Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009 itemis AG ( and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.impl; import static*; import static org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.xtext.AbstractElement; import org.eclipse.xtext.Action; import org.eclipse.xtext.Assignment; import org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil; import org.eclipse.xtext.TypeRef; import org.eclipse.xtext.grammaranalysis.IGrammarNFAProvider.NFABuilder; import org.eclipse.xtext.grammaranalysis.impl.AbstractNFAState; import; import; import; /** * @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API */ public class TreeConstState extends AbstractNFAState<TreeConstState, TreeConstTransition> { enum Status { AMBIGIOUS, DETOUR_OR_LOOP, ENABLED, ORPHAN, UNKNOWN } protected Map<TreeConstState, Integer> distances; protected List<TreeConstTransition> enabledOutgoing; protected List<TreeConstTransition> enabledOutgoingAfterReturn; protected Map<TreeConstState, Integer> endDistances; protected Status status = Status.UNKNOWN; protected Set<TypeRef> types; protected boolean typesDirty = false; public TreeConstState(AbstractElement element, NFABuilder<TreeConstState, TreeConstTransition> builder) { super(element, builder); } protected void calculateDistances(TreeConstState root, int dist) { if (distances == null) distances = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); else if (distances.containsKey(root) && distances.get(root) <= dist) return; distances.put(root, dist); if (isConsumingElement()) { root = this; dist = 0; } for (TreeConstTransition t : concat(getOutgoing(), getOutgoingAfterReturn())) if (!t.isRuleCall()) t.getTarget().calculateDistances(root, dist + 1); if (isEndState()) getEndDistances().put(root, dist + 1); } protected Status checkForAmbigiousPaths(Set<TreeConstState> visited) { if (getStatusInternal() != Status.ENABLED || visited.contains(this)) return getStatusInternal(); visited.add(this); boolean vEnd = false, vTrans = false; if (isEndState() && isTransitionEnabledTo(getEndDistances())) { consume(getEndDistances()); vEnd = true; } for (TreeConstTransition t : concat(getOutgoing(), getOutgoingAfterReturn())) { if (t.isRuleCall() || t.getStatus() != Status.ENABLED) continue; if (t.getTarget().checkForAmbigiousPaths(visited) != Status.ENABLED || !isTransitionEnabledTo(t.getTarget().distances)) t.setStatus(Status.AMBIGIOUS); else { consume(t.getTarget().distances); vTrans = true; } } return !vEnd && !vTrans ? status = Status.AMBIGIOUS : getStatusInternal(); } protected Status checkForDetoursAndLoops(Set<TreeConstState> visited) { if (visited.contains(this)) { return getStatusInternal(); } visited.add(this); boolean vEnd = false, vTrans = false; if (isEndState() && isTransitionEnabledTo(getEndDistances())) vEnd = true; for (TreeConstTransition t : concat(getOutgoing(), getOutgoingAfterReturn())) { if (t.isRuleCall()) continue; if (t.getTarget().checkForDetoursAndLoops(visited) != Status.ENABLED || !isTransitionEnabledTo(t.getTarget().distances)) t.setStatus(Status.DETOUR_OR_LOOP); else { t.setStatus(Status.ENABLED); vTrans = true; } } return !vEnd && !vTrans ? status = Status.DETOUR_OR_LOOP : getStatusInternal(); } protected void consume(Map<TreeConstState, Integer> dist) { if (isConsumingElement()) dist.remove(this); else for (Map.Entry<TreeConstState, Integer> e : distances.entrySet()) { Integer i = dist.get(e.getKey()); if (i != null && i > e.getValue()) dist.remove(e.getKey()); } } protected void discardMisleadingDistances(Set<TreeConstState> visited) { if (!visited.add(this)) return; for (TreeConstTransition t : concat(getOutgoing(), getOutgoingAfterReturn())) { if (!t.isRuleCall()) t.getTarget().discardMisleadingDistances(visited); } if (isConsumingElement() || isEndState()) return; Set<TreeConstState> doNotRemove = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (TreeConstTransition t : concat(getOutgoing(), getOutgoingAfterReturn())) { if (!t.isRuleCall()) { TreeConstState target = t.getTarget(); Map<TreeConstState, Integer> targetDistances = target.distances; for (Map.Entry<TreeConstState, Integer> entry : targetDistances.entrySet()) { Integer targetDistance = entry.getValue(); Integer ownDistance = distances.get(entry.getKey()); if (ownDistance == null || targetDistance >= ownDistance) { doNotRemove.add(entry.getKey()); } } } else { doNotRemove.addAll(t.getTarget().distances.keySet()); } } distances.keySet().retainAll(doNotRemove); } public List<TreeConstTransition> getEnabledOutgoing() { if (enabledOutgoing == null) { enabledOutgoing = new ArrayList<TreeConstTransition>(); for (TreeConstTransition t : getOutgoing()) if (!t.isDisabled()) enabledOutgoing.add(t); } return enabledOutgoing; } public List<TreeConstTransition> getEnabledOutgoingAfterReturn() { if (enabledOutgoingAfterReturn == null) { enabledOutgoingAfterReturn = new ArrayList<TreeConstTransition>(); for (TreeConstTransition t : getOutgoingAfterReturn()) if (!t.isDisabled()) enabledOutgoingAfterReturn.add(t); } return enabledOutgoingAfterReturn; } protected Map<TreeConstState, Integer> getEndDistances() { AbstractElement rootEle = containingRule(element).getAlternatives(); TreeConstState root = builder.getState(rootEle); if (root.endDistances == null) root.endDistances = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); return root.endDistances; } protected Status getStatusInternal() { if (status == Status.UNKNOWN) status = isEndState() || getOutgoing().size() > 0 || getOutgoingAfterReturn().size() > 0 ? Status.ENABLED : Status.ORPHAN; return status; } public Status getStatus() { if (distances == null) { AbstractElement rootEle = containingRule(element).getAlternatives(); builder.getState(rootEle).initStatus(); } return getStatusInternal(); } public Set<TypeRef> getTypes() { if (types == null) { getStatus(); Map<TreeConstState, List<TreeConstState>> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Set<TreeConstState> endStates = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); initTypes(map, endStates); for (TreeConstState s : endStates) s.populateTypes(map); } return types; } public Collection<TypeRef> getTypesToCheck() { Map<EClassifier, TypeRef> localTypes = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (TypeRef t : sortTypes(getTypes())) if (t != null) localTypes.put(t.getClassifier(), t); List<TreeConstTransition> incomming = getIncommingWithoutRuleCalls(); if (incomming.isEmpty()) return localTypes.values(); for (TreeConstTransition t : incomming) for (TypeRef r : t.getSource().getTypes()) if (r != null && !localTypes.containsKey(r.getClassifier())) return localTypes.values(); return Collections.emptyList(); } protected void initStatus() { if (distances == null) { calculateDistances(this, 1); discardMisleadingDistances(new LinkedHashSet<TreeConstState>()); checkForDetoursAndLoops(new LinkedHashSet<TreeConstState>()); checkForAmbigiousPaths(new LinkedHashSet<TreeConstState>()); } } protected void initTypes(Map<TreeConstState, List<TreeConstState>> map, Set<TreeConstState> endStates) { if (types != null) { endStates.add(this); } else { types = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); typesDirty = true; for (TreeConstTransition t : concat(getOutgoing(), getOutgoingAfterReturn())) { if (t.isDisabled() || (t.isRuleCall() && getGrammarElement() instanceof Assignment)) continue; t.getTarget().initTypes(map, endStates); List<TreeConstState> orgins = map.get(t.getTarget()); if (orgins == null) map.put(t.getTarget(), orgins = Lists.newArrayList()); orgins.add(this); } if (element instanceof Action) types.add(((Action) element).getType()); if (isEndState()) { endStates.add(this); if (element instanceof Assignment) types.add(GrammarUtil.containingRule(element).getType()); else if (!isConsumingElement()) types.add(null); } } } protected boolean isConsumingElement() { return element instanceof Assignment || GrammarUtil.isEObjectRuleCall(element) || element instanceof Action; } public boolean isDisabled() { return getStatus() != Status.ENABLED; } protected boolean isTransitionEnabledTo(Map<TreeConstState, Integer> dist) { if (isConsumingElement()) return true; for (Map.Entry<TreeConstState, Integer> e : distances.entrySet()) { Integer i = dist.get(e.getKey()); if (i != null && i > e.getValue()) return true; } return false; } protected void populateTypes(Map<TreeConstState, List<TreeConstState>> map) { typesDirty = false; List<TreeConstState> origins = map.get(this); if (origins != null) for (TreeConstState origin : origins) { Set<TypeRef> t = types; if (origin.getGrammarElement() instanceof Action && ((Action) origin.getGrammarElement()).getFeature() != null) t = Collections.emptySet(); else if (t.contains(null) && origin.isConsumingElement()) { t = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(t); t.remove(null); if (origin.getGrammarElement() instanceof Assignment) t.add(GrammarUtil.containingRule(origin.getGrammarElement()).getType()); } if (origin.getTypes().addAll(t) || origin.typesDirty) origin.populateTypes(map); } } protected List<TypeRef> sortTypes(Collection<TypeRef> types) { List<TypeRef> result = Lists.newArrayList(types); Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<TypeRef>() { @Override public int compare(TypeRef o1, TypeRef o2) { if (o1 == null) return 1; if (o2 == null) return -1; return o1.getClassifier().getName().compareTo(o2.getClassifier().getName()); } }); return result; } @Override public String toString() { // if (distances == null) // return "????"; // StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(element.eClass().getName()).append("-").append( // Integer.toHexString(hashCode())).append("\\n"); // for (Map.Entry<TreeConstState, Integer> e : distances.entrySet()) { // String hash = e.getKey() == null ? "??" : e.getKey().element.eClass().getName() + "-" // + Integer.toHexString(e.getKey().hashCode()); // b.append(hash + "-" + e.getValue() + "\\n"); // } // return b.toString(); return ""; } }