Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2013 Pascal Hirmer.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and the Apache License 2.0 which both accompany this distribution,
 * and are available at
 * and
 * Contributors:
 *    Pascal Hirmer - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler.addons.topologycompleter.helper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;

import org.eclipse.winery.common.ModelUtilities;
import org.eclipse.winery.common.Util;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.Definitions;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TDefinitions;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TEntityTemplate;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TNodeTemplate;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TRelationshipTemplate;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TRelationshipTemplate.SourceElement;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TServiceTemplate;
import org.eclipse.winery.model.tosca.TTopologyTemplate;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;

 * This class contains methods for marshalling and unmarshalling a topology XML string via JAXB.
public class JAXBHelper {

    private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JAXBHelper.class.getName());

     * This constant is used in the buildXML method which add coordinates to Node Templates so they
     * are arranged properly in the Winery topology modeler.
     * The x coordinate is constant because it is assumed that a stack of NodeTemplates is displayed.
    private static final String NODETEMPLATE_X_COORDINATE = "500";

     * This method creates an JAXB Unmarshaller used by the methods contained in this class.
     * @return the JAXB unmarshaller object
     * @throws JAXBException
     *             this exception can occur when the JAXBContext is created
    private static Unmarshaller createUnmarshaller() throws JAXBException {
        // initiate JaxB context
        JAXBContext context;
        context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Definitions.class);

        return context.createUnmarshaller();

     * This method returns a {@link TTopologyTemplate} given as XML string as JaxBObject.
     * @param xmlString
     *            the {@link TTopologyTemplate} to be unmarshalled
     * @return the unmarshalled {@link TTopologyTemplate}
    public static TTopologyTemplate getTopologyAsJaxBObject(String xmlString) {
        try {

  "Getting Definitions Document...");

            StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);

            // unmarshall the XML string
            Definitions jaxBDefinitions = (Definitions) createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(reader);
            TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) jaxBDefinitions

  "Unmarshalling successful! ");

            return serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate();

        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return null;

     * This method returns {@link TRelationshipTemplate}s as a JaxBObject.
     * @param xmlString
     *            the {@link TRelationshipTemplate} to be unmarshalled
     * @return the unmarshalled {@link TRelationshipTemplate}
    public static List<TRelationshipTemplate> getRelationshipTemplatesAsJaxBObject(String xmlString) {
        try {
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);

            // unmarshall
            Definitions jaxBDefinitions = (Definitions) createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(reader);
            TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) jaxBDefinitions

            List<TRelationshipTemplate> foundRTs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (TEntityTemplate entity : serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate()
                    .getNodeTemplateOrRelationshipTemplate()) {
                if (entity instanceof TRelationshipTemplate) {
                    foundRTs.add((TRelationshipTemplate) entity);

            return foundRTs;

        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return null;


     * Turns XML Strings into {@link TEntityTemplate} objects using JaxB.
     * @param xmlString
     *            the XMLString to be parsed
     * @return the parsed XMLString as {@link TEntityTemplate}
    public static List<TEntityTemplate> getEntityTemplatesAsJaxBObject(String xmlString) {
        try {
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);

            Definitions jaxBDefinitions = (Definitions) createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(reader);
            TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) jaxBDefinitions

            return serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplateOrRelationshipTemplate();

        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return null;


     * Converts any object of the TOSCA data model to a JaxBObject.
     * @param xmlString
     *            the {@link Definitions} object to be converted
     * @return the unmarshalled {@link Definitions} object
    public static Definitions getXasJaxBObject(String xmlString) {
        try {
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
            Definitions jaxBDefinitions = (Definitions) createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(reader);

            return jaxBDefinitions;

        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return null;


     * This method adds a selection of {@link TNodeTemplate}- and {@link TRelationshipTemplate}-XML-Strings to a {@link TTopologyTemplate}-XML-String using JAXB.
     * After the templates have been added, the {@link TTopologyTemplate} object is re-marshalled to an XML-String.
     * This method is called by the selectionHandler.jsp after several Node or RelationshipTemplates have been chosen in a dialog.
     * @param topology
     *            the topology as XML string
     * @param allTemplateChoicesAsXML
     *            all possible template choices as TOSCA-XML strings containing the complete templates
     * @param selectedNodeTemplatesAsJSON
     *            the names of the selected NodeTemplates as JSONArray
     * @param selectedRelationshipTemplatesAsJSON
     *            the names of the selected RelationshipTemplates as JSONArray
     * @return the complete topology XML string
    public static String addTemplatesToTopology(String topology, String allTemplateChoicesAsXML,
            String selectedNodeTemplatesAsJSON, String selectedRelationshipTemplatesAsJSON) {
        try {

            // initialization code for the jackson types used to convert JSON string arrays to a java.util.List
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            TypeFactory factory = mapper.getTypeFactory();

            // convert the JSON array containing the names of the selected RelationshipTemplates to a java.util.List
            List<String> selectedRelationshipTemplates = mapper.readValue(selectedRelationshipTemplatesAsJSON,
                    factory.constructCollectionType(List.class, String.class));

            // convert the topology and the choices to objects using JAXB
            TTopologyTemplate topologyTemplate = getTopologyAsJaxBObject(topology);
            List<TEntityTemplate> allTemplateChoices = getEntityTemplatesAsJaxBObject(allTemplateChoicesAsXML);

            // this distinction of cases is necessary because it is possible that only RelationshipTemplates have been selected
            if (selectedNodeTemplatesAsJSON != null) {

                // convert the JSON string array containing the names of the selected NodeTemplates to a java.util.List
                List<String> selectedNodeTemplates = mapper.readValue(selectedNodeTemplatesAsJSON,
                        factory.constructCollectionType(List.class, String.class));

                // search the selected NodeTemplate in the List of all choices by its name to receive its object which will ne added to the topology
                for (String nodeTemplateName : selectedNodeTemplates) {
                    for (TEntityTemplate choice : allTemplateChoices) {
                        if (choice instanceof TNodeTemplate) {
                            TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = (TNodeTemplate) choice;
                            // matching a name is usually unsafe because the uniqueness cannot be assured,
                            // however similar names are not possible at this location due to the implementation of the selection dialogs
                            if (nodeTemplateName.equals(nodeTemplate.getName())) {
                                // add the selected NodeTemplate to the topology

                                // due to the mapping of IDs in the selection dialog, the corresponding Relationship Template of the inserted Node Template misses its SourceElement.
                                // Re-add it to avoid errors.
                                for (TEntityTemplate entity : topologyTemplate
                                        .getNodeTemplateOrRelationshipTemplate()) {
                                    if (entity instanceof TRelationshipTemplate) {
                                        TRelationshipTemplate relationshipTemplate = (TRelationshipTemplate) entity;
                                        if (relationshipTemplate.getSourceElement().getRef() == null) {
                                            // connect to the added NodeTemplate
                                            SourceElement sourceElement = new SourceElement();

                // now search and add the selected RelationshipTemplate object connecting to the inserted NodeTemplate
                for (String relationshipTemplateName : selectedRelationshipTemplates) {
                    for (TEntityTemplate toBeAdded : allTemplateChoices) {
                        if (toBeAdded instanceof TRelationshipTemplate) {
                            TRelationshipTemplate relationshipTemplate = (TRelationshipTemplate) toBeAdded;
                            if (relationshipTemplateName.equals(relationshipTemplate.getName())) {

            } else {
                // in this case only Relationship Templates have been selected
                List<TRelationshipTemplate> allRelationshipTemplateChoices = JAXBHelper

                // add the target Node Template to the topology which is unique due to the implementation of the selection dialog
                        .add((TNodeTemplate) ((TRelationshipTemplate) allRelationshipTemplateChoices.get(0))

                // search the JAXB object of the selected RelationshipTemplate and add it to the topology
                for (String relationshipTemplateName : selectedRelationshipTemplates) {
                    for (TRelationshipTemplate choice : allRelationshipTemplateChoices) {
                        if (relationshipTemplateName.equals(choice.getName())) {

                for (TEntityTemplate entityTemplate : topologyTemplate.getNodeTemplateOrRelationshipTemplate()) {
                    if (entityTemplate instanceof TRelationshipTemplate) {
                        TRelationshipTemplate relationship = (TRelationshipTemplate) entityTemplate;

                        // due to the mapping of IDs in the selection dialog, the corresponding Relationship Template of the inserted Node Template misses its SourceElement.
                        // Re-add it to avoid errors.
                        if (relationship.getSourceElement().getRef() == null) {
                                    (TNodeTemplate) ((TRelationshipTemplate) allRelationshipTemplateChoices.get(0))

            // re-convert the topology from a JAXB object to an XML string and return it
            Definitions definitions = new Definitions();
            TServiceTemplate st = new TServiceTemplate();
            JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Definitions.class);
            Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

            m.marshal(definitions, stringWriter);

            return stringWriter.toString();

        } catch (JAXBException | IOException e) {

        return null;

     * Marshalls a JAXB object of the TOSCA model to an XML string.
     * @param clazz
     *           the class of the object
     * @param obj
     *           the object to be marshalled
     * @return
    public static String getXMLAsString(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class clazz, Object obj) {
        try {
            JAXBElement rootElement = Util.getJAXBElement(clazz, obj);
            JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(TDefinitions.class);
            Marshaller m;

            m = context.createMarshaller();

            StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
            m.marshal(rootElement, w);
            String res = w.toString();

            return res;
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return null;

     * This methods alters the XML with JAXB so it can be imported in Winery. This is necessary because Winery needs additional information for the position of the templates in the
     * Winery-Modeler-UI.
     * This code is adapted from the org.eclipse.winery.repository.Utils.getXMLAsString() method.
     * @param topology
     *            the {@link TTopologyTemplate} to be altered
     * @return the altered {@link TTopologyTemplate}
    public static TTopologyTemplate buildXML(TTopologyTemplate topology) {

        // the coordinate of the NodeTemplate in Winery. Begin 100 pixel from the top to improve arrangement.
        int yCoordinates = 100;

        for (TEntityTemplate template : topology.getNodeTemplateOrRelationshipTemplate()) {
            // add node templates
            if (template instanceof TNodeTemplate) {

                TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = (TNodeTemplate) template;

                // remove the Requirements tag if necessary
                if (nodeTemplate.getRequirements() != null
                        && nodeTemplate.getRequirements().getRequirement() == null) {

                ModelUtilities.setLeft(nodeTemplate, NODETEMPLATE_X_COORDINATE);
                ModelUtilities.setTop(nodeTemplate, Integer.toString(yCoordinates));

                yCoordinates += 150;

        return topology;