Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2003 - 2014 The eFaps Team
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Revision:        $Rev$
 * Last Changed:    $Date$
 * Last Changed By: $Author$

package org.efaps.ui.wicket.behaviors.dojo;

import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.IHeaderResponse;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.JavaScriptHeaderItem;

 * This class renders the drag and drop ability from the DojoToolKit to a component.<br>
 * It is used for all tags which can be part of the Dojo-dnd. The handles, items and the Source.
 * @author The eFaps Team
 * @version $Id$
public class DnDBehavior extends AbstractDojoBehavior {

     * Needed for serialization.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Enum used to set the Type of Drag and Drop this Behavior should render.
    public enum BehaviorType {
        /** Render a item. */
        /** Render a source. */

     * This instance variable stores what kind should be rendered.
    private final BehaviorType type;

     * this instance variable stores a javascript which will be
     * executed after the drag and drop. It is only used in
     * case of BehaviorType.SOURCE
    private String appendJavaScript;

     * Type.
    private CharSequence dndType = "eFapsdnd";

     * Constructor setting the Type of the DnDBehavior. Instead of
     * using this constructor it can be used on e of the
     * static methods. <li>
     * {@link #getHandleBehavior()}</li> <li>{@link #getItemBehavior()}</li> <li>
     * {@link #getSourceBehavior()}</li>
     * @param _type BehaviorType of this DnDBehavior
    public DnDBehavior(final BehaviorType _type) {
        this.type = _type;

     * Constructor setting the type and dendtype.
     * @param _type BehaviorType of this DnDBehavior
     * @param _dndType dndType
    public DnDBehavior(final BehaviorType _type, final String _dndType) {
        this.type = _type;
        this.dndType = _dndType;

     * The tag of the component must be altered, so that the dojo dnd will be rendered.
     * @see org.apache.wicket.behavior.AbstractBehavior#onComponentTag(org.apache.wicket.Component,
     *      org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag)
     * @param _component Component
     * @param _tag tag to edit
    public void onComponentTag(final Component _component, final ComponentTag _tag) {
        super.onComponentTag(_component, _tag);

        if (this.type == DnDBehavior.BehaviorType.ITEM) {
            String value = "dojoDndItem ";
            if (_tag.getAttribute("class") != null) {
                value += _tag.getAttribute("class");
            _tag.put("dndType", this.dndType);
            _tag.put("class", value);

     * Add the javascriupt to the head of the webpage.
     * @see org.efaps.ui.wicket.behaviors.dojo.AbstractDojoBehavior#renderHead(
     * org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IHeaderResponse)
     * @param _component component the header will be rendered for
     * @param _response rseponse
    public void renderHead(final Component _component, final IHeaderResponse _response) {
        super.renderHead(_component, _response);
        if (this.type == DnDBehavior.BehaviorType.SOURCE) {
            final StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder()
                    .append("require([\"dojo/aspect\",\"dojo/dom\",\"dojo/dnd/Source\"], ")
                    .append("function(aspect,dom){\n").append("var nSrc = new dojo.dnd.Source(dom.byId('")
                    .append("{ accept: ['" + this.dndType + "']});")
                    .append(" aspect.after(nSrc,\"onDrop\", function(){\n").append(this.appendJavaScript)

     * This is the getter method for the instance variable {@link #appendJavaScript}.
     * @return value of instance variable {@link #appendJavaScript}
    public String getAppendJavaScript() {
        return this.appendJavaScript;

     * This is the setter method for the instance variable {@link #appendJavaScript}.
     * @param _appendJavaScript the appendJavaScript to set
    public void setAppendJavaScript(final String _appendJavaScript) {
        this.appendJavaScript = _appendJavaScript;

     * This is the getter method for the instance variable {@link #dndType}.
     * @return value of instance variable {@link #dndType}
    public CharSequence getDndType() {
        return this.dndType;

     * This is the setter method for the instance variable {@link #dndType}.
     * @param _dndType the dndType to set
    public void setDndType(final CharSequence _dndType) {
        this.dndType = _dndType;

     * Static Method to get DnDBehavior with Source behavior.
     * @return DnDBehavior with Source behavior.
    public static DnDBehavior getSourceBehavior() {
        return new DnDBehavior(DnDBehavior.BehaviorType.SOURCE);

     * Static Method to get DnDBehavior with Source behavior.
     * @param _dndType dndtype to set
     * @return DnDBehavior with Source behavior.
    public static DnDBehavior getSourceBehavior(final String _dndType) {
        return new DnDBehavior(DnDBehavior.BehaviorType.SOURCE, _dndType);

     * Static Method to get DnDBehavior with item behavior.
     * @param _dndType dndtype to set
     * @return DnDBehavior with item behavior.
    public static DnDBehavior getItemBehavior(final String _dndType) {
        return new DnDBehavior(DnDBehavior.BehaviorType.ITEM, _dndType);

     * Static Method to get DnDBehavior with item behavior.
     * @return DnDBehavior with item behavior.
    public static DnDBehavior getItemBehavior() {
        return new DnDBehavior(DnDBehavior.BehaviorType.ITEM);