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// Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license
// agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
// additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
// Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.eigenbase.relopt.volcano;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;

import org.eigenbase.rel.*;
import org.eigenbase.relopt.*;
import org.eigenbase.trace.*;
import org.eigenbase.util.*;


 * Priority queue of relexps whose rules have not been called, and rule-matches
 * which have not yet been acted upon.
class RuleQueue {
    //~ Static fields/initializers ---------------------------------------------

    private static final Logger LOGGER = EigenbaseTrace.getPlannerTracer();

    private static final Set<String> ALL_RULES = ImmutableSet.of("<ALL RULES>");

     * Largest value which is less than one.
    private static final double ONE_MINUS_EPSILON = computeOneMinusEpsilon();

    //~ Instance fields --------------------------------------------------------

     * The importance of each subset.
    final Map<RelSubset, Double> subsetImportances = new HashMap<RelSubset, Double>();

     * The set of RelSubsets whose importance is currently in an artificially
     * raised state. Typically this only includes RelSubsets which have only
     * logical RelNodes.
    final Set<RelSubset> boostedSubsets = new HashSet<RelSubset>();

     * Map of {@link VolcanoPlannerPhase} to a list of rule-matches. Initially,
     * there is an empty {@link PhaseMatchList} for each planner phase. As the
     * planner invokes {@link #addMatch(VolcanoRuleMatch)} the rule-match is
     * added to the appropriate PhaseMatchList(s). As the planner completes
     * phases, the matching entry is removed from this list to avoid unused
     * work.
    final Map<VolcanoPlannerPhase, PhaseMatchList> matchListMap = new HashMap<VolcanoPlannerPhase, PhaseMatchList>();

     * Sorts rule-matches into decreasing order of importance.
    private final Comparator<VolcanoRuleMatch> ruleMatchImportanceComparator = new RuleMatchImportanceComparator();

    private final VolcanoPlanner planner;

     * Compares relexps according to their cached 'importance'.
    private final Comparator<RelSubset> relImportanceComparator = new RelImportanceComparator();

     * Maps a {@link VolcanoPlannerPhase} to a set of rule names.  Named rules
     * may be invoked in their corresponding phase.
    private final Map<VolcanoPlannerPhase, Set<String>> phaseRuleMapping;

    //~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

    RuleQueue(VolcanoPlanner planner) {
        this.planner = planner;

        phaseRuleMapping = new HashMap<VolcanoPlannerPhase, Set<String>>();

        // init empty sets for all phases
        for (VolcanoPlannerPhase phase : VolcanoPlannerPhase.values()) {
            phaseRuleMapping.put(phase, new HashSet<String>());

        // configure phases

        for (VolcanoPlannerPhase phase : VolcanoPlannerPhase.values()) {
            // empty phases get converted to "all rules"
            if (phaseRuleMapping.get(phase).isEmpty()) {
                phaseRuleMapping.put(phase, ALL_RULES);

            // create a match list data structure for each phase
            PhaseMatchList matchList = new PhaseMatchList(phase);

            matchListMap.put(phase, matchList);

    //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------

     * Removes the {@link PhaseMatchList rule-match list} for the given planner
     * phase.
    public void phaseCompleted(VolcanoPlannerPhase phase) {

     * Computes the importance of a set (which is that of its most important
     * subset).
    public double getImportance(RelSet set) {
        double importance = 0;
        for (RelSubset subset : set.subsets) {
            importance = Math.max(importance, getImportance(subset));
        return importance;

     * Recomputes the importance of the given RelSubset.
     * @param subset RelSubset whose importance is to be recomputed
     * @param force  if true, forces an importance update even if the subset has
     *               not been registered
    public void recompute(RelSubset subset, boolean force) {
        Double previousImportance = subsetImportances.get(subset);
        if (previousImportance == null) {
            if (!force) {
                // Subset has not been registered yet. Don't worry about it.

            previousImportance = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

        double importance = computeImportance(subset);
        if (previousImportance == importance) {

        updateImportance(subset, importance);

     * Equivalent to {@link #recompute(RelSubset, boolean) recompute(subset,
     * false)}.
    public void recompute(RelSubset subset) {
        recompute(subset, false);

     * Artificially boosts the importance of the given {@link RelSubset}s by a
     * given factor.
     * <p>Iterates over the currently boosted RelSubsets and removes their
     * importance boost, forcing a recalculation of the RelSubsets' importances
     * (see {@link #recompute(RelSubset)}).
     * <p>Once RelSubsets have been restored to their normal importance, the
     * given RelSubsets have their importances boosted. A RelSubset's boosted
     * importance is always less than 1.0 (and never equal to 1.0).
     * @param subsets RelSubsets to boost importance (priority)
     * @param factor  the amount to boost their importances (e.g., 1.25 increases
     *                importance by 25%)
    public void boostImportance(Collection<RelSubset> subsets, double factor) {
        LOGGER.finer("boostImportance(" + factor + ", " + subsets + ")");
        ArrayList<RelSubset> boostRemovals = new ArrayList<RelSubset>();
        Iterator<RelSubset> iter = boostedSubsets.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            RelSubset subset =;

            if (!subsets.contains(subset)) {

        Collections.sort(boostRemovals, new Comparator<RelSubset>() {
            public int compare(RelSubset o1, RelSubset o2) {
                int o1children = countChildren(o1);
                int o2children = countChildren(o2);
                int c = compare(o1children, o2children);
                if (c == 0) {
                    // for determinism
                    c = compare(o1.getId(), o2.getId());
                return c;

            private int compare(int i1, int i2) {
                return (i1 < i2) ? -1 : ((i1 == i2) ? 0 : 1);

            private int countChildren(RelSubset subset) {
                int count = 0;
                for (RelNode rel : subset.getRels()) {
                    count += rel.getInputs().size();
                return count;

        for (RelSubset subset : boostRemovals) {

        for (RelSubset subset : subsets) {
            double importance = subsetImportances.get(subset);

            updateImportance(subset, Math.min(ONE_MINUS_EPSILON, importance * factor));

            subset.boosted = true;

    void updateImportance(RelSubset subset, Double importance) {
        subsetImportances.put(subset, importance);

        for (PhaseMatchList matchList : matchListMap.values()) {
            Multimap<RelSubset, VolcanoRuleMatch> relMatchMap = matchList.matchMap;
            if (relMatchMap.containsKey(subset)) {
                for (VolcanoRuleMatch match : relMatchMap.get(subset)) {

     * Returns the importance of an equivalence class of relational expressions.
     * Subset importances are held in a lookup table, and importance changes
     * gradually propagate through that table.
     * <p>If a subset in the same set but with a different calling convention is
     * deemed to be important, then this subset has at least half of its
     * importance. (This rule is designed to encourage conversions to take
     * place.)</p>
    double getImportance(RelSubset rel) {
        assert rel != null;

        double importance = 0;
        final RelSet set = planner.getSet(rel);
        assert set != null;
        assert set.subsets != null;
        for (RelSubset subset2 : set.subsets) {
            final Double d = subsetImportances.get(subset2);
            if (d == null) {
            double subsetImportance = d;
            if (subset2 != rel) {
                subsetImportance /= 2;
            if (subsetImportance > importance) {
                importance = subsetImportance;
        return importance;

     * Adds a rule match. The rule-matches are automatically added to all
     * existing {@link PhaseMatchList per-phase rule-match lists} which allow
     * the rule referenced by the match.
    void addMatch(VolcanoRuleMatch match) {
        final String matchName = match.toString();
        for (PhaseMatchList matchList : matchListMap.values()) {
            if (!matchList.names.add(matchName)) {
                // Identical match has already been added.

            String ruleClassName = match.getRule().getClass().getSimpleName();

            Set<String> phaseRuleSet = phaseRuleMapping.get(matchList.phase);
            if (phaseRuleSet != ALL_RULES) {
                if (!phaseRuleSet.contains(ruleClassName)) {

            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                LOGGER.finest(matchList.phase.toString() + " Rule-match queued: " + matchName);


            matchList.matchMap.put(planner.getSubset(match.rels[0]), match);

     * Computes the <dfn>importance</dfn> of a node. Importance is defined as
     * follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the root {@link RelSubset} has an importance of 1</li>
     * <li>the importance of any other subset is the sum of its importance to
     * its parents</li>
     * <li>The importance of children is pro-rated according to the cost of the
     * children. Consider a node which has a cost of 3, and children with costs
     * of 2 and 5. The total cost is 10. If the node has an importance of .5,
     * then the children will have importance of .1 and .25. The retains .15
     * importance points, to reflect the fact that work needs to be done on the
     * node's algorithm.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The formula for the importance I of node n is:
     * <blockquote>I<sub>n</sub> = Sum<sub>parents p of n</sub>{I<sub>p</sub> .
     * W <sub>n, p</sub>}</blockquote>
     * where W<sub>n, p</sub>, the weight of n within its parent p, is
     * <blockquote>W<sub>n, p</sub> = Cost<sub>n</sub> / (SelfCost<sub>p</sub> +
     * Cost<sub>n<sub>0</sub></sub> + ... + Cost<sub>n<sub>k</sub></sub>)
     * </blockquote>
    double computeImportance(RelSubset subset) {
        double importance;
        if (subset == planner.root) {
            // The root always has importance = 1
            importance = 1.0;
        } else {
            // The importance of a subset is the max of its importance to its
            // parents
            importance = 0.0;
            for (RelSubset parent : subset.getParentSubsets(planner)) {
                final double childImportance = computeImportanceOfChild(subset, parent);
                importance = Math.max(importance, childImportance);
        LOGGER.finest("Importance of [" + subset + "] is " + importance);
        return importance;

    private void dump() {
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);

    private void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
        pw.print("Importances: {");
        final RelSubset[] subsets = subsetImportances.keySet()
                .toArray(new RelSubset[subsetImportances.keySet().size()]);
        Arrays.sort(subsets, relImportanceComparator);
        for (RelSubset subset : subsets) {
            pw.print(" " + subset.toString() + "=" + subsetImportances.get(subset));

     * Removes the rule match with the highest importance, and returns it.
     * <p>Returns {@code null} if there are no more matches.</p>
     * <p>Note that the VolcanoPlanner may still decide to reject rule matches
     * which have become invalid, say if one of their operands belongs to an
     * obsolete set or has importance=0.
     * @throws java.lang.AssertionError if this method is called with a phase
     *                              previously marked as completed via
     *                              {@link #phaseCompleted(VolcanoPlannerPhase)}.
    VolcanoRuleMatch popMatch(VolcanoPlannerPhase phase) {

        PhaseMatchList phaseMatchList = matchListMap.get(phase);
        if (phaseMatchList == null) {
            throw new AssertionError("Used match list for phase " + phase + " after phase complete");

        final List<VolcanoRuleMatch> matchList = phaseMatchList.list;
        VolcanoRuleMatch match;
        for (;;) {
            if (matchList.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                Collections.sort(matchList, ruleMatchImportanceComparator);
                match = matchList.remove(0);

                StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
                b.append("Sorted rule queue:");
                for (VolcanoRuleMatch match2 : matchList) {
                    final double importance = match2.computeImportance();
                    b.append(" importance ");

            } else {
                // If we're not tracing, it's not worth the effort of sorting the
                // list to find the minimum.
                match = null;
                int bestPos = -1;
                int i = -1;
                for (VolcanoRuleMatch match2 : matchList) {
                    if (match == null ||, match) < 0) {
                        bestPos = i;
                        match = match2;
                match = matchList.remove(bestPos);

            if (skipMatch(match)) {
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    LOGGER.fine("Skip match: " + match);
            } else {

        // A rule match's digest is composed of the operand RelNodes' digests,
        // which may have changed if sets have merged since the rule match was
        // enqueued.

        phaseMatchList.matchMap.remove(planner.getSubset(match.rels[0]), match);

        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOGGER.fine("Pop match: " + match);
        return match;

    /** Returns whether to skip a match. This happens if any of the
     * {@link RelNode}s have importance zero. */
    private boolean skipMatch(VolcanoRuleMatch match) {
        for (RelNode rel : match.rels) {
            Double importance = planner.relImportances.get(rel);
            if (importance != null && importance == 0d) {
                return true;

        // If the same subset appears more than once along any path from root
        // operand to a leaf operand, we have matched a cycle. A relational
        // expression that consumes its own output can never be implemented, and
        // furthermore, if we fire rules on it we may generate lots of garbage.
        // For example, if
        //   Project(A, X = X + 0)
        // is in the same subset as A, then we would generate
        //   Project(A, X = X + 0 + 0)
        //   Project(A, X = X + 0 + 0 + 0)
        // also in the same subset. They are valid but useless.
        final List<RelSubset> subsets = new ArrayList<RelSubset>();
        try {
            checkDuplicateSubsets(subsets, match.rule.getOperand(), match.rels);
        } catch (Util.FoundOne e) {
            return true;
        return false;

    /** Recursively checks whether there are any duplicate subsets along any path
     * from root of the operand tree to one of the leaves.
     * <p>It is OK for a match to have duplicate subsets if they are not on the
     * same path. For example,</p>
     * <pre>
     *   Join
     *  /   \
     * X     X
     * </pre>
     * <p>is a valid match.</p>
     * @throws org.eigenbase.util.Util.FoundOne on match
    private void checkDuplicateSubsets(List<RelSubset> subsets, RelOptRuleOperand operand, RelNode[] rels) {
        final RelSubset subset = planner.getSubset(rels[operand.ordinalInRule]);
        if (subsets.contains(subset)) {
            throw Util.FoundOne.NULL;
        if (!operand.getChildOperands().isEmpty()) {
            Stacks.push(subsets, subset);
            for (RelOptRuleOperand childOperand : operand.getChildOperands()) {
                checkDuplicateSubsets(subsets, childOperand, rels);
            Stacks.pop(subsets, subset);

     * Returns the importance of a child to a parent. This is defined by the
     * importance of the parent, pro-rated by the cost of the child. For
     * example, if the parent has importance = 0.8 and cost 100, then a child
     * with cost 50 will have importance 0.4, and a child with cost 25 will have
     * importance 0.2.
    private double computeImportanceOfChild(RelSubset child, RelSubset parent) {
        final double parentImportance = getImportance(parent);
        final double childCost = toDouble(planner.getCost(child));
        final double parentCost = toDouble(planner.getCost(parent));
        double alpha = childCost / parentCost;
        if (alpha >= 1.0) {
            // child is always less important than parent
            alpha = 0.99;
        final double importance = parentImportance * alpha;
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOGGER.finest("Importance of [" + child + "] to its parent [" + parent + "] is " + importance
                    + " (parent importance=" + parentImportance + ", child cost=" + childCost + ", parent cost="
                    + parentCost + ")");
        return importance;

     * Converts a cost to a scalar quantity.
    private double toDouble(RelOptCost cost) {
        if (cost.isInfinite()) {
            return 1e+30;
        } else {
            return cost.getCpu() + cost.getRows() + cost.getIo();

    static int compareRels(RelNode[] rels0, RelNode[] rels1) {
        int c = rels0.length - rels1.length;
        if (c != 0) {
            return c;
        for (int i = 0; i < rels0.length; i++) {
            c = rels0[i].getId() - rels1[i].getId();
            if (c != 0) {
                return c;
        return 0;

    private static double computeOneMinusEpsilon() {
        if (true) {
            return 1.0 - Double.MIN_VALUE;
        double d = .5;
        while ((1.0 - d) < 1.0) {
            d /= 2.0;
        return 1.0 - (d * 2.0);

    //~ Inner Classes ----------------------------------------------------------

     * Compares {@link RelNode} objects according to their cached 'importance'.
    private class RelImportanceComparator implements Comparator<RelSubset> {
        public int compare(RelSubset rel1, RelSubset rel2) {
            double imp1 = getImportance(rel1);
            double imp2 = getImportance(rel2);
            int c =, imp1);
            if (c == 0) {
                c = rel1.getId() - rel2.getId();
            return c;

     * Compares {@link VolcanoRuleMatch} objects according to their importance.
     * Matches which are more important collate earlier. Ties are adjudicated by
     * comparing the {@link RelNode#getId id}s of the relational expressions
     * matched.
    private class RuleMatchImportanceComparator implements Comparator<VolcanoRuleMatch> {
        public int compare(VolcanoRuleMatch match1, VolcanoRuleMatch match2) {
            double imp1 = match1.getImportance();
            double imp2 = match2.getImportance();
            int c =, imp2);
            if (c == 0) {
                c = compareRels(match1.rels, match2.rels);
            return -c;

     * PhaseMatchList represents a set of {@link VolcanoRuleMatch rule-matches}
     * for a particular {@link VolcanoPlannerPhase phase of the planner's
     * execution}.
    private static class PhaseMatchList {
         * The VolcanoPlannerPhase that this PhaseMatchList is used in.
        final VolcanoPlannerPhase phase;

         * Current list of VolcanoRuleMatches for this phase. New rule-matches
         * are appended to the end of this list. When removing a rule-match, the
         * list is sorted and the highest importance rule-match removed. It is
         * important for performance that this list remain mostly sorted.
         * <p>Use a hunkList because {@link java.util.ArrayList} does not implement
         * remove(0) efficiently.</p>
        final List<VolcanoRuleMatch> list = new ChunkList<VolcanoRuleMatch>();

         * A set of rule-match names contained in {@link #list}. Allows fast
         * detection of duplicate rule-matches.
        final Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();

         * Multi-map of RelSubset to VolcanoRuleMatches. Used to
         * {@link VolcanoRuleMatch#clearCachedImportance() clear} the rule-match's
         * cached importance when the importance of a related RelSubset is modified
         * (e.g., due to invocation of
         * {@link RuleQueue#boostImportance(Collection, double)}).
        final Multimap<RelSubset, VolcanoRuleMatch> matchMap = HashMultimap.create();

        PhaseMatchList(VolcanoPlannerPhase phase) {
            this.phase = phase;

// End