Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2011 itemis AG ( and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib;

import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure1;


 * This is an extension library for all {@link Object objects}.
public class ObjectExtensions {

     * The <code>equals not</code> operator. This is the equivalent to a negated, null-safe
     * {@link Object#equals(Object)} method.
     * @param a
     *            an object.
     * @param b
     *            another object.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code a} and {@code b} are not equal.
    @Inline(value = "(!$3.equal($1, $2))", imported = Objects.class)
    public static boolean operator_notEquals(Object a, Object b) {
        return !Objects.equal(a, b);

     * The <code>equals</code> operator. This is the equivalent to a null-safe invocation of
     * {@link Object#equals(Object)}.
     * @param a
     *            an object.
     * @param b
     *            another object.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code a} and {@code b} are equal.
    @Inline(value = "$3.equal($1, $2)", imported = Objects.class)
    public static boolean operator_equals(Object a, Object b) {
        return Objects.equal(a, b);

     * Returns <code>true</code> if {@code a} and {@code b} are identical (the same instance)
     * or both <code>null</code>. This is the equivalent to Java's <code>==</code>
     * operator.
     * @param a
     *            an object.
     * @param b
     *            another object.
     * @return Java's <code>a == b</code>
    @Inline(value = "($1 == $2)", constantExpression = true)
    public static boolean identityEquals(Object a, Object b) {
        return a == b;

     * The <code>identity equals</code> operator. This is the equivalent to Java's <code>==</code>
     * operator.
     * @param a
     *            an object.
     * @param b
     *            another object.
     * @return Java's <code>a == b</code>
     * @since 2.4
    @Inline(value = "($1 == $2)", constantExpression = true)
    public static boolean operator_tripleEquals(Object a, Object b) {
        return a == b;

     * The <code>identity not equals</code> operator. This is the equivalent to Java's <code>!=</code>
     * operator.
     * @param a
     *            an object.
     * @param b
     *            another object.
     * @return Java's <code>a != b</code>
     * @since 2.4
    @Inline(value = "($1 != $2)", constantExpression = true)
    public static boolean operator_tripleNotEquals(Object a, Object b) {
        return a != b;

     * The <code>mappedTo</code> operator yields a {@link Pair} with {@code a} as the {@link Pair#getKey() key} and
     * {@code b} as its {@link Pair#getValue() value}.
     * @param a
     *            an object.
     * @param b
     *            another object.
     * @return a {@link Pair}. Never <code>null</code>.
    @Inline(value = "$3.$4of($1, $2)", imported = Pair.class)
    public static <A, B> Pair<A, B> operator_mappedTo(A a, B b) {
        return Pair.of(a, b);

     * The <code>doubleArrow</code> operator is used as a 'with'- or 'let'-operation.
     * It allows to bind an object to a local scope in order to do something on it.
     * Example:
     * <code>
     *   new Person => [
     *     firstName = 'Han'
     *     lastName = 'Solo'
     *   ]
     * </code>
     * @param object
     *            an object. Can be <code>null</code>.
     * @param block
     *            the block to execute with the given object. Must not be <code>null</code>.
     * @return the reference to object.
     * @since 2.3
    public static <T> T operator_doubleArrow(T object, Procedure1<? super T> block) {
        return object;

     * The binary <code>+</code> operator that concatenates two strings.
     * @param a
     *            an {@link Object}.
     * @param b
     *            a {@link String}.
     * @return <code>a + b</code>
     * @since 2.3
    @Pure /* not guaranteed pure , since toString() is invoked on the argument a*/
    @Inline("($1 + $2)")
    public static String operator_plus(Object a, String b) {
        return a + b;

     * The elvis operator <code>?:</code> is a short hand notation for
     * providing default value in case an expression evaluates to <code>null</code>.
     * Not that the Xtend compiler will inline calls to this not call this method with a short-circuit semantic.
     * That is the second argument is only evaluated if the first one evaluates to <code>null</code>.
     * Example:
     * <code>'Hans'</code>
     * @param first
     *            an {@link Object}. Might be <code>null</code>.
     * @param second
     *            an {@link Object}. Might be <code>null</code>.
     * @return a reference to <code>first</code> if <code>first != null </code>, <code>second<code> otherwise, 
     * @since 2.3
    public static <T> T operator_elvis(T first, T second) {
        if (first != null)
            return first;
        return second;
