Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * eGov suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency,transparency,
 *    accountability and the service delivery of the government  organizations.
 *     Copyright (C) <2015>  eGovernments Foundation
 *     The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation
 *     is available at
 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     any later version.
 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with this program. If not, see or
 * .
 *     In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this
 *     program, the following additional terms are to be complied with:
 *         1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this
 *            Legal Notice.
 *         2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It
 *            is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in
 *            reasonable ways as different from the original version.
 *         3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program
 *            with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names
 *            or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation.
 *   In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at


import org.egov.commons.Installment;
import org.egov.commons.dao.InstallmentHibDao;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Module;
import org.egov.infra.web.utils.EgovPaginatedList;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

//Not Threadsafe
public class LicenseReportService {
    protected PersistenceService persistenceService;
    protected List<Map<String, Object>> licenseList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
    protected EgovPaginatedList paginateList;
    protected Integer pageNum = 1;
    protected Integer pageSize = Constants.PAGE_SIZE;
    protected List pageList = new ArrayList();
    protected Map<String, Object> hashMap;
    protected InstallmentHibDao installmentDao;
    protected String query;

    public EgovPaginatedList getZoneWiseReportList(String pageNo, String moduleName, String licenseType) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateZoneWiseReport(pageNo, licenseType, currentInstallment);

    private EgovPaginatedList populateZoneWiseReport(String pageNo, String licenseType, Installment installment) {
        query = constructQuery(Constants.ZONE, null, licenseType, installment).toString();
        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query);
        if (pageNo == null)
            pageNum = 1;
            pageNum = Integer.valueOf(pageNo);
        Integer fullSize = hibQuery.list().size();
        Page page = new Page(hibQuery, pageNum, pageSize);
        Object[] objects;

        pageList = page.getList();
        paginateList = new EgovPaginatedList(page, fullSize);
        if (pageList != null) {
            Iterator iterator = pageList.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                objects = (Object[]);
                hashMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                hashMap.put(Constants.NEW_LICENSE_REGISTERED, objects[0]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.CANCELLED, objects[1]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.OBJECTED, objects[2]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.RENEWED, objects[3]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.PENDING_RENEWALS, getPendingRenewals(licenseType,
                        Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[5])), null, getPendingRenewalsDate(installment)));
                        Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[0])) + Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[3])));
                hashMap.put(Constants.ZONE_ID, objects[5]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.ZONE, objects[6]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_AMOUNT, objects[4]);



        return paginateList;

    public EgovPaginatedList getWardWiseReportList(Integer zoneId, String pageNo, String moduleName,
            String licenseType) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateZoneWiseReport(zoneId, pageNo, licenseType, currentInstallment);

    private EgovPaginatedList populateZoneWiseReport(Integer zoneId, String pageNo, String licenseType,
            Installment installment) {
        query = constructQuery(Constants.DIVISION, zoneId, licenseType, installment).toString();
        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query);
        if (pageNo == null)
            pageNum = 1;
            pageNum = Integer.valueOf(pageNo);
        Integer fullSize = hibQuery.list().size();
        Page page = new Page(hibQuery, pageNum, pageSize);
        Object[] objects;

        pageList = page.getList();
        paginateList = new EgovPaginatedList(page, fullSize);
        if (pageList != null) {
            Iterator iterator = pageList.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                objects = (Object[]);
                hashMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                hashMap.put(Constants.NEW_LICENSE_REGISTERED, objects[0]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.CANCELLED, objects[1]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.OBJECTED, objects[2]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.PENDING_RENEWALS, getPendingRenewals(licenseType,
                        Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[5])), null, getPendingRenewalsDate(installment)));
                hashMap.put(Constants.RENEWED, objects[3]);
                        Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[0])) + Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[3])));
                hashMap.put(Constants.WARD_ID, objects[5]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.WARD, objects[6]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_AMOUNT, objects[4]);



        return paginateList;

    private StringBuilder constructQuery(String boundaryType, Integer id, String licenseType,
            Installment currentInstallment) {
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(
                " select NVL(act, 0) AS act, NVL(can, 0) AS can, NVL(obj, 0) AS obj, NVL(ren, 0) AS ren, NVL(totalamount, 0) AS totalamount,egb.id_bndry bb , from ")
                        .append(" (select boundary.id_bndry, from eg_boundary boundary , eg_boundary_type boundarytype ")
                        .append(" where'").append(boundaryType)
                        .append("' and boundary.id_bndry_type= boundarytype.id_bndry_type")
                        .append(" and boundary.is_history = 'N'");
        if (id != null && id > 0)
            if (boundaryType.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.DIVISION))
                query.append(" and boundary.parent=").append(id);
        query.append(") egb ").append(" left outer join ").append(
                " (select sum(issueCount) as act ,sum(canCount)as can,sum(objCount)as obj,sum(renCount)as ren ,sum(amount) as totalamount,bb from ")
                .append(" (select case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                .append("' and ld.renewal_date is null and ld.id_installment=").append// for Newly issued licenses in the current year
                (currentInstallment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as issueCount, ")
                .append(" case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_CANCELLED)
                .append("' and ld.id_installment=").append(currentInstallment.getId())
                .append(" then 1 else 0 end as canCount, ").append(" case when status.status_name='")
                .append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_OBJECTED).append("' and ld.id_installment=")
                .append(currentInstallment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as objCount, ")
                .append(" case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                .append("'and ld.renewal_date is not null and ld.id_installment=").append// for renewed licenses in the current year
                (currentInstallment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as renCount, ")
                .append(" case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                .append("' and ld.id_installment=").append(currentInstallment.getId())
                .append(" then demand.base_demand else 0 end as amount, ");// to get the amount for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          // new and renewed licenses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          // in the current year
        if (boundaryType.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.ZONE))
            query.append(" boun.parent as bb");
        else if (boundaryType.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.DIVISION))
            query.append(" boun.id_bndry as bb");
                " from EGTL_license lic, EGTL_mstr_status status,eg_boundary boun  , EGTL_license_demand ld , eg_demand demand  where lic.id_status=status.id_status ")
                .append(" and  status.status_name in('").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE).append("','")
                .append("') and lic.license_type='").append(licenseType)
                .append("' and boun.id_bndry= lic.id_adm_bndry").append(" and boun.is_history = 'N'")
                .append(" and ld.id_license and )group by bb) t ")
                .append(" on egb.ID_BNDRY =   order by LPAD(name,10) ");
        return query;


    public EgovPaginatedList getTradeWiseReportList(String pageNo, String moduleName, String licenseType,
            String type) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateTradeWiseReport(pageNo, moduleName, licenseType, type, currentInstallment);

    private EgovPaginatedList populateTradeWiseReport(String pageNo, String moduleName, String licenseType,
            String type, Installment installment) {
        query = constructQueryForTradeList(moduleName, licenseType, installment, type).toString();
        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(String.valueOf(query));
        if (pageNo == null)
            pageNum = 1;
            pageNum = Integer.valueOf(pageNo);
        Integer fullSize = hibQuery.list().size();
        Page page = new Page(hibQuery, pageNum, pageSize);
        Object[] objects;

        pageList = page.getList();
        paginateList = new EgovPaginatedList(page, fullSize);
        if (pageList != null) {
            Iterator iterator = pageList.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                objects = (Object[]);
                hashMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                hashMap.put(Constants.NEW_LICENSE_REGISTERED, objects[0]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.CANCELLED, objects[1]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.OBJECTED, objects[2]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.RENEWED, objects[3]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.PENDING_RENEWALS, getPendingRenewals(licenseType, null,
                        Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[6])), getPendingRenewalsDate(installment)));
                        Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[0])) + Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[3])));
                hashMap.put(Constants.TRADE_ID, objects[5]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_AMOUNT, objects[4]);



        return paginateList;

    private StringBuilder constructQueryForTradeList(String moduleName, String licenseType,
            Installment currentInstallment, String type) {
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(
                " select NVL(act, 0) AS act, NVL(can, 0) AS can, NVL(obj, 0) AS obj,NVL(ren, 0) AS ren, NVL(totalamount, 0) AS totalamount, scat.trade_name, from ")
                        .append(" (select as trade_name, from EGTL_mstr_sub_category scateg ,EGTL_mstr_license_type ltype")
                        .append(" where scateg.id_license_type=  and'").append(type)
                        .append("' ) scat").append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN")
                        .append(" ( select sum(issueCount) as act,sum(canCount) as can,sum(objCount)as obj,sum(renCount) as ren, sum(amount) as totalamount, trade_name,id from ( ")
                        .append(" select case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                        .append("' and ld.renewal_date is null and ld.id_installment=")
                        .append(currentInstallment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as issueCount, ")
                        .append(" case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_CANCELLED)
                        .append("'  and ld.id_installment=").append(currentInstallment.getId())
                        .append(" then 1 else 0 end as canCount , ").append(" case when status.status_name='")
                        .append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_OBJECTED).append("'  and ld.id_installment=")
                        .append(currentInstallment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as objCount , ")
                        .append(" case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                        .append("'and ld.renewal_date is not null and ld.id_installment=").append// for renewed licenses in the current year
                        (currentInstallment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as renCount, ")
                        .append(" case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                        .append("'  and ld.id_installment=").append(currentInstallment.getId())
                        .append(" then demand.base_demand else 0 end as amount").append// to get the amount for new and renewed licenses in the current year
                        (" , as trade_name , ")
                        .append(" from EGTL_license lic, EGTL_mstr_status status , EGTL_license_demand ld , eg_demand demand ,")
                        .append(" EGTL_mstr_sub_category subcateg where ")
                        .append(" lic.id_status=status.id_status ").append(" and  status.status_name in('")
                        .append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_OBJECTED).append("') and lic.license_type='")
                        .append(licenseType).append("'  ")
                        .append(" and ld.id_license and ")
                        .append(" and ").append(" )group by trade_name,id ) t")
                        .append("  ON =").append(" order by trade_name asc");

        return query;

    public EgovPaginatedList getLateRenewalsListReport(String pageNo, String moduleName, String licenseType) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateLateRenewalsReport(pageNo, licenseType, currentInstallment);

    private EgovPaginatedList populateLateRenewalsReport(String pageNo, String licenseType,
            Installment installment) {
        query = constructQueryForLateRenewalsList(licenseType, installment).toString();
        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query);
        if (pageNo == null)
            pageNum = 1;
            pageNum = Integer.valueOf(pageNo);
        Integer fullSize = hibQuery.list().size();
        Page page = new Page(hibQuery, pageNum, pageSize);
        Object[] objects;

        pageList = page.getList();
        paginateList = new EgovPaginatedList(page, fullSize);
        if (pageList != null) {
            Iterator iterator = pageList.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                objects = (Object[]);
                hashMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                hashMap.put(Constants.NO_OF_LATE_RENEWALS, objects[0]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.WARD_NUM, objects[1]);
                hashMap.put(Constants.WARD_NAME, objects[3]);


        return paginateList;

    private StringBuilder constructQueryForLateRenewalsList(String licenseType, Installment installment) {
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(
                " select NVL(lateren, 0) AS lateren, egb.bndry_num,egb.id_bndry bb , from ").append(
                        " (select boundary.id_bndry,boundary.bndry_num, from eg_boundary boundary , eg_boundary_type boundarytype ")
                        .append(" where'").append(Constants.DIVISION)
                        .append("' and boundary.id_bndry_type= boundarytype.id_bndry_type");

        query.append(") egb ").append(" left outer join ").append(" (select sum(laterenCount) as lateren ,bb from ")
                .append(" (select case when status.status_name='").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                .append("' and ld.renewal_date is not null AND ld.is_laterenewal='1' and ld.id_installment=")
                .append(installment.getId()).append(" then 1 else 0 end as laterenCount, boun.id_bndry as bb");

                " from  EGTL_license lic, EGTL_mstr_status status,eg_boundary boun  , EGTL_license_demand ld  where lic.id_status=status.id_status ")
                .append(" and  status.status_name in('").append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE)
                .append("') and lic.license_type='").append(licenseType)
                .append("' and boun.id_bndry= lic.id_adm_bndry")
                .append(" and ld.id_license )group by bb) t ")
                .append(" on egb.ID_BNDRY =   order by LPAD(name,10) ");

        return query;

    public List<Map<String, Object>> getTotalsForWardWiseReport(Integer zoneId, String moduleName,
            String licenseType) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateTotalsForWardWiseReport(zoneId, licenseType, currentInstallment);

    private List<Map<String, Object>> populateTotalsForWardWiseReport(Integer zoneId, String licenseType,
            Installment installment) {
        query = constructQuery(Constants.DIVISION, zoneId, licenseType, installment).toString();
        query = "Select sum(act),sum(can),sum(obj),sum(ren),sum(totalamount) from(" + query + ")";
        return getTotalList(query, licenseType, installment);

    public List<Map<String, Object>> getTotalForTradeWiseReport(String moduleName, String licenseType,
            String type) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateTotalForTradeWiseReport(moduleName, licenseType, type, currentInstallment);

    private List<Map<String, Object>> populateTotalForTradeWiseReport(String moduleName, String licenseType,
            String type, Installment currentInstallment) {
        query = constructQueryForTradeList(moduleName, licenseType, currentInstallment, type).toString();
        query = "Select sum(act),sum(can),sum(obj),sum(ren),sum(totalamount) from(" + query + ")";
        return getTotalList(query, licenseType, currentInstallment);

    public List<Map<String, Object>> getTotalForLateRenewalsReport(String moduleName, String licenseType) {
        Installment currentInstallment = getCurrentInstallment(moduleName);
        return populateTotalForLateRenewalsReport(licenseType, currentInstallment);

    private List<Map<String, Object>> populateTotalForLateRenewalsReport(String licenseType,
            Installment currentInstallment) {
        query = constructQueryForLateRenewalsList(licenseType, currentInstallment).toString();
        query = "Select sum(lateren) from(" + query + ")";
        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(String.valueOf(query));
        List result = hibQuery.list();

        HashMap<String, Object> totalHashMap;
        List<Map<String, Object>> totalList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

        totalHashMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        totalHashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_LATEREN, result.get(0));

        return totalList;

    protected List<Map<String, Object>> getTotalList(String finalQuery, String licenseType,
            Installment installment) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> totalList = populateTotalList(licenseType, installment);
        return totalList;

    private List<Map<String, Object>> populateTotalList(String licenseType, Installment installment) {
        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(String.valueOf(query));
        List result = hibQuery.list();
        Object[] objects;
        Iterator iterator = result.iterator();
        HashMap<String, Object> totalHashMap;
        List<Map<String, Object>> totalList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            objects = (Object[]);
            totalHashMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            totalHashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_NEW, objects[0]);
            totalHashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_CAN, objects[1]);
            totalHashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_OBJ, objects[2]);
            totalHashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_RENEWED, objects[3]);
                    Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[0])) + Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(objects[3])));
            totalHashMap.put(Constants.TOTAL_AMT, new BigDecimal(objects[4].toString())
                    .setScale(Constants.AMOUNT_PRECISION_DEFAULT, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP));

                    getPendingRenewals(licenseType, null, null, getPendingRenewalsDate(installment)));
        return totalList;

    private Date getPendingRenewalsDate(Installment installment) {
        return installment.getToDate().after(new Date()) ? new Date() : installment.getFromDate();

    private Object getPendingRenewals(String licenseType, Long boundaryId, Long subcategoryId, Date date) {
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(" select NVL(SUM(pren1)+SUM(pren2),0) from (SELECT ").append(
                " CASE WHEN expired = 0 AND months_between(dateofexpiry, ?)<1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS pren1 , ")
                .append(" CASE WHEN expired = 1 AND months_between(dateofexpiry, ?)>-6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS pren2  FROM ")
                .append(" (SELECT CASE WHEN ?<dateofexpiry THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS expired,id_adm_bndry,dateofexpiry, license_type, id_status,id_sub_category ")
                .append(" FROM EGTL_license) lic ,EGTL_mstr_status status,eg_boundary boun ")
                .append(" WHERE lic.id_status=status.id_status AND status.status_name ='")
                .append(Constants.LICENSE_STATUS_ACTIVE).append("' AND lic.license_type='").append(licenseType)
                .append("' ").append(" AND boun.id_bndry = lic.id_adm_bndry ");
        if (boundaryId != null && boundaryId > 0)
            query.append(" and boun.id_bndry=").append(boundaryId);
        if (subcategoryId != null && subcategoryId > 0)
            query.append(" and lic.id_sub_category=").append(subcategoryId);
        query.append(" )");

        Query hibQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(String.valueOf(query));
        hibQuery.setDate(0, date);
        hibQuery.setDate(1, date);
        hibQuery.setDate(2, date);
        List result = hibQuery.list();

        return result.get(0);


    public String getParameterValue(String field, Map<String, String[]> parameters) {
        String[] fieldArray = parameters.get(field);
        return fieldArray != null ? fieldArray[0] : null;

    public Installment getCurrentInstallment(String moduleName) {
        Module module = (Module) persistenceService.find(
                "from org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Module where parent is null and moduleName=?", moduleName);

        Installment installment = installmentDao.getInsatllmentByModuleForGivenDate(module, new Date());
        return installment;
