Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Google, Inc. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.wb.tests.gef; import; import; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.FigureUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.IPositionConstants; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.Layer; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.Polyline; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.PointList; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.core.Command; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.core.EditPart; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.core.IEditPartViewer; import; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.graphical.GraphicalEditPart; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.graphical.handles.Handle; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.graphical.handles.MoveHandle; import org.eclipse.wb.gef.graphical.handles.ResizeHandle; import; import; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.reflect.ReflectionUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.gef.graphical.GraphicalViewer; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import junit.framework.Assert; import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.fest.assertions.Description; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Fluent interface for performing create/move/resize operations on {@link GraphicalViewer}. * * @author scheglov_ke */ public final class GraphicalRobot { // viewer private final GraphicalViewer m_viewer; private final EventSender m_sender; // source private boolean sourceSideMode = false; private int sourceWidth; private int sourceHeight; private int mouseInSourceX; private int mouseInSourceY; // side private boolean leftSide = true; private boolean topSide = true; // target private GraphicalEditPart target; private Rectangle targetBounds; // mouse private int mouseX; private int mouseY; private int mouseOldX; private int mouseOldY; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public GraphicalRobot(GraphicalViewer viewer) { m_viewer = viewer; m_sender = new EventSender(viewer.getControl()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Emulation: state mask // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Emulates CTRL key down. */ public GraphicalRobot ctrlDown() { m_sender.ctrlDown(); return this; } /** * Emulates CTRL key up. */ public GraphicalRobot ctrlUp() { m_sender.ctrlUp(); return this; } /** * Sends {@link SWT#KeyDown} event. */ public void keyDown(int key) { m_sender.keyDown(key); } /** * Sends {@link SWT#KeyDown} event. */ public void keyDown(int key, char c) { m_sender.keyDown(key, c); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Selection // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void deselectAll() { m_viewer.deselectAll(); } /** * Selects {@link EditPart}'s of given models (and only them). */ public void select(Object... models) { EditPart[] editParts = getEditParts(models); m_viewer.setSelection(ImmutableList.copyOf(editParts)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Operation selection // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Informs that CREATE operation is in progress. Source object has no size. */ public GraphicalRobot create() { create(0, 0); return this; } /** * Informs that CREATE operation is in progress. Mouse cursor is in center of source. */ public GraphicalRobot create(int width, int height) { create(width, height, width / 2, height / 2); return this; } /** * Informs that CREATE operation is in progress. */ private void create(int width, int height, int mouseInSourceX_, int mouseInSourceY_) { sourceWidth = width; sourceHeight = height; mouseInSourceX = mouseInSourceX_; mouseInSourceY = mouseInSourceY_; } /** * Informs that MOVE should be performed. */ public GraphicalRobot beginMove(Object object) { GraphicalEditPart editPart = getEditPart(object); Rectangle bounds = getAbsoluteBounds(editPart); sourceWidth = bounds.width; sourceHeight = bounds.height;; // find MoveHandle mouseX = bounds.x; mouseY = bounds.y; while (!(m_viewer.findTargetHandle(mouseX, mouseY) instanceof MoveHandle)) { mouseX++; } mouseInSourceX = mouseX - bounds.x; mouseInSourceY = mouseY - bounds.y; // begin drag return beginDrag(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Operation: resize and other SquareHandle-s // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Prepares mouse location on {@link ResizeHandle} with given direction. */ public GraphicalRobot toResizeHandle(Object object, final int direction) { Predicate<Handle> predicate = new Predicate<Handle>() { public boolean apply(Handle handle) { if (handle instanceof ResizeHandle) { ResizeHandle resizeHandle = (ResizeHandle) handle; return resizeHandle.getDirection() == direction; } return false; } }; toHandle(object, predicate); // continue return this; } /** * Prepares mouse location on resize {@link Handle} with given type and direction. */ public GraphicalRobot toResizeHandle(Object object, final Object type, final int direction) { Predicate<Handle> predicate = new Predicate<Handle>() { public boolean apply(Handle handle) { if (handle.getDragTrackerTool() instanceof ResizeTracker) { ResizeTracker resizeTracker = (ResizeTracker) handle.getDragTrackerTool(); return resizeTracker.getDirection() == direction && ObjectUtils.equals(resizeTracker.getRequestType(), type); } return false; } }; toHandle(object, predicate); // continue return this; } /** * Informs that RESIZE should be performed, using standard {@link ResizeHandle}. */ public GraphicalRobot beginResize(Object object, int direction) { toResizeHandle(object, direction); beginDrag(); return this; } /** * Prepares mouse location on side {@link Handle} that satisfies predicate. */ private GraphicalRobot toHandle(Object object, Predicate<Handle> predicate) { GraphicalEditPart editPart = getEditPart(object); Rectangle bounds = getAbsoluteBounds(editPart); sourceWidth = bounds.width; sourceHeight = bounds.height;; // find Handle Point location = findSideHandle(bounds, predicate); assertThat(location).describedAs("Side Handle for " + predicate).isNotNull(); mouseX = location.x; mouseY = location.y; mouseInSourceX = mouseX - bounds.x; mouseInSourceY = mouseY - bounds.y; // continue return this; } private Point findSideHandle(Rectangle bounds, Predicate<Handle> predicate) { Point location = null; { location = findSideHandle(predicate, bounds, 0, 0, 1, 0); } if (location == null) { location = findSideHandle(predicate, bounds, 0, 0, 0, 1); } if (location == null) { location = findSideHandle(predicate, bounds, bounds.width - 1, 0, 0, 1); if (location != null) { location.translate(1, 0); location.translate(0, 1); } } if (location == null) { location = findSideHandle(predicate, bounds, 0, bounds.height - 1, 1, 0); if (location != null) { location.translate(1, 0); location.translate(0, 1); } } return location; } private Point findSideHandle(Predicate<Handle> predicate, Rectangle bounds, int x, int y, int deltaX, int deltaY) { x += bounds.x; y += bounds.y; while (x < bounds.right() && y < bounds.bottom()) { Handle handle = m_viewer.findTargetHandle(x, y); if (predicate.apply(handle)) { return handle.getBounds().getCenter(); } x += deltaX; y += deltaY; } return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Side to set position // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public GraphicalRobot leftSide() { leftSide = true; return this; } public GraphicalRobot rightSide() { leftSide = false; return this; } public GraphicalRobot topSide() { topSide = true; return this; } public GraphicalRobot bottomSide() { topSide = false; return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Mouse in source // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Specifies that we want to control directly mouse location, not location of source side. Use * {@link #sideMode()} to use "side" mode. */ public GraphicalRobot mouseMode() { sourceSideMode = false; return this; } /** * Specifies that you want to set location of sides, see {@link #leftSide()}, {@link #rightSide()} * , etc. */ public GraphicalRobot sideMode() { sourceSideMode = true; return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Target // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public GraphicalRobot target(Object object) { target = getEditPart(object); targetBounds = getAbsoluteBounds(target); return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Position // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Location of source side in target, if positive - from left/top, if negative - from * right/bottom. */ public GraphicalRobot in(int x, int y) { inX(x); inY(y); return this; } /** * Location of source side in target, if positive - from left, if negative - from right. */ public GraphicalRobot inX(int location) { int sideInTarget = normalizeIn(location, targetBounds.width); int mouseInTarget = sideToMouseX(sideInTarget); mouseX = targetToAbsoluteX(mouseInTarget); return this; } /** * Location of source side in target, if positive - from top, if negative - from bottom. */ public GraphicalRobot inY(int location) { int sideInTarget = normalizeIn(location, targetBounds.height); int mouseInTarget = sideToMouseY(sideInTarget); mouseY = targetToAbsoluteY(mouseInTarget); return this; } /** * Distance of source side from target, if negative - from left/top, if positive - from * right/bottom. */ public GraphicalRobot out(int x, int y) { outX(x); outY(y); return this; } /** * Distance of source side from target, if negative - from left, if positive - from right. */ public GraphicalRobot outX(int location) { int sideRelTarget = normalizeOut(location, targetBounds.width); int mouseRelTarget = sideToMouseX(sideRelTarget); mouseX = targetToAbsoluteX(mouseRelTarget); return this; } /** * Distance of source side from target, if negative - from top, if positive - from bottom. */ public GraphicalRobot outY(int location) { int sideRelTarget = normalizeOut(location, targetBounds.height); int mouseRelTarget = sideToMouseY(sideRelTarget); mouseY = targetToAbsoluteY(mouseRelTarget); return this; } /** * Location in target, in fractions of its width/height. */ public GraphicalRobot in(double x, double y) { inX(x); inY(y); return this; } /** * Location in target, in fractions of its width if <code>abs() less 1.0</code>, or in pixels as * {@link #inX(int)}. */ public GraphicalRobot inX(double k) { if (k > -1.0 && k < 1.0) { int location = (int) (targetBounds.width * k); int sideInTarget = normalizeIn(location, targetBounds.width); int mouseInTarget = sideToMouseX(sideInTarget); mouseX = targetToAbsoluteX(mouseInTarget); } else { inX((int) k); } return this; } /** * Location in target, in fractions of its width if <code>abs() less 1.0</code>, or in pixels as * {@link #inY(int)}. */ public GraphicalRobot inY(double k) { if (k > -1.0 && k < 1.0) { int location = (int) (targetBounds.height * k); int sideInTarget = normalizeIn(location, targetBounds.height); int mouseInTarget = sideToMouseY(sideInTarget); mouseY = targetToAbsoluteY(mouseInTarget); } else { inY((int) k); } return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Location utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int normalizeIn(int location, int targetSize) { if (location < 0) { location += targetSize; } return location; } private static int normalizeOut(int location, int targetSize) { if (location > 0) { location += targetSize; } return location; } private int sideToMouseX(int side) { if (!sourceSideMode) { return side; } if (leftSide) { return side + mouseInSourceX; } else { return side - (sourceWidth - mouseInSourceX); } } private int sideToMouseY(int side) { if (!sourceSideMode) { return side; } if (topSide) { return side + mouseInSourceY; } else { return side - (sourceHeight - mouseInSourceY); } } private int targetToAbsoluteX(int x) { return targetBounds.x + x; } private int targetToAbsoluteY(int y) { return targetBounds.y + y; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Operations // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public GraphicalRobot moveTo(int _mouseX, int _mouseY) { mouseX = _mouseX; mouseY = _mouseY; return move(); } public GraphicalRobot moveTo(Object object, int _mouseX, int _mouseY) { target(object); in(_mouseX, _mouseY); return move(); } public GraphicalRobot moveTo(Object object, double _mouseX, double _mouseY) { target(object); inX(_mouseX); inY(_mouseY); return move(); } public GraphicalRobot moveTo(Object object) { return moveTo(object, 0, 0); } public GraphicalRobot moveOn(int deltaX, int deltaY) { mouseX += deltaX; mouseY += deltaY; return move(); } public GraphicalRobot move() { m_sender.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY); return this; } public GraphicalRobot beginDrag(int button) { m_sender.startDrag(mouseX, mouseY, button); mouseOldX = mouseX; mouseOldY = mouseY; return this; } public GraphicalRobot beginDrag() { return beginDrag(1); } public GraphicalRobot beginDrag(int _mouseX, int _mouseY, int button) { moveTo(_mouseX, _mouseY); return beginDrag(button); } public GraphicalRobot beginDrag(Object object, int _mouseX, int _mouseY) { Point location = getLocation(object, _mouseX, _mouseY); return beginDrag(location.x, location.y, 1); } public GraphicalRobot beginDrag(Object object) { return beginDrag(object, 0, 0); } public GraphicalRobot dragOn(int deltaX, int deltaY) { mouseX += deltaX; mouseY += deltaY; return drag(); } public GraphicalRobot dragTo(int _mouseX, int _mouseY) { mouseX = _mouseX; mouseY = _mouseY; return drag(); } public GraphicalRobot dragTo(Object object, int _mouseX, int _mouseY) { target(object); in(_mouseX, _mouseY); return drag(); } public GraphicalRobot dragTo(Object object, double _mouseX, double _mouseY) { target(object); in(_mouseX, _mouseY); return drag(); } public GraphicalRobot dragTo(Object object) { return dragTo(object, 0, 0); } public GraphicalRobot drag() { int deltaX = mouseX - mouseOldX; int deltaY = mouseY - mouseOldY; int deltaX1 = deltaX / 2; int deltaX2 = deltaX - deltaX1; int deltaY1 = deltaY / 2; int deltaY2 = deltaY - deltaY1; // step 1 mouseOldX += deltaX1; mouseOldY += deltaY1; m_sender.dragTo(mouseOldX, mouseOldY); // step 2 mouseOldX += deltaX2; mouseOldY += deltaY2; m_sender.dragTo(mouseOldX, mouseOldY); // done return this; } public void endDrag() { m_sender.endDrag(); } /** * Performs left button click, for example to finish CREATE operation. */ public GraphicalRobot click(int button) {; return this; } public GraphicalRobot click() { click(1); return this; } public GraphicalRobot click(int x, int y, int button) {, y, button); return this; } public GraphicalRobot click(Object object, int deltaX, int deltaY) { Point location = getLocation(object, deltaX, deltaY); click(location.x, location.y, 1); return this; } public GraphicalRobot click(Object object) { click(object, 0, 0); return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // doubleClick() // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void doubleClick() { m_sender.doubleClick(mouseX, mouseY, 1); } public void doubleClick(Object object) { doubleClick(object, 1); } public void doubleClick(Object object, int button) { GraphicalEditPart editPart = getEditPart(object); Rectangle bounds = getAbsoluteBounds(editPart); Point location = getLocation(editPart, bounds.width / 2, bounds.height / 2); m_sender.doubleClick(location.x, location.y, button); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Direct edit // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Performs direct edit and sets given text. */ public void performDirectEdit(Object object, String text) { select(object); performDirectEdit(text); } /** * Performs direct edit and sets given text. */ public void performDirectEdit(String text) { // begin direct edit beginDirectEdit(); // animate animateDirectEdit(text); } /** * Animates already activated direct edit. */ public void animateDirectEdit(String text) { // prepare Text widget Text textWidget = UiContext.findFirstWidget(m_viewer.getControl(), Text.class); assertThat(textWidget).describedAs("No Text widget.").isNotNull(); // use Text widget textWidget.setText(text); endDirectEdit(textWidget); } /** * Begins direct edit for selected component. */ public void beginDirectEdit() { keyDown(0x20, ' '); } /** * Ends direct edit for selected component. */ public void endDirectEdit(Text textWidget) { new EventSender(textWidget).keyDown(SWT.CR); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public GraphicalEditPart getEditPart(final Object object) { GraphicalEditPart editPart = getEditPartNull(object); assertThat(editPart).as(new Description() { public String value() { return "No EditPart for " + object; } }).isNotNull(); return editPart; } public GraphicalEditPart getEditPartNull(Object object) { GraphicalEditPart editPart = object instanceof GraphicalEditPart ? (GraphicalEditPart) object : (GraphicalEditPart) m_viewer.getEditPartByModel(object); return editPart; } public GraphicalEditPart[] getEditParts(Object[] objects) { GraphicalEditPart[] editParts = new GraphicalEditPart[objects.length]; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { editParts[i] = getEditPart(objects[i]); } return editParts; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Location utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return bounds of {@link GraphicalEditPart}'s figure in absolute coordinates. */ public static Rectangle getAbsoluteBounds(GraphicalEditPart editPart) { Figure figure = editPart.getFigure(); Rectangle bounds = figure.getBounds().getCopy(); FigureUtils.translateFigureToAbsolute(figure, bounds); return bounds; } public Rectangle getAbsoluteBounds(Object object) { return getAbsoluteBounds(getEditPart(object)); } /** * @return location of given {@link EditPart} with offset. Negative offset means offset from * right/bottom side. */ public static Point getLocation(GraphicalEditPart editPart, int deltaX, int deltaY) { Rectangle bounds = getAbsoluteBounds(editPart); Point location = new Point(0, 0); if (deltaX >= 0) { location.x = bounds.x + deltaX; } else { location.x = bounds.right() + deltaX; } if (deltaY >= 0) { location.y = bounds.y + deltaY; } else { location.y = bounds.bottom() + deltaY; } return location; } public Point getLocation(Object object, int deltaX, int deltaY) { return getLocation(getEditPart(object), deltaX, deltaY); } public Point getLocation(Object object) { return getLocation(object, 0, 0); } /** * @return the size of given {@link EditPart}. */ public static Dimension getSize(GraphicalEditPart editPart) { return editPart.getFigure().getSize(); } public Dimension getSize(Object object) { return getSize(getEditPart(object)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Feedback utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Description of {@link Figure}. */ public static final class FigureDescription { private final Class<?> m_class; private final Rectangle m_absoluteBounds; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public FigureDescription(Class<?> clazz, Rectangle absoluteBounds) { m_class = clazz; m_absoluteBounds = absoluteBounds; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Object // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public String toString() { return "(" + m_class.getName() + ", " + m_absoluteBounds + ")"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Access // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return <code>true</code> if given {@link Figure} matches this {@link FigureDescription}. */ public boolean match(Figure figure) { boolean match = true; match &= m_class.isAssignableFrom(figure.getClass()); if (m_absoluteBounds != null) { match &= m_absoluteBounds.equals(figure.getBounds()); } return match; } } /** * @return the list of {@link Figure}'s on feedback {@link Layer}. */ public List<Figure> getFeedbackFigures() { return m_viewer.getLayer(IEditPartViewer.FEEDBACK_LAYER).getChildren(); } /** * @return the current {@link Command} from currently loaded {@link Tool}. */ public Command getCommand() throws Exception { Tool tool = m_viewer.getEditDomain().getActiveTool(); // when drag is in progress, ask command from "drag tracker" if (tool instanceof SelectionTool) { Tool dragTracker = (Tool) ReflectionUtils.getFieldObject(tool, "m_dragTracker"); if (dragTracker != null) { tool = dragTracker; } } // OK, get Command from active tool return (Command) ReflectionUtils.getFieldObject(tool, "m_command"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Assertions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void assertNullEditPart(Object object) { assertThat(getEditPartNull(object)).isNull(); } public void assertNotNullEditPart(Object object) { assertThat(getEditPartNull(object)).isNotNull(); } /** * Asserts that selection is empty, i.e. no {@link EditPart} selected. */ public GraphicalRobot assertSelectedEmpty() { List<EditPart> selectedEditParts = m_viewer.getSelectedEditParts(); assertThat(selectedEditParts).isEmpty(); return this; } public void assertPrimarySelected(Object object) { EditPart editPart = getEditPart(object); assertThat(editPart.getSelected()).isEqualTo(EditPart.SELECTED_PRIMARY); } /** * Assert that selection contains exactly given {@link EditPart}s. */ public void assertSelection(Object... objects) { List<EditPart> selectedEditParts = m_viewer.getSelectedEditParts(); GraphicalEditPart[] editParts = getEditParts(objects); assertThat(selectedEditParts).containsExactly((Object[]) editParts); } public void assertChildrenCount(Object object, int count) { EditPart editPart = getEditPart(object); assertThat(editPart.getChildren()).hasSize(count); } /** * Asserts that {@link Layer} has {@link Figure}'s that satisfy to given {@link Predicate} . */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void assertFigures(String layerName, Predicate<Figure> predicate) { assertFigures(layerName, new Predicate[] { predicate }); } /** * Asserts that {@link Layer} has {@link Figure}'s that satisfy to given {@link Predicate} 's. */ public void assertFigures(String layerName, Predicate<Figure>... predicates) { // prepare feedback's List<Figure> feedbacks; { Layer feedbackLayer = m_viewer.getLayer(layerName); feedbacks = feedbackLayer.getChildren(); assertThat(feedbacks.size()).describedAs("Wrong count of feedbacks.").isEqualTo(predicates.length); } // check all feedback's for (int i = 0; i < predicates.length; i++) { Predicate<Figure> predicate = predicates[i]; Figure feedback = feedbacks.get(i); assertThat(predicate.apply(feedback)).describedAs("Predicate [" + i + "] failed.").isTrue(); } } /** * Asserts that there are no any feedback on {@link IEditPartViewer#FEEDBACK_LAYER}. */ public void assertNoFeedbacks() { assertFigures(IEditPartViewer.FEEDBACK_LAYER); } /** * Asserts that given host has "empty flow container" line feedback on * {@link IEditPartViewer#FEEDBACK_LAYER}. */ public void assertEmptyFlowContainerFeedback(Object host, boolean horizontal) { Predicate<Figure> predicate = getEmptyFlowContainerPredicate(host, horizontal); assertFeedbacks(predicate); } /** * Asserts that {@link IEditPartViewer#FEEDBACK_LAYER} has feedback {@link Figure}'s that satisfy * to given {@link Predicate}'s. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void assertFeedbacks(Predicate<Figure> predicate_1) { assertFeedbacks0(predicate_1); } /** * Asserts that {@link IEditPartViewer#FEEDBACK_LAYER} has feedback {@link Figure}'s that satisfy * to given {@link Predicate}'s. */ private void assertFeedbacks0(Predicate<Figure>... predicates) { assertFigures(IEditPartViewer.FEEDBACK_LAYER, predicates); } /** * Asserts that feedback layer contains exactly same {@link Figure}'s as described. */ public void assertFeedbackFigures(FigureDescription... descriptions) { HashSet<Figure> feedbackFigures = new HashSet<Figure>(getFeedbackFigures()); // for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++) { FigureDescription description = descriptions[i]; // try to find figure for current description boolean figureFound = false; for (Iterator<Figure> I = feedbackFigures.iterator(); I.hasNext();) { Figure figure =; if (description.match(figure)) { I.remove(); figureFound = true; break; } } // figure should be found assertThat(figureFound).describedAs("No figure found for " + description).isTrue(); } // all figure should be matched if (!feedbackFigures.isEmpty()) { String message = "Following figures are not matched:"; for (Figure figure : feedbackFigures) { message += "\n\t" + figure.getClass().getName() + " " + figure.getBounds() + " " + figure.toString(); } assertThat(true).describedAs(message).isFalse(); } } /** * Asserts that there are no {@link Figure}'s on feedback {@link Layer}. */ public void assertNoFeedbackFigures() { assertThat(getFeedbackFigures().isEmpty()).describedAs("Feedback layer should be empty.").isTrue(); } /** * Asserts that there are exactly given count of {@link Figure}'s on feedback {@link Layer}. */ public void assertFeedbackFigures(int count) { assertThat(getFeedbackFigures()).hasSize(count); } /** * Asserts that currently loaded {@link Tool} has <code>null</code> as command. */ public GraphicalRobot assertCommandNull() throws Exception { final Command command = getCommand(); assertThat(command).describedAs(new Description() { public String value() { return "Unexpected command " + command; } }).isNull(); return this; } /** * Asserts that currently loaded {@link Tool} has not <code>null</code> as command. */ public GraphicalRobot assertCommandNotNull() throws Exception { Command command = getCommand(); assertThat(command).describedAs("No command.").isNotNull(); return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Figure predicates // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return the {@link Predicate} that checks if feedback is line used for empty flow container. */ public final Predicate<Figure> getEmptyFlowContainerPredicate(Object hostModel, boolean horizontal) { GraphicalEditPart host = getEditPart(hostModel); // prepare "host" Figure bounds in absolute Rectangle bounds; { bounds = host.getFigure().getBounds().getCopy(); FigureUtils.translateFigureToAbsolute(host.getFigure(), bounds); } // prepare expected points final Point p1; final Point p2; if (horizontal) { p1 = new Point(bounds.x, bounds.y); p2 = new Point(bounds.x, bounds.bottom()); } else { p1 = new Point(bounds.x, bounds.y); p2 = new Point(bounds.right(), bounds.y); } // if host is big enough, tweak points for better look if (horizontal) { if (bounds.width > 20) { p1.x += 5; p2.x += 5; } if (bounds.height > 20) { p1.y += 5; p2.y -= 5; } } else { if (bounds.width > 20) { p1.x += 5; p2.x -= 5; } if (bounds.height > 20) { p1.y += 5; p2.y += 5; } } // return predicate return new Predicate<Figure>() { public boolean apply(Figure feedback) { if (!(feedback instanceof Polyline)) { return false; } // prepare points of line Point p1_; Point p2_; { Polyline polyline = (Polyline) feedback; PointList points = polyline.getPoints(); if (points.size() != 2) { return false; } p1_ = points.getPoint(0); p2_ = points.getPoint(1); } // compare return p1_.equals(p1) && p2_.equals(p2); } }; } /** * @return the {@link Predicate} that checks if feedback is relative given * {@link GraphicalEditPart}. * * @param part * the {@link GraphicalEditPart} relative to which feedback is expected. * @param location * the location of feedback, one of {@link IPositionConstants#TOP}, * {@link IPositionConstants#BOTTOM} , {@link IPositionConstants#LEFT}, * {@link IPositionConstants#RIGHT}. */ public static final Predicate<Figure> getLinePredicate(GraphicalEditPart part, final int location) { // prepare "part" Figure bounds in absolute final Rectangle partBounds; { partBounds = part.getFigure().getBounds().getCopy(); FigureUtils.translateFigureToAbsolute(part.getFigure(), partBounds); } // return predicate return new Predicate<Figure>() { public boolean apply(Figure feedback) { if (!(feedback instanceof Polyline)) { return false; } // prepare points of line Point p1; Point p2; { Polyline polyline = (Polyline) feedback; PointList points = polyline.getPoints(); if (points.size() != 2) { return false; } p1 = points.getPoint(0); p2 = points.getPoint(1); } // checks that line has expected location int delta = 5; boolean result = true; if (location == IPositionConstants.TOP) { result &= p1.y == p2.y; result &= Math.abs(p1.y - partBounds.y) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p1.x - partBounds.x) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p2.x - partBounds.right()) < delta; } else if (location == IPositionConstants.BOTTOM) { result &= p1.y == p2.y; result &= Math.abs(p1.y - partBounds.bottom()) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p1.x - partBounds.x) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p2.x - partBounds.right()) < delta; } else if (location == IPositionConstants.LEFT) { result &= p1.x == p2.x; result &= Math.abs(p1.x - partBounds.x) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p1.y - partBounds.y) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p2.y - partBounds.bottom()) < delta; } else if (location == IPositionConstants.RIGHT) { result &= p1.x == p2.x; result &= Math.abs(p1.x - partBounds.right()) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p1.y - partBounds.y) < delta; result &= Math.abs(p2.y - partBounds.bottom()) < delta; } else {"Unsupported location: " + location); } // OK, final result return result; } }; } public final Predicate<Figure> getLinePredicate(Object object, final int location) { return getLinePredicate(getEditPart(object), location); } /** * @return the {@link Predicate} that checks if feedback is "border target" around given * {@link GraphicalEditPart}. */ public static final Predicate<Figure> getTargetPredicate(GraphicalEditPart part) { // prepare "part" Figure bounds in absolute final Rectangle partBounds; { partBounds = part.getFigure().getBounds().getCopy(); FigureUtils.translateFigureToAbsolute(part.getFigure(), partBounds); partBounds.expand(3, 3); } // return predicate return new Predicate<Figure>() { public boolean apply(Figure feedback) { return partBounds.equals(feedback.getBounds()); } }; } public final Predicate<Figure> getTargetPredicate(Object object) { return getTargetPredicate(getEditPart(object)); } }