Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results; import org.egov.commons.CFinancialYear; import org.egov.commons.CFunction; import org.egov.commons.dao.FinancialYearHibernateDAO; import org.egov.egf.model.BudgetProposalStatus; import org.egov.eis.entity.Assignment; import org.egov.eis.service.EisCommonService; import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Department; import org.egov.infra.web.struts.actions.BaseFormAction; import; import org.egov.model.budget.BudgetDetail; import org.egov.utils.BudgetDetailHelper; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; @ParentPackage("egov") @Results({ @Result(name = "reportSearch", location = "budgetProposalStatusReport-reportSearch.jsp") }) public class BudgetProposalStatusReportAction extends BaseFormAction { @Autowired @Qualifier("persistenceService") private PersistenceService persistenceService; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2763108637417639564L; private List<BudgetProposalStatus> budgetProposalStatusDeptList = new ArrayList<BudgetProposalStatus>(); private List<BudgetProposalStatus> budgetProposalStatusFuncList = new ArrayList<BudgetProposalStatus>(); private List<Department> departmentList = new ArrayList<Department>(); private List<CFunction> functionList = new ArrayList<CFunction>(); private Department department; private String fundType; private String budgetType; private String mode; private BudgetDetailHelper budgetDetailHelper; private final String asstBudDesg = "ASSISTANT"; private final String smBudDesg = "SECTION MANAGER"; private final String aoBudDesg = "ACCOUNTS OFFICER"; private final String caoBudDesg = "CHIEF ACCOUNTS OFFICER"; private final String asstAdminDesg = "ASSISTANT"; private final String smAdminDesg = "SECTION MANAGER"; private final String asstBudFunc = "FMU"; private final String smBudFunc = "FMU"; private final String aoBudFunc = "FMU"; private final String caoBudFunc = "FMU"; private final String asstAdminFunc = "ADMIN"; private final String smAdminFunc = "ADMIN"; private final String heavyCheckMark = "\u2714"; private String finYearId; private Date todayDate; private StringBuffer statementheading = new StringBuffer(); private FinancialYearHibernateDAO financialYearDAO; protected EisCommonService eisCommonService; public BudgetProposalStatusReportAction() { } @Override public Object getModel() { return null; } @Override public void prepare() { // persistenceService.getSession().setDefaultReadOnly(true); persistenceService.getSession().setDefaultReadOnly(true); persistenceService.getSession().setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); super.prepare(); } @Action(value = "/report/budgetProposalStatusReport-beforeSearch") public String beforeSearch() { addDropdownData("departmentList", getPersistenceService().findAllBy("from Department order by deptName")); return "reportSearch"; } @Action(value = "/report/budgetProposalStatusReport-search") public String search() { addDropdownData("departmentList", getPersistenceService().findAllBy("from Department order by deptName")); if (mode.equals("function")) functionWise(); else departmentWise(); // persistenceService.getSession().setDefaultReadOnly(false); return "reportSearch"; } public void departmentWise() { departmentList = persistenceService.findAllBy("from Department order by id"); finYearId = financialYearDAO.getCurrYearFiscalId(); final CFinancialYear currYear = (CFinancialYear) persistenceService.find("from CFinancialYear where id=?", Long.valueOf(finYearId)); setTodayDate(new Date()); for (final Department dept : departmentList) { final BudgetProposalStatus budgetProposalStatus = new BudgetProposalStatus(); budgetProposalStatus.setDepartment(dept); final BudgetDetail budgetDetail = (BudgetDetail) persistenceService.find( "from BudgetDetail where and executingDepartment=? and budget.isbere='RE' and budget.state.value<>'END' and budgetGroup.accountType=?", Long.valueOf(finYearId), dept, fundType + "_" + budgetType); if (budgetDetail != null && budgetDetail.getBudget() != null && budgetDetail.getBudget().getState() != null && budgetDetail.getBudget().getState().getOwnerPosition() != null) { final Assignment assignment = (Assignment) persistenceService.find( "from Assignment where isPrimary=? and position=?", 'Y', budgetDetail.getBudget().getState().getOwnerPosition()); if (assignment != null) if (eisCommonService.isHod(assignment.getId())) budgetProposalStatus.setHod(heavyCheckMark); else if (assignment.getDesignation().getName().equals(asstBudDesg) && assignment.getFunctionary().getName().equals(asstBudFunc)) budgetProposalStatus.setAsstBud(heavyCheckMark); else if (assignment.getDesignation().getName().equals(smBudDesg) && assignment.getFunctionary().getName().equals(smBudFunc)) budgetProposalStatus.setSmBud(heavyCheckMark); else if (assignment.getDesignation().getName().equals(aoBudDesg) && assignment.getFunctionary().getName().equals(aoBudFunc)) budgetProposalStatus.setAoBud(heavyCheckMark); else if (assignment.getDesignation().getName().equals(caoBudDesg) && assignment.getFunctionary().getName().equals(caoBudFunc)) budgetProposalStatus.setCaoBud(heavyCheckMark); } budgetProposalStatusDeptList.add(budgetProposalStatus); } setStatementheading(statementheading.append("Budget Proposal Status for Financial Year ") .append(currYear.getFinYearRange())); } public void functionWise() { final String accountType = budgetDetailHelper.accountTypeForFunctionDeptMap(budgetType); functionList = persistenceService.findAllBy( "select dfm.function from EgDepartmentFunctionMap dfm where and dfm.budgetAccountType=? ", department.getId(), accountType); finYearId = financialYearDAO.getCurrYearFiscalId(); final CFinancialYear currYear = (CFinancialYear) persistenceService.find("from CFinancialYear where id=?", Long.valueOf(finYearId)); final Department dept = (Department) persistenceService.find("from Department where id=?", department.getId()); setTodayDate(new Date()); for (final CFunction func : functionList) { final BudgetProposalStatus budgetProposalStatus = new BudgetProposalStatus(); budgetProposalStatus.setFunction(func); final BudgetDetail budgetDetail = (BudgetDetail) persistenceService.find( "from BudgetDetail where and and budget.isbere='RE' and budget.state.value<>'END' and state.value<>'END' and function=? and budgetGroup.accountType=?", Long.valueOf(finYearId), department.getId(), func, fundType + "_" + budgetType); if (budgetDetail != null && budgetDetail.getState() != null && budgetDetail.getState().getOwnerPosition() != null) { final Assignment assignment = (Assignment) persistenceService.find( "from Assignment where isPrimary=? and position=?", 'Y', budgetDetail.getState().getOwnerPosition()); if (assignment != null) if (assignment.getDesignation().getName().equals(asstAdminDesg) && assignment.getFunctionary().getName().equals(asstAdminFunc)) budgetProposalStatus.setAsstAdmin(heavyCheckMark); else if (assignment.getDesignation().getName().equals(smAdminDesg) && assignment.getFunctionary().getName().equals(smAdminFunc)) budgetProposalStatus.setSmAdmin(heavyCheckMark); else if (eisCommonService.isHod(assignment.getId())) budgetProposalStatus.setHod(heavyCheckMark); } budgetProposalStatusFuncList.add(budgetProposalStatus); } setStatementheading(statementheading.append("Budget Detail Proposal Status of Department ") .append(dept.getName()).append(" for Financial Year ").append(currYear.getFinYearRange())); } public List<BudgetProposalStatus> getBudgetProposalStatusDeptList() { return budgetProposalStatusDeptList; } public void setBudgetProposalStatusDeptList(final List<BudgetProposalStatus> budgetProposalStatusDeptList) { this.budgetProposalStatusDeptList = budgetProposalStatusDeptList; } public List<BudgetProposalStatus> getBudgetProposalStatusFuncList() { return budgetProposalStatusFuncList; } public void setBudgetProposalStatusFuncList(final List<BudgetProposalStatus> budgetProposalStatusFuncList) { this.budgetProposalStatusFuncList = budgetProposalStatusFuncList; } public void setFinancialYearDAO(final FinancialYearHibernateDAO financialYearDAO) { this.financialYearDAO = financialYearDAO; } public Date getTodayDate() { return todayDate; } public void setTodayDate(final Date todayDate) { this.todayDate = todayDate; } public StringBuffer getStatementheading() { return statementheading; } public void setStatementheading(final StringBuffer statementheading) { this.statementheading = statementheading; } public Department getDepartment() { return department; } public void setDepartment(final Department department) { this.department = department; } public String getFundType() { return fundType; } public void setFundType(final String fundType) { this.fundType = fundType; } public String getBudgetType() { return budgetType; } public void setBudgetType(final String budgetType) { this.budgetType = budgetType; } public String getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(final String mode) { this.mode = mode; } public void setBudgetDetailHelper(final BudgetDetailHelper budgetDetailHelper) { this.budgetDetailHelper = budgetDetailHelper; } }