Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results; import org.egov.egf.model.BudgetReAppReportBean; import org.egov.infra.reporting.util.ReportUtil; import org.egov.infra.web.struts.actions.BaseFormAction; import; import org.egov.infstr.utils.EgovMasterDataCaching; import org.egov.model.budget.Budget; import org.egov.model.budget.BudgetReAppropriation; import org.egov.utils.Constants; import org.egov.utils.ReportHelper; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers; import org.hibernate.type.BigDecimalType; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; @Results(value = { @Result(name = BudgetAppropriationReportAction.NEW, location = "budgetAppropriationReport-new.jsp"), @Result(name = "result", location = "budgetAppropriationReport-result.jsp"), @Result(name = "PDF", type = "stream", location = Constants.INPUT_STREAM, params = { Constants.INPUT_NAME, Constants.INPUT_STREAM, Constants.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/pdf", Constants.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "no-cache;filename=BudgetAppropriationReport.pdf" }), @Result(name = "XLS", type = "stream", location = Constants.INPUT_STREAM, params = { Constants.INPUT_NAME, Constants.INPUT_STREAM, Constants.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/xls", Constants.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "no-cache;filename=BudgetAppropriationReport.xls" }) }) @ParentPackage("egov") public class BudgetAppropriationReportAction extends BaseFormAction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BudgetAppropriationReportAction.class); public static final SimpleDateFormat YYYY_MM_DD_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); private Date fromDate = null; private Date toDate = null; private InputStream inputStream; private ReportHelper reportHelper; private List<Budget> budgetList = null; private BudgetReAppropriation budgetRep = new BudgetReAppropriation(); private List<BudgetReAppReportBean> budgetAppropriationList = new ArrayList<BudgetReAppReportBean>(); private List<BudgetReAppReportBean> budgetDisplayList = new ArrayList<BudgetReAppReportBean>(); private StringBuffer heading = new StringBuffer(); private String budgetName; private String deptName = ""; private String fundName = ""; private String functionName = ""; private String isFundSelected = "false"; private String isFunctionSelected = "false"; private String isDepartmentSelected = "false"; @Autowired @Qualifier("persistenceService") private PersistenceService persistenceService; @Autowired private EgovMasterDataCaching masterDataCache; @Override public void prepare() { persistenceService.getSession().setDefaultReadOnly(true); persistenceService.getSession().setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); super.prepare(); if (!parameters.containsKey("showDropDown")) { addDropdownData("departmentList", masterDataCache.get("egi-department")); addDropdownData("functionList", masterDataCache.get("egi-function")); addDropdownData("fundDropDownList", masterDataCache.get("egi-fund")); budgetList = persistenceService.findAllBy( "from Budget bud where bud.isActiveBudget=true and bud.parent is null order by desc"); addDropdownData("budList", budgetList); } } @Override public Object getModel() { return budgetRep; } public BudgetAppropriationReportAction() { } @Action(value = "/report/budgetAppropriationReport-newForm") public String newForm() { return NEW; } @Action(value = "/report/budgetAppropriationReport-ajaxGenerateReport") public String ajaxGenerateReport() { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Starting ajaxGenerateReport.."); populateReAppropriationData(); return "result"; } private void prepareFormattedList() { for (int index = 0, slNo = 1; index < budgetDisplayList.size(); index++) { budgetAppropriationList.add(budgetDisplayList.get(index)); budgetAppropriationList.get(index).setSlNo(slNo++); budgetAppropriationList.get(index).setAppDate( Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2.format(budgetDisplayList.get(index).getAppropriationDate())); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void populateReAppropriationData() { setRelatedEntitesOn(); final Query query = generateQuery(); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(BudgetReAppReportBean.class)); budgetDisplayList.addAll(query.list()); } private StringBuffer getQueryString() { StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(); String deptQry = ""; String fundQry = ""; String functionQry = ""; if (budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getExecutingDepartment() != null && budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getExecutingDepartment().getId() != null) deptQry = " and bd.EXECUTING_DEPARTMENT=" + budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getExecutingDepartment().getId(); if (budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getFund() != null && budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getFund().getId() != null) fundQry = " and" + budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getFund().getId(); if (budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getFunction() != null && budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getFunction().getId() != null) functionQry = " and bd.function=" + budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getFunction().getId(); queryString = queryString.append("select as department, as function , as fund ," + " as budgetHead,bmisc.sequence_number as budgetAppropriationNo,bmisc.reappropriation_date as appropriationDate," + " bd.approvedamount as actualAmount,br.addition_amount as additionAmount,br.deduction_amount as deductionAmount" + " from egf_budget B,egf_budget_reappropriation br,egf_budgetdetail bd,egf_budgetgroup bg,egf_reappropriation_misc bmisc" + ", eg_department dept,fund fnd , function funct" + " where =br.budgetdetail and and and " + " and and and bd.EXECUTING_DEPARTMENT " + deptQry + fundQry + functionQry + " and bmisc.reappropriation_date between '" + YYYY_MM_DD_FORMAT.format(getFromDate()) + "' and '" + YYYY_MM_DD_FORMAT.format(getToDate()) + "'" + " and bd.MATERIALIZEDPATH like ''||(select budinn.MATERIALIZEDPATH ||'%' from egf_budget budinn where" + budgetRep.getBudgetDetail().getBudget().getId() + ")||''"); return queryString.append(" order by,,,bmisc.reappropriation_date"); } private Query generateQuery() { final Query query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(getQueryString().toString()) .addScalar("department").addScalar("function").addScalar("fund").addScalar("budgetHead") .addScalar("budgetAppropriationNo").addScalar("appropriationDate").addScalar("actualAmount") .addScalar("additionAmount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("deductionAmount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE); return query; } protected void setRelatedEntitesOn() { heading.append("Budget Addition/Deduction Appropriation "); if (!getFundName().equals("")) { heading.append(" in " + getFundName()); isFundSelected = "true"; } if (!getFunctionName().equals("")) { heading.append(" under " + getFunctionName()); isFunctionSelected = "true"; } if (!getDeptName().equals("")) { heading.append(" For " + getDeptName() + "Department"); isDepartmentSelected = "true"; } if (getFromDate() != null && getToDate() != null) heading.append(" From " + getFormattedDate(getFromDate()) + " To " + getFormattedDate(getToDate())); } /* * For Pdf/Excel */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getUlbName() { final Query query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery("select name from companydetail"); final List<String> result = query.list(); if (result != null) return result.get(0); return ""; } @Action(value = "/report/budgetAppropriationReport-ajaxGenerateReportXls") public String ajaxGenerateReportXls() throws Exception { populateReAppropriationData(); prepareFormattedList(); final String title = ReportUtil.getCityName(); final String subtitle = "Amount in Rupess"; final JasperPrint jasper = reportHelper.generateBudgetAppropriationJasperPrint(budgetAppropriationList, title, subtitle, budgetName, getIsFundSelected(), getIsFunctionSelected(), getIsDepartmentSelected()); inputStream = reportHelper.exportXls(inputStream, jasper); return "XLS"; } @Action(value = "/report/budgetAppropriationReport-ajaxGenerateReportPdf") public String ajaxGenerateReportPdf() throws Exception { populateReAppropriationData(); prepareFormattedList(); final String title = ReportUtil.getCityName(); final String subtitle = "Amount in Rupess"; final JasperPrint jasper = reportHelper.generateBudgetAppropriationJasperPrint(budgetAppropriationList, title, subtitle, budgetName, getIsFundSelected(), getIsFunctionSelected(), getIsDepartmentSelected()); inputStream = reportHelper.exportPdf(inputStream, jasper); return "PDF"; } public String getFormattedDate(final Date date) { return Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2.format(date); } public Date getFromDate() { return fromDate; } public void setFromDate(final Date fromDate) { this.fromDate = fromDate; } public Date getToDate() { return toDate; } public void setToDate(final Date toDate) { this.toDate = toDate; } public InputStream getInputStream() { return inputStream; } public void setInputStream(final InputStream inputStream) { this.inputStream = inputStream; } public ReportHelper getReportHelper() { return reportHelper; } public void setReportHelper(final ReportHelper reportHelper) { this.reportHelper = reportHelper; } public StringBuffer getHeading() { return heading; } public BudgetReAppropriation getBudgetRep() { return budgetRep; } public void setBudgetRep(final BudgetReAppropriation budgetRep) { this.budgetRep = budgetRep; } public void setHeading(final StringBuffer heading) { this.heading = heading; } public List<BudgetReAppReportBean> getBudgetDisplayList() { return budgetDisplayList; } public void setBudgetDisplayList(final List<BudgetReAppReportBean> budgetDisplayList) { this.budgetDisplayList = budgetDisplayList; } public List<BudgetReAppReportBean> getBudgetAppropriationList() { return budgetAppropriationList; } public void setBudgetAppropriationList(final List<BudgetReAppReportBean> budgetAppropriationList) { this.budgetAppropriationList = budgetAppropriationList; } public String getIsFundSelected() { return isFundSelected; } public void setIsFundSelected(final String isFundSelected) { this.isFundSelected = isFundSelected; } public String getIsFunctionSelected() { return isFunctionSelected; } public void setIsFunctionSelected(final String isFunctionSelected) { this.isFunctionSelected = isFunctionSelected; } public String getIsDepartmentSelected() { return isDepartmentSelected; } public void setIsDepartmentSelected(final String isDepartmentSelected) { this.isDepartmentSelected = isDepartmentSelected; } public String getBudgetName() { return budgetName; } public void setBudgetName(final String budgetName) { this.budgetName = budgetName; } public String getDeptName() { return deptName; } public void setDeptName(final String deptName) { this.deptName = deptName; } public String getFundName() { return fundName; } public void setFundName(final String fundName) { this.fundName = fundName; } public String getFunctionName() { return functionName; } public void setFunctionName(final String functionName) { this.functionName = functionName; } }