Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.egov.commons.Accountdetailkey; import org.egov.commons.Accountdetailtype; import org.egov.commons.CFinancialYear; import org.egov.commons.EgwStatus; import org.egov.commons.Fund; import org.egov.commons.dao.AccountdetailkeyHibernateDAO; import org.egov.commons.dao.AccountdetailtypeHibernateDAO; import org.egov.commons.dao.EgwStatusHibernateDAO; import org.egov.eis.entity.Assignment; import org.egov.eis.entity.Employee; import org.egov.eis.service.AssignmentService; import org.egov.eis.service.EmployeeService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.AppConfigValues; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Department; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.User; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.AppConfigValueService; import org.egov.infra.config.core.ApplicationThreadLocals; import org.egov.infra.exception.ApplicationException; import org.egov.infra.workflow.entity.StateAware; import; import org.egov.pims.commons.DeptDesig; import org.egov.pims.commons.Designation; import org.egov.pims.commons.Position; import org.egov.utils.Constants; import org.egov.utils.FinancialConstants; import; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; public class WorksService { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WorksService.class); @Autowired private AppConfigValueService appConfigValuesService; @Autowired private EgwStatusHibernateDAO egwStatusHibernateDAO; private PersistenceService persistenceService; private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()); @Autowired private EmployeeService employeeService; @Autowired private AssignmentService assignmentService; @Autowired private AccountdetailtypeHibernateDAO accountdetailtypeHibernateDAO; @Autowired private AccountdetailkeyHibernateDAO accountdetailkeyHibernateDAO; /** * This method will return the value in AppConfigValue table for the given module and key. * * @param moduleName * @param key * @return */ public List<AppConfigValues> getAppConfigValue(final String moduleName, final String key) { return appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(moduleName, key); } public List<String> getNatureOfWorkAppConfigValues(final String moduleName, final String key) { final List<AppConfigValues> appValuesList = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(moduleName, key); final List<String> natureOfWorksList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (appValuesList != null && !appValuesList.isEmpty()) for (final AppConfigValues appValue : appValuesList) natureOfWorksList.add(appValue.getValue()); return natureOfWorksList; } public String getWorksConfigValue(final String key) { final List<AppConfigValues> configList = getAppConfigValue(WorksConstants.WORKS_MODULE_NAME, key); if (!configList.isEmpty()) return configList.get(0).getValue(); return null; } public Accountdetailtype getAccountdetailtypeByName(final String name) { return accountdetailtypeHibernateDAO.getAccountdetailtypeByName(name); } public Double getConfigval() { final String configVal = getWorksConfigValue("MAXEXTRALINEITEMPERCENTAGE"); Double extraPercentage = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configVal)) extraPercentage = Double.valueOf(configVal); else extraPercentage = Double.valueOf("1"); return extraPercentage; } /* * returns employee name and designation * @ return String * @ abstractEstimate, employeeService */ public String getEmpNameDesignation(final Position position, final Date date) { String empName = ""; String designationName = ""; final DeptDesig deptDesig = position.getDeptDesig(); final Designation designationMaster = deptDesig.getDesignation(); designationName = designationMaster.getName(); final Employee employee = assignmentService.getPrimaryAssignmentForPositionAndDate(position.getId(), date) .getEmployee(); if (employee != null && employee.getName() != null) empName = employee.getName(); return empName + "@" + designationName; } /* * public String getEmpNameDesignation(Position position){ String empName=""; String designationName=""; * //abstractEstimate.getState().getOwner() DeptDesig deptDesig= position.getDeptDesigId(); DesignationMaster * designationMaster=deptDesig.getDesigId(); designationName=designationMaster.getDesignationName(); PersonalInformation * personalInformation=null; try { personalInformation=employeeService .getEmpForPositionAndDate(position.getEfferctiveDate(), * position.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("exception "+e); } if(personalInformation!=null && * personalInformation.getEmployeeName()!=null) empName=personalInformation.getEmployeeName(); return * empName+"@"+designationName; } */ /** * if the bigdecimal obj1 is greater than or egual to obj2 then it returns false * * @param obj1 * @param obj2 * @return */ public boolean checkBigDecimalValue(final BigDecimal obj1, final BigDecimal obj2) { if (obj1 == null) return true; if (obj2 == null) return true; if (obj1.compareTo(obj2) == -1) return false; if (obj1.compareTo(obj2) == 0) return false; return true; } /** * @return list of egwstatus objects */ public List<EgwStatus> getStatusesByParams(final String objStatus, final String objSetStatus, final String objLastStatus, final String objType) { final List<String> statList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(objStatus)) statList.add(objStatus); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(objSetStatus) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(objLastStatus)) { final List<String> statusList = Arrays.asList(objSetStatus.split(",")); for (final String stat : statusList) if (stat.equals(objLastStatus)) { statList.add(stat); break; } else statList.add(stat); } return egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusListByModuleAndCodeList(objType, statList); } public void createAccountDetailKey(final Long id, final String type) { final Accountdetailtype accountdetailtype = getAccountdetailtypeByName(type); final Accountdetailkey adk = new Accountdetailkey(); adk.setGroupid(1); adk.setDetailkey(id.intValue()); adk.setDetailname(accountdetailtype.getAttributename()); adk.setAccountdetailtype(accountdetailtype); accountdetailkeyHibernateDAO.create(adk); } public List getWorksRoles() { final String configVal = getWorksConfigValue("WORKS_ROLES"); final List rolesList = new ArrayList(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configVal)) { final String[] configVals = configVal.split(","); for (final String configVal2 : configVals) rolesList.add(configVal2); } return rolesList; } public List<String> getTendertypeList() { final String tenderConfigValues = getWorksConfigValue(WorksConstants.TENDER_TYPE); return Arrays.asList(tenderConfigValues.split(",")); } public boolean validateWorkflowForUser(final StateAware wfObj, final User user) { boolean validateUser = true; List<Assignment> assignmentList = null; final List<Position> positionList = new ArrayList<Position>(); if (user != null && wfObj.getCurrentState() != null && !wfObj.getCurrentState().getValue().equals(WorksConstants.END)) { assignmentList = assignmentService.findByEmployeeAndGivenDate(user.getId(), new Date()); for (final Assignment assignment : assignmentList) positionList.add(assignment.getPosition()); if (!positionList.isEmpty() && positionList.contains(wfObj.getCurrentState().getOwnerPosition())) validateUser = false; } return validateUser; } public Long getCurrentLoggedInUserId() { return ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId(); } public User getCurrentLoggedInUser() { return (User) persistenceService.getSession().load(User.class, ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId()); } public Map<String, Integer> getExceptionSOR() { final List<AppConfigValues> appConfigList = getAppConfigValue(WorksConstants.WORKS_MODULE_NAME, "EXCEPTIONALSOR"); final Map<String, Integer> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (final AppConfigValues configValue : appConfigList) { final String value[] = configValue.getValue().split(","); resultMap.put(value[0], Integer.valueOf(value[1])); } return resultMap; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total payment amount and payment count made till date for the Project code Ids * present in the temporary table WorkProgressProjectCode for a particular uuid * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of department name, total amount of approved payments and count made for all the bills made against * project codes * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getWorkProgressTotalPayments(final String uuid) throws ApplicationException { Map<String, Object> result = null; List<Object[]> objForExpense; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); final String payQuery = " select dept.dept_name,nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0),count( FROM " + " eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('SALBILL','EXPENSEBILL','SBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) group by dept.dept_name "; objForExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); if (objForExpense != null && objForExpense.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < objForExpense.size(); i++) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("deptName", objForExpense.get(i)[0].toString()); result.put("amount", objForExpense.get(i)[1].toString()); result.put("count", objForExpense.get(i)[2].toString()); resultList.add(result); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total approved voucher count created till date for the Project code Ids present in * the temporary table WorkProgressProjectCode for a particular uuid * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of depart name, total approved voucher count * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getVoucherCounts(final String uuid) throws ApplicationException { List<Object[]> queryResult; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> resultMap = null; final String countQry = " select dept.dept_name, count(distinct( FROM " + "eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, eg_department dept " + "WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + "and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + "moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + "and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + "WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "') group by dept.dept_name "; queryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(countQry).list(); if (queryResult != null && queryResult.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < queryResult.size(); i++) { resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resultMap.put("deptName", queryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); resultMap.put("count", new Integer(queryResult.get(i)[1].toString())); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the approved CJV count and sum of CJVs amount for the approved CJVs made till date for a * list of Project codes for which there is a final bill created for it. Project code Ids present in the temporary table * WorkProgressProjectCode for a particular uuid are only considered NOTE --- ASSUMPTION IS THERE WILL BE ONLY 1 FINAL BILL * FOR AN ESTIMATE * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Map of Maps. The outer map's key is the department name Inner map's keys "amount" and "count" represent * sum of CJVs amount and approved CJV count * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>> getTotalCJVCountAndAmounts(final String uuid) throws ApplicationException { Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>> resultMap = null; Map<String, BigDecimal> simpleMap = null; List<Object[]> payQueryResult; List<Object[]> countQueryResult; final List<Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>>(); final String payQuery = " select dept.dept_name , nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) FROM " + " eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms , eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "'))" + " and bp.accountdetailkeyid in ( select bp1.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID FROM eg_billregister br1, " + " eg_billdetails bd1, eg_billpayeedetails bp1 ,voucherheader vh1,eg_billregistermis ms1 WHERE =bd1.billid AND =bp1.BILLDETAILID " + " and and and'Contractor Journal' and vh1.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " AND br1.STATUSID IN (SELECT id FROM egw_status WHERE lower(code)='approved' AND moduletype IN('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and br1.billtype in ('FinalBill', 'Final Bill') and bp1.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID = bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID " + " and bp1.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID=bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID ) group by dept.dept_name order by dept.dept_name "; final String countQuery = " select dept.dept_name , count( FROM " + " eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + " and br.billtype in ('FinalBill', 'Final Bill') " + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) group by dept.dept_name order by dept.dept_name "; payQueryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); countQueryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(countQuery).list(); final List<String> deptNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (payQueryResult != null && payQueryResult.size() > 0) for (Integer i = 0; i < payQueryResult.size(); i++) deptNameList.add(payQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); if (countQueryResult != null && countQueryResult.size() > 0) for (Integer i = 0; i < countQueryResult.size(); i++) deptNameList.add(countQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); if (deptNameList == null || !(deptNameList.size() > 0)) return null; // To remove duplicates final HashSet<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); tempSet.addAll(deptNameList); deptNameList.clear(); deptNameList.addAll(tempSet); final BigDecimal[] payArray = new BigDecimal[deptNameList.size()]; final BigDecimal[] countArray = new BigDecimal[deptNameList.size()]; for (Integer i = 0; i < deptNameList.size(); i++) { payArray[i] = BigDecimal.ZERO; countArray[i] = BigDecimal.ZERO; } String deptName = null; Integer index = null; Integer i = null; for (i = 0; i < payQueryResult.size(); i++) { deptName = payQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString(); index = deptNameList.indexOf(deptName); payArray[index] = new BigDecimal(payQueryResult.get(i)[1].toString()); } for (i = 0; i < countQueryResult.size(); i++) { deptName = countQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString(); index = deptNameList.indexOf(deptName); countArray[index] = new BigDecimal(countQueryResult.get(i)[1].toString()); } for (i = 0; i < deptNameList.size(); i++) { deptName = deptNameList.get(i); simpleMap = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>(); simpleMap.put("amount", payArray[i]); simpleMap.put("count", countArray[i]); resultMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>(); resultMap.put(deptName, simpleMap); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total payment amount and payment count made till date for the Project code Ids * present in the temporary table WorkProgressProjectCode for a particular uuid * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of department name, total amount of approved payments and count made for all the bills made against * project codes * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getWorkProgressTotal(final String uuid) throws ApplicationException { Map<String, Object> result = null; List<Object[]> objForExpense; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); final String payQuery = " select dept.dept_name,nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0),count( FROM " + " eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('SALBILL','EXPENSEBILL','SBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) group by dept.dept_name "; objForExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); if (objForExpense != null && objForExpense.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < objForExpense.size(); i++) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("deptName", objForExpense.get(i)[0].toString()); result.put("amount", objForExpense.get(i)[1].toString()); result.put("count", objForExpense.get(i)[2].toString()); resultList.add(result); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT 2 BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total payment amount and payment count made for given start date and end date for the * Project code Ids present in the temporary table WorkProgressProjectCode for a particular uuid This will also return the * number of cpncurrence payment given and the total amount for which concurrence is given * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of department name, total amount of approved payments and count made for all the bills made against * project codes * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getWorkProgressAbstractReport2TotalPayments(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) throws ApplicationException { Map<String, Object> result = null; List<Object[]> objForExpense; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); final String payQuery = "select \"Department\" as \"DEP\",sum(\"Approved Payment Amount\")as \"APP_PAY\",sum(\"No of Approved Payment\") as \"APP_PAY_COUNT\"," + " sum(\"Concurrence Payment Amount\")as \"CON_AMT\",sum(\"No of Concurrence Given\")as \"CON_PAY_COUNT\" FROM(" + " select dept.dept_name as \"Department\",nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) \"Approved Payment Amount\",count(distinct \"No of Approved Payment\", 0 \"Concurrence Payment Amount\", 0 \"No of Concurrence Given\" " + " FROM eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('EXPENSEBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) group by dept.dept_name " + " UNION ALL " + " select dept.dept_name as \"Department\",0 \"Approved Payment Amount\",0 \"No of Approved Payment\" " + ",nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) \"Concurrence Payment Amount\",count(distinct \"No of Concurrence Given\" " + " FROM eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms," + " voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept,paymentheader ph " + " WHERE and and and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept " + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('EXPENSEBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and and (payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " or (payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.PREAPPROVEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and ph.CONCURRENCEDATE is not null))" + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) group by dept.dept_name " + " )group by \"Department\""; logger.debug("Payment query inside getWorkProgressAbstractReport2TotalPayments :" + payQuery); objForExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); if (objForExpense != null && objForExpense.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < objForExpense.size(); i++) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("deptName", objForExpense.get(i)[0].toString()); result.put("amount", objForExpense.get(i)[1].toString()); result.put("count", objForExpense.get(i)[2].toString()); result.put("concAmount", objForExpense.get(i)[3].toString()); result.put("concCount", objForExpense.get(i)[4].toString()); resultList.add(result); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * @description - Similar to getWorkProgressAbstractReport2TotalPaymentsAPI except that concurrence payments are not * considered Payments only for the project code id that is passed to the API are considered * @param Project code id for which the payment amount should be considered * @return - Total amount of approved payments * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If the parameter is null */ public BigDecimal getTotalPaymentForProjectCode(final Long projcodeId) throws ApplicationException { List<Object> objForExpense; final String payQuery = " select nvl(sum(nvl(bp.debitamount,0)),0) " + " FROM eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, " + " voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and " + " and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('EXPENSEBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in('" + projcodeId + "')) "; logger.debug("Payment query inside getTotalPaymentForProjectCode :" + payQuery); objForExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); if (objForExpense != null && objForExpense.size() != 0 && objForExpense.get(0) != null && !objForExpense.get(0).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { final BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(objForExpense.get(0).toString()); return result; } else return null; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT 2 BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total approved voucher(CJV) count and amount for given start date and end date for * the Project code Ids present in the temporary table WorkProgressProjectCode for a particular uuid * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of depart name, total approved voucher count * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getWorkProgressAbstractReport2VoucherCounts(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) throws ApplicationException { List<Object[]> queryResult; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> resultMap = null; final String countQry = " select dept.dept_name, count(distinct(, nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) FROM " + "eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, eg_department dept " + "WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + "and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + "moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + "and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + "WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WORKPROGRESS_PROJECT_CODE WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "') group by dept.dept_name "; queryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(countQry).list(); if (queryResult != null && queryResult.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < queryResult.size(); i++) { resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resultMap.put("deptName", queryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); resultMap.put("count", new Integer(queryResult.get(i)[1].toString())); resultMap.put("amount", queryResult.get(i)[2].toString()); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total payment amount and payment count made till date for the Project code Ids * present in the temporary table WorkProgProjCodeSpillOver for a particular uuid * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of department name, total amount of approved payments and count made for all the bills made against * project codes * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getWorkProgSpillOverTotalPayments(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) throws ApplicationException { Map<String, Object> result = null; List<Object[]> objForExpense; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); final String payQuery = " select \"Dept\",sum(\"Approved_Pay\") as \"APP_PAY\",sum(\"No_Approved_Pay\") as \"APP_PAY_COUNT\"," + " sum(\"Concurrence_Pay_Amount\")as \"CON_AMT\",sum(\"No_Concurrence_Pay\")as \"CON_PAY_COUNT\" FROM(" + " select dept.dept_name as \"Dept\",nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) as \"Approved_Pay\",count(distinct \"No_Approved_Pay\"" + " ,0 \"Concurrence_Pay_Amount\",0 \"No_Concurrence_Pay\"" + " FROM eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, " + " voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and " + " and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept " + " and payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('EXPENSEBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) " + " and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) " + " group by dept.dept_name " + " UNION ALL " + "select dept.dept_name as \"Dept\",0 as \"Approved_Pay\",0 \"No_Approved_Pay\" " + ",nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) \"Concurrence_Payment_Amount\",count(distinct \"No_Concurrence_Given\"" + " FROM eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, " + " voucherheader payvh, miscbilldetail misc, eg_department dept,paymentheader ph " + " WHERE and and and " + " and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept " + " and payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('EXPENSEBILL','CONTRACTORBILL','CBILL')) " + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 " + " and and (payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " or (payvh.status=" + FinancialConstants.PREAPPROVEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and ph.CONCURRENCEDATE is not null))" + " and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) " + " and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) " + "group by dept.dept_name " + " )group by \"Dept\""; logger.debug("Payment query inside getWorkProgSpillOverTotalPayments :" + payQuery); objForExpense = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); if (objForExpense != null && objForExpense.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < objForExpense.size(); i++) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("deptName", objForExpense.get(i)[0].toString()); result.put("amount", objForExpense.get(i)[1].toString()); result.put("count", objForExpense.get(i)[2].toString()); result.put("concAmount", objForExpense.get(i)[3].toString()); result.put("concCount", objForExpense.get(i)[4].toString()); resultList.add(result); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR WORK PROGRESS ABSTRACT REPORT BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the total approved voucher count for spill over created before from date for the Project * code Ids present in the temporary table WorkProgProjCodeSpillOver for a particular uuid * @param uuid - Only project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Maps of depart name, total approved voucher count * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getVoucherCountsForSpillOver(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) throws ApplicationException { List<Object[]> queryResult; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> resultMap = null; final String countQry = " select dept.dept_name, count(distinct(, nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) FROM " + "eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, eg_department dept " + "WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + "and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + "moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + "and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + "WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) " + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "') " + "group by dept.dept_name "; queryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(countQry).list(); if (queryResult != null && queryResult.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < queryResult.size(); i++) { resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resultMap.put("deptName", queryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); resultMap.put("count", new Integer(queryResult.get(i)[1].toString())); resultMap.put("amount", queryResult.get(i)[2].toString()); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } else return null; } public Fund getCapitalFund() { Fund fund = null; fund = (Fund) persistenceService.find("from Fund where name like '%" + WorksConstants.CAPITAL_FUND + "'"); return fund; } public List<Map<String, Object>> getBudgetDetailsForFinYear(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) { List<Object[]> queryResult; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> resultMap = null; final String query = "select dp.DEPT_NAME, sum(bp.DEBITAMOUNT), " + " sum(budd.APPROVEDAMOUNT)+ (decode(sum(bapp.addition_amount-bapp.deduction_amount),null,0,sum(bapp.addition_amount-bapp.deduction_amount)) ) " + " from eg_billregister br, eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp, eg_billregistermis bm, eg_department dp, " + " egf_budgetdetail budd left outer join EGF_BUDGET_REAPPROPRIATION bapp on " + " where and and br.BILLDATE between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "' " + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE') " + " and and br.STATUSID in (select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL'))" + " and dp.ID_DEPT=bm.DEPARTMENTID " + " and budd.EXECUTING_DEPARTMENT=dp.ID_DEPT and bd.FUNCTIONID=budd.FUNCTION and bm.FUNDID=budd.FUND " + " and budd.BUDGET in(select id from egf_budget where financialyearid=(select id from financialyear " + " where startingDate >='" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and endingDate <='" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "') and isBERE='BE') " + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "') " + "group by dp.DEPT_NAME order by dp.DEPT_NAME"; queryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).list(); if (queryResult != null && queryResult.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < queryResult.size(); i++) { resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resultMap.put("deptName", queryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); resultMap.put("BudgetAmount", new BigDecimal(queryResult.get(i)[1].toString())); resultMap.put("BudgetAvailable", new BigDecimal(queryResult.get(i)[2].toString())); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } else return null; } public List<Map<String, Object>> getSpillOverWorkValue(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) { List<Object[]> queryResult1; List<Object[]> queryResult2; final List<Map<String, Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> resultMap = null; BigDecimal spillOverValue = BigDecimal.ZERO; final String query1 = "select deptName, nvl(sum(estimate),0)+nvl(sum(ohvalue),0), count(distinct estId) " + " from( select dp.dept_name as deptName, as estId, (ae.value) as estimate, sum(oh.value) as ohvalue " + " from egw_abstractestimate ae LEFT OUTER JOIN egw_overheadvalues oh ON, " + " eg_department dp WHERE ae.status_id = (select id from egw_status where lower(code)='admin_sanctioned' and moduletype in('AbstractEstimate')) " + " and ae.approveddate<'" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' " + " and ae.PARENTID is null " + " and dp.id_dept=ae.executingdepartment " + " and EXISTS (SELECT EST_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE and UUID like '" + uuid + "' " + " and NOT EXISTS(select pyd.accountdetailkeyid from eg_billregister egbr, eg_billpayeedetails pyd, eg_billdetails ebd " + " where and and lower(egbr.billtype)='final bill' " + " and egbr.statusid = (select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and egbr.EXPENDITURETYPE='Works' and egbr.BILLDATE<'" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and pyd.accountdetailkeyid=PC_ID " + " and pyd.accountdetailtypeid=(SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE'))" + " ) " + " group by dp.dept_name,,ae.value ) " + " group by deptname order by deptname"; final String query2 = "select dp.dept_name, nvl(sum(bpd.DEBITAMOUNT),0) FROM egw_abstractestimate ae ," + " egw_financialdetail fd, eg_department dp,eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bpd, " + " paymentheader ph1,miscbilldetail md,eg_billregistermis bmis,voucherheader pvh " + " WHERE ae.status_id = (select id from egw_status where lower(code)='admin_sanctioned' and moduletype in('AbstractEstimate')) " + " and ae.approveddate<'" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' " + " and and and bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID=ae.PROJECTCODE_ID and EXISTS " + " (SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "' AND PC_ID=bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID " + " and NOT EXISTS(select pyd.accountdetailkeyid from eg_billregister egbr, eg_billpayeedetails pyd, eg_billdetails ebd " + " where and and lower(egbr.billtype)='final bill' " + " and egbr.statusid = (select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and egbr.EXPENDITURETYPE='Works' and egbr.BILLDATE<'" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and pyd.accountdetailkeyid=PC_ID " + " and pyd.accountdetailtypeid=(SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE'))" + ")" + " and bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID=(SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE') " + " and bpd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and EXISTS (select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL','EXPENSEBILL','SBILL','SALBILL') and id=br.STATUSID) " + " and and ae.PARENTID is null " + " and bpd.pc_department=dp.id_dept " + " and and md.PAYVHID=ph1.voucherheaderid and md.BILLVHID=bmis.voucherheaderid and " + " and pvh.status=0 " + " and pvh.VOUCHERDATE < '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "'" + " group by dp.dept_name order by dp.dept_name "; queryResult1 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query1).list(); queryResult2 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query2).list(); if (queryResult1 != null && queryResult1.size() != 0) { for (Integer i = 0; i < queryResult1.size(); i++) { spillOverValue = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (queryResult2 != null && queryResult2.size() != 0) { for (Integer j = 0; j < queryResult2.size(); j++) if (queryResult1.get(i)[0].toString().equals(queryResult2.get(j)[0].toString())) spillOverValue = new BigDecimal(queryResult1.get(i)[1].toString()) .subtract(new BigDecimal(queryResult2.get(j)[1].toString())); } else spillOverValue = new BigDecimal(queryResult1.get(i)[1].toString()); resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resultMap.put("deptName", queryResult1.get(i)[0].toString()); resultMap.put("spillOverEstimateCount", new Integer(queryResult1.get(i)[2].toString())); resultMap.put("spillOverWorkValue", spillOverValue); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } else return null; } /** * @description -This method returns the total payment amount made as on a particular date for a list of ProjectCode ids that * is passed. * @param entityList - Object list containing ProjectCode ids. * @param asOnDate - The payments are considered from the beginning to asOnDate (excluding asOnDate) * @return - Total amount as BigDecimal * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode ids list passed is empty. */ public BigDecimal getPaymentInfoforProjectCode(final List<Object> projectCodeIdList, final Date asOnDate) throws ApplicationException { if (projectCodeIdList == null || projectCodeIdList.size() == 0) throw new ApplicationException("ProjectCode Id list is null or empty"); if (asOnDate == null) throw new ApplicationException("asOnDate is null"); final String strAsOnDate = Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(asOnDate); final String strProjectCodeIds = getInSubQuery(projectCodeIdList, " bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID ", false); final String query = " SELECT NVL(SUM(bpd.DEBITAMOUNT),0) " + " FROM eg_billregister br, " + " eg_billdetails bd, " + " eg_billpayeedetails bpd, " + " paymentheader ph1, " + " miscbilldetail md, " + " eg_billregistermis bmis, " + " voucherheader pvh " + " WHERE bd.BILLID " + " AND =bpd.BILLDETAILID " + strProjectCodeIds + " AND bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID NOT IN " + " (SELECT pyd.accountdetailkeyid " + " FROM eg_billregister egbr, " + " eg_billpayeedetails pyd, " + " eg_billdetails ebd " + " WHERE =ebd.billid " + " AND pyd.billdetailid " + " AND lower(egbr.billtype)='final bill' " + " AND egbr.statusid IN " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM egw_status " + " WHERE lower(code)='approved' " + " AND moduletype IN('CONTRACTORBILL') " + " ) " + " AND egbr.EXPENDITURETYPE ='Works' " + " AND egbr.BILLDATE <'" + strAsOnDate + "' " + " AND pyd.accountdetailkeyid =bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID " + " AND pyd.accountdetailtypeid= " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' " + " AND description='PROJECTCODE' " + " ) " + " ) " + " AND bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' " + " AND description='PROJECTCODE' " + " ) " + " AND bpd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 " + " AND br.STATUSID IN " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM egw_status " + " WHERE lower(code)='approved' " + " AND moduletype IN('CONTRACTORBILL','EXPENSEBILL','SBILL','SALBILL') " + " ) " + " AND bmis.billid " + " AND md.PAYVHID =ph1.voucherheaderid " + " AND md.BILLVHID =bmis.voucherheaderid " + " AND =ph1.voucherheaderid " + " AND pvh.status =0 " + " AND pvh.VOUCHERDATE < '" + strAsOnDate + "' "; final List<BigDecimal> paymtAmtArray = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).list(); return paymtAmtArray == null ? null : paymtAmtArray.get(0); } /** * Similar to getPaymentInfoforProjectCode() but difference is the sub query used to generate the list of project code ids is * passed as parameter instead * * @param projectCodeIdStr * @param asOnDate * @return * @throws ApplicationException */ public BigDecimal getPaymentInfoforProjectCodeSubQuery(final String projectCodeIdStr, final Date asOnDate) throws ApplicationException { if (projectCodeIdStr == null) throw new ApplicationException("ProjectCode Id Str is null "); if (asOnDate == null) throw new ApplicationException("asOnDate is null"); final String strAsOnDate = Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(asOnDate); final String query = " SELECT NVL(SUM(bpd.DEBITAMOUNT),0) " + " FROM eg_billregister br, " + " eg_billdetails bd, " + " eg_billpayeedetails bpd, " + " paymentheader ph1, " + " miscbilldetail md, " + " eg_billregistermis bmis, " + " voucherheader pvh " + " WHERE bd.BILLID " + " AND =bpd.BILLDETAILID " + " AND bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID IN (" + projectCodeIdStr + ")" + " AND bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID NOT IN " + " (SELECT pyd.accountdetailkeyid " + " FROM eg_billregister egbr, " + " eg_billpayeedetails pyd, " + " eg_billdetails ebd " + " WHERE =ebd.billid " + " AND pyd.billdetailid " + " AND lower(egbr.billtype)='final bill' " + " AND egbr.statusid IN " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM egw_status " + " WHERE lower(code)='approved' " + " AND moduletype IN('CONTRACTORBILL') " + " ) " + " AND egbr.EXPENDITURETYPE ='Works' " + " AND egbr.BILLDATE <'" + strAsOnDate + "' " + " AND pyd.accountdetailkeyid =bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID " + " AND pyd.accountdetailtypeid= " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' " + " AND description='PROJECTCODE' " + " ) " + " ) " + " AND bpd.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' " + " AND description='PROJECTCODE' " + " ) " + " AND bpd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 " + " AND br.STATUSID IN " + " (SELECT id " + " FROM egw_status " + " WHERE lower(code)='approved' " + " AND moduletype IN('CONTRACTORBILL','EXPENSEBILL','SBILL','SALBILL') " + " ) " + " AND bmis.billid " + " AND md.PAYVHID =ph1.voucherheaderid " + " AND md.BILLVHID =bmis.voucherheaderid " + " AND =ph1.voucherheaderid " + " AND pvh.status =0 " + " AND pvh.VOUCHERDATE < '" + strAsOnDate + "' "; final List<BigDecimal> paymtAmtArray = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).list(); return paymtAmtArray == null ? null : paymtAmtArray.get(0); } /* * This will split up the list passed into sublists of 1000 The returned string will be in the format and ( param in(1...1000) * or param in (1001...2000)) etc The purpose of this is for the in clause in queries */ public String getInSubQuery(final List<Object> idList, final String param, final boolean isApostropheRequired) { final StringBuffer inClause = new StringBuffer(""); final String apostropheOrNot = isApostropheRequired ? "'" : ""; if (idList != null && idList.size() > 0 && param != null) { final int size = idList.size(); inClause.append(" and (" + param + " in ( "); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0 && i != 0) inClause.append(") or " + param + " in (") .append(apostropheOrNot + idList.get(i).toString() + apostropheOrNot); else inClause.append(apostropheOrNot + idList.get(i).toString() + apostropheOrNot); if (i == size - 1) inClause.append(")) "); else if (i % 1000 != 999) inClause.append(","); } } return inClause.toString(); } public List<Department> getAllDeptmentsForLoggedInUser() { // load the primary and secondary assignment departments of the logged in user final List<Assignment> assignmentsList = assignmentService .getAllActiveEmployeeAssignmentsByEmpId(getCurrentLoggedInUserId()); employeeService.getEmployeeById(getCurrentLoggedInUserId()); final List<Department> departmentList = new ArrayList<Department>(); if (assignmentsList != null) for (final Assignment assignment : assignmentsList) if (assignment.getPrimary()) departmentList.add(0, assignment.getDepartment()); else departmentList.add(assignment.getDepartment()); return departmentList; } public Department getDepartmentByName(final String deptName) { Department dept = null; dept = (Department) persistenceService.find("from Department where name=?", deptName); return dept; } public Map<String, String> getBoundaryDepartment() { final List<AppConfigValues> appConfigList = getAppConfigValue(WorksConstants.WORKS_MODULE_NAME, "REGION_BOUNDARY_DEPARTMENT_NAME"); final Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (final AppConfigValues configValue : appConfigList) { final String value[] = configValue.getValue().split(","); resultMap.put(value[0], value[1]); } return resultMap; } public void setPersistenceService(final PersistenceService persistenceService) { this.persistenceService = persistenceService; } /** * @return all financial years after 2010-11 */ public List<CFinancialYear> getAllFinancialYearsForWorks() { final Query query = persistenceService.getSession() .createQuery("from CFinancialYear where trunc(startingDate)>='01-Apr-2010' order by id desc"); return query.list(); } /** * NOTE --- THIS API IS USED ONLY FOR Works Report 2 dashboard BY DEPARTMENT IN WORKS MODULE * * @description -This method returns the approved CJV count and sum of CJVs amount for the approved CJVs made till date for a * list of Spill over Project codes for which there is a final bill created for it in current year. Project code Ids present * in the temporary table WorkProgProjCodeSpillOver for a particular uuid are only considered NOTE --- ASSUMPTION IS THERE * WILL BE ONLY 1 FINAL BILL FOR AN ESTIMATE * @param uuid - Only spill over project codes ids associated with this uuid are considered * @return - List of Map of Maps. The outer map's key is the department name Inner map's keys "amount" and "count" represent * sum of CJVs amount and approved Final CJV count * @return - Null is returned in the case of no data * @throws ApplicationException - If anyone of the parameters is null or the ProjectCode list passed is empty. */ public List<Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>> getCJVCountAndAmountsForSpillOver(final String uuid, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate) throws ApplicationException { Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>> resultMap = null; Map<String, BigDecimal> simpleMap = null; List<Object[]> payQueryResult; List<Object[]> countQueryResult; final List<Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>> resultList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>>(); final String payQuery = " select dept.dept_name , nvl(sum(bp.debitamount),0) FROM " + " eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms , eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and br.billdate between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "'" + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "'))" + " and bp.accountdetailkeyid in ( select bp1.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID FROM eg_billregister br1, " + " eg_billdetails bd1, eg_billpayeedetails bp1 ,voucherheader vh1,eg_billregistermis ms1 WHERE =bd1.billid AND =bp1.BILLDETAILID " + " and and and'Contractor Journal' and vh1.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " AND br1.STATUSID IN (SELECT id FROM egw_status WHERE lower(code)='approved' AND moduletype IN('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and br1.billtype in ('FinalBill', 'Final Bill') and bp1.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID = bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID " + " and bp1.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID=bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID ) group by dept.dept_name order by dept.dept_name "; final String countQuery = " select dept.dept_name , count( FROM " + " eg_billregister br,eg_billdetails bd, eg_billpayeedetails bp,voucherheader vh,eg_billregistermis ms, eg_department dept " + " WHERE and and and and bp.pc_department=dept.id_dept and'Contractor Journal' " + " and br.billtype in ('FinalBill', 'Final Bill') " + " and br.STATUSID in(select id from egw_status where lower(code)='approved' and " + " moduletype in('CONTRACTORBILL')) " + " and br.billdate between '" + dateFormatter.format(fromDate) + "' and '" + dateFormatter.format(toDate) + "'" + " and bd.DEBITAMOUNT>0 and vh.STATUS=" + FinancialConstants.CREATEDVOUCHERSTATUS + " and bp.ACCOUNTDETAILTYPEID= (SELECT id FROM accountdetailtype " + " WHERE name ='PROJECTCODE' AND description='PROJECTCODE' ) and (bp.ACCOUNTDETAILKEYID in(SELECT PC_ID FROM EGW_WRKPROG_PROJCODE_SPILLOVER WHERE UUID like '" + uuid + "')) group by dept.dept_name order by dept.dept_name "; payQueryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(payQuery).list(); countQueryResult = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(countQuery).list(); final List<String> deptNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (payQueryResult != null && payQueryResult.size() > 0) for (Integer i = 0; i < payQueryResult.size(); i++) deptNameList.add(payQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); if (countQueryResult != null && countQueryResult.size() > 0) for (Integer i = 0; i < countQueryResult.size(); i++) deptNameList.add(countQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString()); if (deptNameList == null || !(deptNameList.size() > 0)) return null; // To remove duplicates final HashSet<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); tempSet.addAll(deptNameList); deptNameList.clear(); deptNameList.addAll(tempSet); final BigDecimal[] payArray = new BigDecimal[deptNameList.size()]; final BigDecimal[] countArray = new BigDecimal[deptNameList.size()]; for (Integer i = 0; i < deptNameList.size(); i++) { payArray[i] = BigDecimal.ZERO; countArray[i] = BigDecimal.ZERO; } String deptName = null; Integer index = null; Integer i = null; for (i = 0; i < payQueryResult.size(); i++) { deptName = payQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString(); index = deptNameList.indexOf(deptName); payArray[index] = new BigDecimal(payQueryResult.get(i)[1].toString()); } for (i = 0; i < countQueryResult.size(); i++) { deptName = countQueryResult.get(i)[0].toString(); index = deptNameList.indexOf(deptName); countArray[index] = new BigDecimal(countQueryResult.get(i)[1].toString()); } for (i = 0; i < deptNameList.size(); i++) { deptName = deptNameList.get(i); simpleMap = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>(); simpleMap.put("amount", payArray[i]); simpleMap.put("count", countArray[i]); resultMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>>(); resultMap.put(deptName, simpleMap); resultList.add(resultMap); } return resultList; } public String toCurrency(final double money) { final double rounded = Math.round(money * 100) / 100.0; final DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); formatter.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true); return formatter.format(rounded); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection<String> getStatusNameDetails(final String[] statusNames) { return, statusName -> (String) statusName != null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection<Date> getStatusDateDetails(final Date[] statusDates) { return, statusDate -> (Date) statusDate != null); } }