Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006-2007 original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ecside.tag; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ecside.common.QueryResult; import org.ecside.core.TableConstants; import org.ecside.core.TableModel; import org.ecside.core.TableModelImpl; import org.ecside.core.bean.BaseBean; import org.ecside.core.bean.Export; import org.ecside.core.bean.Table; import org.ecside.core.context.JspPageContext; import org.ecside.table.interceptor.TableInterceptor; import org.ecside.util.ExceptionUtils; import org.ecside.view.html.BuilderConstants; /** * @author Wei Zijun * */ public class TableTag extends BaseTagSupport implements TableInterceptor { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Table table; private Object items; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Iterator iterator; private QueryResult queryResult; protected String classic; private String action; private String insertAction; private String updateAction; private String deleteAction; private String shadowRowAction; private String alwaysShowExtend; private String autoIncludeParameters; private String border; private String bufferView; private String cellpadding; private String cellspacing; private String csvFileName; private String editable; private String excludeParameters; private String filterable; private String filterRowsCallback; private String form; private String height; private String includeParameters; private String interceptor; private String listHeight; private String listWidth; private String locale; private String maxRowsExported; private String method; private String minColWidth; private String minWidth; private String nearPageNum; private String onInvokeAction; private String pageSizeList; private String paginationLocation; private String pdfFileName; private String resizeColWidth; private String retrieveRowsCallback; private String rowsDisplayed; private String scope; private String scrollList; private String showExports; private String showHeader; private String showPrint; private String showTitle; private String showTooltips; private String sortable; private String sortRowsCallback; private String state; private String stateAttr; private String style; private String styleClass; private String theme; private String title; private String toolbarContent; private String toolbarLocation; private String var; private String view; private String width; private String xlsFileName; private String oddRowBgColor; private String evenRowBgColor; private String generateScript; private String useAjax; private String doPreload; private String excludeTool; private String minHeight; private String batchUpdate; private String enctype; public String getBatchUpdate() { return batchUpdate; } public void setBatchUpdate(String batchUpdate) { this.batchUpdate = batchUpdate; } public void addTableAttributes(TableModel model, Table table) { } public int doAfterBody() throws JspException { Table table = model.getTable(); table.setAttribute(TableConstants.EXTEND_ATTRIBUTES, getExtendAttributesAsString()); resetExtendAttribute(); table.afterBody(); try { if (iterator == null) { iterator = model.execute().iterator(); } if (iterator != null && iterator.hasNext()) { Object bean =; model.setCurrentRowBean(bean); return EVAL_BODY_AGAIN; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new JspException("TableTag.doAfterBody() Problem: " + ExceptionUtils.formatStackTrace(e)); } return SKIP_BODY; } public void doCatch(Throwable e) throws Throwable { throw new JspException("TableTag Problem: " + ExceptionUtils.formatStackTrace(e)); } public void doFinally() { if (queryResult != null) { queryResult.closeAll(); queryResult = null; } items = null; iterator = null; model = null; table = null; } public int doEndTag() throws JspException { model.getTable().setAttribute(TableConstants.EXTEND_ATTRIBUTES, getExtendAttributesAsString()); try { pageContext.getOut().println(model.getViewData()); } catch (Exception e) { // LogHandler.errorLog(logger, msg); throw new JspException("TableTag.doEndTag() Problem: " + ExceptionUtils.formatStackTrace(e)); } finally { doFinally(); } return EVAL_PAGE; } public int doStartTag() throws JspException { try { // initialize the attributes iterator = null; pageContext.setAttribute(TableConstants.ROWCOUNT, "0"); // fire up the model with the context, preferences and messages model = new TableModelImpl(new JspPageContext(pageContext), TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("locale", this.locale, this, pageContext)); // boolean isExported = // ExportFilterUtils.isExported(model.getContext()); // boolean isPrint = // "_print_".equals(ExportFilterUtils.getExportFileName(model.getContext())); table = new Table(model); table.setView(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("view", this.view, this, pageContext)); table.setGenerateScript(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "generateScript", this.generateScript, this, pageContext)); table.setUseAjax(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean("useAjax", this.useAjax, this, pageContext)); table.setDoPreload(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "doPreload", this.doPreload, this, pageContext)); table.setClassic(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean("classic", this.classic, this, pageContext)); table.setAction(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("action", action, this, pageContext)); table.setEnctype(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("enctype", enctype, this, pageContext)); table.setInsertAction(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "insertAction", insertAction, this, pageContext)); table.setUpdateAction(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "updateAction", updateAction, this, pageContext)); table.setDeleteAction(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "deleteAction", deleteAction, this, pageContext)); table.setShadowRowAction(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "shadowRowAction", shadowRowAction, this, pageContext)); table.setBatchUpdate(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "batchUpdate", this.batchUpdate, this, pageContext)); table.setAutoIncludeParameters(TagUtils .evaluateExpressionAsBoolean("autoIncludeParameters", this.autoIncludeParameters, this, pageContext)); table.setBorder(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("border", this.border, this, pageContext)); table.setBufferView(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "bufferView", this.bufferView, this, pageContext)); table.setCellpadding(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "cellpadding", this.cellpadding, this, pageContext)); table.setCellspacing(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "cellspacing", this.cellspacing, this, pageContext)); table.setFilterable(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "filterable", this.filterable, this, pageContext)); table.setFilterRowsCallback(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "filterRowsCallback", this.filterRowsCallback, this, pageContext)); table.setForm(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("form", this.form, this, pageContext)); table.setInterceptor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "interceptor", this.interceptor, this, pageContext)); table.setItems(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsObject("items", this.items, this, pageContext)); table.setLocale(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("locale", this.locale, this, pageContext)); table.setMethod(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("method", this.method, this, pageContext)); table.setOnInvokeAction(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "onInvokeAction", this.onInvokeAction, this, pageContext)); table.setRetrieveRowsCallback(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "retrieveRowsCallback", this.retrieveRowsCallback, this, pageContext)); table.setRowsDisplayed(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsInt( "rowsDisplayed", this.rowsDisplayed, this, pageContext)); table.setScope(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("scope", scope, this, pageContext)); table.setShowTitle(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "showTitle", this.showTitle, this, pageContext)); table.setShowTooltips(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "showTooltips", this.showTooltips, this, pageContext)); table.setSortRowsCallback(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "sortRowsCallback", this.sortRowsCallback, this, pageContext)); table.setSortable(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean("sortable", this.sortable, this, pageContext)); table.setState(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("state", this.state, this, pageContext)); table.setStateAttr(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("stateAttr", this.stateAttr, this, pageContext)); table.setStyle(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("style", style, this, pageContext)); table.setStyleClass(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "styleClass", this.styleClass, this, pageContext)); table.setTableId(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("tableId", getTableId(), this, pageContext)); table.setTheme(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("theme", this.theme, this, pageContext)); table.setTitle(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("title", this.title, this, pageContext)); table.setVar(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("var", this.var, this, pageContext)); table.setWidth(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("width", this.width, this, pageContext)); table.setExcludeTool(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "excludeTool", this.excludeTool, this, pageContext)); table.setOddRowBgColor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "oddRowBgColor", this.oddRowBgColor, this, pageContext)); table.setEvenRowBgColor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "evenRowBgColor", this.evenRowBgColor, this, pageContext)); table.setHeight(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("height", this.height, this, pageContext)); if (StringUtils.isBlank(table.getHeight())) { table.setHeight(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "listHeight", this.listHeight, this, pageContext)); } table.setMinHeight(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("minHeight", this.minHeight, this, pageContext)); table.setListWidth(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("listWidth", this.listWidth, this, pageContext)); table.setScrollList(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "scrollList", this.scrollList, this, pageContext)); table.setResizeColWidth(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "resizeColWidth", this.resizeColWidth, this, pageContext)); table.setMinColWidth(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsInt( "minColWidth", this.minColWidth, this, pageContext)); table.setNearPageNum(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "nearPageNum", this.nearPageNum, this, pageContext)); table .setMaxRowsExported(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "maxRowsExported", this.maxRowsExported, this, pageContext)); table.setToolbarContent(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "toolbarContent", this.toolbarContent, this, pageContext)); table .setToolbarLocation(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "toolbarLocation", this.toolbarLocation, this, pageContext)); table.setAlwaysShowExtend(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "alwaysShowExtend", this.alwaysShowExtend, this, pageContext)); table.setTagAttributes(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( TableConstants.TAG_ATTRIBUTES, this.tagAttributes, this, pageContext)); table.setIncludeParameters(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "includeParameters", this.includeParameters, this, pageContext)); table.setExcludeParameters(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "excludeParameters", this.excludeParameters, this, pageContext)); table.setShowHeader(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean( "showHeader", this.showHeader, this, pageContext)); table.setPageSizeList(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "pageSizeList", this.pageSizeList, this, pageContext)); table.setMinWidth(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("minWidth", this.minWidth, this, pageContext)); table.setEditable(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsBoolean("editable", this.editable, this, pageContext)); if (StringUtils.isBlank(table.getAction())) { table.setAction(((HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest()) .getRequestURL().toString()); } table.setAttribute(TableConstants.XLS_FILE, TagUtils .evaluateExpressionAsString(TableConstants.XLS_FILE, this.xlsFileName, this, pageContext)); table.setAttribute(TableConstants.CSV_FILE, TagUtils .evaluateExpressionAsString(TableConstants.CSV_FILE, this.csvFileName, this, pageContext)); table.setAttribute(TableConstants.PDF_FILE, TagUtils .evaluateExpressionAsString(TableConstants.PDF_FILE, this.pdfFileName, this, pageContext)); table.setAttribute(TableConstants.SHOW_PRINT, TagUtils .evaluateExpressionAsString(TableConstants.SHOW_PRINT, this.showPrint, this, pageContext)); exportsMaker(model, table); // } addTableAttributes(model, table); model.addTable(table); Object tempQueryResult = pageContext.findAttribute(String .valueOf(table.getItems())); if (tempQueryResult instanceof QueryResult) { queryResult = (QueryResult) tempQueryResult; } else { queryResult = null; tempQueryResult = null; } table.beforeBody(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JspException("TableTag.doStartTag() Problem: " + ExceptionUtils.formatStackTrace(e)); } return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } public void exportsMaker(TableModel model, Table table) { String xlsFile = (String) table.getAttribute(TableConstants.XLS_FILE); String csvFile = (String) table.getAttribute(TableConstants.CSV_FILE); String pdfFile = (String) table.getAttribute(TableConstants.PDF_FILE); String showPrint = (String) table .getAttribute(TableConstants.SHOW_PRINT); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(xlsFile)) { Export export = new Export(model); export.setFileName(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("fileName", xlsFile, this, pageContext)); export.setInterceptor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "interceptor", this.interceptor, this, pageContext)); export.setView(TableConstants.VIEW_XLS); export.setViewResolver(TableConstants.VIEW_XLS); export.setImageName(TableConstants.VIEW_XLS); export.setText(BuilderConstants.TOOLBAR_XLS_TEXT); export.setTooltip("toolbar.tooltip.xls"); model.addExport(export); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(csvFile)) { Export export = new Export(model); export.setFileName(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("fileName", csvFile, this, pageContext)); export.setInterceptor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "interceptor", this.interceptor, this, pageContext)); export.setView(TableConstants.VIEW_CSV); export.setViewResolver(TableConstants.VIEW_CSV); export.setImageName(TableConstants.VIEW_CSV); export.setText(BuilderConstants.TOOLBAR_CSV_TEXT); export.setTooltip("toolbar.tooltip.csv"); // export.setAttribute(CsvView.DELIMITER, // TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("delimiter", delimiter, this, // pageContext)); model.addExport(export); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pdfFile)) { Export export = new Export(model); export.setFileName(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("fileName", pdfFile, this, pageContext)); export.setInterceptor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "interceptor", this.interceptor, this, pageContext)); export.setView(TableConstants.VIEW_PDF); export.setViewResolver(TableConstants.VIEW_PDF); export.setImageName(TableConstants.VIEW_PDF); export.setText(BuilderConstants.TOOLBAR_PDF_TEXT); export.setTooltip("toolbar.tooltip.pdf"); // export.setAttribute(PdfView.HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR, // TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("headerBackgroundColor", // headerBackgroundColor, this, pageContext)); // export.setAttribute(PdfView.HEADER_COLOR, // TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("headerColor", headerColor, // this, pageContext)); // export.setAttribute(PdfView.HEADER_TITLE, // TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("headerTitle", headerTitle, // this, pageContext)); model.addExport(export); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(showPrint) && showPrint.equals("" + true)) { Export export = new Export(model); export.setFileName(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString("fileName", "_print_", this, pageContext)); export.setInterceptor(TagUtils.evaluateExpressionAsString( "interceptor", this.interceptor, this, pageContext)); export.setView(TableConstants.VIEW_PRINT); export.setViewResolver(TableConstants.VIEW_PRINT); export.setImageName(TableConstants.VIEW_PRINT); export.setText(TableConstants.TOOLBAR_PRINT_TEXT); export.setTooltip("toolbar.tooltip.print"); model.addExport(export); } } public String getAlwaysShowExtend() { return alwaysShowExtend; } public String getCsvFileName() { return csvFileName; } public String getEditable() { return editable; } public String getExcludeParameters() { return excludeParameters; } public String getHeight() { return height; } public String getIncludeParameters() { return includeParameters; } public String getListHeight() { return listHeight; } public String getListWidth() { return listWidth; } public String getMaxRowsExported() { return maxRowsExported; } public String getMinColWidth() { return minColWidth; } public String getMinWidth() { return minWidth; } public String getNearPageNum() { return nearPageNum; } public String getPageSizeList() { return pageSizeList; } public String getPaginationLocation() { return paginationLocation; } public String getPdfFileName() { return pdfFileName; } public String getResizeColWidth() { return resizeColWidth; } public String getScrollList() { return scrollList; } public String getShowExports() { return showExports; } public String getShowHeader() { return showHeader; } public String getShowPrint() { return showPrint; } public String getTableId() { return getElementId(); } public BaseBean getTagBean() { return table; } public String getToolbarContent() { return toolbarContent; } public String getToolbarLocation() { return toolbarLocation; } public String getXlsFileName() { return xlsFileName; } public void release() { if (queryResult != null) { queryResult.closeAll(); queryResult = null; } iterator = null; table = null; items = null; generateScript = null; useAjax = null; doPreload = null; classic = null; action = null; alwaysShowExtend = null; autoIncludeParameters = null; batchUpdate = null; border = null; // bufferView = null; cellpadding = null; cellspacing = null; csvFileName = null; editable = null; excludeParameters = null; filterable = null; filterRowsCallback = null; form = null; height = null; includeParameters = null; interceptor = null; listHeight = null; listWidth = null; locale = null; maxRowsExported = null; method = null; minColWidth = null; minWidth = null; nearPageNum = null; onInvokeAction = null; pageSizeList = null; paginationLocation = null; pdfFileName = null; resizeColWidth = null; retrieveRowsCallback = null; rowsDisplayed = null; scope = null; scrollList = null; showExports = null; showHeader = null; showPrint = null; showTitle = null; showTooltips = null; sortable = null; sortRowsCallback = null; state = null; stateAttr = null; style = null; styleClass = null; theme = null; title = null; toolbarContent = null; toolbarLocation = null; var = null; view = null; width = null; xlsFileName = null; super.release(); } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The URI that will be called when the filter, * sort and pagination is used." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setAction(String action) { this.action = action; } public void setAlwaysShowExtend(String alwaysShowExtend) { this.alwaysShowExtend = alwaysShowExtend; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Specify whether or not to automatically * include the parameters, as hidden inputs, passed into the * JSP." required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setAutoIncludeParameters(String autoIncludeParameters) { this.autoIncludeParameters = autoIncludeParameters; } /** * @jsp.attribute * description="The table border attribute. The default is 0." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setBorder(String border) { this.border = border; } /** * @jsp.attribute description= * "Whether of not to buffer the view. Boolean value with the default being false." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setBufferView(String bufferView) { this.bufferView = bufferView; } /** * @jsp.attribute * description="The table cellpadding attribute. The default is 0." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setCellpadding(String cellpadding) { this.cellpadding = cellpadding; } /** * @jsp.attribute * description="The table cellspacing attribute. The default is 0." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setCellspacing(String cellspacing) { this.cellspacing = cellspacing; } public void setCsvFileName(String cvsFileName) { this.csvFileName = cvsFileName; } public void setEditable(String editable) { this.editable = editable; } public void setExcludeParameters(String excludeParameters) { this.excludeParameters = excludeParameters; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Specify whether or not the table is * filterable. Boolean value with the default being true." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setFilterable(String filterable) { this.filterable = filterable; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="A fully qualified class name to a custom * FilterRowsCallback implementation. Could also be a named * type in the preferences. Used to filter the Collection of * Beans or Collection of Maps." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setFilterRowsCallback(String filterRowsCallback) { this.filterRowsCallback = filterRowsCallback; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The reference to a surrounding form element." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setForm(String form) { this.form = form; } public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } public void setIncludeParameters(String includeParameters) { this.includeParameters = includeParameters; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="A fully qualified class name to a custom * InterceptTable implementation. Could also be a named type * in the preferences. Used to add table attributes." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setInterceptor(String interceptor) { this.interceptor = interceptor; } /** * @jsp.attribute * description="Reference the collection that will be retrieved." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setItems(Object items) { this.items = items; } public void setListHeight(String listHeight) { this.listHeight = listHeight; } public void setListWidth(String listWidth) { this.listWidth = listWidth; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The locale for this table. For example fr_FR * is used for the French translation." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setLocale(String locale) { this.locale = locale; } public void setMaxRowsExported(String maxRowsExported) { this.maxRowsExported = maxRowsExported; } /** * @jsp.attribute * description="Used to invoke the table action using a POST or GET." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setMethod(String method) { this.method = method; } public void setMinColWidth(String minColWidth) { this.minColWidth = minColWidth; } public void setMinWidth(String minWidth) { this.minWidth = minWidth; } public void setNearPageNum(String nearPageNum) { this.nearPageNum = nearPageNum; } /** * @jsp.attribute description= * "The javascript that will be invoked when a table action enabled." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setOnInvokeAction(String onInvokeAction) { this.onInvokeAction = onInvokeAction; } public void setPageSizeList(String pageSizeList) { this.pageSizeList = pageSizeList; } public void setPaginationLocation(String paginationLocation) { this.paginationLocation = paginationLocation; this.toolbarLocation = paginationLocation; } public void setPdfFileName(String pdfFileName) { this.pdfFileName = pdfFileName; } public void setResizeColWidth(String resizeColWidth) { this.resizeColWidth = resizeColWidth; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="A fully qualified class name to a custom * RetrieveRowsCallback implementation. Could also be a named * type in the preferences. Used to retrieve the Collection * of Beans or Collection of Maps." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setRetrieveRowsCallback(String retrieveRowsCallback) { this.retrieveRowsCallback = retrieveRowsCallback; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The number of rows to display in the table." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setRowsDisplayed(String rowsDisplayed) { this.rowsDisplayed = rowsDisplayed; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The scope (page, request, session, or * application) to find the Collection of beans or Collection * of Maps defined by the collection attribute." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setScope(String scope) { this.scope = scope; } public void setScrollList(String scrollList) { this.scrollList = scrollList; } public void setShowExports(String showExports) { this.showExports = showExports; } public void setShowHeader(String showHeader) { this.showHeader = showHeader; } public void setShowPrint(String showPrint) { this.showPrint = showPrint; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Specify whether or not to show the title. * Boolean value with the default being true." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setShowTitle(String showTitle) { this.showTitle = showTitle; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Specify whether or not to show the tooltips. * Boolean value with the default being true." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setShowTooltips(String showTooltips) { this.showTooltips = showTooltips; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Specify whether or not the table is sortable. * Boolean value with the default being true." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setSortable(String sortable) { this.sortable = sortable; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="A fully qualified class name to a custom * SortRowsCallback implementation. Could also be a named * type in the preferences. Used to sort the Collection of * Beans or Collection of Maps." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setSortRowsCallback(String sortRowsCallback) { this.sortRowsCallback = sortRowsCallback; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The table state to use when returning to a * table. Acceptable values are default, notifyToDefault, * persist, notifyToPersist." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } /** * @jsp.attribute description= * "The table attribute used to invoke the state change of the table." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setStateAttr(String stateAttr) { this.stateAttr = stateAttr; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The css inline style sheet." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setStyle(String style) { = style; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The css class style sheet." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setStyleClass(String styleClass) { this.styleClass = styleClass; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The unique identifier for the table." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setTableId(String tableId) { // this.tableId = tableId; setElementId(tableId); } /** * @jsp.attribute * description="The theme to style the table. The default is eXtremeTable." * required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setTheme(String theme) { this.theme = theme; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The title of the table. The title will * display above the table." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public void setToolbarContent(String toolbarContent) { this.toolbarContent = toolbarContent; } public void setToolbarLocation(String toolbarLocation) { this.toolbarLocation = toolbarLocation; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="The name of the variable to hold the current * row bean." required="false" rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setVar(String var) { this.var = var; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Generates the output. The default is the * HtmlView to generate the HTML. Also used by the exports to * generate XLS-FO, POI, and CSV." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setView(String view) { this.view = view; } /** * @jsp.attribute description="Width of the table." required="false" * rtexprvalue="true" */ public void setWidth(String width) { this.width = width; } public void setXlsFileName(String xlsFileName) { this.xlsFileName = xlsFileName; } public String getEvenRowBgColor() { return evenRowBgColor; } public void setEvenRowBgColor(String evenRowBgColor) { this.evenRowBgColor = evenRowBgColor; } public String getOddRowBgColor() { return oddRowBgColor; } public void setOddRowBgColor(String oddRowBgColor) { this.oddRowBgColor = oddRowBgColor; } public String getClassic() { return classic; } public void setClassic(String classic) { this.classic = classic; } public String getDoPreload() { return doPreload; } public void setDoPreload(String doPreload) { this.doPreload = doPreload; } public String getGenerateScript() { return generateScript; } public void setGenerateScript(String generateScript) { this.generateScript = generateScript; } public String getUseAjax() { return useAjax; } public void setUseAjax(String useAjax) { this.useAjax = useAjax; } public String getDeleteAction() { return deleteAction; } public void setDeleteAction(String deleteAction) { this.deleteAction = deleteAction; } public String getInsertAction() { return insertAction; } public void setInsertAction(String insertAction) { this.insertAction = insertAction; } public String getUpdateAction() { return updateAction; } public void setUpdateAction(String updateAction) { this.updateAction = updateAction; } public String getShowTooltips() { return showTooltips; } public String getShadowRowAction() { return shadowRowAction; } public void setShadowRowAction(String shadowRowAction) { this.shadowRowAction = shadowRowAction; } public String getExcludeTool() { return excludeTool; } public void setExcludeTool(String excludeTool) { this.excludeTool = excludeTool; } public String getMinHeight() { return minHeight; } public void setMinHeight(String minHeight) { this.minHeight = minHeight; } public String getEnctype() { return enctype; } public void setEnctype(String enctype) { this.enctype = enctype; } }