Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 itemis AG ( and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.Stack; import org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.xtext.AbstractElement; import org.eclipse.xtext.Grammar; import org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil; import org.eclipse.xtext.IGrammarAccess; import org.eclipse.xtext.ParserRule; import org.eclipse.xtext.UnorderedGroup; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Sebastian Zarnekow - Initial contribution and API */ public class UnorderedGroupHelper implements IUnorderedGroupHelper { @Singleton public static class Collector { private final ImmutableList<UnorderedGroup> groups; @Inject public Collector(IGrammarAccess grammarAccess) { Grammar grammar = grammarAccess.getGrammar(); List<ParserRule> parserRules = GrammarUtil.allParserRules(grammar); List<UnorderedGroup> groups = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ParserRule rule : parserRules) { Iterator<EObject> iter = rule.eAllContents(); while (iter.hasNext()) { EObject next =; if (next instanceof UnorderedGroup) { groups.add((UnorderedGroup) next); } } } this.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups); } public ImmutableList<UnorderedGroup> getGroups() { return groups; } } private Map<UnorderedGroup, State> groupToState; private SortedMap<Integer, UnorderedGroupState> backtrackingSnapShot; private BaseRecognizer recognizer; private UnorderedGroup[] allGroups; @Inject public UnorderedGroupHelper(Collector collector) { groupToState = Maps.newHashMap(); backtrackingSnapShot = Maps.newTreeMap(); for (UnorderedGroup group : collector.getGroups()) configure(group); allGroups = collector.getGroups().toArray(new UnorderedGroup[collector.getGroups().size()]); } @Override public void initializeWith(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; } protected BaseRecognizer getRecognizer() { return recognizer; } protected void configure(UnorderedGroup group) { groupToState.put(group, new State(group)); } protected State get(UnorderedGroup group) { snapShotForBacktracking(); State result = groupToState.get(group); if (result == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected group: " + group); return result; } protected void snapShotForBacktracking() { int backtrackingLevel = getBacktrackingLevel(); // recognizer is currently in backtracking mode or was previously in backtracking mode if (backtrackingLevel != 0 || !backtrackingSnapShot.isEmpty()) { // backtracking stack was reduced if (backtrackingLevel == 0 || (!backtrackingSnapShot.isEmpty() && backtrackingLevel < backtrackingSnapShot.firstKey())) { backtrackingSnapShot.values().iterator().next().restore(); backtrackingSnapShot.clear(); // still backtracking if (backtrackingLevel > 0) { UnorderedGroupState state = new UnorderedGroupStateImpl(allGroups); backtrackingSnapShot.put(backtrackingLevel, state); } } else if (backtrackingSnapShot.isEmpty() || backtrackingLevel > backtrackingSnapShot.lastKey()) { // backtracking stack was increased UnorderedGroupState state = new UnorderedGroupStateImpl(allGroups); backtrackingSnapShot.put(backtrackingLevel, state); } } } protected int getBacktrackingLevel() { return recognizer.getBacktrackingLevel(); } @Override public void enter(UnorderedGroup group) { get(group).enter(); } @Override public void leave(UnorderedGroup group) { get(group).leave(); } @Override public boolean canSelect(UnorderedGroup group, int index) { return get(group).canSelect(index); } @Override public void select(UnorderedGroup group, int index) { get(group).select(index); } @Override public void returnFromSelection(UnorderedGroup group) { get(group).returnFromSelection(); } @Override public boolean canLeave(UnorderedGroup group) { return get(group).canLeave(); } @Override public UnorderedGroupState snapShot(UnorderedGroup... groups) { return new UnorderedGroupStateImpl(groups); } @Override public String toString() { return "UnorderedGroupHelper: " + groupToState; } protected class UnorderedGroupStateImpl implements UnorderedGroupState { private Map<UnorderedGroup, State> groupToState; protected UnorderedGroupStateImpl(UnorderedGroup[] groups) { groupToState = Maps.newHashMap(); for (UnorderedGroup group : groups) { State state = UnorderedGroupHelper.this.groupToState.get(group); groupToState.put(group, state.copy()); } } @Override public void restore() { UnorderedGroupHelper.this.groupToState.putAll(groupToState); } } protected static class State { private Stack<Frame> frames; private int alternatives; private int mandatoryAlternativeCount; private boolean returnTrue = true; private boolean[] mandatoryAlternatives; /** * We have to remember the selected * path due to quirky antlr predicate propagation and * implement special treatment for it. */ private int selected = -1; public State(UnorderedGroup group) { frames = new Stack<Frame>(); EList<AbstractElement> elements = group.getElements(); alternatives = elements.size(); mandatoryAlternatives = new boolean[alternatives]; mandatoryAlternativeCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < alternatives; i++) { boolean isMandatory = !GrammarUtil.isOptionalCardinality(elements.get(i)); if (isMandatory) { mandatoryAlternatives[i] = true; mandatoryAlternativeCount++; } } } protected State(State original) { frames = new Stack<Frame>(); Iterator<Frame> iter = original.frames.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Frame copy = new Frame(; frames.push(copy); } alternatives = original.alternatives; mandatoryAlternativeCount = original.mandatoryAlternativeCount; returnTrue = original.returnTrue; mandatoryAlternatives = original.mandatoryAlternatives.clone(); selected = original.selected; } protected void pushFrame() { Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.predicate = new boolean[alternatives]; frame.remaining = mandatoryAlternativeCount; frames.push(frame); } public boolean canLeave() { if (returnTrue) throw new IllegalStateException(); return frames.peek().remaining == 0; } public void returnFromSelection() { returnTrue = false; selected = -1; } public boolean canSelect(int index) { boolean result = (returnTrue && index != selected) || !frames.peek().predicate[index]; return result; } public void select(int index) { returnTrue = true; selected = index; Frame current = frames.peek(); current.predicate[index] = true; if (mandatoryAlternatives[index]) current.remaining--; } public void leave() { returnTrue = true; frames.pop(); } public void enter() { returnTrue = false; pushFrame(); } public State copy() { return new State(this); } @Override public String toString() { if (frames.isEmpty()) return "State: []"; Frame frame = frames.peek(); return "State: " + Arrays.toString(frame.predicate) + " " + frame.remaining + " remaining"; } } protected static class Frame { protected Frame() { } protected Frame(Frame original) { this.predicate = original.predicate.clone(); this.remaining = original.remaining; } protected boolean[] predicate; protected int remaining; } }