Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.egov.commons.CChartOfAccounts; import org.egov.commons.CFinancialYear; import org.egov.commons.CFunction; import org.egov.commons.EgwStatus; import org.egov.commons.Functionary; import org.egov.commons.Fund; import org.egov.commons.Scheme; import org.egov.commons.SubScheme; import org.egov.commons.dao.EgwStatusHibernateDAO; import org.egov.commons.service.ChartOfAccountsService; import org.egov.eis.entity.Assignment; import org.egov.eis.entity.Employee; import org.egov.eis.service.AssignmentService; import org.egov.eis.service.EisCommonService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.AppConfigValues; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Boundary; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Department; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.User; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.AppConfigValueService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.DepartmentService; import org.egov.infra.config.core.ApplicationThreadLocals; import org.egov.infra.exception.ApplicationRuntimeException; import org.egov.infra.persistence.utils.DatabaseSequenceProvider; import org.egov.infra.script.entity.Script; import org.egov.infra.script.service.ScriptService; import; import org.egov.infra.validation.exception.ValidationError; import org.egov.infra.validation.exception.ValidationException; import org.egov.infra.workflow.entity.State; import org.egov.infra.workflow.service.SimpleWorkflowService; import org.egov.infra.workflow.service.WorkflowService; import; import org.egov.model.budget.Budget; import org.egov.model.budget.BudgetDetail; import org.egov.model.budget.BudgetGroup; import org.egov.model.budget.BudgetUpload; import org.egov.model.repository.BudgetDetailRepository; import org.egov.model.voucher.WorkflowBean; import org.egov.pims.commons.Designation; import org.egov.pims.commons.Position; import org.egov.pims.model.PersonalInformation; import org.egov.utils.BudgetAccountType; import org.egov.utils.BudgetingType; import org.egov.utils.Constants; import org.egov.utils.FinancialConstants; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Property; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException; import org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.script.ScriptContext; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; @Service @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class BudgetDetailService extends PersistenceService<BudgetDetail, Long> { private static final String BE = "BE"; private static final String RE = "RE"; @Autowired protected EisCommonService eisCommonService; protected WorkflowService<BudgetDetail> budgetDetailWorkflowService; private ScriptService scriptExecutionService; @Autowired private AppConfigValueService appConfigValuesService; @Autowired @Qualifier("persistenceService") private PersistenceService persistenceService; @Autowired @Qualifier("budgetService") private BudgetService budgetService; @Autowired @Qualifier("budgetGroupService") private BudgetGroupService budgetGroupService; @Autowired private DatabaseSequenceProvider databaseSequenceProvider; @Autowired private EgwStatusHibernateDAO egwStatusHibernateDAO; @Autowired @Qualifier("chartOfAccountsService") private ChartOfAccountsService chartOfAccountsService; @Autowired private EgwStatusHibernateDAO egwStatusDAO; @Autowired private DepartmentService departmentService; @Autowired private SecurityUtils securityUtils; @Autowired private AssignmentService assignmentService; @Autowired @Qualifier("workflowService") private SimpleWorkflowService<BudgetDetail> budgetDetailWFService; @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; @Autowired private BudgetDetailRepository budgetDetailRepository; private static final String DUPLICATE = "budgetDetail.duplicate"; private static final String EXISTS = "budgetdetail.exists"; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BudgetDetailService.class); private static final String BUDGET_STATES_INSERT = "insert into eg_wf_states (ID,TYPE,VALUE,CREATEDBY,CREATEDDATE,LASTMODIFIEDDATE,LASTMODIFIEDBY,DATEINFO,OWNER_POS,STATUS,VERSION) values (:stateId,'Budget','NEW',1,current_date,current_date,1,current_date,1,1,0)"; private static final String BUDGETDETAIL_STATES_INSERT = "insert into eg_wf_states (ID,TYPE,VALUE,CREATEDBY,CREATEDDATE,LASTMODIFIEDDATE,LASTMODIFIEDBY,DATEINFO,OWNER_POS,STATUS,VERSION) values (:stateId,'BudgetDetail','NEW',1,current_date,current_date,1,current_date,1,1,0)"; public Session getCurrentSession() { return entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); } public BudgetDetailService() { super(BudgetDetail.class); } public BudgetDetailService(final Class<BudgetDetail> type) { super(type); } public Long getCountByBudget(final Long budgetId) { return ((BigInteger) persistenceService.getSession() .createSQLQuery("select count(*) from egf_budgetdetail where budget = " + budgetId).uniqueResult()) .longValue(); } public boolean canViewApprovedAmount(final PersistenceService persistenceService, final Budget budget) { final Script script = (Script) persistenceService .findAllByNamedQuery(Script.BY_NAME, "").get(0); final ScriptContext context = ScriptService.createContext("wfItem", budget, "eisCommonServiceBean", eisCommonService, "userId", ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId().intValue()); final Integer result = (Integer) scriptExecutionService.executeScript(script, context); if (result == 1) return true; return false; } public BudgetDetail createBudgetDetail(final BudgetDetail detail, final Position position, final PersistenceService service) { try { setRelatedEntitesOn(detail); return detail; } catch (final ConstraintViolationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(DUPLICATE, EXISTS))); } } public List<BudgetDetail> searchBy(final BudgetDetail detail) { return constructCriteria(detail).list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> searchByCriteriaAndFY(final Long financialYear, final BudgetDetail detail, final boolean isApprove, final Position pos) { final Criteria criteria = constructCriteria(detail).createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET) .add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)); if (isApprove) criteria.createCriteria(Constants.STATE).add(Restrictions.eq("owner", pos)); else criteria.createCriteria(Constants.STATE).add(Restrictions.eq("value", "NEW")); return criteria.list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> searchByCriteriaWithTypeAndFY(final Long financialYear, final String type, final BudgetDetail detail) { if (detail.getBudget() != null && detail.getBudget().getId() != 0l) { final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); addCriteriaExcludingBudget(detail, map); final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); addBudgetDetailCriteria(map, criteria); criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); return criteria.createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET).add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isbere", type)).list(); } else return constructCriteria(detail).createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET) .add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)).add(Restrictions.eq("isbere", type)) .list(); } private Map<String, Object> createCriteriaMap(final BudgetDetail detail) { final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); addCriteriaExcludingBudget(detail, map); map.put(Constants.BUDGET, detail.getBudget() == null ? 0l : detail.getBudget().getId()); return map; } protected void addCriteriaExcludingBudget(final BudgetDetail detail, final Map<String, Object> map) { map.put("budgetGroup", detail.getBudgetGroup() == null ? 0l : detail.getBudgetGroup().getId()); map.put("function", detail.getFunction() == null ? 0l : detail.getFunction().getId()); map.put("functionary", detail.getFunctionary() == null ? 0 : detail.getFunctionary().getId()); map.put("scheme", detail.getScheme() == null ? 0 : detail.getScheme().getId()); map.put("subScheme", detail.getSubScheme() == null ? 0 : detail.getSubScheme().getId()); map.put("executingDepartment", detail.getExecutingDepartment() == null ? 0 : detail.getExecutingDepartment().getId()); map.put("boundary", detail.getBoundary() == null ? 0 : detail.getBoundary().getId()); map.put("fund", detail.getFund() == null ? 0 : detail.getFund().getId()); map.put("status", detail.getStatus() == null ? 0 : detail.getStatus().getId()); } public List<BudgetDetail> findAllBudgetDetailsFor(final Budget budget, final BudgetDetail example) { final List<Budget> budgets = new ArrayList<Budget>(); collectLeafBudgets(budget, budgets); budgets.add(findBudget(budget)); final Criteria criteria = constructCriteria(example); criteria.add(, budgets)); criteria.addOrder(Property.forName("budget").asc()); criteria.createAlias("budgetGroup", "bg"); criteria.addOrder(Property.forName("").asc()); return criteria.list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> findAllBudgetDetailsForParent(Budget budget, final BudgetDetail example, final PersistenceService persistenceService) { if (budget == null || budget.getId() == null) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; budget = (Budget) persistenceService.find("from Budget where id=?", budget.getId()); final BudgetDetail detail = new BudgetDetail(); detail.copyFrom(example); detail.setBudget(null); final String materializedPath = budget.getMaterializedPath(); return constructCriteria(detail).addOrder(Property.forName("executingDepartment").asc()) .createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET).add("materializedPath", materializedPath == null ? "" : materializedPath.concat("%"))) .list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> findAllBudgetDetailsWithReAppropriation(final Budget budget, final BudgetDetail example) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Starting findAllBudgetDetailsWithReAppropriation..."); final List<BudgetDetail> budgetDetails = findAllBudgetDetailsFor(budget, example); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Done findAllBudgetDetailsWithReAppropriation."); return budgetDetails; } private Budget findBudget(final Budget budget) { return getSession().load(Budget.class, budget.getId()); } public List<Budget> findBudgetsForFY(final Long financialYear) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Budget.class); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isActiveBudget", true)).list(); } public List<Budget> findApprovedBudgetsForFY(final Long financialYear) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("starting findApprovedBudgetsForFY..."); final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Budget.class); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isActiveBudget", true)).addOrder(Property.forName("name").asc()) .createCriteria("status", "status").add(Restrictions.eq("status.code", "Approved")).list(); } public List<Budget> findBudgetsForFYWithNewState(final Long financialYear) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Budget.class); criteria.createCriteria("status", "status").add(Restrictions.eq("status.code", "Created")); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isActiveBudget", true)).list(); } public List<Budget> findPrimaryBudgetForFY(final Long financialYear) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Budget.class); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isActiveBudget", true)).add(Restrictions.eq("isPrimaryBudget", true)) .add(Restrictions.isNull("parent")).list(); } public Budget findApprovedPrimaryParentBudgetForFY(final Long financialYear) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Budget.class); List<Budget> budgetList = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isbere", RE)).add(Restrictions.eq("isActiveBudget", true)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isPrimaryBudget", true)).add(Restrictions.isNull("parent")) .addOrder(Property.forName("name").asc()).createCriteria("status", "status") .add(Restrictions.eq("status.code", "Approved")).list(); if (budgetList.isEmpty()) { final Criteria c = getSession().createCriteria(Budget.class); budgetList = c.add(Restrictions.eq("", financialYear)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isbere", BE)).add(Restrictions.eq("isActiveBudget", true)) .add(Restrictions.eq("isPrimaryBudget", true)).add(Restrictions.isNull("parent")) .addOrder(Property.forName("name").asc()).createCriteria("status", "status") .add(Restrictions.eq("status.code", "Approved")).list(); if (budgetList.isEmpty()) return null; } return budgetList.get(0); } public Set<Budget> findBudgetTree(final Budget budget, final BudgetDetail example) { if (budget == null) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; final Criteria budgetDetailCriteria = constructCriteria(example); budgetDetailCriteria.createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET); final List<Budget> leafBudgets = budgetDetailCriteria .setProjection(Projections.distinct(; final List<Budget> parents = new ArrayList<Budget>(); final Set<Budget> budgetTree = new LinkedHashSet<Budget>(); for (Budget leaf : leafBudgets) { parents.clear(); while (leaf != null && leaf.getId() != budget.getId()) { parents.add(leaf); leaf = leaf.getParent(); } if (leaf != null) { parents.add(leaf); budgetTree.addAll(parents); } } return budgetTree; } private List<Budget> findChildren(final Budget parent) { return ((PersistenceService) this).findAllBy("from Budget b where b.parent=?", parent); } private void collectLeafBudgets(final Budget parent, final List<Budget> children) { final List<Budget> myChildren = findChildren(parent); for (final Budget child : myChildren) { collectLeafBudgets(child, children); if (findChildren(child).isEmpty()) children.add(child); } } private Criteria constructCriteria(final BudgetDetail example) { final Map<String, Object> map = createCriteriaMap(example); final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); addBudgetDetailCriteria(map, criteria); return criteria; } private void addBudgetDetailCriteria(final Map<String, Object> map, final Criteria criteria) { for (final Entry<String, Object> criterion : map.entrySet()) if (isIdPresent(criterion.getValue())) criteria.createCriteria(criterion.getKey()).add(Restrictions.idEq(criterion.getValue())); } private void addBudgetDetailCriteriaIncudingNullRestrictions(final Map<String, Object> map, final Criteria criteria) { for (final Entry<String, Object> criterion : map.entrySet()) if (isIdPresent(criterion.getValue())) criteria.createCriteria(criterion.getKey()).add(Restrictions.idEq(criterion.getValue())); else criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull(criterion.getKey())); } protected boolean isIdPresent(final Object value) { return Long.valueOf(value.toString()) != 0l && Long.valueOf(value.toString()) != -1; } @Override @Transactional public BudgetDetail persist(final BudgetDetail detail) { try { detail.setUniqueNo(detail.getFund().getId() + "-" + detail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + "-" + detail.getFunction().getId() + "-" + detail.getBudgetGroup().getId()); if (!chequeUnique(detail) && detail.getId() == null) throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(DUPLICATE, EXISTS))); checkForDuplicates(detail); return super.persist(detail); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(DUPLICATE, EXISTS))); } } private Boolean chequeUnique(final BudgetDetail detail) { final Criteria criteria = constructCriteria(detail) .add(Restrictions.eq("", detail.getBudget().getId())); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", detail.getBudgetGroup().getId())); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", detail.getFund().getId())); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", detail.getFunction().getId())); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", detail.getExecutingDepartment().getId())); return criteria.list().isEmpty(); } public void checkForDuplicates(final BudgetDetail detail) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); addCriteriaExcludingBudget(detail, map); addBudgetDetailCriteriaIncudingNullRestrictions(map, criteria); if (detail.getBudget() == null || detail.getBudget().getId() == null || detail.getBudget().getId() == 0 || detail.getBudget().getId() == -1) return; // add restriction to check if budgetdetail with is combination exists // in the current year within a tree final Budget root = getRootFor(detail.getBudget()); criteria.createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET) .add(Restrictions.eq("materializedPath", root == null ? "" : root.getMaterializedPath())); final List<BudgetDetail> existingDetails = criteria.list(); if (!existingDetails.isEmpty() && !existingDetails.get(0).getId().equals(detail.getId())) throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(DUPLICATE, EXISTS))); } private Budget getRootFor(final Budget budget) { if (budget == null || StringUtils.isBlank(budget.getMaterializedPath())) return null; if (budget.getMaterializedPath().length() == 1) return budget; return (Budget) persistenceService.find("from Budget where materializedPath=?", budget.getMaterializedPath().split("\\.")[0]); } protected User getUser() { return (User) ((PersistenceService) this).find(" from User where id=?", ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId()); } public Position getPositionForEmployee(final Employee emp) throws ApplicationRuntimeException { return eisCommonService.getPrimaryAssignmentPositionForEmp(emp.getId()); } public void setEisCommonService(final EisCommonService eisCommonService) { this.eisCommonService = eisCommonService; } public AppConfigValueService getAppConfigValuesService() { return appConfigValuesService; } public void setAppConfigValuesService(final AppConfigValueService appConfigValuesService) { this.appConfigValuesService = appConfigValuesService; } /** * @param detail * @return department of the budgetdetail * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException */ public Department getDepartmentForBudget(final BudgetDetail detail) throws ApplicationRuntimeException { Department dept = null; if (detail.getExecutingDepartment() != null) dept = detail.getExecutingDepartment(); else throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Department not found for the Budget" + detail.getId()); return dept; } /** * returns department of the employee from assignment for the current date * * @param emp * @return */ public Department depertmentForEmployee(final Employee emp) { Department dept = null; final Date currDate = new Date(); try { final Assignment empAssignment = eisCommonService.getLatestAssignmentForEmployeeByToDate(emp.getId(), currDate); dept = empAssignment.getDepartment(); return dept; } catch (final NullPointerException ne) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(ne.getMessage()); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException( "Error while getting Department fort the employee" + emp.getName()); } } public List<BudgetDetail> getRemainingDetailsForApproveOrReject(final Budget budget) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); // criteria.createCriteria("materializedPath", // "state").add(Restrictions.eq("state.value","NEW")); criteria.createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET, Constants.BUDGET) .add(Restrictions.eq("", budget.getId())); return criteria.list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> getRemainingDetailsForSave(final Budget budget, final Position currPos) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); criteria.createCriteria(Constants.STATE, Constants.STATE).add(Restrictions.eq("state.owner", currPos)); criteria.createCriteria(Constants.BUDGET, Constants.BUDGET) .add(Restrictions.eq("", budget.getId())); return criteria.list(); } public BudgetDetail setRelatedEntitesOn(final BudgetDetail detail) { detail.setStatus(egwStatusDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode("BUDGETDETAIL", "Approved")); if (detail.getBudget() != null) { detail.setBudget(persistenceService.getSession().load(Budget.class, detail.getBudget().getId())); addMaterializedPath(detail); } if (detail.getFunction() != null) detail.setFunction(persistenceService.getSession().load(CFunction.class, detail.getFunction().getId())); if (detail.getFunctionary() != null) detail.setFunctionary( persistenceService.getSession().load(Functionary.class, detail.getFunctionary().getId())); if (detail.getExecutingDepartment() != null) detail.setExecutingDepartment(persistenceService.getSession().load(Department.class, detail.getExecutingDepartment().getId())); if (detail.getScheme() != null) detail.setScheme(persistenceService.getSession().load(Scheme.class, detail.getScheme().getId())); if (detail.getSubScheme() != null) detail.setSubScheme( persistenceService.getSession().load(SubScheme.class, detail.getSubScheme().getId())); if (detail.getFund() != null) detail.setFund(persistenceService.getSession().load(Fund.class, detail.getFund().getId())); if (detail.getBudgetGroup() != null) detail.setBudgetGroup( persistenceService.getSession().load(BudgetGroup.class, detail.getBudgetGroup().getId())); if (detail.getBoundary() != null) detail.setBoundary(persistenceService.getSession().load(Boundary.class, detail.getBoundary().getId())); return detail; } private void addMaterializedPath(final BudgetDetail detail) { String materializedPath = ""; String count = ""; if (detail.getBudget() != null) { materializedPath = detail.getBudget().getMaterializedPath(); final List<BudgetDetail> parallelBudgetDetails = findAllBy("from BudgetDetail bd where bd.budget=?", detail.getBudget()); if (parallelBudgetDetails != null) count = String.valueOf(parallelBudgetDetails.size() + 1); if (materializedPath != null && !materializedPath.isEmpty()) materializedPath = materializedPath + "." + count; detail.setMaterializedPath(materializedPath); } } public void transitionToEnd(final BudgetDetail detail, final Position position) { detail.transition().end().withOwner(position); } public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForFYDate(final String fromDate, final String toVoucherDate, final List<String> mandatoryFields) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Starting fetchActualsForFY" + fromDate); final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "exclude_status_forbudget_actual"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "exclude_status_forbudget_actual is not defined in AppConfig"); final StringBuffer miscQuery = getMiscQuery(mandatoryFields, "vmis", "gl", "vh"); final StringBuffer budgetGroupQuery = new StringBuffer(); budgetGroupQuery.append(" (select as id,bg1.accounttype as accounttype, c1.glcode " + "as mincode,c2.glcode as maxcode,c3.glcode as majorcode " + "from egf_budgetgroup bg1 left outer join chartofaccounts c1 on left outer join chartofaccounts c2 on " + " left outer join chartofaccounts c3 on ) bg "); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "select,SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount) from egf_budgetdetail bd,generalledger gl,voucherheader vh," + "vouchermis vmis," + budgetGroupQuery + ",egf_budget b where and and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and vh.status not in (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") and " + "vh.voucherDate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and vh.voucherDate <= to_date('" + toVoucherDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and (gl.glcode = bg.mincode or gl.glcode=bg.majorcode) group by" + " union " + "select,SUM(gl.creditAmount)-SUM(gl.debitAmount) from egf_budgetdetail bd,generalledger gl,voucherheader vh," + "vouchermis vmis," + budgetGroupQuery + ",egf_budget b where and and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and vh.status not in (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") and " + "vh.voucherDate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and vh.voucherDate <= to_date('" + toVoucherDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and (gl.glcode = bg.mincode or gl.glcode=bg.majorcode) group by"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Finished fetchActualsForFY" + fromDate); return result; } /** * * @param detail * @return */ public String generateUniqueNo(final BudgetDetail detail) { return detail.getFund().getId() + "-" + detail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + "-" + detail.getFunction().getId() + "-" + detail.getBudgetGroup().getId(); } /** * vouchers are of the passed finaicial year budget is of passed topBudgets financialyear * * @param fy * @param mandatoryFields * @param topBudget * @param referingTopBudget * @param date * @param dept * @param fun * @param excludelist TODO * @return */ public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForFY(final CFinancialYear fy, final List<String> mandatoryFields, final Budget topBudget, final Budget referingTopBudget, final Date date, final Integer dept, final Long fun) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchActualsForFY" + fy.getStartingDate().getYear() + "-" + fy.getEndingDate().getYear()); String dateCondition = ""; if (date != null) dateCondition = " AND vh.voucherdate <='" + Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(date) + "' "; final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "exclude_status_forbudget_actual"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "exclude_status_forbudget_actual is not defined in AppConfig"); StringBuffer miscQuery = getMiscQuery(mandatoryFields, "vmis", "gl", "vh"); if (dept != null) miscQuery.append(" and bd.executing_department=" + dept); if (fun != null) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" AND bd.function=" + fun); final StringBuffer referingUniqueNoQry = new StringBuffer(200); referingUniqueNoQry.append(" "); if (referingTopBudget != null) referingUniqueNoQry.append( " and bd.uniqueno in (select uniqueno from egf_budgetdetail where MATERIALIZEDPATH like '" + referingTopBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' )"); final StringBuffer budgetGroupQuery = new StringBuffer(); budgetGroupQuery.append( " (select as id,bg1.accounttype as accounttype,case when c1.glcode = NULL then -1 else to_number(c1.glcode,'999999999') end " + "as mincode,case when c2.glcode = null then 999999999 else c2.glcode end as maxcode,case when c3.glcode = null then -1 else to_number(c3.glcode,'999999999') end as majorcode " + "from egf_budgetgroup bg1 left outer join chartofaccounts c1 on left outer join chartofaccounts c2 on " + " left outer join chartofaccounts c3 on ) bg "); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query .append(" select bd.uniqueno,SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount) from egf_budgetdetail bd," + "vouchermis vmis,egf_budgetgroup bg,egf_budget b,financialyear f,fiscalperiod p,voucherheader vh,generalledger gl " + "where and and" + fy.getId() + " and " + dateCondition + " and " + " b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " and b.MATERIALIZEDPATH like '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' " + referingUniqueNoQry.toString() + " and and " + " and " + " and vh.status not in (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") " + miscQuery + " " + " and gl.glcodeid=bg.mincode and gl.glcodeid=bg.maxcode and bg.majorcode is null group by bd.uniqueno"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchActualsForFY " + result.size() + " " + query.toString()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) "=============================================================================================="); return result; } /* * Copy of fetchActualsForFY passing exclude_status_forbudget_actual as list to reduce db hit */ public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForFinYear(final CFinancialYear fy, final List<String> mandatoryFields, final Budget topBudget, final Budget referingTopBudget, final Date date, final Integer dept, final Long fun, final List<AppConfigValues> list) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchActualsForFY" + fy.getStartingDate().getYear() + "-" + fy.getEndingDate().getYear()); String dateCondition = ""; if (date != null) dateCondition = " AND vh.voucherdate <='" + Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(date) + "' "; StringBuffer miscQuery = getMiscQuery(mandatoryFields, "vmis", "gl", "vh"); if (dept != null) miscQuery.append(" and bd.executing_department=" + dept); if (fun != null) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" AND bd.function=" + fun); final StringBuffer referingUniqueNoQry = new StringBuffer(200); referingUniqueNoQry.append(" "); if (referingTopBudget != null) referingUniqueNoQry.append( " and bd.uniqueno in (select uniqueno from egf_budgetdetail where MATERIALIZEDPATH like '" + referingTopBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' )"); final StringBuffer budgetGroupQuery = new StringBuffer(); budgetGroupQuery.append( " (select as id,bg1.accounttype as accounttype,case when c1.glcode = NULL then -1 else to_number(c1.glcode,'999999999') end " + "as mincode,case when c2.glcode = null then 999999999 else c2.glcode end as maxcode,case when c3.glcode = null then -1 else to_number(c3.glcode,'999999999') end as majorcode " + "from egf_budgetgroup bg1 left outer join chartofaccounts c1 on left outer join chartofaccounts c2 on " + " left outer join chartofaccounts c3 on ) bg "); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String sum = ""; if (topBudget.getName().contains("Receipt")) sum = "SUM(gl.creditAmount)-SUM(gl.debitAmount)"; else sum = "SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount)"; query = query.append(" select bd.uniqueno," + sum + " from egf_budgetdetail bd," + "vouchermis vmis,egf_budgetgroup bg,egf_budget b,financialyear f,fiscalperiod p,voucherheader vh,generalledger gl " + "where and and" + fy.getId() + " and " + dateCondition + " and " + " b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " and b.MATERIALIZEDPATH like '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' " + referingUniqueNoQry.toString() + " and and " + " and " + " and vh.status not in (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") " + miscQuery + " " + " and gl.glcodeid=bg.mincode and gl.glcodeid=bg.maxcode and bg.majorcode is null group by bd.uniqueno"); // if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) // LOGGER.debug("Query for fetchActualsForFY // "+fy.getStartingDate().getYear()+"-"+fy.getEndingDate().getYear()+"------"+query.toString()); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchActualsForFY " + result.size() + " " + query.toString()); return result; } /** * vouchers are of the passed finaicial year budget is of passed topBudgets financialyear */ public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndActuals(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final Budget topBudget, final Date date, final CFunction function, final Department dept, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndActuals................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String dateCondition = ""; if (date != null) dateCondition = " AND vh.voucherdate <='" + Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(date) + "' "; String functionCondition = ""; if (function != null) functionCondition = " and gl.functionId=" + function.getId(); final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "exclude_status_forbudget_actual"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "exclude_status_forbudget_actual is not defined in AppConfig"); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); String sum = ""; if (topBudget.getName().contains("Receipt")) sum = "SUM(gl.creditAmount)-SUM(gl.debitAmount)"; else sum = "SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount)"; query = query.append("SELECT substr(gl.glcode,1,3)," + sum + " FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, vouchermis vmis, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, financialyear f, fiscalperiod p, voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND " + dateCondition + " AND b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND = " + topBudget.getId() + " AND AND gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND vh.status NOT IN (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") AND vh.fundId AND gl.functionId =bd.function " + functionCondition + "" + " AND vmis.departmentid =bd.executing_department and bd.executing_department =" + dept.getId() + " AND gl.glcodeid =bg.mincode AND gl.glcodeid =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd.state_id = GROUP BY substr(gl.glcode,1,3)"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndActuals......." + query.toString()); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndName(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndName............"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition = ""; if (function != null) functionCondition = " AND bd.function = " + function.getId(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, cao1.glcode||'-'|| FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, chartofaccounts cao1, financialyear f, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE AND" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' AND " + " AND AND AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition + " and cao1.glcode = cao.majorcode AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode, cao1.glcode||'-'||"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndName..........." + query.toString()); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndBEAmount(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndBEAmount................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition1 = ""; String functionCondition2 = ""; if (function != null) { functionCondition1 = " AND bd1.function = " + function.getId(); functionCondition2 = " AND bd2.function = " + function.getId(); } // / need to add b2.isbere='BE' query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bd2.approvedamount) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' and b2.isbere='BE' AND bd2.budgetgroup " + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd2.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition2 + " AND bd1.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition1 + " AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd1.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndBEAmount"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchUniqueNoAndBEAmount(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchUniqueNoAndBEAmount................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition1 = ""; String functionCondition2 = ""; if (function != null) { functionCondition1 = " AND bd1.function = " + function.getId(); functionCondition2 = " AND bd2.function = " + function.getId(); } query = query.append( "SELECT bd2.uniqueno, SUM(bd2.approvedamount) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' and b2.isbere='BE' AND bd2.budgetgroup " + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd2.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition2 + " AND bd1.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition1 + " AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd1.state_id = GROUP BY bd2.uniqueno"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchUniqueNoAndBEAmount"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndAppropriation(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos, final Date asOnDate) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndAppropriation................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition1 = ""; String functionCondition2 = ""; String dateCondition = ""; String ReappropriationTable = " "; if (function != null) { functionCondition1 = " AND bd1.function = " + function.getId(); functionCondition2 = " AND bd2.function = " + function.getId(); } if (asOnDate != null) { ReappropriationTable = " egf_reappropriation_misc bmisc,"; dateCondition = " and bapp.reappropriation_misc= and bmisc.reappropriation_date <= '" + Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT1.format(asOnDate) + "'"; } query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bapp.addition_amount)-SUM(bapp.deduction_amount) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egf_budget_reappropriation bapp, " + ReappropriationTable + " eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE and AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' and b2.isbere='BE' AND bd2.budgetgroup " + dateCondition + " AND AND AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd1.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + " " + functionCondition1 + " AND bd2.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + "" + " " + functionCondition2 + " AND bapp.budgetdetail = AND (wf.value ='END' OR wf.owner_pos =" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd1.state_id = and bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndAppropriation"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchUniqueNoAndApprAmount(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchUniqueNoAndApprAmount................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition1 = ""; String functionCondition2 = ""; if (function != null) { functionCondition1 = " AND bd1.function = " + function.getId(); functionCondition2 = " AND bd2.function = " + function.getId(); } query = query.append( "SELECT bd2.uniqueno, SUM(bapp.addition_amount)-SUM(bapp.deduction_amount) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egf_budget_reappropriation bapp, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget and bd2.budget AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' and b2.isbere='BE' AND bd2.budgetgroup " + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd1.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + " " + functionCondition1 + " AND bd2.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + "" + " " + functionCondition2 + " AND bapp.budgetdetail = AND (wf.value ='END' OR wf.owner_pos =" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd1.state_id = and bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno GROUP BY bd2.uniqueno"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchUniqueNoAndApprAmount"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndAnticipatory(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndAnticipatory................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition = ""; if (function != null) functionCondition = " AND bd.function = " + function.getId(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bd.anticipatory_amount) as anticipatory_amount, SUM(bd.originalamount) as originalamount, SUM(bd.approvedamount) as approvedamount FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' AND bd.budgetgroup AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition + " AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndAnticipatory"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndOriginalAmount(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndOriginalAmount................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition = ""; if (function != null) functionCondition = " AND bd.function = " + function.getId(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bd.originalamount) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' AND bd.budgetgroup AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition + " AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndOriginalAmount"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYr(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYr................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition1 = ""; String functionCondition2 = ""; if (function != null) { functionCondition1 = " AND bd1.function = " + function.getId(); functionCondition2 = " AND bd2.function = " + function.getId(); } query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bd2.originalamount) as originalamount, SUM(bd2.approvedamount) as approvedamount FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' AND bd2.budgetgroup " + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd2.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition2 + " AND bd1.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition1 + " AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND b2.reference_budget = AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd1.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYr"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndApprovedAmount(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndApprovedAmount................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition = ""; if (function != null) functionCondition = " AND bd.function = " + function.getId(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bd.approvedamount) as approvedamount FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND =" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' AND bd.budgetgroup AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition + " AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndApprovedAmount"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYrApproved(final Budget topBudget, final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final CFunction function, final Position pos) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYrApproved................"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); String functionCondition1 = ""; String functionCondition2 = ""; if (function != null) { functionCondition1 = " AND bd1.function = " + function.getId(); functionCondition2 = " AND bd2.function = " + function.getId(); } query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(bd2.approvedamount) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, eg_wf_states wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.financialyearid=" + topBudget.getFinancialYear().getId() + " AND b1.MATERIALIZEDPATH LIKE '" + topBudget.getMaterializedPath() + "%' AND bd2.budgetgroup " + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd2.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition2 + " AND bd1.executing_department = " + budgetDetail.getExecutingDepartment().getId() + functionCondition1 + " AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND b2.reference_budget = AND (wf.value='END' OR wf.owner_pos=" + pos.getId() + ") AND bd1.state_id = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYrApproved"); return result; } // For Consolidate Budget Report. public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndNameForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndName............"); final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); final String excludeDept = " and bd.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, cao1.glcode||'-'|| FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, chartofaccounts cao1, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE AND b.isbere='RE' AND" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode=bg.majorcode) AND bg.mincode!=bg.maxcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode, cao1.glcode||'-'||"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, cao1.glcode||'-'|| FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, chartofaccounts cao1, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE AND b.isbere='RE' AND" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND AND AND bg.majorcode IS NULL and cao1.glcode = cao.majorcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode, cao1.glcode||'-'||"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndName"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndActualsForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final CFinancialYear prevFinYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndActuals................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); String condition = " SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount) "; if (budgetingType.contains("RECEIPT")) condition = " SUM(gl.creditAmount)-SUM(gl.debitAmount) "; StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "exclude_status_forbudget_actual"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "exclude_status_forbudget_actual is not defined in AppConfig"); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); query = query.append("SELECT substr(gl.glcode,1,3), " + condition + " FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, vouchermis vmis," + " (SELECT AS id, bg1.accounttype AS accounttype, case when c1.glcode = NULL then -1 else to_number(c1.glcode,'999999999') end AS mincode, case when c2.glcode = null then 999999999 else c2.glcode end AS maxcode, case when c3.glcode = null then -1 else to_number(c3.glcode,'999999999') end AS majorcode" + " FROM egf_budgetgroup bg1 LEFT OUTER JOIN chartofaccounts c1 ON LEFT OUTER JOIN chartofaccounts c2 ON LEFT OUTER JOIN chartofaccounts c3 ON bg ," + " egf_budget b, financialyear f, fiscalperiod p, voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND AND =" + prevFinYear.getId() + " AND AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND AND gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND vh.status NOT IN (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") AND vh.fundId AND vmis.departmentid =bd.executing_department AND gl.functionid = bd.function " + " AND ((gl.glcode BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR gl.glcode =bg.majorcode) AND bg.mincode!=bg.maxcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(gl.glcode,1,3)"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append("SELECT substr(gl.glcode,1,3), " + condition + " FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, vouchermis vmis, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, financialyear f, fiscalperiod p, voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND AND =" + prevFinYear.getId() + " AND AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND AND gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND vh.status NOT IN (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") AND vh.fundId AND gl.functionid = bd.function " + " AND vmis.departmentid =bd.executing_department AND gl.glcodeid =bg.mincode AND gl.glcodeid =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(gl.glcode,1,3)"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndActuals"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndBEAmountForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndBEAmount................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd2.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode =bg.majorcode) AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND wf.value='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndBEAmount" + query.toString()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndApprovedAmountForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndApprovedAmount................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(round(bd.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode =bg.majorcode) AND bg.mincode! =bg.maxcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(round(bd.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndApprovedAmount"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYrApprovedForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYrApproved................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd2.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode =bg.majorcode) AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND b2.reference_budget = AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT cao.majorcode, SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND b2.reference_budget = AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY cao.majorcode"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchMajorCodeAndBENextYrApproved"); return result; } // For Consolidate Budget Report. public List<Object[]> fetchGlCodeAndNameForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchGlCodeAndNameForReport............"); final String excludeDept = " and bd.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), cao.glcode||'-'|| FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, chartofaccounts cao1, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE AND b.isbere='RE' AND" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode=bg.majorcode) AND bg.mincode!=bg.maxcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), cao.glcode||'-'||"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), cao.glcode||'-'|| FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, chartofaccounts cao1, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE AND b.isbere='RE' AND" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND AND AND bg.majorcode IS NULL and cao1.glcode = cao.majorcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), cao.glcode||'-'||"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchGlCodeAndNameForReport"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final CFinancialYear prevFinYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchActualsForReport................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); String condition = " SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount) "; if (budgetingType.contains("RECEIPT")) condition = " SUM(gl.creditAmount)-SUM(gl.debitAmount) "; StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "exclude_status_forbudget_actual"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "exclude_status_forbudget_actual is not defined in AppConfig"); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(gl.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,8,2)," + condition + " FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, vouchermis vmis," + " (SELECT AS id, bg1.accounttype AS accounttype, case when c1.glcode = NULL then -1 else to_number(c1.glcode,'999999999') end AS mincode, case when c2.glcode = null then 999999999 else c2.glcode end AS maxcode, case when c3.glcode = null then -1 else to_number(c3.glcode,'999999999') end AS majorcode" + " FROM egf_budgetgroup bg1 LEFT OUTER JOIN chartofaccounts c1 ON LEFT OUTER JOIN chartofaccounts c2 ON LEFT OUTER JOIN chartofaccounts c3 ON bg ," + " egf_budget b, financialyear f, fiscalperiod p, voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND AND =" + prevFinYear.getId() + " AND AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND AND gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND vh.status NOT IN (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") AND vh.fundId AND vmis.departmentid =bd.executing_department AND gl.functionid = bd.function " + " AND ((gl.glcode BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR gl.glcode =bg.majorcode) AND bg.mincode!=bg.maxcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(gl.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,8,2)"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(gl.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,8,2)," + condition + " FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, vouchermis vmis, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, financialyear f, fiscalperiod p, voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND AND =" + prevFinYear.getId() + " AND AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND AND gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND vh.status NOT IN (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") AND vh.fundId AND gl.functionid = bd.function " + " AND vmis.departmentid =bd.executing_department AND gl.glcodeid =bg.mincode AND gl.glcodeid =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(gl.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(gl.glcode,8,2)"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchActualsForReport"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchGlCodeAndBEAmountForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchGlCodeAndBEAmountForReport................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd2.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode =bg.majorcode) AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2)"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b2.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2)"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchGlCodeAndBEAmountForReport" + query.toString()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchGlCodeAndApprovedAmountForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchGlCodeAndApprovedAmountForReport................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), SUM(round(bd.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode =bg.majorcode) AND bg.mincode! =bg.maxcode AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2)"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), SUM(round(bd.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b, chartofaccounts cao, financialyear f, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd.budget AND b.isbere='RE' AND =" + financialYear.getId() + " AND b.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2)"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchGlCodeAndApprovedAmountForReport"); return result; } // For Consolidated Budget Report public List<Object[]> fetchGlCodeAndBENextYrApprovedForReport(final CFinancialYear financialYear, final String fundType, final String budgetType) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting fetchGlCodeAndBENextYrApprovedForReport................"); final String excludeDept = " and bd2.executing_department!=(Select id_dept from eg_department where dept_code='Z') "; final String budgetingType = fundType.toUpperCase() + "_" + budgetType.toUpperCase(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND (( BETWEEN bg.mincode AND bg.maxcode) OR cao.majorcode =bg.majorcode) AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND b2.reference_budget = AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2)"); query = query.append(" UNION "); query = query.append( "SELECT substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2), SUM(round(bd2.approvedamount/1000,0)) FROM egf_budgetdetail bd1, egf_budgetdetail bd2, egf_budgetgroup bg, egf_budget b1, egf_budget b2, chartofaccounts cao, egw_status wf" + " WHERE bd1.budget AND bd2.budget AND b1.isbere='RE' AND b2.isbere='BE' AND b1.financialyearid=" + financialYear.getId() + " AND bd2.budgetgroup AND bg.ACCOUNTTYPE ='" + budgetingType + "'" + excludeDept + " AND =bg.mincode AND =bg.maxcode AND bg.majorcode IS NULL AND bd1.uniqueno = bd2.uniqueno AND b2.reference_budget = AND wf.code='Approved' AND bd1.status = GROUP BY substr(cao.glcode,0,3)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,4,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,6,2)||'-'||substr(cao.glcode,8,2)"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Finished fetchGlCodeAndBENextYrApprovedForReport"); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForBill(final String fromDate, final String toVoucherDate, final List<String> mandatoryFields) { final StringBuffer miscQuery = getMiscQuery(mandatoryFields, "bmis", "bdetail", "bmis"); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "select,SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount = null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount=null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end) from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg where and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and br.billstatus != 'Cancelled' and " + "bmis.voucherheaderid is null and br.billdate>=to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date('" + toVoucherDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and " + "((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode) group by" + " union " + "select,SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount=null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount = null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg where and and and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and br.billstatus != 'Cancelled' and bmis.voucherheaderid " + "is null and br.billdate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date('" + toVoucherDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode " + "and bg.maxcode) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode) group by"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForFYWithParams(final String fromDate, final String toVoucherDate, final StringBuffer miscQuery) { final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "exclude_status_forbudget_actual"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "exclude_status_forbudget_actual is not defined in AppConfig"); final StringBuffer budgetGroupQuery = new StringBuffer(); budgetGroupQuery.append( " (select as id,bg1.accounttype as accounttype ,c1.glcode as mincode, c2.glcode as maxcode,c3.glcode as majorcode " + "from egf_budgetgroup bg1 left outer join chartofaccounts c1 on left outer join chartofaccounts c2 on " + " left outer join chartofaccounts c3 on ) bg "); final String voucherstatusExclude = list.get(0).getValue(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "select as id,(SUM(gl.debitAmount)-SUM(gl.creditAmount)) as amount from egf_budgetdetail bd,generalledger gl,voucherheader vh," + "vouchermis vmis," + budgetGroupQuery + ",egf_budget b where and and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and vh.status not in (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") and (vmis.budgetary_appnumber != 'null' and vmis.budgetary_appnumber is not null) and " + "vh.voucherDate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and vh.voucherDate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and (gl.glcode =bg.mincode or gl.glcode=bg.majorcode ) group by" + " union " + "select as id,(SUM(gl.creditAmount)-SUM(gl.debitAmount)) as amount from egf_budgetdetail bd,generalledger gl,voucherheader vh," + "vouchermis vmis," + budgetGroupQuery + ",egf_budget b where and and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and vh.status not in (" + voucherstatusExclude + ") and (vmis.budgetary_appnumber != 'null' and vmis.budgetary_appnumber is not null) and " + "vh.voucherDate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and vh.voucherDate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and (gl.glcode = bg.mincode or gl.glcode=bg.majorcode ) group by"); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); return result; } public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForBillWithParams(final String fromDate, final String toVoucherDate, final StringBuffer miscQuery) { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append("select bud,sum(amt) from (" + "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount = null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount=null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end) as amt from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg where and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and br.statusid not in (select id from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + "bmis.voucherheaderid is null and br.billdate>=to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and " + "((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode) group by" + " union " + "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount = null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount=null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end) as amt from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg,voucherheader vh where and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and br.statusid not in (select id from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + "bmis.voucherheaderid and vh.status=4 and br.billdate>=to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and " + "((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode) group by" + " union " + "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount=null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount = null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) as amt from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg,voucherheader vh where and and and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and br.statusid not in (select id from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + " bmis.voucherheaderid and vh.status=4 and br.billdate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode " + "and bg.maxcode) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode) group by" + " union " + "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount=null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount = null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) as amt from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg where and and and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and br.statusid not in (select id from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and bmis.voucherheaderid " + "is null and br.billdate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode " + "and bg.maxcode) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode) group by" + " ) group by bud "); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(" Main Query :" + query); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); return result; } /* * Similar to fetchActualsForBillWithParams() except that this will only consider bills for which vouchers are present and the * vouchers are uncancelled and BAN numbers are present for the bills and not vouchers */ public List<Object[]> fetchActualsForBillWithVouchersParams(final String fromDate, final String toVoucherDate, final StringBuffer miscQuery) { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query = query.append( "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) -SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end) as amt from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg,voucherheader vh, vouchermis vmis where and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and br.statusid not in (select id from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + "bmis.voucherheaderid and vh.status!=4 and br.billdate>=to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and = vmis.voucherheaderid and (bmis.budgetary_appnumber != 'null' and bmis.budgetary_appnumber is not null) " + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode ) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode ) group by" + " UNION " + "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) as amt from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregistermis bmis, eg_billregister br," + "egf_budgetgroup bg,voucherheader vh, vouchermis vmis where and and and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and = vmis.voucherheaderid and (bmis.budgetary_appnumber != 'null' and bmis.budgetary_appnumber is not null) " + " and (bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and br.statusid not in (select id as idd from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + " bmis.voucherheaderid and vh.status!=4 and br.billdate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode ) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode ) group by" + " UNION " + " select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) -SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end) as amt " + " from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, eg_billregister br,egf_budgetgroup bg, eg_billregistermis bmis left outer join voucherheader vh on " + " where and and and " + "(bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_EXPENDITURE' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE') and br.statusid not in (select id from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + "(bmis.voucherheaderid is NULL or vh.status=4) and br.billdate>=to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and (bmis.budgetary_appnumber != 'null' and bmis.budgetary_appnumber is not null) " + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode ) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode ) group by" + " UNION " + "select as bud,SUM(case when bdetail.creditAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.creditAmount end)-SUM(case when bdetail.debitAmount is null then 0 else bdetail.debitAmount end) as amt" + " from egf_budgetdetail bd,eg_billdetails bdetail, egf_budgetgroup bg, eg_billregister br,eg_billregistermis bmis left outer join voucherheader vh on " + " where and and and " + " (bmis.budgetCheckReq is null or bmis.budgetCheckReq=true) and (bmis.budgetary_appnumber != 'null' and bmis.budgetary_appnumber is not null) " + " and (bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='REVENUE_RECEIPTS' or bg.ACCOUNTTYPE='CAPITAL_RECEIPTS') and br.statusid not in (select id as idd from egw_status where description='Cancelled' and moduletype in ('EXPENSEBILL', 'SALBILL', 'WORKSBILL', 'PURCHBILL', 'CBILL', 'SBILL', 'CONTRACTORBILL')) and " + " (bmis.voucherheaderid is NULL or vh.status=4) and br.billdate>= to_date('" + fromDate + "','dd/MM/yyyy') and br.billdate <= to_date(" + toVoucherDate + ",'dd/MM/yyyy') " + miscQuery + " and ((bdetail.glcodeid between bg.mincode and bg.maxcode ) or bdetail.glcodeid=bg.majorcode ) group by"); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(" Main Query :" + query); final List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(query.toString()).list(); return result; } private StringBuffer getMiscQuery(final List<String> mandatoryFields, final String mis, final String gl, final String detail) { StringBuffer miscQuery = new StringBuffer(); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.FIELD)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + mis + ".divisionid=bd.boundary "); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.FUND)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + detail + " "); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.SCHEME)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + mis + ".schemeid=bd.scheme "); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.SUB_SCHEME)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + mis + ".subschemeid=bd.subscheme "); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.FUNCTIONARY)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + mis + ".functionaryid=bd.functionary "); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.FUNCTION)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + gl + ".functionId=bd.function "); if (mandatoryFields.contains(Constants.EXECUTING_DEPARTMENT)) miscQuery = miscQuery.append(" and " + mis + ".departmentid=bd.executing_department "); return miscQuery; } public PersonalInformation getEmpForCurrentUser() { return eisCommonService.getEmployeeByUserId(ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId()); } public void setBudgetDetailWorkflowService(final WorkflowService<BudgetDetail> budgetDetailWorkflowService) { this.budgetDetailWorkflowService = budgetDetailWorkflowService; } public void setPersistenceService(final PersistenceService persistenceService) { this.persistenceService = persistenceService; } public void setScriptExecutionService(final ScriptService scriptService) { } public boolean toBeConsolidated() { // TODO: Now employee is extending user so passing userid to get // assingment -- changes done by Vaibhav final Assignment empAssignment = eisCommonService .getLatestAssignmentForEmployeeByToDate(ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId(), new Date()); final Functionary empfunctionary = empAssignment.getFunctionary(); final Designation designation = empAssignment.getDesignation(); Boolean consolidateBudget = Boolean.FALSE; final List<AppConfigValues> list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "budget_toplevel_approver_designation"); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "budget_toplevel_approver_designation is not defined in AppConfig"); final List<AppConfigValues> list2 = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(Constants.EGF, "budget_secondlevel_approver_designation"); if (list2.isEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("", "budget_secondlevel_approver_designation is not defined in AppConfig"); // String[] functionAndDesg=list2.get(0).getValue().split(","); final String[] functionaryDesignationObj = list2.get(0).getValue().split(","); for (final String strObj : functionaryDesignationObj) if (strObj.contains(":")) { final String[] functionaryName = strObj.split(":"); if (empfunctionary != null && empfunctionary.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(functionaryName[0])) { consolidateBudget = Boolean.TRUE; break; } } else if (designation.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(strObj)) { consolidateBudget = Boolean.TRUE; break; } else consolidateBudget = Boolean.FALSE; return consolidateBudget; } @Transactional public List<BudgetUpload> loadBudget(List<BudgetUpload> budgetUploadList, final CFinancialYear reFYear, final CFinancialYear beFYear) { try { final Budget budget = budgetService.getByName("RE-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange()); if (budget == null) { final Set<String> deptSet = new TreeSet<String>(); final List<String> deptList = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<Department> departments = departmentService.getAllDepartments(); for (final Department dept : departments) deptSet.add(dept.getCode()); deptList.addAll(deptSet); final EgwStatus budgetStatus = egwStatusDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode("BUDGET", "Created"); createRootBudget(RE, beFYear, reFYear, deptList, budgetStatus); createRootBudget(BE, beFYear, reFYear, deptList, budgetStatus); } final EgwStatus budgetDetailStatus = egwStatusDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode("BUDGETDETAIL", "Created"); budgetUploadList = createBudgetDetails(RE, budgetUploadList, reFYear, budgetDetailStatus); budgetUploadList = createBudgetDetails(BE, budgetUploadList, beFYear, budgetDetailStatus); } catch (final ValidationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList( new ValidationError(e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage(), e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } return budgetUploadList; } @Transactional public List<BudgetUpload> createBudgetDetails(final String budgetType, final List<BudgetUpload> budgetUploadList, final CFinancialYear fyear, final EgwStatus status) { final List<BudgetUpload> tempList = new ArrayList<BudgetUpload>(); try { for (final BudgetUpload budgetUpload : budgetUploadList) { BudgetDetail budgetDetail = new BudgetDetail(); final BudgetDetail temp = getBudgetDetail(budgetUpload.getFund().getId(), budgetUpload.getFunction().getId(), budgetUpload.getDept() .getId(), budgetUpload.getCoa().getId(), fyear, budgetType); if (temp != null) { if (temp.getStatus().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("Created")) { BigDecimal amount; if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(RE)) amount = budgetUpload.getReAmount(); else amount = budgetUpload.getBeAmount(); if (amount.compareTo(temp.getApprovedAmount()) != 0) { temp.setApprovedAmount(amount); temp.setOriginalAmount(amount); temp.setBudgetAvailable(temp.getApprovedAmount().multiply(temp.getPlanningPercent()) .divide(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(100)))); applyAuditing(temp); budgetDetail = update(temp); budgetUpload.setFinalStatus("Success"); tempList.add(budgetUpload); } else { budgetUpload.setFinalStatus("Already budget is defined for this combination"); tempList.add(budgetUpload); } } else { budgetUpload.setFinalStatus("Already budget is defined for this combination and Approved"); tempList.add(budgetUpload); } } else if (temp == null) { budgetDetail.setFund(budgetUpload.getFund()); budgetDetail.setFunction(budgetUpload.getFunction()); budgetDetail.setExecutingDepartment(budgetUpload.getDept()); budgetDetail.setAnticipatoryAmount(BigDecimal.ZERO); budgetDetail.setPlanningPercent(BigDecimal.valueOf(budgetUpload.getPlanningPercentage())); if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(RE)) { budgetDetail.setOriginalAmount(budgetUpload.getReAmount()); budgetDetail.setApprovedAmount(budgetUpload.getReAmount()); budgetDetail.setBudgetAvailable( budgetUpload.getReAmount().multiply(budgetDetail.getPlanningPercent()) .divide(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(100)))); } else { budgetDetail.setOriginalAmount(budgetUpload.getBeAmount()); budgetDetail.setApprovedAmount(budgetUpload.getBeAmount()); budgetDetail.setBudgetAvailable( budgetUpload.getBeAmount().multiply(budgetDetail.getPlanningPercent()) .divide(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(100)))); } budgetDetail.setBudgetGroup(createBudgetGroup(budgetUpload.getCoa())); budgetDetail.setBudget(budgetService.getBudget(budgetUpload.getBudgetHead(), budgetUpload.getDeptCode(), budgetType, fyear.getFinYearRange())); budgetDetail.setMaterializedPath(getmaterializedpathforbudget(budgetDetail.getBudget())); budgetDetail.setStatus(status); // budgetDetail = setBudgetDetailStatus(budgetDetail); applyAuditing(budgetDetail); persist(budgetDetail); budgetUpload.setFinalStatus("Success"); tempList.add(budgetUpload); } } } catch (final ValidationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList( new ValidationError(e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage(), e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } return tempList; } @Transactional public BudgetDetail setBudgetDetailStatus(final BudgetDetail budgetDetail) { Long stateId; Serializable sequenceNumber = null; try { sequenceNumber = databaseSequenceProvider.getNextSequence("seq_eg_wf_states"); } catch (final SQLGrammarException e) { } stateId = Long.valueOf(sequenceNumber.toString()); persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(BUDGETDETAIL_STATES_INSERT).setLong("stateId", stateId) .executeUpdate(); budgetDetail.setWfState((State) persistenceService.find("from State where id = ?", stateId)); return budgetDetail; } private String getmaterializedpathforbudget(final Budget budget) { return budget.getMaterializedPath() + "." + (getCountByBudget(budget.getId()) + 1); } @Transactional public BudgetGroup createBudgetGroup(CChartOfAccounts coa) { BudgetGroup budgetGroup = budgetGroupService.getBudgetGroup(coa.getId()); try { Serializable sequenceNumber = null; try { sequenceNumber = databaseSequenceProvider.getNextSequence("seq_egf_budgetgroup"); } catch (final SQLGrammarException e) { } Long.valueOf(sequenceNumber.toString()); if (budgetGroup == null) { budgetGroup = new BudgetGroup(); budgetGroup.setName(coa.getGlcode() + "-" + coa.getName()); budgetGroup.setDescription(coa.getName()); budgetGroup.setIsActive(true); if (coa.getType().compareTo('E') == 0) { budgetGroup.setAccountType(BudgetAccountType.REVENUE_EXPENDITURE); budgetGroup.setBudgetingType(BudgetingType.DEBIT); } else if (coa.getType().compareTo('A') == 0) { budgetGroup.setAccountType(BudgetAccountType.CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE); budgetGroup.setBudgetingType(BudgetingType.DEBIT); } else if (coa.getType().compareTo('L') == 0) { budgetGroup.setAccountType(BudgetAccountType.CAPITAL_RECEIPTS); budgetGroup.setBudgetingType(BudgetingType.CREDIT); } else if (coa.getType().compareTo('I') == 0) { budgetGroup.setAccountType(BudgetAccountType.REVENUE_RECEIPTS); budgetGroup.setBudgetingType(BudgetingType.CREDIT); } if (coa.getClassification().compareTo(1l) == 0 || coa.getClassification().compareTo(2l) == 0 || coa.getClassification().compareTo(4l) == 0) { budgetGroup.setMinCode(coa); budgetGroup.setMaxCode(coa); } budgetGroup.setMajorCode(null); budgetGroupService.applyAuditing(budgetGroup); budgetGroup = budgetGroupService.persist(budgetGroup); if (coa.getType().compareTo('E') == 0 || coa.getType().compareTo('A') == 0) { coa.setBudgetCheckReq(true); coa = chartOfAccountsService.update(coa); } } } catch (final ValidationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList( new ValidationError(e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage(), e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } return budgetGroup; } @Transactional public void createRootBudget(final String budgetType, final CFinancialYear beFYear, final CFinancialYear reFYear, final List<String> deptList, final EgwStatus status) { String budgetName, budgetDes; CFinancialYear budgetFinancialYear; String rootmaterial; Budget budget = new Budget(); try { if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(BE)) { budgetName = budgetType + "-" + beFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetDes = "Budget - " + budgetType + " for the year " + beFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetFinancialYear = beFYear; } else { budgetName = budgetType + "-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetDes = "Budget - " + budgetType + " for the year " + reFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetFinancialYear = reFYear; } rootmaterial = getNewRootMaterializedPath(); if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(BE)) { final Budget refBudget = budgetService.getByName("RE-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange()); budget.setName(budgetName); budget.setIsActiveBudget(true); budget.setIsPrimaryBudget(true); budget.setDescription(budgetDes); budget.setFinancialYear(budgetFinancialYear); budget.setIsbere(budgetType); budget.setMaterializedPath(rootmaterial); budget.setReferenceBudget(refBudget); budgetService.applyAuditing(budget); // budget = setBudgetState(budget); budget.setStatus(status); budget = budgetService.persist(budget); } else { budget.setName(budgetName); budget.setDescription(budgetDes); budget.setIsActiveBudget(true); budget.setIsPrimaryBudget(true); budget.setFinancialYear(budgetFinancialYear); budget.setIsbere(budgetType); budget.setMaterializedPath(rootmaterial); budgetService.applyAuditing(budget); // budget = setBudgetState(budget); budget.setStatus(status); budget = budgetService.persist(budget); } createCapitalOrRevenueBudget(budget, "Capital", rootmaterial + ".1", budgetType, beFYear, reFYear, deptList, status); createCapitalOrRevenueBudget(budget, "Revenue", rootmaterial + ".2", budgetType, beFYear, reFYear, deptList, status); } catch (final ValidationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList( new ValidationError(e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage(), e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } } private String getNewRootMaterializedPath() { String rootmaterial; final Query query = persistenceService.getSession() .createSQLQuery("select count(*)+1 from egf_budget where parent is null"); rootmaterial = query.uniqueResult().toString(); return rootmaterial; } @Transactional public Budget setBudgetState(final Budget budget) { State budgetState; Serializable sequenceNumber = null; Long stateId; try { sequenceNumber = databaseSequenceProvider.getNextSequence("seq_eg_wf_states"); stateId = Long.valueOf(sequenceNumber.toString()); } catch (final SQLGrammarException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(BUDGET_STATES_INSERT).setLong("stateId", stateId) .executeUpdate(); budgetState = (State) persistenceService.find("from State where id = ?", stateId); budget.setWfState(budgetState); return budget; } @Transactional public void createCapitalOrRevenueBudget(final Budget parent, final String capitalOrRevenue, final String rootmaterial, final String budgetType, final CFinancialYear beFYear, final CFinancialYear reFYear, final List<String> deptList, final EgwStatus status) { String budgetName, budgetDes; CFinancialYear budgetFinancialYear; Budget budget = new Budget(); try { if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(BE)) { budgetName = capitalOrRevenue + "-" + budgetType + "-" + beFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetDes = capitalOrRevenue + " Budget - " + budgetType + " for the year " + beFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetFinancialYear = beFYear; } else { budgetName = capitalOrRevenue + "-" + budgetType + "-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetDes = capitalOrRevenue + " Budget - " + budgetType + " for the year " + reFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetFinancialYear = reFYear; } if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(BE)) { final Budget refBudget = budgetService .getByName(capitalOrRevenue + "-RE-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange()); budget.setName(budgetName); budget.setDescription(budgetDes); budget.setFinancialYear(budgetFinancialYear); budget.setIsActiveBudget(true); budget.setIsPrimaryBudget(true); // budget = setBudgetState(refBudget); budget.setStatus(status); budget.setIsbere(budgetType); budget.setMaterializedPath(rootmaterial); budget.setReferenceBudget(refBudget); budget.setParent(parent); budgetService.applyAuditing(budget); budget = budgetService.persist(budget); } else { budget.setName(budgetName); budget.setDescription(budgetDes); budget.setFinancialYear(budgetFinancialYear); budget.setIsActiveBudget(true); budget.setIsPrimaryBudget(true); // budget = setBudgetState(refBudget); budget.setStatus(status); budget.setIsbere(budgetType); budget.setMaterializedPath(rootmaterial); budget.setParent(parent); budgetService.applyAuditing(budget); budget = budgetService.persist(budget); } createDeptBudgetHeads(budget, capitalOrRevenue, budgetType, beFYear, reFYear, capitalOrRevenue.substring(0, 3), deptList, status); } catch (final ValidationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList( new ValidationError(e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage(), e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } } @Transactional public void createDeptBudgetHeads(final Budget parent, final String capitalOrRevenue, final String budgetType, final CFinancialYear beFYear, final CFinancialYear reFYear, final String revOrCap, final List<String> deptList, final EgwStatus status) { String budgetName, budgetDes, rootmaterial; CFinancialYear budgetFinancialYear; rootmaterial = parent.getMaterializedPath() + "."; String materialPath = rootmaterial; try { final Query query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery( "select count(*)+1 from egf_budget c,egf_budget p where c.parent = and = :parentName") .setString("parentName", parent.getName()); final String count = query.uniqueResult().toString(); Integer capOrRevCount = Integer.valueOf(count); for (final String deptCode : deptList) { Budget budget = new Budget(); if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(BE)) { budgetName = deptCode + "-" + budgetType + "-" + revOrCap + "-" + beFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetDes = departmentService.getDepartmentByCode(deptCode).getName() + " " + budgetType + " " + capitalOrRevenue + "Budget for the year " + beFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetFinancialYear = beFYear; } else { budgetName = deptCode + "-" + budgetType + "-" + revOrCap + "-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetDes = departmentService.getDepartmentByCode(deptCode).getName() + " " + budgetType + " " + capitalOrRevenue + "Budget for the year " + reFYear.getFinYearRange(); budgetFinancialYear = reFYear; } if (budgetService.getByName(budgetName) == null) { materialPath = rootmaterial + capOrRevCount++; if (budgetType.equalsIgnoreCase(BE)) { final Budget refBudget = budgetService .getByName(deptCode + "-RE-" + revOrCap + "-" + reFYear.getFinYearRange()); budget.setName(budgetName); budget.setDescription(budgetDes); budget.setFinancialYear(budgetFinancialYear); budget.setIsActiveBudget(true); budget.setIsPrimaryBudget(true); // budget = setBudgetState(budget); budget.setStatus(status); budget.setIsbere(budgetType); budget.setMaterializedPath(materialPath); budget.setReferenceBudget(refBudget); budget.setParent(parent); budgetService.applyAuditing(budget); budget = budgetService.persist(budget); } else { budget.setName(budgetName); budget.setDescription(budgetDes); budget.setFinancialYear(budgetFinancialYear); budget.setIsActiveBudget(true); budget.setIsPrimaryBudget(true); // budget = setBudgetState(budget); budget.setStatus(status); budget.setIsbere(budgetType); budget.setMaterializedPath(materialPath); budget.setParent(parent); budgetService.applyAuditing(budget); budget = budgetService.persist(budget); } } } } catch (final ValidationException e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList( new ValidationError(e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage(), e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()))); } } public BudgetDetail getBudgetDetail(final Integer fundId, final Long functionId, final Long deptId, final Long glCodeId, final CFinancialYear fYear, final String budgetType) { return find( "from BudgetDetail bd where = ? and = ? and = ? and = ? and = ? and bd.budget.isbere = ?", fundId, functionId, deptId, glCodeId, fYear.getId(), budgetType); } public BudgetDetail getBudgetDetail(final Integer fundId, final Long functionId, final Long deptId, final Long budgetGroupId) { return find( "from BudgetDetail bd where = ? and = ? and = ? and ?", fundId, functionId, deptId, budgetGroupId); } public List<BudgetDetail> getDepartmentFromBudgetDetailByFundId(final Integer fundId) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", fundId)) .setProjection(Projections.distinct("executingDepartment"))) .addOrder(Order.asc("executingDepartment")).list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> getFunctionFromBudgetDetailByDepartmentId(final Long departmentId) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", departmentId)) .setProjection(Projections.distinct("function"))) .addOrder(Order.asc("function")).list(); } public List<BudgetDetail> getBudgetDetailByFunctionId(final Long functionId) { final Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(BudgetDetail.class); return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", functionId)) .setProjection(Projections.distinct("budgetGroup"))) .addOrder(Order.asc("budgetGroup")).list(); } @Transactional public void updateByMaterializedPath(final String materializedPath) { final EgwStatus approvedStatus = egwStatusDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode("BUDGETDETAIL", "Approved"); final EgwStatus createdStatus = egwStatusDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode("BUDGETDETAIL", "Created"); persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery( "update egf_budgetdetail set status = :approvedStatus where status =:createdStatus and materializedPath like'" + materializedPath + "%'") .setLong("approvedStatus", approvedStatus.getId()).setLong("createdStatus", createdStatus.getId()) .executeUpdate(); } public List<BudgetDetail> sortByDepartmentName(final List<BudgetDetail> budgetDetails) { Collections.sort(budgetDetails, (o1, o2) -> o1.getExecutingDepartment().getName().toUpperCase() .compareTo(o2.getExecutingDepartment().getName().toUpperCase())); return budgetDetails; } public Assignment getWorkflowInitiator(final BudgetDetail budgetDetail) { return assignmentService.findByEmployeeAndGivenDate(budgetDetail.getCreatedBy().getId(), new Date()).get(0); } @Transactional public BudgetDetail transitionWorkFlow(final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final WorkflowBean workflowBean) { final User user = securityUtils.getCurrentUser(); final Assignment userAssignment = assignmentService.findByEmployeeAndGivenDate(user.getId(), new Date()) .get(0); Position pos = null; Assignment wfInitiator = null; if (budgetDetail.getId() != null && budgetDetail.getId() != 0) wfInitiator = getWorkflowInitiator(budgetDetail); if (FinancialConstants.BUTTONREJECT.equalsIgnoreCase(workflowBean.getWorkFlowAction())) { if (wfInitiator.equals(userAssignment)) budgetDetail.transition().end().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()).withDateInfo(new Date()); else { final String stateValue = FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_REJECTED; budgetDetail.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()).withStateValue(stateValue) .withDateInfo(new Date()).withOwner(wfInitiator.getPosition()) .withNextAction(FinancialConstants.WF_STATE_EOA_Approval_Pending); } } else if (FinancialConstants.BUTTONVERIFY.equalsIgnoreCase(workflowBean.getWorkFlowAction())) { budgetDetail.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()).withStateValue(" Approved") .withDateInfo(new Date()).withOwner(pos); budgetDetail.transition().end().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()).withDateInfo(new Date()); budgetDetail.setStatus(egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL, FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS)); } else if (FinancialConstants.BUTTONCANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(workflowBean.getWorkFlowAction())) { budgetDetail.setStatus(egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL, FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_CANCELLED)); budgetDetail.transition().end().withStateValue(FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_CANCELLED) .withSenderName(user.getName()).withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()) .withDateInfo(new Date()); } else if (FinancialConstants.BUTTONSAVE.equalsIgnoreCase(workflowBean.getWorkFlowAction())) { if (budgetDetail.getState() == null) { budgetDetail.transition().start().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()) .withStateValue(FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_NEW).withDateInfo(new Date()) .withOwner(userAssignment.getPosition()); budgetDetail.setStatus(egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode( FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL, FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_NEW)); } } else { if (null != workflowBean.getApproverPositionId() && workflowBean.getApproverPositionId() != -1) pos = (Position) persistenceService.find("from Position where id=?", workflowBean.getApproverPositionId()); if (null == budgetDetail.getState()) { budgetDetail.transition().start().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()) .withStateValue(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_CREATED_STATUS).withDateInfo(new Date()) .withOwner(pos); budgetDetail.setStatus(egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode( FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL, FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_CREATED_STATUS)); } else if (budgetDetail.getCurrentState().getNextAction() != null && budgetDetail.getCurrentState() .getNextAction().equalsIgnoreCase(FinancialConstants.WORKFLOWENDSTATE)) budgetDetail.transition().end().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()).withDateInfo(new Date()); else budgetDetail.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withSenderName(user.getName()) .withComments(workflowBean.getApproverComments()) .withStateValue(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_CREATED_STATUS).withDateInfo(new Date()) .withOwner(pos); } return budgetDetail; } @Transactional public BudgetDetail rejectWorkFlow(final BudgetDetail budgetDetail, final String comment) { final DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(); final User user = securityUtils.getCurrentUser(); Assignment wfInitiator = new Assignment(); if (budgetDetail.getId() != null && budgetDetail.getId() != 0) wfInitiator = getWorkflowInitiator(budgetDetail); final String stateValue = FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_REJECTED; budgetDetail.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withSenderName(user.getName()).withStateValue(stateValue) .withComments(comment).withDateInfo(currentDate.toDate()).withOwner(wfInitiator.getPosition()) .withNextAction(FinancialConstants.WF_STATE_EOA_Approval_Pending); applyAuditing(budgetDetail.getState()); return budgetDetail; } public List<Long> getBudgetIdList() { final String query = "select distinct from BudgetDetail bd "; final List<Long> budgetDetailsList = persistenceService.getSession().createQuery(query).list(); return budgetDetailsList; } public List<BudgetDetail> getBudgetDetailsByBudgetGroupId(final Long budgetGroupId) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from BudgetDetail where"); qry.setLong("budgetGroupId", budgetGroupId); List<BudgetDetail> budgetDetails = null; if (!qry.list().isEmpty()) budgetDetails = qry.list(); else budgetDetails = Collections.emptyList(); return budgetDetails; } public List<BudgetDetail> getBudgetDetailsByBudgetId(final Long budgetId) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from BudgetDetail where"); qry.setLong("budgetId", budgetId); List<BudgetDetail> budgetDetails = null; if (!qry.list().isEmpty()) budgetDetails = qry.list(); else budgetDetails = Collections.emptyList(); return budgetDetails; } public List<Budget> getBudgetByStatusAndFinancialYearId(final Integer statusId, final Long financialYearId) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select distinct budgetDetail.budget from BudgetDetail budgetDetail" + " where and " + " in(select id from Budget where"); qry.setInteger("statusId", statusId); qry.setLong("financialYearId", financialYearId); List<Budget> budget; if (!qry.list().isEmpty()) budget = qry.list(); else budget = Collections.emptyList(); return budget; } public List<BudgetDetail> getBudgetDetails(final List<Long> budgetId) { return budgetDetailRepository.findByBudgetIdInAndStatusId(budgetId, getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS).getId()); } public EgwStatus getBudgetDetailStatus(final String code) { return egwStatusHibernateDAO.getStatusByModuleAndCode(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL, code); } public String getDeptNameForBudgetId(final Long budgetId) { final BudgetDetail bg = budgetDetailRepository.findByBudgetIdAndStatusId(budgetId, getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS).getId()).get(0); return bg == null ? StringUtils.EMPTY : bg.getExecutingDepartment().getName(); } public String getNextYrBEName(final Budget budget) { final BudgetDetail bg = budgetDetailRepository.findByBudgetReferenceBudgetId(budget.getId()).get(0); return bg == null ? StringUtils.EMPTY : bg.getBudget().getName(); } public BigDecimal getREAmount(final Budget budget) { return budgetDetailRepository.findBudgetAmount(budget.getId(), getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS).getId()); } public BigDecimal getBEAmount(final Budget budget) { final BudgetDetail bg = budgetDetailRepository.findByBudgetReferenceBudgetId(budget.getId()).get(0); return budgetDetailRepository.findBudgetAmount(bg.getBudget().getId(), getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS).getId()); } public List<BudgetDetail> getNotApprovedBudgetDetails(final Long budgetId) { return budgetDetailRepository.findByBudgetIdInAndStatusIdNotIn(budgetId, getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.WORKFLOW_STATE_APPROVED).getId()); } public Long getBudgetDetailCount(final Budget budget) { return budgetDetailRepository.countByBudgetIdAndStatusId(budget.getId(), getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS).getId()); } public List<BudgetDetail> getNotApprovedBudgetDetailsForBudget(final List<Long> budgetId) { return budgetDetailRepository.findByBudgetIdInAndStatusId(budgetId, getBudgetDetailStatus(FinancialConstants.BUDGETDETAIL_VERIFIED_STATUS).getId()); } public BudgetDetail getBudgetDetailByReferencceBudget(final String uniqueNo, final Long budgetId) { return budgetDetailRepository.findByReferenceBudget(uniqueNo, budgetId); } }