Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Google, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wb.internal.swing.java6.model;

import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.IAbstractComponentInfo;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement;

 * Spring representing gaps.
 * @author mitin_aa
 * @coverage
public final class GapSpringInfo extends SpringInfo {
    private final boolean m_isContainer;
    private ComponentPlacement m_placement;
    private IAbstractComponentInfo m_widget1;
    private IAbstractComponentInfo m_widget2;
    private int m_pref = UNSET;
    private int m_max = UNSET;

    // Constructor
    public GapSpringInfo() {

    public GapSpringInfo(boolean isContainer) {
        m_isContainer = isContainer;

    // Access
    public void setPlacementType(ComponentPlacement placement) {
        m_placement = placement;

    public void setGapWidgets(IAbstractComponentInfo widget1, IAbstractComponentInfo widget2) {
        m_widget1 = widget1;
        m_widget2 = widget2;

    public void setPreferredSize(int prefValue) {
        m_pref = prefValue;

    public void setMaximumSize(int maxValue) {
        m_max = maxValue;

    private boolean isPreferred() {
        return m_placement != null;

    private boolean isContainer() {
        return m_isContainer;

    // Dump
    public void dump(int level, StringBuffer buffer) {
        buffer.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", level));
        if (isContainer()) {
            buffer.append("G cont sizes=");
            buffer.append((m_pref == UNSET ? "UNSET" : m_pref) + " ");
            buffer.append((m_max == UNSET ? "UNSET" : m_max));
        } else if (isPreferred()) {
            buffer.append("G pref=" + m_placement + " sizes=");
            buffer.append((m_pref == UNSET ? "UNSET" : m_pref) + " ");
            buffer.append((m_max == UNSET ? "UNSET" : m_max));
            if (m_widget1 != null) {
        } else {
            buffer.append("G sizes=");
            super.dump(level, buffer);