Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results; import org.egov.commons.EgwTypeOfWork; import org.egov.commons.dao.EgwStatusHibernateDAO; import org.egov.eis.entity.Assignment; import org.egov.eis.entity.Employee; import org.egov.eis.service.AssignmentService; import org.egov.eis.service.EmployeeService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Boundary; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Department; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Role; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.User; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.ActionService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.DepartmentService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.UserService; import org.egov.infra.utils.DateUtils; import org.egov.infra.validation.exception.ValidationError; import org.egov.infra.validation.exception.ValidationException; import org.egov.infra.web.struts.actions.SearchFormAction; import org.egov.infra.web.struts.annotation.ValidationErrorPage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; @ParentPackage("egov") @Results({ @Result(name = SearchEstimateAction.SUCCESS, location = "searchEstimate.jsp") }) public class SearchEstimateAction extends SearchFormAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6825168798764375539L; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); private String status; private Integer expenditureType = -1; private String estimateNumber = ""; private String projCode = ""; private String workOrderNo = ""; private Integer engineerIncharge; private Integer engineerIncharge2; private Long assignedTo1; private Long assignedTo2; private String source; private Long execDept; @Autowired private AbstractEstimateService abstractEstimateService; private final List<AbstractEstimate> results = new LinkedList<AbstractEstimate>(); private AbstractEstimate estimates = new AbstractEstimate(); private Long estimateCreatedBy; private String wpdate; @Autowired private WorksService worksService; private String negoCreatedBy; private String statusReq; private Date fromDate; private Date toDate; private String estimateOrWpSearchReq; public static final String dateFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; private String option = ""; private boolean selectedorder; public static final String RESULTS = "results"; public static final String SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_WO = "SearchEstimateforWO"; public static final String UNCHECKED = "unchecked"; @Autowired private DepartmentService departmentService; private boolean checkWO; private String cancellationReason; private String cancelRemarks; private static final String ASSIGNED_TO_LIST = "assignedToList"; private static final String ASSIGNED_USER_LIST1 = "assignedUserList1"; private static final String ASSIGNED_USER_LIST2 = "assignedUserList2"; public static final String SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE = "searchEstimateForMilestone"; public static final String VIEW_MILESTONE = "viewMilestone"; public static final String CANCEL_MILESTONE = "cancelMilestone"; public static final String MILESTONE_STATUS_APPRD = "Approved"; public static final String MS_OBJECT_TYPE = "Milestone"; public static final String TMS_OBJECT_TYPE = "TrackMilestone"; private String workOrdEstIds; @Autowired private UserService userService; @Autowired private EgwStatusHibernateDAO egwStatusHibernateDAO; @Autowired private EmployeeService employeeService; @Autowired private AssignmentService assignmentService; private String messageKey; private String ward = ""; private String loginUserDeptName = ""; @Autowired private ActionService actionService; private List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); private String milestoneStatus; private String status2; public SearchEstimateAction() { addRelatedEntity("category", EgwTypeOfWork.class); addRelatedEntity("parentCategory", EgwTypeOfWork.class); addRelatedEntity("ward", Boundary.class); } @Override public Object getModel() { return estimates; } @Override public String execute() { return INDEX; } /** * @return List of abstract estimates with "positionAndUserName" populated */ @SuppressWarnings(UNCHECKED) private void populatePositionAndUserName() { final List<AbstractEstimate> abEstimateList = new LinkedList<AbstractEstimate>(); final Iterator iter = searchResult.getList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Object row =; final AbstractEstimate estimate = (AbstractEstimate) row; if (!estimate.getEgwStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.ADMIN_SANCTIONED_STATUS) && !estimate.getEgwStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS) && estimate.getState() != null) { final String posName = estimate.getState().getOwnerPosition().getName(); final Assignment assignment = assignmentService .getPrimaryAssignmentForPositon(estimate.getState().getOwnerPosition().getId()); if (assignment != null) estimate.setPositionAndUserName(posName + " / " + assignment.getEmployee().getName()); else estimate.setPositionAndUserName(posName); } abEstimateList.add(estimate); } searchResult.getList().clear(); final HashSet<AbstractEstimate> uniqueAbsEstimateList = new HashSet<AbstractEstimate>(abEstimateList); searchResult.getList().addAll(uniqueAbsEstimateList); } @SuppressWarnings(UNCHECKED) private void showOwnerName() { final List<WorkOrderEstimate> woeList = new LinkedList<WorkOrderEstimate>(); final Iterator iter = searchResult.getList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Object row =; final WorkOrderEstimate woe = (WorkOrderEstimate) row; final Milestone lastestMilestoneObj = woe.getLatestMilestone(); if (lastestMilestoneObj != null) if (!lastestMilestoneObj.getStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.APPROVED) && !lastestMilestoneObj.getStatus().getCode() .equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS)) { final Assignment assignment = assignmentService.getPrimaryAssignmentForPositon( lastestMilestoneObj.getState().getOwnerPosition().getId()); if (assignment != null && assignment.getEmployee() != null) lastestMilestoneObj.setOwnerName(assignment.getEmployee().getName()); } woeList.add(woe); } searchResult.getList().clear(); final HashSet<WorkOrderEstimate> uniqueWOEstimateList = new HashSet<WorkOrderEstimate>(woeList); searchResult.getList().addAll(uniqueWOEstimateList); } @SuppressWarnings(UNCHECKED) public void showOwnerNameForViewMilestone() { final List<Object[]> tempList = new LinkedList<Object[]>(); final Iterator iter = searchResult.getList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Object[] obj = (Object[]); final Milestone msObj = (Milestone) obj[1]; final TrackMilestone tmObj = (TrackMilestone) obj[2]; if (msObj != null) if (!msObj.getStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.APPROVED) && !msObj.getStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS)) { final Assignment assignment = assignmentService .getPrimaryAssignmentForPositon(msObj.getState().getOwnerPosition().getId()); if (assignment != null && assignment.getEmployee() != null) msObj.setOwnerName(assignment.getEmployee().getName()); } if (tmObj != null) if (!tmObj.getStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.APPROVED) && !tmObj.getStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS)) { final Assignment assignment = assignmentService .getPrimaryAssignmentForPositon(tmObj.getState().getOwnerPosition().getId()); if (assignment != null && assignment.getEmployee() != null) tmObj.setOwnerName(assignment.getEmployee().getName()); } tempList.add(obj); } searchResult.getList(); } public String printpage() { search(); return "print"; } private void populateWorkOrderAssignedToList(final AjaxWorkOrderAction ajaxWorkOrderAction, final boolean executingDeptPopulated) { if (executingDeptPopulated && execDept != null && execDept > 0) { ajaxWorkOrderAction .setDepartmentName(departmentService.getDepartmentById(Long.valueOf(execDept)).getName()); ajaxWorkOrderAction.getDesignationByDeptId(); addDropdownData(ASSIGNED_TO_LIST, ajaxWorkOrderAction.getWorkOrderDesigList()); } else addDropdownData(ASSIGNED_TO_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } private void populateWorkOrderUsersList1(final AjaxWorkOrderAction ajaxWorkOrderAction, final boolean desgId, final boolean executingDeptPopulated) { if (desgId && executingDeptPopulated && execDept != null && execDept > 0) { ajaxWorkOrderAction.setDesgId(getassignedTo1().longValue()); ajaxWorkOrderAction.setExecutingDepartment(execDept); ajaxWorkOrderAction.getUsersForDesg(); addDropdownData(ASSIGNED_USER_LIST1, ajaxWorkOrderAction.getUserList()); } else addDropdownData(ASSIGNED_USER_LIST1, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } private void populateWorkOrderUsersList2(final AjaxWorkOrderAction ajaxWorkOrderAction, final boolean desgId, final boolean executingDeptPopulated) { if (desgId && executingDeptPopulated && execDept > 0) { ajaxWorkOrderAction.setDesgId(assignedTo2.longValue()); ajaxWorkOrderAction.setExecutingDepartment(execDept); ajaxWorkOrderAction.getUsersForDesg(); addDropdownData(ASSIGNED_USER_LIST2, ajaxWorkOrderAction.getUserList()); } else addDropdownData(ASSIGNED_USER_LIST2, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @SuppressWarnings(UNCHECKED) public List getEstimateStatuses() { return persistenceService.findAllBy( "from EgwStatus s where moduletype=? and code not in ('NEW','APPROVED','BUDGETARY_APPR_VALIDATED') order by orderId", AbstractEstimate.class.getSimpleName()); } @Override @SuppressWarnings(UNCHECKED) public void prepare() { final AjaxEstimateAction ajaxEstimateAction = new AjaxEstimateAction(); final AjaxWorkOrderAction ajaxWorkOrderAction = new AjaxWorkOrderAction(); ajaxWorkOrderAction.setPersistenceService(getPersistenceService()); ajaxEstimateAction.setPersistenceService(getPersistenceService()); super.prepare(); setupDropdownDataExcluding("ward"); final List<Department> values = getPersistenceService().findAllBy("from Department dt"); addDropdownData("executingDepartmentList", values); final List<NatureOfWork> worktypeList = getPersistenceService().findAllBy("from NatureOfWork dt"); addDropdownData("typeList", worktypeList); final List<String> milestoneStatusList = new ArrayList<String>(); milestoneStatusList.add("Milestone Created"); milestoneStatusList.add("Milestone Tracked"); milestoneStatusList.add("Project/Work Completed"); addDropdownData("msStatusList", milestoneStatusList); final List<String> statList = persistenceService.findAllBy( "select s.code from EgwStatus s where s.moduletype=? and s.code in ('NEW','CREATED','APPROVED','CANCELLED')order by s.orderId", Milestone.class.getSimpleName()); addDropdownData("statusList", statList); addDropdownData("parentCategoryList", getPersistenceService().findAllBy("from EgwTypeOfWork etw1 where etw1.parentid is null")); populateCategoryList(ajaxEstimateAction, estimates.getParentCategory() != null); addDropdownData("estimateCreatedByList", abstractEstimateService.findAllBy("select distinct createdBy from AbstractEstimate")); if ("wp".equals(source)) setStatus(AbstractEstimate.EstimateStatus.ADMIN_SANCTIONED.toString()); if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_WO.equals(source)) { final String status = worksService.getWorksConfigValue("NEGOTIATIONSTMT_WO_STATUS"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(status)) setStatus(status); setToDate(new Date()); perform(); } if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { populateWorkOrderAssignedToList(ajaxWorkOrderAction, execDept != null); populateWorkOrderUsersList1(ajaxWorkOrderAction, assignedTo1 != null, execDept != null); populateWorkOrderUsersList2(ajaxWorkOrderAction, assignedTo2 != null, execDept != null); } if ("createNegotiationNew".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) perform(); if (CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) setStatus(MILESTONE_STATUS_APPRD); if ("cancelEstimate".equals(source)) status = AbstractEstimate.EstimateStatus.ADMIN_SANCTIONED.toString(); getLoginUserDept(); getLoginUserRoles(); } @SuppressWarnings(UNCHECKED) public void perform() { if (abstractEstimateService.getLatestAssignmentForCurrentLoginUser() != null) execDept = abstractEstimateService.getLatestAssignmentForCurrentLoginUser().getDepartment().getId(); negoCreatedBy = worksService.getWorksConfigValue("TENDER_NEGOTIATION_CREATED_BY_SELECTION"); if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_WO.equals(source)) { final List<Department> deptValues = getPersistenceService().findAllBy( "select distinct ae.executingDepartment" + " from AbstractEstimate ae where in (" + " ( select " + " from TenderResponse tr where tr.egwStatus.code=? ) ) or in ( " + " select from WorksPackageDetails wd where in " + " (select from TenderResponse tr " + " where and!=null " + " and tr.egwStatus.code=?))" + " and not in (select from WorkOrder wo)", status, status); addDropdownData("executingDepartmentList", deptValues); } else { estimateOrWpSearchReq = worksService.getWorksConfigValue("ESTIMATE_OR_WP_SEARCH_REQ"); statusReq = worksService.getWorksConfigValue("ESTIMATE_STATUS"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statusReq)) setStatus(statusReq); } } private Map getEstimateForMilestoneQuery() { final StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(700); final List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>(); final HashMap<String, Object> queryAndParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { query.append( "from WorkOrderEstimate as woe where woe.workOrder.parent is null and woe.workOrder.egwStatus.code=? "); paramList.add("APPROVED"); query.append( " and not in (select from Milestone as m where m.egwStatus.code not in (?,?))"); paramList.add("APPROVED"); paramList.add("CANCELLED"); query.append( " and not in (select from TrackMilestone as tm where tm.egwStatus.code not in (?,?) or (tm.isProjectCompleted=? and tm.egwStatus.code<>?))"); paramList.add("APPROVED"); paramList.add("CANCELLED"); paramList.add(Boolean.TRUE); paramList.add("CANCELLED"); query.append("and woe.estimate.projectCode.egwStatus.code!=?"); paramList.add("CLOSED"); } else if (CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { query.append( "from WorkOrderEstimate as woe left outer join woe.milestone milestone left outer join milestone.trackMilestone trackMilestone"); query.append( " where in (select from Milestone m where m.egwStatus.code=?) "); paramList.add(getStatus().toUpperCase()); } else { query.append( "from WorkOrderEstimate as woe left outer join woe.milestone milestone left outer join milestone.trackMilestone trackMilestone where woe.workOrder.egwStatus.code=? "); paramList.add("APPROVED"); query.append(" and in (select from Milestone m1) "); } if (getExecDept() != null && getExecDept() != -1) { query.append(" and "); paramList.add(getExecDept()); } if (getExpenditureType() != -1) { query.append(" and "); paramList.add(Long.valueOf(getExpenditureType())); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getEstimatenumber())) { query.append(" and UPPER(woe.estimate.estimateNumber) like '%'||?||'%'"); paramList.add(StringUtils.trim(getEstimatenumber()).toUpperCase()); } if (VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(milestoneStatus) && !milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Created") || milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Tracked")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(status2) && !status2.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Created") && !status2.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATED")) { query.append( " and milestone.egwStatus.code = ? and not in (select from TrackMilestone tm ) "); paramList.add(status2); } else if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Created") && status2.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATED")) query.append( " and milestone.egwStatus.code in ('CREATED','REJECTED','RESUBMITTED') and not in (select from TrackMilestone tm ) "); else if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Tracked") && !status2.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATED")) { query.append(" and trackMilestone.egwStatus.code = ? "); paramList.add(getStatus2()); } else if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Tracked") && status2.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATED")) query.append( " and trackMilestone.egwStatus.code in ('CREATED','REJECTED','RESUBMITTED') "); if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Created") && status2.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append( " and milestone.egwStatus.code in (?,?,?,?,?,?) and not in (select from TrackMilestone tm )"); paramList.add("NEW"); paramList.add("CREATED"); paramList.add("APPROVED"); paramList.add("REJECTED"); paramList.add("RESUBMITTED"); paramList.add("CANCELLED"); } if (milestoneStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("Milestone Tracked") && status2.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append( " and trackMilestone.egwStatus.code in (?,?,?,?,?,?) and trackMilestone.isProjectCompleted!=1 "); paramList.add("NEW"); paramList.add("CREATED"); paramList.add("APPROVED"); paramList.add("REJECTED"); paramList.add("RESUBMITTED"); paramList.add("CANCELLED"); } } else { query.append( " and trackMilestone.isProjectCompleted = 1 and trackMilestone.egwStatus.code = ?"); paramList.add("APPROVED"); } if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) if (estimateCreatedBy != null && estimateCreatedBy != -1) { query.append(" and = ?"); paramList.add(estimateCreatedBy); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getProjCode())) { query.append(" and UPPER(woe.estimate.projectCode.code) like '%'||?||'%'"); paramList.add(StringUtils.trim(getProjCode()).toUpperCase()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getWorkOrderNo())) { query.append(" and UPPER(woe.workOrder.workOrderNumber) like '%'||?||'%'"); paramList.add(StringUtils.trim(getWorkOrderNo()).toUpperCase()); } if (engineerIncharge != null && engineerIncharge != -1) { query.append(" and woe.workOrder.engineerIncharge.idPersonalInformation=?"); paramList.add(engineerIncharge); } if (engineerIncharge2 != null && engineerIncharge2 != -1) { query.append(" and woe.workOrder.engineerIncharge2.idPersonalInformation=?"); paramList.add(engineerIncharge2); } if (estimates.getCategory() != null) { query.append(" and"); paramList.add(estimates.getCategory().getId()); } if (estimates.getParentCategory() != null) { query.append(" and"); paramList.add(estimates.getParentCategory().getId()); } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null && getFieldErrors().isEmpty()) { query.append(" and woe.estimate.estimateDate between ? and ? "); paramList.add(fromDate); paramList.add(toDate); } if (VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) if (estimates.getWard() != null) { query.append(" and = ? "); paramList.add(estimates.getWard().getId()); } queryAndParams.put("query", query.toString()); queryAndParams.put("params", paramList); return queryAndParams; } public List<String> getEstimateActions() { final List<Role> copyEstActionRoles = new ArrayList<Role>(); boolean allowCopyEst = false; String copyEstActionName; final List<String> actionList = new ArrayList<String>(); actionList.add(0, WorksConstants.ACTION_VIEW); actionList.add(1, WorksConstants.ACTION_VIEW_PDF); actionList.add(2, WorksConstants.ACTION_WF_HISTORY); actionList.add(3, WorksConstants.ACTION_VIEW_DOCUMENT); actionList.add(4, WorksConstants.ACTION_COPY_ESTIMATE); if (actionList != null && !actionList.isEmpty()) { copyEstActionName = actionList.get(actionList.size() - 1); // get the roles for the Copy Estimate action final org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Action copyEstimateAction = actionService .getActionByName(copyEstActionName); if (copyEstimateAction != null) copyEstActionRoles.addAll(copyEstimateAction.getRoles()); // check if the userroles contains the copy estimate action roles for (final Role copyEstrole : copyEstActionRoles) if (roles.contains(copyEstrole)) { allowCopyEst = true; break; } // To remove the last element(ie.Copy Estimate) from action list if (!allowCopyEst) { final List<String> tempActionList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String action : actionList) if (!action.equals(copyEstActionName)) tempActionList.add(action); actionList.retainAll(tempActionList); } } return actionList; } protected void populateCategoryList(final AjaxEstimateAction ajaxEstimateAction, final boolean categoryPopulated) { if (categoryPopulated) { ajaxEstimateAction.setCategory(estimates.getParentCategory().getId()); ajaxEstimateAction.subcategories(); addDropdownData("categoryList", ajaxEstimateAction.getSubCategories()); } else addDropdownData("categoryList", Collections.emptyList()); } public String displayEstimaeOrWpSearch() { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(estimateOrWpSearchReq) && ("both".equalsIgnoreCase(estimateOrWpSearchReq) || "estimate".equalsIgnoreCase(estimateOrWpSearchReq))) return RESULTS; else return "wpSearch"; } @Override public SearchQuery prepareQuery(final String sortField, final String sortOrder) { // prepare the query string List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<Object>(); String query = null; String countQuery = null; String baseQuery = null; // String OrderBy = null; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); Map queryAndParms = null; if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { queryAndParms = getEstimateForMilestoneQuery(); paramList = (List<Object>) queryAndParms.get("params"); query = (String) queryAndParms.get("query"); // countQuery="select count(distinct " + query; if (CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) countQuery = "select count(distinct " + query; if (CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) query = "select distinct woe " + query; if (VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { countQuery = "select count( " + query; query = "select woe , milestone , trackMilestone " + query; } } else { baseQuery = "from AbstractEstimate as ae where ae.parent is null "; boolean isError = false; /* * OrderBy = "asc"; if (selectedorder) OrderBy = "desc"; */ if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_WO.equals(source)) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(status)) { sb.append(baseQuery); sb.append(" and ( in ( " + " ( select " + " from TenderResponse tr where tr.egwStatus.code=? ) ) or in ( " + " select from WorksPackageDetails wd where in " + " (select from TenderResponse tr " + " where and!=null " + " and tr.egwStatus.code=? )))" + " and not in (select from WorkOrder wo where wo.parent is null)"); paramList.add(status); paramList.add(status); } } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getStatus()) && (getStatus().equals(AbstractEstimate.EstimateStatus.ADMIN_SANCTIONED.toString()) || getStatus().equals(AbstractEstimate.EstimateStatus.CANCELLED.toString()))) { sb.append(baseQuery); sb.append("and ae.egwStatus.code = ?"); paramList.add(getStatus()); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getStatus()) && !getStatus().equals("-1")) { sb.append(baseQuery); sb.append("and ae.egwStatus.code=? "); paramList.add(getStatus()); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getStatus()) && getStatus().equals("-1")) { sb.append(baseQuery); sb.append("and ae.egwStatus.code not in ('NEW')"); } if (getExecDept() != null && getExecDept() != -1) { sb.append(" and ? "); paramList.add(getExecDept()); } if (getExpenditureType() != -1) { sb.append(" and ? "); paramList.add(Long.valueOf(getExpenditureType())); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getEstimatenumber())) { sb.append(" and ae.estimateNumber like ? "); paramList.add("%" + getEstimatenumber() + "%"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(projCode)) { sb.append(" and ae.projectCode.code like ? "); paramList.add("%" + projCode + "%"); } if (estimateCreatedBy != null && estimateCreatedBy != -1) { sb.append(" and "); paramList.add(estimateCreatedBy); } if (estimates.getCategory() != null) { sb.append(" and ? "); paramList.add(estimates.getCategory().getId()); } if (estimates.getParentCategory() != null) { sb.append(" and ? "); paramList.add(estimates.getParentCategory().getId()); } if (estimates.getDescription() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(estimates.getDescription())) { sb.append(" and UPPER(ae.description) like ? "); paramList.add("%" + estimates.getDescription().toUpperCase() + "%"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(wpdate)) { Date workspacDate = null; final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy", new Locale("en", "IN")); try { workspacDate = formatter.parse(wpdate); } catch (final ParseException e) { isError = true; logger.error("Date Conversion Error :" + e.getMessage()); addFieldError("parse exception", "Date Conversion Error"); } sb.append(" and ae.approvedDate <= ? "); paramList.add(workspacDate); } if ("wp".equals(source) && !isError) sb.append( " and not in(select from TenderResponse tr where " + "tr.egwStatus.code !='CANCELLED' and tr.tenderEstimate.abstractEstimate is not null and" + " and not in(select from WorksPackageDetails wpd where " + " and wpd.worksPackage.egwStatus.code !='CANCELLED')"); if ("createNegotiationNew".equals(source) && !isError) sb.append( " and not in(select from TenderResponse tr where " + "tr.egwStatus.code !='CANCELLED' and tr.tenderEstimate.abstractEstimate is not null and" + " and not in(select from TenderResponse tr where " + "tr.egwStatus.code ='NEW' and is not null)" + " and not in(select from WorksPackageDetails wpd where"); if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_WO.equals(source)) { if (fromDate != null && toDate == null) setToDate(new Date()); if (toDate != null && fromDate == null) { sb.append(" and ae.estimateDate <= ? "); paramList.add(toDate); } } else { if (fromDate != null && toDate == null) addFieldError("enddate", getText("search.endDate.null")); if (toDate != null && fromDate == null) addFieldError("startdate", getText("search.startDate.null")); } if (!DateUtils.compareDates(getToDate(), getFromDate())) addFieldError("enddate", getText("greaterthan.endDate.fromDate")); if (fromDate != null && toDate != null && getFieldErrors().isEmpty()) { sb.append(" and ae.estimateDate between ? and ? "); paramList.add(fromDate); paramList.add(toDate); } // if (sb.length() > 0 && !isError && getFieldErrors().isEmpty() && !"menu".equalsIgnoreCase(option)) // sb.append(" group by ae.egwStatus.code, order by ae.egwStatus.code " + OrderBy + " "); query = sb.toString(); countQuery = "select count(distinct " + query; } return new SearchQueryHQL(query, countQuery, paramList); } public String viewMilestone() { return INDEX; } @Override @Action(value = "/estimate/searchEstimate-search") public String search() { boolean isError = false; if ((SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) && execDept == -1) { addFieldError("execDept", getText("search.execDept.null")); isError = true; } if (fromDate != null && toDate == null) { addFieldError("enddate", getText("search.endDate.null")); isError = true; } if (toDate != null && fromDate == null) { addFieldError("startdate", getText("search.startDate.null")); isError = true; } if (!DateUtils.compareDates(getToDate(), getFromDate())) { addFieldError("enddate", getText("greaterthan.endDate.fromDate")); isError = true; } if (isError) return SUCCESS; setPageSize(WorksConstants.PAGE_SIZE); final String retVal =; if (!SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) && !VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) && !CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) populatePositionAndUserName(); if (SEARCH_ESTIMATE_FOR_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) showOwnerName(); if (VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) showOwnerNameForViewMilestone(); if ((VIEW_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source) || CANCEL_MILESTONE.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) && searchResult.getFullListSize() != 0) { final List<WorkOrderEstimate> woeList = new ArrayList<WorkOrderEstimate>(); woeList.addAll(searchResult.getList()); searchResult.getList().clear(); searchResult.getList().addAll(woeList); } if (searchResult.getFullListSize() == 0) { WorksPackage wp = null; if ("wp".equals(source) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(getEstimatenumber())) wp = (WorksPackage) persistenceService.find( "from WorksPackage wp where in (select from WorksPackageDetails wpd where wpd.estimate.estimateNumber = ? ) and wp.egwStatus.code<>'CANCELLED'", getEstimatenumber()); if (wp != null) { if ("NEW".equalsIgnoreCase(wp.getEgwStatus().getCode())) { final Assignment assignment = assignmentService .getPrimaryAssignmentForPositon(wp.getState().getOwnerPosition().getId()); addFieldError("result not found", "Work package is already created for the Estimate with Work Package No " + wp.getWpNumber() + " dated on " + DateUtils.getFormattedDate(wp.getWpDate(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " and " + "it is drafts of " + assignment.getEmployee().getName()); } else addFieldError("result not found", "Work package is already created for the Estimate with Work Package No: " + wp.getWpNumber() + " dated on " + DateUtils.getFormattedDate(wp.getWpDate(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " and it is in " + wp.getEgwStatus().getDescription() + " status"); } else addFieldError("result not found", "No results found for search parameters"); } return retVal; } @ValidationErrorPage(value = INDEX) public String cancelApprdMilestones() { final StringBuilder estimateNum = new StringBuilder(200); final String workOrderEstIdsStr[] = workOrdEstIds.split(","); final Employee employee = employeeService.getEmployeeById(worksService.getCurrentLoggedInUserId()); final StringBuilder cancelComments = new StringBuilder(200); if (cancelRemarks != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(cancelRemarks)) cancelComments.append(cancellationReason).append(" : ").append(cancelRemarks).append(". ") .append(getText("milestone.cancel.cancelledby")).append(": ").append(employee.getName()); else cancelComments.append(cancellationReason).append(". ").append(getText("milestone.cancel.cancelledby")) .append(": ").append(employee.getName()); for (final String workOrderIdStr : workOrderEstIdsStr) { final WorkOrderEstimate woe = (WorkOrderEstimate) getPersistenceService() .find("from WorkOrderEstimate woe where", Long.valueOf(workOrderIdStr)); final List<MBHeader> mbHeaderList = getPersistenceService().findAllBy( "from MBHeader where egBillregister is not null and egBillregister.status.code!=? and = ? ", ContractorBillRegister.BillStatus.CANCELLED.toString(), woe.getId()); if (mbHeaderList != null && !mbHeaderList.isEmpty()) { String billList = ""; for (final MBHeader mbh : mbHeaderList) if (billList.equalsIgnoreCase("")) billList = mbh.getEgBillregister().getBillnumber(); else billList = billList + "," + mbh.getEgBillregister().getBillnumber(); source = CANCEL_MILESTONE; prepare(); throw new ValidationException( Arrays.asList(new ValidationError("error", getText("milestone.cancel.bill.validation", new String[] { woe.getEstimate().getEstimateNumber(), billList })))); } } for (final String workOrderIdStr : workOrderEstIdsStr) { final WorkOrderEstimate woe = (WorkOrderEstimate) getPersistenceService() .find("from WorkOrderEstimate woe where", Long.valueOf(workOrderIdStr)); for (final Milestone milestone : woe.getMilestone()) if (WorksConstants.APPROVED.equalsIgnoreCase(milestone.getStatus().getCode())) { milestone.setStatus(egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode( WorksConstants.MILESTONE_MODULE_KEY, WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS)); // TODO - The setter methods of variables in are // protected. Need to alternative way to solve this issue. /******* * oldEndState = milestone.getCurrentState(); oldEndState.setCreatedBy(prsnlInfo.getUserMaster()); * oldEndState.setModifiedBy(prsnlInfo.getUserMaster()); oldEndState.setCreatedDate(new Date()); * oldEndState.setModifiedDate(new Date()); oldEndState.setOwner(owner); * oldEndState.setValue(WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS); * oldEndState.setText1(cancelComments.toString()); milestone.changeState("END", owner, null); *******/ for (final TrackMilestone tms : milestone.getTrackMilestone()) if (!WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(tms.getStatus().getCode())) { tms.setStatus(egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode( WorksConstants.TRACK_MILESTONE_MODULE_KEY, WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS)); tms.getCurrentState(); } } if (!estimateNum.toString().contains(woe.getEstimate().getEstimateNumber())) estimateNum.append(woe.getEstimate().getEstimateNumber()).append(","); } messageKey = getText("milestone.cancel.success.msg", new String[] { estimateNum.toString() }); return "successMSCancel"; } public List<String> getMilestoneActions() { final String actions = worksService.getWorksConfigValue("MILESTONE_SEARCH_ACTIONS"); if (actions != null) return Arrays.asList(actions.split(",")); return new ArrayList<String>(); } // Get the login user department private void getLoginUserDept() { final Assignment assignment = assignmentService .getPrimaryAssignmentForEmployeeByToDate(worksService.getCurrentLoggedInUserId(), new Date()); if (assignment != null) setLoginUserDeptName(assignment.getDepartment().getName()); } // Get the roles for the logged in user private void getLoginUserRoles() { final User user = userService.getUserById(worksService.getCurrentLoggedInUserId()); if (user != null && !user.getRoles().isEmpty()) roles.addAll(user.getRoles()); } public Long getEstimateCreatedBy() { return estimateCreatedBy; } public void setEstimateCreatedBy(final Long estimateCreatedBy) { this.estimateCreatedBy = estimateCreatedBy; } public String getWpdate() { return wpdate; } public void setWpdate(final String wpdate) { this.wpdate = wpdate; } public String getNegoCreatedBy() { return negoCreatedBy; } public void setNegoCreatedBy(final String negoCreatedBy) { this.negoCreatedBy = negoCreatedBy; } public String getStatusReq() { return statusReq; } public void setStatusReq(final String statusReq) { this.statusReq = statusReq; } public Date getFromDate() { return fromDate; } public Date getToDate() { return toDate; } public void setFromDate(final Date fromDate) { this.fromDate = fromDate; } public void setToDate(final Date toDate) { this.toDate = toDate; } public String getEstimateOrWpSearchReq() { return estimateOrWpSearchReq; } public void setEstimateOrWpSearchReq(final String estimateOrWpSearchReq) { this.estimateOrWpSearchReq = estimateOrWpSearchReq; } public boolean getSelectedorder() { return selectedorder; } public void setSelectedorder(final boolean selectedorder) { this.selectedorder = selectedorder; } public String getOption() { return option; } public void setOption(final String option) { this.option = option; } public String getProjCode() { return projCode; } public void setProjCode(final String projCode) { this.projCode = projCode; } public String getEstimateNumber() { return estimateNumber; } public void setEstimateNumber(final String estimateNumber) { this.estimateNumber = estimateNumber; } public String getWorkOrderNo() { return workOrderNo; } public void setWorkOrderNo(final String workOrderNo) { this.workOrderNo = workOrderNo; } public void setEngineerIncharge(final Integer engineerIncharge) { this.engineerIncharge = engineerIncharge; } public Integer getEngineerIncharge2() { return engineerIncharge2; } public Integer getEngineerIncharge() { return engineerIncharge; } public void setEngineerIncharge2(final Integer engineerIncharge2) { this.engineerIncharge2 = engineerIncharge2; } public Long getassignedTo1() { return assignedTo1; } public void setassignedTo1(final Long assignedTo1) { this.assignedTo1 = assignedTo1; } public Long getAssignedTo2() { return assignedTo2; } public void setAssignedTo2(final Long assignedTo2) { this.assignedTo2 = assignedTo2; } public Long getAssignedTo1() { return assignedTo1; } public void setAssignedTo1(final Long assignedTo1) { this.assignedTo1 = assignedTo1; } public boolean isCheckWO() { return checkWO; } public void setCheckWO(final boolean checkWO) { this.checkWO = checkWO; } public String getWorkOrdEstIds() { return workOrdEstIds; } public void setWorkOrdEstIds(final String workOrdEstIds) { this.workOrdEstIds = workOrdEstIds; } public String getMessageKey() { return messageKey; } public void setMessageKey(final String messageKey) { this.messageKey = messageKey; } public String getCancellationReason() { return cancellationReason; } public void setCancellationReason(final String cancellationReason) { this.cancellationReason = cancellationReason; } public String getCancelRemarks() { return cancelRemarks; } public void setCancelRemarks(final String cancelRemarks) { this.cancelRemarks = cancelRemarks; } public String getWard() { return ward; } public void setWard(final String ward) { this.ward = ward; } public String getLoginUserDeptName() { return loginUserDeptName; } public void setLoginUserDeptName(final String loginUserDeptName) { this.loginUserDeptName = loginUserDeptName; } public List<Role> getRoles() { return roles; } public void setRoles(final List<Role> roles) { this.roles = roles; } public String getStatus2() { return status2; } public void setStatus2(final String status2) { this.status2 = status2; } public String getMilestoneStatus() { return milestoneStatus; } public void setMilestoneStatus(final String milestoneStatus) { this.milestoneStatus = milestoneStatus; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(final String status) { this.status = status; } public List<AbstractEstimate> getResults() { return results; } public String getSource() { return source; } public void setSource(final String source) { this.source = source; } public Integer getExpenditureType() { return expenditureType; } public void setExpenditureType(final Integer expenditureType) { this.expenditureType = expenditureType; } public String getEstimatenumber() { return estimateNumber; } public void setEstimatenumber(final String estimatenumber) { estimateNumber = estimatenumber; } public AbstractEstimate getEstimates() { return estimates; } public void setEstimates(final AbstractEstimate estimates) { this.estimates = estimates; } public Long getExecDept() { return execDept; } public void setExecDept(final Long execDept) { this.execDept = execDept; } }