Source code

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// Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license
// agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
// additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
// Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.eigenbase.reltype;

import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.*;

import org.eigenbase.sql.*;
import org.eigenbase.sql.parser.*;
import org.eigenbase.sql.type.*;
import org.eigenbase.util.Pair;
import org.eigenbase.util.Util;


 * RelDataTypeImpl is an abstract base for implementations of
 * {@link RelDataType}.
 * <p>Identity is based upon the {@link #digest} field, which each derived class
 * should set during construction.</p>
public abstract class RelDataTypeImpl implements RelDataType, RelDataTypeFamily {
    //~ Instance fields --------------------------------------------------------

    protected final List<RelDataTypeField> fieldList;
    protected String digest;

    //~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a RelDataTypeImpl.
     * @param fieldList List of fields
    protected RelDataTypeImpl(List<? extends RelDataTypeField> fieldList) {
        if (fieldList != null) {
            // Create a defensive copy of the list.
            this.fieldList = ImmutableList.copyOf(fieldList);
        } else {
            this.fieldList = null;

     * Default constructor, to allow derived classes such as {@link
     * BasicSqlType} to be {@link Serializable}.
     * <p>(The serialization specification says that a class can be serializable
     * even if its base class is not serializable, provided that the base class
     * has a public or protected zero-args constructor.)
    protected RelDataTypeImpl() {

    //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------

    // implement RelDataType
    public RelDataTypeField getField(String fieldName, boolean caseSensitive) {
        for (RelDataTypeField field : fieldList) {
            if (Util.match(caseSensitive, field.getName(), fieldName)) {
                return field;
        // Extra field
        if (fieldList.size() > 0) {
            final RelDataTypeField lastField = Iterables.getLast(fieldList);
            if (lastField.getName().equals("_extra")) {
                return new RelDataTypeFieldImpl(fieldName, -1, lastField.getType());
        return null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public List<RelDataTypeField> getFieldList() {
        assert isStruct();
        return fieldList;

    public List<String> getFieldNames() {
        return Pair.left(fieldList);

    // implement RelDataType
    public int getFieldCount() {
        assert isStruct() : this;
        return fieldList.size();

    // implement RelDataType
    public RelDataType getComponentType() {
        // this is not a collection type
        return null;

    public RelDataType getKeyType() {
        // this is not a map type
        return null;

    public RelDataType getValueType() {
        // this is not a map type
        return null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public boolean isStruct() {
        return fieldList != null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof RelDataTypeImpl) {
            final RelDataTypeImpl that = (RelDataTypeImpl) obj;
            return this.digest.equals(that.digest);
        return false;

    // implement RelDataType
    public int hashCode() {
        return digest.hashCode();

    // implement RelDataType
    public String getFullTypeString() {
        return digest;

    // implement RelDataType
    public boolean isNullable() {
        return false;

    // implement RelDataType
    public Charset getCharset() {
        return null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public SqlCollation getCollation() {
        return null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public SqlIntervalQualifier getIntervalQualifier() {
        return null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public int getPrecision() {

    // implement RelDataType
    public int getScale() {
        return SCALE_NOT_SPECIFIED;

    // implement RelDataType
    public SqlTypeName getSqlTypeName() {
        return null;

    // implement RelDataType
    public SqlIdentifier getSqlIdentifier() {
        SqlTypeName typeName = getSqlTypeName();
        if (typeName == null) {
            return null;
        return new SqlIdentifier(, SqlParserPos.ZERO);

    // implement RelDataType
    public RelDataTypeFamily getFamily() {
        // by default, put each type into its own family
        return this;

     * Generates a string representation of this type.
     * @param sb         StringBuffer into which to generate the string
     * @param withDetail when true, all detail information needed to compute a
     *                   unique digest (and return from getFullTypeString) should
     *                   be included;
    protected abstract void generateTypeString(StringBuilder sb, boolean withDetail);

     * Computes the digest field. This should be called in every non-abstract
     * subclass constructor once the type is fully defined.
    protected void computeDigest() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        generateTypeString(sb, true);
        if (!isNullable()) {
            sb.append(" NOT NULL");
        digest = sb.toString();

    // implement RelDataType
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        generateTypeString(sb, false);
        return sb.toString();

    // implement RelDataType
    public RelDataTypePrecedenceList getPrecedenceList() {
        // by default, make each type have a precedence list containing
        // only other types in the same family
        return new RelDataTypePrecedenceList() {
            public boolean containsType(RelDataType type) {
                return getFamily() == type.getFamily();

            public int compareTypePrecedence(RelDataType type1, RelDataType type2) {
                assert containsType(type1);
                assert containsType(type2);
                return 0;

    // implement RelDataType
    public RelDataTypeComparability getComparability() {
        return RelDataTypeComparability.ALL;

     * Returns an implementation of
     * {@link RelProtoDataType}
     * that copies a given type using the given type factory.
    public static RelProtoDataType proto(final RelDataType protoType) {
        assert protoType != null;
        return new RelProtoDataType() {
            public RelDataType apply(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
                return typeFactory.copyType(protoType);

    /** Returns a {@link org.eigenbase.reltype.RelProtoDataType} that will create
     * a type {@code typeName}. For example,
     * {@code proto(SqlTypeName.DATE)} will create {@code DATE}.
     * @param typeName Type name
     * @return Proto data type
    public static RelProtoDataType proto(final SqlTypeName typeName) {
        assert typeName != null;
        return new RelProtoDataType() {
            public RelDataType apply(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
                return typeFactory.createSqlType(typeName);

    /** Returns a {@link org.eigenbase.reltype.RelProtoDataType} that will create
     * a type {@code typeName(precision)}. For example,
     * {@code proto(SqlTypeName.VARCHAR, 100)} will create {@code VARCHAR(100)}.
     * @param typeName Type name
     * @param precision Precision
     * @return Proto data type
    public static RelProtoDataType proto(final SqlTypeName typeName, final int precision) {
        assert typeName != null;
        return new RelProtoDataType() {
            public RelDataType apply(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
                return typeFactory.createSqlType(typeName, precision);

    /** Returns a {@link org.eigenbase.reltype.RelProtoDataType} that will create
     * a type {@code typeName(precision, scale)}. For example,
     * {@code proto(SqlTypeName.DECIMAL, 7, 2)} will create {@code DECIMAL(7, 2)}.
     * @param typeName Type name
     * @param precision Precision
     * @param scale Scale
     * @return Proto data type
    public static RelProtoDataType proto(final SqlTypeName typeName, final int precision, final int scale) {
        return new RelProtoDataType() {
            public RelDataType apply(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
                return typeFactory.createSqlType(typeName, precision, scale);

     * Returns the "extra" field in a row type whose presence signals that
     * fields will come into existence just by asking for them.
     * @param rowType Row type
     * @return The "extra" field, or null
    public static RelDataTypeField extra(RelDataType rowType) {
        // Even in a case-insensitive connection, the name must be precisely
        // "_extra".
        return rowType.getField("_extra", true);

// End