Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 itemis AG ( and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.xtext.formatting2.internal; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.xtext.formatting2.IMerger; import org.eclipse.xtext.formatting2.regionaccess.ITextSegment; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API */ public class ArrayListTextSegmentSet<T> extends TextSegmentSet<T> { private final List<T> contents = Lists.newArrayList(); public ArrayListTextSegmentSet(Function<? super T, ? extends ITextSegment> region, Function<? super T, String> title) { super(region, title); } public ArrayListTextSegmentSet(Function<? super T, ? extends ITextSegment> region, Function<? super T, String> title, boolean trace) { super(region, title, trace); } @Override public void add(T segment, IMerger<T> merger) throws ConflictingRegionsException, RegionTraceMissingException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(segment); trace(segment); if (contents.isEmpty()) { contents.add(segment); } else { int searchResult = Collections.binarySearch(contents, segment, new RegionComparator<T>(getRegionAccess())); if (searchResult >= 0) replaceExistingEntry(segment, searchResult, merger); else insertAtIndex(segment, -searchResult - 1, merger); } } @Override public T get(T segment) { int searchResult = Collections.binarySearch(contents, segment, new RegionComparator<T>(getRegionAccess())); return searchResult >= 0 ? contents.get(searchResult) : null; } protected void insertAtIndex(T segment, int newIndex, IMerger<T> merger) throws ConflictingRegionsException, RegionTraceMissingException { List<T> conflicting = null; int low = newIndex; while (--low >= 0) { T item = contents.get(low); if (isConflict(item, segment)) { if (conflicting == null) conflicting = Lists.newArrayList(); conflicting.add(item); } else break; } int high = newIndex - 1; while (++high < contents.size()) { T item = contents.get(high); if (isConflict(item, segment)) { if (conflicting == null) conflicting = Lists.newArrayList(); conflicting.add(item); } else break; } if (conflicting == null) { trace(segment); contents.add(newIndex, segment); } else { conflicting.add(0, segment); try { T merged = merger != null ? merger.merge(conflicting) : null; if (merged != null) { for (int i = high - 1; i > low; i--) contents.remove(i); trace(merged); contents.add(low + 1, merged); } else { int segmentLengh = getRegion(segment).getLength(); int totalLength = 0; for (int i = 1; i < conflicting.size(); i++) totalLength += getRegion(conflicting.get(i)).getLength(); if (segmentLengh >= totalLength) for (int i = high - 1; i > low; i--) contents.remove(i); if (segmentLengh > totalLength) { trace(segment); contents.add(low + 1, segment); } handleConflict(conflicting, null); } } catch (ConflictingRegionsException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { handleConflict(conflicting, e); } } } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return Iterables.unmodifiableIterable(contents).iterator(); } protected void replaceExistingEntry(T segment, int index, IMerger<T> merger) throws ConflictingRegionsException, RegionTraceMissingException { T existing = contents.get(index); List<T> conflicting = ImmutableList.of(segment, existing); try { T merged = merger != null ? merger.merge(conflicting) : null; if (merged != null) { trace(merged); contents.set(index, merged); } else { contents.remove(index); handleConflict(conflicting, null); } } catch (ConflictingRegionsException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { handleConflict(conflicting, e); } } }