Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2003 - 2016 The eFaps Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Revision: $Rev$ * Last Changed: $Date$ * Last Changed By: $Author$ */ package org.efaps.esjp.common.uiform; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.efaps.admin.EFapsSystemConfiguration; import org.efaps.admin.KernelSettings; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.Attribute; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.AttributeSet; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.Classification; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.Status; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.Type; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.attributetype.AbstractFileType; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.attributetype.LinkType; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.attributetype.RateType; import org.efaps.admin.datamodel.ui.RateUI; import org.efaps.admin.event.EventExecution; import org.efaps.admin.event.Parameter; import org.efaps.admin.event.Parameter.ParameterValues; import org.efaps.admin.event.Return; import org.efaps.admin.event.Return.ReturnValues; import org.efaps.admin.program.esjp.EFapsApplication; import org.efaps.admin.program.esjp.EFapsUUID; import org.efaps.admin.ui.AbstractCommand; import org.efaps.admin.ui.AbstractUserInterfaceObject.TargetMode; import org.efaps.admin.ui.Form; import org.efaps.admin.ui.field.Field; import org.efaps.admin.ui.field.FieldSet; import org.efaps.bpm.BPM; import org.efaps.db.Checkin; import org.efaps.db.Context; import org.efaps.db.Delete; import org.efaps.db.Insert; import org.efaps.db.Instance; import org.efaps.db.InstanceQuery; import org.efaps.db.QueryBuilder; import org.efaps.esjp.common.AbstractCommon; import org.efaps.util.EFapsException; import org.kie.api.runtime.process.ProcessInstance; /** * This esjp is used from the UI_COMMAND_EXECUTE from the Form on Create. * * @author The eFaps Team * @version $Id$ */ @EFapsUUID("a76c48e2-79e4-4083-93b8-f4bc192eaa02") @EFapsApplication("eFaps-Kernel") public abstract class Create_Base extends AbstractCommon implements EventExecution { /** * Execute the esjp. * * @see org.efaps.admin.event.EventExecution#execute(org.efaps.admin.event.Parameter) * @param _parameter Parameter as defined for an esjp * @return new empty Return * @throws EFapsException on error */ @Override public Return execute(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException { // create the basic object final Instance instance = basicInsert(_parameter); // connect the basic object to a middle object connect(_parameter, instance); // check if we have a file-upload field fileUpload(_parameter, instance); // create classifications insertClassification(_parameter, instance); // execute processes executeProcess(_parameter, instance); final Return ret = new Return(); ret.put(ReturnValues.INSTANCE, instance); return ret; } /** * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the efaps API. * @param _instance Instance on the insert * @throws EFapsException on error */ public void executeProcess(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance) throws EFapsException { if (EFapsSystemConfiguration.get().getAttributeValueAsBoolean(KernelSettings.ACTIVATE_BPM)) { if (getProperty(_parameter, "ProcessID") != null) { if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperty(_parameter, "SaveContextBeforeProcessStart"))) {; } final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("OID", _instance.getOid()); add2ProcessMap(_parameter, _instance, params); final ProcessInstance processInstance = BPM.startProcess(getProperty(_parameter, "ProcessID"), params); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperty(_parameter, "RegisterProcess"))) { // BPM_GeneralInstance2ProcessId -- use of UUID because installed from different module final Insert insert = new Insert(UUID.fromString("f6731331-e3a7-4a98-be35-ad1bb8e88497")); insert.add("ProcessId", processInstance.getId()); insert.add("GeneralInstanceLink", _instance.getGeneralId()); insert.executeWithoutTrigger(); } } } } /** * Add additional values to the map passed to the process prior to * execution. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed by the eFasp API * @param _instance Insert the values can be added to * @param _params Map passed to the Process * @throws EFapsException on error */ protected void add2ProcessMap(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance, final Map<String, Object> _params) throws EFapsException { } /** * Method that insert the basic object. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the efaps API. * @return Instance on the insert * @throws EFapsException on error */ public Instance basicInsert(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException { final AbstractCommand command = (AbstractCommand) _parameter.get(ParameterValues.UIOBJECT); final Instance parent = _parameter.getInstance(); final List<FieldSet> fieldsets = new ArrayList<FieldSet>(); Status status = null; if (getProperty(_parameter, "StatusGroup") != null && getProperty(_parameter, "Status") != null) { status = Status.find(getProperty(_parameter, "StatusGroup"), getProperty(_parameter, "Status")); } Type createType = command.getTargetCreateType(); if (createType.isAbstract()) { final String typeStr = _parameter.getParameterValue(getProperty(_parameter, "TypeFieldName")); if (typeStr != null && !typeStr.isEmpty()) { if (isUUID(typeStr)) { createType = Type.get(UUID.fromString(typeStr)); } else if (Instance.get(typeStr).isValid()) { createType = Type.get(Instance.get(typeStr).getId()); } else if (NumberUtils.isDigits(typeStr)) { createType = Type.get(Long.parseLong(typeStr)); } else { createType = Type.get(typeStr); } } else { createType = null; } } final Insert insert = new Insert(createType); if (status != null) { insert.add(command.getTargetCreateType().getStatusAttribute(), status.getId()); } for (final Field field : command.getTargetForm().getFields()) { final String attrName = field.getAttribute(); if (attrName != null && (field.isEditableDisplay(TargetMode.CREATE) || field.isHiddenDisplay(TargetMode.CREATE))) { if (field instanceof FieldSet) { fieldsets.add((FieldSet) field); } else { final Attribute attr = command.getTargetCreateType().getAttribute(attrName); // check if not a file-upload field if (attr != null && !AbstractFileType.class.isAssignableFrom(attr.getAttributeType().getClassRepr())) { if (_parameter.getParameters().containsKey(field.getName())) { add2Insert(_parameter, insert, attr, field.getName(), 0); } } } } } if (command.getTargetConnectAttribute() != null) { insert.add(command.getTargetConnectAttribute(), parent); } add2basicInsert(_parameter, insert); insert.execute(); final Instance instance = insert.getInstance(); insertFieldSets(_parameter, instance, fieldsets); return instance; } /** * Add additional values to the basic insert, prior to execution. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed by the eFasp API * @param _insert Insert the values can be added to * @throws EFapsException on error */ protected void add2basicInsert(final Parameter _parameter, final Insert _insert) throws EFapsException { } /** * Add to the given update. * @param _parameter Parameter as passed by the eFaps API * @param _insert Insert * @param _attr Attribute * @param _fieldName name of the Field * @param _idx index * @throws EFapsException on error */ protected void add2Insert(final Parameter _parameter, final Insert _insert, final Attribute _attr, final String _fieldName, final int _idx) throws EFapsException { if (_attr.hasUoM()) { _insert.add(_attr, new Object[] { _parameter.getParameterValues(_fieldName)[_idx], _parameter.getParameterValues(_fieldName + "UoM")[_idx] }); } else if (_attr.getAttributeType().getDbAttrType() instanceof RateType) { final String value = _parameter.getParameterValues(_fieldName)[_idx]; final boolean inverted = "true" .equalsIgnoreCase(_parameter.getParameterValues(_fieldName + RateUI.INVERTEDSUFFIX)[_idx]); _insert.add(_attr, new Object[] { inverted ? 1 : value, inverted ? value : 1 }); } else if (_attr.getAttributeType().getDbAttrType() instanceof LinkType) { final String value = _parameter.getParameterValues(_fieldName)[_idx]; final Instance tmpInst = Instance.get(value); _insert.add(_attr, tmpInst.isValid() ? tmpInst : value); } else { _insert.add(_attr, _parameter.getParameterValues(_fieldName)[_idx]); } } /** * Method to create the related fieldsets if parameters are given for them. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the efaps API. * @param _instance Instance of the new object * @param _fieldsets fieldsets to insert * @throws EFapsException on error */ public void insertFieldSets(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance, final List<FieldSet> _fieldsets) throws EFapsException { for (final FieldSet fieldset : _fieldsets) { if (_parameter.getParameters().containsKey(fieldset.getName() + "eFapsRemove")) { // to mountain backward compatibility insertFieldSetsOld(_parameter, _instance, _fieldsets); break; } else { final String setName = fieldset.getAttribute(); final AttributeSet set = AttributeSet.find(_instance.getType().getName(), setName); Object[] ids = null; if (_parameter.getParameters().containsKey(fieldset.getName() + "_ID")) { final String[] idArray = _parameter.getParameterValues(fieldset.getName() + "_ID"); ids = new Object[idArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < idArray.length; i++) { final Insert insert = new Insert(set); insert.add(set.getAttribute(setName), _instance.getId()); for (final String attrName : fieldset.getOrder()) { final Attribute child = set.getAttribute(attrName); final String fieldName = fieldset.getName() + "_" + attrName; if (_parameter.getParameters().containsKey(fieldName)) { add2Insert(_parameter, insert, child, fieldName, i); } } insert.execute(); ids[i] = insert.getId(); } } final QueryBuilder queryBldr = new QueryBuilder(set); queryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(set.getAttribute(setName), _instance.getId()); if (ids != null) { queryBldr.addWhereAttrNotEqValue("ID", ids); } final InstanceQuery query = queryBldr.getQuery(); for (final Instance toDelInst : query.execute()) { final Delete del = new Delete(toDelInst); del.execute(); } } } } // OLD VERSION! WILL BE REMOVED (only back portability) private void insertFieldSetsOld(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance, final List<FieldSet> _fieldsets) throws EFapsException { final Map<?, ?> others = (HashMap<?, ?>) _parameter.get(ParameterValues.OTHERS); // to find out if new values where added for a field set, first it is checked // if it exists in this map if (others != null) { final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMinimumIntegerDigits(2); nf.setMaximumIntegerDigits(2); for (final FieldSet fieldset : _fieldsets) { final String[] yCoords = (String[]) others.get(fieldset.getName() + "_eFapsNew"); if (yCoords != null) { final String setName = fieldset.getAttribute(); final AttributeSet set = AttributeSet.find(_instance.getType().getName(), setName); for (final String yCoord : yCoords) { final Insert insert = new Insert(set); insert.add(set.getAttribute(setName), ((Long) _instance.getId()).toString()); int xCoord = 0; for (final String attrName : fieldset.getOrder()) { final Attribute child = set.getAttribute(attrName); final String fieldName = fieldset.getName() + "_eFapsNew_" + nf.format(Integer.parseInt(yCoord)) + nf.format(xCoord); if (_parameter.getParameters().containsKey(fieldName)) { add2Insert(_parameter, insert, child, fieldName, 0); } xCoord++; } insert.execute(); } } } } } /** * Method to connect the new instance to parent via middle object. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the efaps API. * @param _instance Instance of the new object * @throws EFapsException on error */ public void connect(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance) throws EFapsException { final Instance parent = _parameter.getInstance(); if (getProperty(_parameter, "ConnectType") != null) { final String type = getProperty(_parameter, "ConnectType"); final String childAttr = getProperty(_parameter, "ConnectChildAttribute"); final String parentAttr = getProperty(_parameter, "ConnectParentAttribute"); final Insert insert = new Insert(type); insert.add(parentAttr, parent.getId()); insert.add(childAttr, _instance.getId()); insert.execute(); } } /** * Method to upload the file. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the efaps API. * @param _instance Instance of the new object * @throws EFapsException on error */ public void fileUpload(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance) throws EFapsException { final Context context = Context.getThreadContext(); final AbstractCommand command = (AbstractCommand) _parameter.get(ParameterValues.UIOBJECT); for (final Field field : command.getTargetForm().getFields()) { final String attrName = field.getAttribute(); if (attrName == null && field.isEditableDisplay(TargetMode.CREATE)) { final Context.FileParameter fileItem = context.getFileParameters().get(field.getName()); if (fileItem != null) { final Checkin checkin = new Checkin(_instance); try { checkin.execute(fileItem.getName(), fileItem.getInputStream(), (int) fileItem.getSize()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new EFapsException(this.getClass(), "execute", e, _parameter); } } } } } /** * Method to insert the classifications. * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the efaps API. * @param _instance Instance of the new object * @throws EFapsException on error */ public void insertClassification(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _instance) throws EFapsException { if (_parameter.get(ParameterValues.CLASSIFICATIONS) != null) { final List<?> classifications = (List<?>) _parameter.get(ParameterValues.CLASSIFICATIONS); for (final Object object : classifications) { final Classification classification = (Classification) object; final List<FieldSet> fieldsets = new ArrayList<FieldSet>(); final Insert relInsert = new Insert(classification.getClassifyRelationType()); relInsert.add(classification.getRelLinkAttributeName(), ((Long) _instance.getId()).toString()); relInsert.add(classification.getRelTypeAttributeName(), ((Long) classification.getId()).toString()); relInsert.execute(); final Form form = Form.getTypeForm(classification); final Insert classInsert = new Insert(classification); classInsert.add(classification.getLinkAttributeName(), ((Long) _instance.getId()).toString()); for (final Field field : form.getFields()) { final String attrName = field.getAttribute(); if (attrName != null && (field.isEditableDisplay(TargetMode.CREATE) || field.isHiddenDisplay(TargetMode.CREATE))) { if (field instanceof FieldSet) { fieldsets.add((FieldSet) field); } else { final Attribute attr = classification.getAttribute(attrName); if (attr != null && !AbstractFileType.class .isAssignableFrom(attr.getAttributeType().getClassRepr())) { if (_parameter.getParameters().containsKey(field.getName())) { add2Insert(_parameter, classInsert, attr, field.getName(), 0); } } } } } classInsert.execute(); insertFieldSets(_parameter, classInsert.getInstance(), fieldsets); } } } }