneralName(X500Name.getInstance(cacert.getSubjectX500Principal().getEncoded()))); try { CAToken catoken = cainfo.getCAToken(); final CryptoToken cryptoToken = cryptoTokenSession.getCryptoToken(catoken.getCryptoTokenId()); cresp.setSignKeyInfo(cainfo.getCertificateChain(), cryptoToken .getPrivateKey(catoken.getAliasFromPurpose(CATokenConstants.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN)), cryptoToken.getSignProviderName()); if (msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg() != null) { cresp.setPreferredDigestAlg(AlgorithmTools .getDigestFromSigAlg(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId())); } } catch (CryptoTokenOfflineException e) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP response signing: ", e); } } catch (CADoesntExistsException e1) { LOG.error("Exception during CMP response signing: ", e1); } } private CAInfo getCAInfo(String cadn) throws CADoesntExistsException { CAInfo cainfo = null; if (cadn == null) { cadn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(this.cmpConfiguration.getCMPDefaultCA(this.confAlias)); cainfo = caSession.getCAInfoInternal(cadn.hashCode(), null, true); } else { try { cadn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(cadn); cainfo = caSession.getCAInfoInternal(cadn.hashCode(), null, true); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) {"Could not find Recipient CA '" + cadn + "'."); cadn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(this.cmpConfiguration.getCMPDefaultCA(this.confAlias));"Trying to use CMP DefaultCA instead. DN " + cadn + " ID " + cadn.hashCode()); cainfo = caSession.getCAInfoInternal(cadn.hashCode(), null, true); } } return cainfo; } }