Java tutorial
/* // Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license // agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for // additional information regarding copyright ownership. // // Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Apache License, // Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ package org.eigenbase.rel; import java.util.*; import org.eigenbase.relopt.*; import org.eigenbase.reltype.*; import org.eigenbase.rex.*; import org.eigenbase.sql.SqlNode; import org.eigenbase.util.Pair; import org.eigenbase.util.Util; import net.hydromatic.linq4j.Ord; import net.hydromatic.optiq.util.BitSets; import; import; /** * A relational expression representing a set of window aggregates. * * <p>A window rel can handle several window aggregate functions, over several * partitions, with pre- and post-expressions, and an optional post-filter. * Each of the partitions is defined by a partition key (zero or more columns) * and a range (logical or physical). The partitions expect the data to be * sorted correctly on input to the relational expression. * * <p>Each {@link org.eigenbase.rel.WindowRelBase.Window} has a set of * {@link org.eigenbase.rex.RexOver} objects. * * <p>Created by {@link org.eigenbase.rel.rules.WindowedAggSplitterRule}. */ public final class WindowRel extends WindowRelBase { /** * Creates a WindowRel. * * @param cluster Cluster * @param child Input relational expression * @param rowType Output row type * @param windows Windows */ public WindowRel(RelOptCluster cluster, RelTraitSet traits, RelNode child, RelDataType rowType, List<Window> windows) { super(cluster, traits, child, rowType, windows); } @Override public WindowRel copy(RelTraitSet traitSet, List<RelNode> inputs) { return new WindowRel(getCluster(), traitSet, sole(inputs), rowType, windows); } /** * Creates a WindowRel. */ public static RelNode create(RelOptCluster cluster, RelTraitSet traitSet, RelNode child, final RexProgram program, RelDataType outRowType) { // Build a list of distinct windows, partitions and aggregate // functions. final Multimap<WindowKey, RexOver> windowMap = LinkedListMultimap.create(); // Build a list of windows, partitions, and aggregate functions. Each // aggregate function will add its arguments as outputs of the input // program. for (RexNode agg : program.getExprList()) { if (agg instanceof RexOver) { addWindows(windowMap, (RexOver) agg); } } final Map<RexOver, WindowRelBase.RexWinAggCall> aggMap = new HashMap<RexOver, WindowRelBase.RexWinAggCall>(); List<Window> windowList = new ArrayList<Window>(); for (Map.Entry<WindowKey, Collection<RexOver>> entry : windowMap.asMap().entrySet()) { final WindowKey windowKey = entry.getKey(); final List<RexWinAggCall> aggCalls = new ArrayList<RexWinAggCall>(); for (RexOver over : entry.getValue()) { final RexWinAggCall aggCall = new RexWinAggCall(over.getAggOperator(), over.getType(), toInputRefs(over.operands), aggMap.size()); aggCalls.add(aggCall); aggMap.put(over, aggCall); } windowList.add(new Window(windowKey.groupSet, windowKey.isRows, windowKey.lowerBound, windowKey.upperBound, windowKey.orderKeys, aggCalls)); } // Figure out the type of the inputs to the output program. // They are: the inputs to this rel, followed by the outputs of // each window. final List<WindowRelBase.RexWinAggCall> flattenedAggCallList = new ArrayList<WindowRelBase.RexWinAggCall>(); List<Map.Entry<String, RelDataType>> fieldList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, RelDataType>>( child.getRowType().getFieldList()); final int offset = fieldList.size(); // Use better field names for agg calls that are projected. Map<Integer, String> fieldNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Ord<RexLocalRef> ref : { final int index = ref.e.getIndex(); if (index >= offset) { fieldNames.put(index - offset, outRowType.getFieldNames().get(ref.i)); } } for (Ord<Window> window : { for (Ord<RexWinAggCall> over : { // Add the k-th over expression of // the i-th window to the output of the program. String name = fieldNames.get(over.i); if (name == null || name.startsWith("$")) { name = "w" + window.i + "$o" + over.i; } fieldList.add(Pair.of(name, over.e.getType())); flattenedAggCallList.add(over.e); } } final RelDataType intermediateRowType = cluster.getTypeFactory().createStructType(fieldList); final int inputFieldCount = child.getRowType().getFieldCount(); // The output program is the windowed agg's program, combined with // the output calc (if it exists). RexShuttle shuttle = new RexShuttle() { public RexNode visitOver(RexOver over) { // Look up the aggCall which this expr was translated to. final WindowRelBase.RexWinAggCall aggCall = aggMap.get(over); assert aggCall != null; assert RelOptUtil.eq("over", over.getType(), "aggCall", aggCall.getType(), true); // Find the index of the aggCall among all partitions of all // windows. final int aggCallIndex = flattenedAggCallList.indexOf(aggCall); assert aggCallIndex >= 0; // Replace expression with a reference to the window slot. final int index = inputFieldCount + aggCallIndex; assert RelOptUtil.eq("over", over.getType(), "intermed", intermediateRowType.getFieldList().get(index).getType(), true); return new RexInputRef(index, over.getType()); } public RexNode visitLocalRef(RexLocalRef localRef) { final int index = localRef.getIndex(); if (index < inputFieldCount) { // Reference to input field. return localRef; } return new RexLocalRef(flattenedAggCallList.size() + index, localRef.getType()); } }; // TODO: The order that the "over" calls occur in the windows and // partitions may not match the order in which they occurred in the // original expression. We should add a project to permute them. WindowRel window = new WindowRel(cluster, traitSet, child, intermediateRowType, windowList); return CalcRel.createProject(window, new AbstractList<RexNode>() { public RexNode get(int index) { final RexLocalRef ref = program.getProjectList().get(index); return new RexInputRef(ref.getIndex(), ref.getType()); } public int size() { return program.getProjectList().size(); } }, outRowType.getFieldNames()); } private static List<RexNode> toInputRefs(final List<RexNode> operands) { return new AbstractList<RexNode>() { public int size() { return operands.size(); } public RexNode get(int index) { final RexNode operand = operands.get(index); assert operand instanceof RexLocalRef; final RexLocalRef ref = (RexLocalRef) operand; return new RexInputRef(ref.getIndex(), ref.getType()); } }; } /** Window specification. All windowed aggregates over the same window * (regardless of how it is specified, in terms of a named window or specified * attribute by attribute) will end up with the same window key. */ private static class WindowKey { private final BitSet groupSet; private final RelCollation orderKeys; private final boolean isRows; private final SqlNode lowerBound; private final SqlNode upperBound; public WindowKey(BitSet groupSet, RelCollation orderKeys, boolean isRows, SqlNode lowerBound, SqlNode upperBound) { this.groupSet = groupSet; this.orderKeys = orderKeys; this.isRows = isRows; this.lowerBound = lowerBound; this.upperBound = upperBound; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Util.hashV(groupSet, orderKeys, isRows, lowerBound, upperBound); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj == this || obj instanceof WindowKey && groupSet.equals(((WindowKey) obj).groupSet) && orderKeys.equals(((WindowKey) obj).orderKeys) && Util.equal(lowerBound, ((WindowKey) obj).lowerBound) && Util.equal(upperBound, ((WindowKey) obj).upperBound) && isRows == ((WindowKey) obj).isRows; } } private static void addWindows(Multimap<WindowKey, RexOver> windowMap, RexOver over) { final RexWindow aggWindow = over.getWindow(); // Look up or create a window. RelCollation orderKeys = getCollation(aggWindow.orderKeys); BitSet groupSet = BitSets.of(getProjectOrdinals(aggWindow.partitionKeys)); WindowKey windowKey = new WindowKey(groupSet, orderKeys, aggWindow.isRows(), aggWindow.getLowerBound(), aggWindow.getUpperBound()); windowMap.put(windowKey, over); } } // End