Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonMethod; import; import org.egov.ptis.constants.PropertyTaxConstants; import; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.AssessmentDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.DrainageEnum; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.ErrorDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.LocalityDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.MasterCodeNamePairDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.PayPropertyTaxDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.PropertyTaxDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.ReceiptDetails; import org.egov.ptis.domain.model.enums.BasicPropertyStatus; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import static org.egov.ptis.constants.PropertyTaxConstants.ADMIN_HIERARCHY_TYPE; import static org.egov.ptis.constants.PropertyTaxConstants.REVENUE_HIERARCHY_TYPE; import static org.egov.ptis.constants.PropertyTaxConstants.WARD; import static org.egov.ptis.constants.PropertyTaxConstants.ZONE; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.POST; /** * The AssessmentService class is used as the RESTFul service to handle user * request and response. * * @author ranjit * */ @RestController public class AssessmentServiceController { @Autowired private PropertyExternalService propertyExternalService; /** * This method is used for handling user request for assessment details. * * @param assessmentNumber * - assessment number i.e. property id * @return * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/rest/property/{assessmentNumber}", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public AssessmentDetails getAssessmentDetails(@PathVariable String assessmentNumber) throws IOException { return propertyExternalService.loadAssessmentDetails(assessmentNumber, PropertyExternalService.FLAG_FULL_DETAILS, BasicPropertyStatus.ALL); } /** * This method is used get the property tax details. * * @param assessmentNo * - assessment no * @param username * - username credential * @param password * - password credential * @return * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/propertyTaxDetails", method = POST, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getPropertyTaxDetails(@RequestParam String assessmentNo, @RequestParam String username, @RequestParam String password) throws IOException { PropertyTaxDetails propertyTaxDetails = new PropertyTaxDetails(); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); if (isAuthenticatedUser) { propertyTaxDetails = propertyExternalService.getPropertyTaxDetails(assessmentNo, null, null); } else { ErrorDetails errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); propertyTaxDetails.setErrorDetails(errorDetails); } return getJSONResponse(propertyTaxDetails); } /** * This method id used to search the property based on boundary details. * * @param circleName * - boundary as circle name * @param zoneName * - boundary as zone name * @param wardName * - boundary as ward name * @param blockName * - boundary as block name * @param ownerName * - owner name * @param doorNo * - door number * @param username * - username credential * @param password * - password credential * @return * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/propertyTaxDetailsByBoundary", method = POST, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getPropertyTaxDetails(@RequestParam String circleName, @RequestParam String zoneName, @RequestParam String wardName, @RequestParam String blockName, @RequestParam String ownerName, @RequestParam String doorNo, @RequestParam String aadhaarNumber, @RequestParam String mobileNumber, @RequestParam String username, @RequestParam String password) throws IOException { Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); if (isAuthenticatedUser) { return getJSONResponse(propertyExternalService.getPropertyTaxDetails(circleName, zoneName, wardName, blockName, ownerName, doorNo, aadhaarNumber, mobileNumber)); } else { PropertyTaxDetails propertyTaxDetails = new PropertyTaxDetails(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); propertyTaxDetails.setErrorDetails(errorDetails); return getJSONResponse(propertyTaxDetails); } } /** * This method is used to pay the property tax. * * @param assessmentNo * - assessment number * @param paymentMode * - mode of payment * @param totalAmount * - total amount paid * @param paidBy * - payer name * @param username * - username credential * @param password * - password credential * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/payPropertyTax", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String payPropertyTax(@RequestParam String assessmentNo, @RequestParam String paymentMode, @RequestParam BigDecimal totalAmount, @RequestParam String paidBy, @RequestParam String username, @RequestParam String password) throws IOException { String responseJson = new String(); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); if (isAuthenticatedUser) { ErrorDetails errorDetails = propertyExternalService.validatePaymentDetails(assessmentNo, paymentMode, totalAmount, paidBy); if (null != errorDetails) { responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } else { PayPropertyTaxDetails pt = new PayPropertyTaxDetails(); pt.setAssessmentNo(assessmentNo); pt.setPaymentMode(paymentMode); pt.setPaymentAmount(totalAmount); pt.setPaidBy(paidBy); ReceiptDetails receiptDetails = propertyExternalService.payPropertyTax(pt, ""); responseJson = getJSONResponse(receiptDetails); } } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to pay the water tax. * * @param consumerNo * - consumer number * @param paymentMode * - mode of payment * @param totalAmount * - total amount paid * @param paidBy * - payer's name * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/payWaterTax", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String payWateTax(@RequestParam String consumerNo, @RequestParam String paymentMode, @RequestParam BigDecimal totalAmount, @RequestParam String paidBy) throws IOException { ErrorDetails errorDetails = propertyExternalService.validatePaymentDetails(consumerNo, paymentMode, totalAmount, paidBy); if (null != errorDetails) { return getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } else { errorDetails = propertyExternalService.payWaterTax(consumerNo, paymentMode, totalAmount, paidBy); return getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } } /** * This method is used to get the property type master details * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/ownershipCategories", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getOwnershipCategories() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> propTypeMasterDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { propTypeMasterDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getPropertyTypeMasterDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(propTypeMasterDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } //TODO : Need to check again @RequestMapping(value = "/property/ownershipCategoryByCode/{ownershipCategoryCode}", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getOwnershipCategoryByCode(@PathVariable String ownershipCategoryCode) throws IOException { PropertyTypeMaster propertyTypeMaster = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { propertyTypeMaster = propertyExternalService.getPropertyTypeMasterByCode(ownershipCategoryCode); responseJson = getJSONResponse(propertyTypeMaster); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get the property type based one category * * @return * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/propertyTypes/{ownershipCategoryCode}", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getPropertyTypeCategoryDetails(@PathVariable String ownershipCategoryCode) throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService .getPropertyTypeCategoryDetails(ownershipCategoryCode); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } @RequestMapping(value = "/property/propertyTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getPropertyTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getPropertyTypes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all the apartments and complexes. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/apartments", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getApartmentsAndComplexes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getApartmentsAndComplexes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get reasons for create the property. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/createPropertyReasons", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getCreatePropertyReasons() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService .getReasonsForChangeProperty(PropertyTaxConstants.PROP_CREATE_RSN); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all localities. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/localities", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getLocalities() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getBoundariesByBoundaryTypeAndHierarchyType( PropertyTaxConstants.LOCALITY, PropertyTaxConstants.LOCATION_HIERARCHY_TYPE); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all zones. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/zones", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getZones() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); //Authentication may be added later Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getBoundariesByBoundaryTypeAndHierarchyType(ZONE, REVENUE_HIERARCHY_TYPE); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all election wards. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/electionWards", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getElectionWards() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); //Authentication may be added later Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getBoundariesByBoundaryTypeAndHierarchyType(WARD, ADMIN_HIERARCHY_TYPE); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all localities. * * @param username * - username credential * @param password * - password credential * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/boundaryByLocalityCode", method = POST, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getBoundaryByLocalityCode(@RequestParam String localityCode, @RequestParam String username, @RequestParam String password) throws IOException { LocalityDetails localityDetails = null; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); if (isAuthenticatedUser) { localityDetails = propertyExternalService.getLocalityDetailsByLocalityCode(localityCode); responseJson = getJSONResponse(localityDetails); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all list of all the enumeration blocks. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/enumerationBlocks", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getEnumerationBlocks() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<MasterCodeNamePairDetails>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getEnumerationBlocks(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all types of floors. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/floorTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getFloorTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<MasterCodeNamePairDetails>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getFloorTypes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all type of roofs. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/roofTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getRoofTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<MasterCodeNamePairDetails>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getRoofTypes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all list of all type of walls. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/wallTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getWallTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<MasterCodeNamePairDetails>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getWallTypes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all list of all type of woods * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/woodTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getWoodTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getWoodTypes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all list of floor numbers. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/floors", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getFloors() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { TreeMap<Integer, String> floorMap = PropertyTaxConstants.FLOOR_MAP; Set<Integer> keys = floorMap.keySet(); for (Integer key : keys) { MasterCodeNamePairDetails mstrCodeNamePairDetails = new MasterCodeNamePairDetails(); mstrCodeNamePairDetails.setCode(key.toString()); mstrCodeNamePairDetails.setName(floorMap.get(key)); mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList.add(mstrCodeNamePairDetails); } responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all classifications of the property * structutres. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/propertyClassifications", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getPropertyClassifications() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getBuildingClassifications(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get nature of usages of the property. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/propertyUsages", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getPropertUsages() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getNatureOfUsages(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all list of occupancies. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/occupancyTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getOccupancyTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getOccupancies(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all the tax exemption categories. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/exemptionCategories", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getTaxExemptionCategories() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<MasterCodeNamePairDetails>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getExemptionCategories(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get drainages. * * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/drainages", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getDrainages() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = new ArrayList<>(); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { for (DrainageEnum drngEnum : DrainageEnum.values()) { MasterCodeNamePairDetails mstrCodeNamePairDetails = new MasterCodeNamePairDetails(); mstrCodeNamePairDetails.setCode(drngEnum.getCode()); mstrCodeNamePairDetails.setName(; mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList.add(mstrCodeNamePairDetails); } responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get list of all documents * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/documentTypes", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getDocumentTypes() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); //Authentication may be added later Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getDocumentTypes(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get list of all mutation reasons * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/mutationReasons", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getMutationReasons() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); //Authentication may be added later Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService .getReasonsForChangeProperty(PropertyTaxConstants.PROP_MUTATION_RSN); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get all approver departments. * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/property/approverDepartments", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getApproverDepartments() throws IOException { List<MasterCodeNamePairDetails> mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; String responseJson = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getApproverDepartments(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(mstrCodeNamePairDetailsList); } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to get list of all Ward-Block-Locality Mappings * @return responseJson - server response in JSON format * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value = "/wardBlockLocalityMapping", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public String getWardBlockLocalityMappings() throws IOException { String responseJson = StringUtils.EMPTY; ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; //Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = propertyExternalService.authenticateUser(username, password); //Authentication may be added later Boolean isAuthenticatedUser = true; if (isAuthenticatedUser) { List<Object[]> boundaryDetailsList = propertyExternalService.getWardBlockLocalityMapping(); List<JSONObject> boundaryJsonObjs = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); if (!boundaryDetailsList.isEmpty()) { for (Object[] obj : boundaryDetailsList) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("wardNum", obj[0]); jsonObject.put("wardName", obj[1]); jsonObject.put("blockNum", obj[2]); jsonObject.put("blockName", obj[3]); jsonObject.put("localityNum", obj[4]); jsonObject.put("localityName", obj[5]); boundaryJsonObjs.add(jsonObject); } responseJson = getJSONResponse(boundaryJsonObjs); } } else { errorDetails = getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails(); responseJson = getJSONResponse(errorDetails); } return responseJson; } /** * This method is used to prepare jSON response. * * @param obj * - a POJO object * @return jsonResponse - JSON response string * @throws IOException */ private String getJSONResponse(Object obj) throws IOException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); objectMapper.setVisibility(JsonMethod.FIELD, Visibility.ANY); String jsonResponse = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(obj); return jsonResponse; } /** * This method is used to get the error details for invalid credentials. * * @return */ private ErrorDetails getInvalidCredentialsErrorDetails() { ErrorDetails errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(); errorDetails.setErrorCode(PropertyTaxConstants.THIRD_PARTY_ERR_CODE_INVALIDCREDENTIALS); errorDetails.setErrorMessage(PropertyTaxConstants.THIRD_PARTY_ERR_MSG_INVALIDCREDENTIALS); return errorDetails; } }