Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016-2017 Dell Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * @microservice:  device-sdk-tools
 * @author: Tyler Cox, Dell
 * @version: 1.0.0
package org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.handler;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.DeviceDiscovery;
import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.ObjectTransform;
import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.VirtualDriver;
import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.domain.ResponseObject;
import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.domain.ScanList;
import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.domain.Transaction;
import org.edgexfoundry.device.virtual.domain.VirtualObject;
import org.edgexfoundry.domain.core.Reading;
import org.edgexfoundry.domain.meta.Device;
import org.edgexfoundry.domain.meta.PropertyValue;
import org.edgexfoundry.domain.meta.ResourceOperation;
import org.edgexfoundry.exception.controller.NotFoundException;
import org.edgexfoundry.exception.controller.ServiceException;

public class VirtualHandler {

    private final static EdgeXLogger logger = EdgeXLoggerFactory.getEdgeXLogger(VirtualHandler.class);

    private VirtualDriver driver;

    private DeviceDiscovery discover;

    private ProfileStore profiles;

    private ObjectTransform transform;

    private ObjectStore objectCache;

    private CoreDataMessageHandler processor;

    private String virtualInit;
    private String virtualInitArgs;

    private String virtualRemove;
    private String virtualRemoveArgs;

    public Map<String, Transaction> transactions = new HashMap<String, Transaction>();

    public void initialize() {
        if (driver != null)

    public void initializeDevice(Device device) {
        if (virtualInit != null && commandExists(device, virtualInit))
            executeCommand(device, virtualInit, virtualInitArgs);"Initialized Device: " + device.getName());

    public void disconnectDevice(Device device) {
        if (virtualRemove != null && commandExists(device, virtualRemove))
            executeCommand(device, virtualRemove, virtualRemoveArgs);
        driver.disconnectDevice(device.getAddressable());"Disconnected Device: " + device.getName());

    public void scan() {
        ScanList availableList = null;
        availableList =;

    public boolean commandExists(Device device, String command) {
        Map<String, Map<String, List<ResourceOperation>>> cmdsForDevice = profiles.getCommands()
        Map<String, List<ResourceOperation>> op = cmdsForDevice.get(command.toLowerCase());
        if (op == null)
            return false;
        return true;

    public Map<String, String> executeCommand(Device device, String cmd, String arguments) {
        // set immediate flag to false to read from object cache of last readings
        Boolean immediate = true;
        Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
        String transactionId = transaction.getTransactionId();
        transactions.put(transactionId, transaction);
        executeOperations(device, cmd, arguments, immediate, transactionId);

        synchronized (transactions) {
            while (!transactions.get(transactionId).isFinished()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // Exit quietly on break
                    return null;

        List<Reading> readings = transactions.get(transactionId).getReadings();

        return sendTransaction(device.getName(), readings);

    public Map<String, String> sendTransaction(String deviceName, List<Reading> readings) {
        Map<String, String> valueDescriptorMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        List<ResponseObject> resps = processor.sendCoreData(deviceName, readings,
        for (ResponseObject obj : resps)
            valueDescriptorMap.put(obj.getName(), obj.getValue());
        return valueDescriptorMap;

    private void executeOperations(Device device, String commandName, String arguments, Boolean immediate,
            String transactionId) {
        String method = (arguments == null) ? "get" : "set";

        String deviceName = device.getName();
        String deviceId = device.getId();
        // get the objects for this device
        Map<String, VirtualObject> objects = profiles.getObjects().get(deviceName);
        // get the operations for this device's object operation method
        List<ResourceOperation> operations = getResourceOperations(deviceName, deviceId, transactionId, commandName,
        List<ResourceOperation> getOperations = retrieveGetResourceOperations(deviceName, commandName);

        for (ResourceOperation operation : operations) {
            String opResource = operation.getResource();
            if (opResource != null) {
                if (operation.getOperation().equals("get")) {
                    executeOperations(device, opResource, null, immediate, transactionId);
                } else {
                    executeOperations(device, opResource, arguments, immediate, transactionId);

            String objectName = operation.getObject();
            VirtualObject object = getVirtualObject(objects, objectName, transactionId);

            //TODO Add property flexibility
            if (!operation.getProperty().equals("value"))
                throw new ServiceException(new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Only property of value is implemented for this service!"));

            String val = null;

            if (method.equals("set"))
                val = parseArguments(arguments, operation, device, object, objects, getOperations);

            // command operation for client processing
            if (requiresQuery(immediate, method, device, operation)) {
                String opId = transactions.get(transactionId).newOpId();
                final String parameter = val;
                new Thread(() -> driver.process(operation, device, object, parameter, transactionId, opId,

    private Boolean requiresQuery(boolean immediate, String method, Device device, ResourceOperation operation) {
        // if the immediate flag is set
        if (immediate)
            return true;
        // if the resource operation method is a set
        if (method.equals("set"))
            return true;
        // if the objectCache has no values
        if (objectCache.get(device, operation) == null)
            return true;
        return false;

    private VirtualObject getVirtualObject(Map<String, VirtualObject> objects, String objectName,
            String transactionId) {
        VirtualObject object = objects.get(objectName);

        if (object == null) {
            logger.error("Object " + objectName + " not found");
            String opId = transactions.get(transactionId).newOpId();
            completeTransaction(transactionId, opId, new ArrayList<Reading>());
            throw new NotFoundException("DeviceObject", objectName);

        return object;

    private List<ResourceOperation> getResourceOperations(String deviceName, String deviceId, String transactionId,
            String commandName, String method) {
        // get this device's resources map
        Map<String, Map<String, List<ResourceOperation>>> resources = profiles.getCommands().get(deviceName);

        if (resources == null) {
            logger.error("Command requested for unknown device " + deviceName);
            String opId = transactions.get(transactionId).newOpId();
            completeTransaction(transactionId, opId, new ArrayList<Reading>());
            throw new NotFoundException("Device", deviceId);

        // get the get and set resources for this device's object
        Map<String, List<ResourceOperation>> resource = resources.get(commandName.toLowerCase());

        if (resource == null || resource.get(method) == null) {
            logger.error("Resource " + commandName + " not found");
            String opId = transactions.get(transactionId).newOpId();
            completeTransaction(transactionId, opId, new ArrayList<Reading>());
            throw new NotFoundException("Command", commandName);

        // get the operations for this device's object operation method
        return resource.get(method);

    private List<ResourceOperation> retrieveGetResourceOperations(String deviceName, String commandName) {
        return profiles.getCommands().get(deviceName).get(commandName.toLowerCase()).get("get");

    private String parseArguments(String arguments, ResourceOperation operation, Device device,
            VirtualObject object, Map<String, VirtualObject> objects, List<ResourceOperation> getOperations) {
        PropertyValue value = object.getProperties().getValue();
        String val = parseArg(arguments, operation, value, operation.getParameter());

        // if the written value is on a multiplexed handle, read the current value and apply the mask first
        if (!value.mask().equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
            String result = driver.processCommand("get", object, val, device, getOperations);
            val = transform.maskedValue(value, val, result);
            if (operation.getSecondary() != null) {
                for (String secondary : operation.getSecondary()) {
                    if (objects.get(secondary) != null) {
                        PropertyValue secondaryValue = objects.get(secondary).getProperties().getValue();
                        String secondVal = parseArg(arguments, operation, secondaryValue, secondary);
                        val = transform.maskedValue(secondaryValue, secondVal, "0x" + val);
        while (val.length() < value.size())
            val = "0" + val;
        return val;

    private String parseArg(String arguments, ResourceOperation operation, PropertyValue value, String object) {
        // parse the argument string and get the "value" parameter
        JsonObject args;
        String val = null;
        JsonElement jElem = null;
        Boolean passed = true;

        // check for parameters from the command
        if (arguments != null) {
            args = new JsonParser().parse(arguments).getAsJsonObject();
            jElem = args.get(object);

        // if the parameter is passed from the command, use it, otherwise treat parameter as the default
        if (jElem == null || jElem.toString().equals("null")) {
            val = operation.getParameter();
            passed = false;
        } else {
            val = jElem.toString().replace("\"", "");

        // if no value is specified by argument or parameter, take the object default from the profile
        if (val == null) {
            val = value.getDefaultValue();
            passed = false;

        // if a mapping translation has been specified in the profile, use it
        Map<String, String> mappings = operation.getMappings();
        if (mappings != null && mappings.containsKey(val)) {
            val = mappings.get(val);
            passed = false;

        if (!value.mask().equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && passed) {
            val = transform.format(value, val);

        return val;

    public void completeTransaction(String transactionId, String opId, List<Reading> readings) {
        synchronized (transactions) {
            transactions.get(transactionId).finishOp(opId, readings);
