Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Google, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wb.core.model;


import org.eclipse.wb.core.eval.EvaluationContext;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.eval.ExecutionFlowDescription;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.eval.ExecutionFlowUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.eval.ExecutionFlowUtils.ExecutionFlowFrameVisitor;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.eval.ExecutionFlowUtils.VisitingContext;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.association.Association;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.EvaluationEventListener;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ExecutionFlowEnterFrame;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.JavaEventListener;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.JavaInfoAddProperties;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.JavaInfoSetAssociationBefore;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.JavaInfoSetObjectAfter;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.JavaInfoSetVariable;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.JavaInfosetObjectBefore;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ObjectEventListener;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ObjectInfoAddProperties;
import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ObjectInfoDelete;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.EnvironmentUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.editor.DesignPageSite;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.JavaInfoEvaluationHelper;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.JavaInfoUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.ObjectInfoVisitor;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.creation.CreationSupport;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.AbstractDescription;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.ComponentDescription;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.ConfigurablePropertyDescription;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.GenericPropertyDescription;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.MethodDescription;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.helpers.FactoryDescriptionHelper;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.order.MethodOrder;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.presentation.DefaultJavaInfoPresentation;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.presentation.IObjectPresentation;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.GlobalStateJava;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.ImportantPropertiesDialog;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.PlaceholderUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.PropertyUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.PropertyUtils2;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.TemplateUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.variable.VariableSupport;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.parser.JavaInfoResolver;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.GenericsUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.AstEditor;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.AstNodeUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.StatementTarget;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.check.Assert;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.ExecutionUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.RunnableEx;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.RunnableObjectEx;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.external.ExternalFactoriesHelper;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.reflect.ReflectionUtils;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.state.EditorState;
import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.state.VisitedNodes;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Assignment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedName;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Statement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperConstructorInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperMethodInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

 * Abstract model for any Java-based model object. It has some presentation in AST.
 * @author scheglov_ke
 * @coverage core.model
public class JavaInfo extends ObjectInfo implements HasSourcePosition {
    private final JavaInfo m_this = this;
     * We mark components that user drops from palette with this flag to be able distinguish them from
     * objects that created as consequence of user operation.
    public static final String FLAG_MANUAL_COMPONENT = "manuallyCreatedComponent";
     * When we prepare "live image", we use start/commit/edit transaction, so {@link #saveEdit()}
     * commits changes of source code into underlying {@link ICompilationUnit}, but these changes are
     * just temporary, and we don't want to have them in UNDO history. So, when component is marked
     * with this flag, we avoid committing changes.
    public static final String FLAG_DONT_COMMIT_EDITOR = "don't commit ASTEditor source";
    // Instance fields
    private final ComponentDescription m_description;

    // Constructor
    public JavaInfo(AstEditor editor, ComponentDescription description, CreationSupport creationSupport)
            throws Exception {
        m_editor = editor;
        m_description = description;
        m_creationSupport = creationSupport;
        // initialize
        m_description.visit(this, AbstractDescription.STATE_USE);
        // properties
            Class<?> componentClass = description.getComponentClass();
            if (componentClass == null) {
                m_componentClassProperty = null;
                m_eventsProperty = null;
            } else {
                IJavaProject javaProject = editor.getJavaProject();
                m_componentClassProperty = new ComponentClassProperty(javaProject, componentClass);
                m_eventsProperty = new EventsProperty(this);

    // Object
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        // creation
        // variable
        if (m_variableSupport != null) {
            buffer.append(" {");
        // nodes
        appendNodes(buffer, getRelatedNodes());
        // result
        return buffer.toString();

     * Appends nodes for {@link #toString()}.
    private void appendNodes(StringBuffer buffer, List<ASTNode> nodes) {
        buffer.append(" {");
        boolean first = true;
        for (ASTNode node : nodes) {
            // append separator
            if (!first) {
                buffer.append(" ");
            first = false;
            // prepare node for getting source
            ASTNode sourceNode = getRelatedNodeForSource(node);
            // append wrapped source of node
                String source = getEditor().getSource(sourceNode);
                // if anonymous class creation, cut body
                if (sourceNode instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) {
                    ClassInstanceCreation creation = (ClassInstanceCreation) sourceNode;
                    if (creation.getAnonymousClassDeclaration() != null) {
                        source = StringUtils.substringBefore(source, "{").trim();
                // do append

     * @return the {@link ASTNode} that should be used to display given related {@link ASTNode}.
    public static ASTNode getRelatedNodeForSource(ASTNode node) {
        ASTNode sourceNode = node;
        // part of invocation
        if (node.getLocationInParent() == MethodInvocation.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY) {
            sourceNode = node.getParent();
        if (node.getLocationInParent() == MethodInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY) {
            sourceNode = node.getParent();
        if (node.getLocationInParent() == SuperConstructorInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY) {
            sourceNode = node.getParent();
        if (node.getLocationInParent() == SuperMethodInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY) {
            sourceNode = node.getParent();
        if (node.getLocationInParent() == ClassInstanceCreation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY) {
            sourceNode = node.getParent();
        // = something
        if (node.getLocationInParent() == QualifiedName.QUALIFIER_PROPERTY) {
            QualifiedName qualifiedName = (QualifiedName) node.getParent();
            sourceNode = qualifiedName;
            if (qualifiedName.getLocationInParent() == Assignment.LEFT_HAND_SIDE_PROPERTY) {
                sourceNode = qualifiedName.getParent();
        // done
        return sourceNode;

    // Editor
    private final AstEditor m_editor;

     * @return the current {@link AstEditor}.
    public final AstEditor getEditor() {
        return m_editor;

    // Edit operations
    protected final void saveEdit() throws Exception {
        if (getArbitraryValue(FLAG_DONT_COMMIT_EDITOR) == null) {

    // Access
     * @return the {@link ComponentDescription} of this object.
    public final ComponentDescription getDescription() {
        return m_description;

     * @return <code>true</code> if this object can be root. For example in SWT <code>Control</code>
     *         can not be root, so we should explicitly set what can be root.
    public boolean canBeRoot() {
        return false;

    // Templates
    private Map<String, String> m_templateArguments = null;

     * @return the {@link Map} of template arguments.
    public Map<String, String> getTemplateArguments() {
        return m_templateArguments != null ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(m_templateArguments) : m_templateArguments;

     * Associates the given value with the given template.
    public void putTemplateArgument(String name, String value) {
        if (m_templateArguments == null) {
            m_templateArguments = Maps.newHashMap();
        m_templateArguments.put(name, value);

     * Associates the given values with the given templates.
    public void putTemplateArguments(Map<String, String> templateArguments) {
        if (templateArguments != null && !templateArguments.isEmpty()) {
            for (Entry<String, String> argument : templateArguments.entrySet()) {
                putTemplateArgument(argument.getKey(), argument.getValue());

    // Hierarchy
     * @return the result of {@link #getParent()} casted to the {@link JavaInfo}.
    public final JavaInfo getParentJava() {
        return (JavaInfo) getParent();

     * @return the result of {@link #getRoot()} casted to the {@link JavaInfo}.
    public final JavaInfo getRootJava() {
        return (JavaInfo) getRoot();

     * @return the list of {@link JavaInfo} children.
    public final List<JavaInfo> getChildrenJava() {
        return getChildren(JavaInfo.class);

    // Association
    private Association m_association;

     * @return the {@link Association} between this {@link JavaInfo} and its parent.
    public Association getAssociation() {
        return m_association;

     * Sets the {@link Association} between this {@link JavaInfo} and its parent.
     * @param association
     *          the {@link Association} instance, or <code>null</code> if existing {@link Association}
     *          should be removed.
    public void setAssociation(Association association) throws Exception {
        getBroadcast(JavaInfoSetAssociationBefore.class).invoke(this, association);
        m_association = association;
        if (m_association != null) {

    // Broadcasting
     * @return the {@link JavaEventListener} for hierarchy.
    public final JavaEventListener getBroadcastJava() {
        return ExecutionUtils.runObject(new RunnableObjectEx<JavaEventListener>() {
            public JavaEventListener runObject() throws Exception {
                return getBroadcast(JavaEventListener.class);

    // Initializing
     * Is <code>true</code> if this {@link JavaInfo} already initialized. We check this flag in
     * {@link #setObject(Object)} and do initialization if needed. This is required for newly created
     * {@link JavaInfo
      * }'s.
    private boolean m_initialized;

     * Initializes newly created {@link JavaInfo} (it should have "live" object). This is good place
     * to create any exposed components, fetch default properties, etc. Note, that constructor is
     * <i>bad</i> place for such things because in constructors we can not call virtual methods.
    protected void initialize() throws Exception {
        m_initialized = true;
        if (m_object != null) {
        // external participators
            List<IJavaInfoInitializationParticipator> participators = ExternalFactoriesHelper.getElementsInstances(
                    "", "participator");
            for (IJavaInfoInitializationParticipator participator : participators) {

    // Exposed children
     * Adds any exposed components as direct or indirect children of this {@link JavaInfo}.
     * <p>
     * Note that this method may be called several times during parse
    public void createExposedChildren() throws Exception {

    // Events
    private void scheduleSendingObjectReady() {
        // clean "sent" flag when dispose hierarchy
        addBroadcastListener(new ObjectEventListener() {
            public void refreshDispose() throws Exception {
                m_objectReady = false;
        final String objectReadyScript = JavaInfoUtils.getParameter(this, "objectReadyValidator");
        if (objectReadyScript != null) {
            // schedule check any evaluations for determine when object is "ready"
            addBroadcastListener(new EvaluationEventListener() {
                public void evaluateAfter(EvaluationContext context, ASTNode node) throws Exception {
                    if (getObject() != null) {
        } else {
            // consider any new object as "ready"
            addBroadcastListener(new JavaInfoSetObjectAfter() {
                public void invoke(JavaInfo target, Object o) throws Exception {
                    if (target == m_this && !m_this.isDeleted()) {

    // Object-ready
    private boolean m_objectReady = false;

    public final boolean isObjectReady() {
        return m_objectReady;

     * Processing object-ready routine.
    protected void processObjectReady() throws Exception {
        if (m_objectReady) {
        // process
        String objectReadyScript = JavaInfoUtils.getParameter(this, "objectReadyValidator");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(objectReadyScript)) {
        } else {
            // use script to determine when object is "ready"
            Boolean result = (Boolean) JavaInfoUtils.executeScript(m_this, objectReadyScript);
            if (result != null && result.booleanValue()) {

    protected final void processObjectReadyInternal() throws Exception {
        m_objectReady = true;
        m_description.visit(m_this, AbstractDescription.STATE_OBJECT_READY);

    // Properties
    private List<GenericPropertyImpl> m_descriptionBasedProperties;
    private List<Property> m_configurableProperties;
    private final ComponentClassProperty m_componentClassProperty;
    private final EventsProperty m_eventsProperty;

    protected List<Property> getPropertyList() throws Exception {
        List<Property> properties = Lists.newArrayList();
        // add description based properties
        if (m_descriptionBasedProperties == null) {
            m_descriptionBasedProperties = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (GenericPropertyDescription description : getDescription().getProperties()) {
                GenericPropertyImpl property = PropertyUtils2.createGenericPropertyImpl(this, description);
        // add configurable properties
        // add events (only if there are events)
        if (PropertyUtils.getChildren(m_eventsProperty).length != 0) {
        // add properties from creation and variable
        // add class property
        if (m_componentClassProperty != null) {
        // add hierarchy properties
        getBroadcast(ObjectInfoAddProperties.class).invoke(this, properties);
        getBroadcast(JavaInfoAddProperties.class).invoke(this, properties);
        // remove GenericPropertyImpl's without accessors
        for (Iterator<Property> I = properties.iterator(); I.hasNext();) {
            Property property =;
            if (property instanceof GenericPropertyImpl) {
                GenericPropertyImpl genericProperty = (GenericPropertyImpl) property;
                if (genericProperty.getAccessors().isEmpty()) {
        // return properties
        return properties;

     * Adds properties for {@link ComponentDescription#getConfigurableProperties()}.
    private void addConfigurableProperties(List<Property> properties) throws Exception {
        if (m_configurableProperties == null) {
            m_configurableProperties = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (ConfigurablePropertyDescription description : getDescription().getConfigurableProperties()) {
                String id = description.getId();
                IConfigurablePropertyFactory factory = getConfigurablePropertyFactory(id);
                Assert.isNotNull(factory, "Can not find IConfigurablePropertyFactory for %s.", id);
                // add Property
                    Property property = factory.create(this, description);
                    Assert.isNotNull(property, "Property for for %s and %s was not created.", id, this);

     * @return the {@link IConfigurablePropertyFactory} registered with given ID.
    private static IConfigurablePropertyFactory getConfigurablePropertyFactory(String id) {
        List<IConfigurationElement> factoryElements = ExternalFactoriesHelper
                .getElements("org.eclipse.wb.core.configurablePropertyFactories", "factory");
        for (IConfigurationElement factofyElement : factoryElements) {
            if (ExternalFactoriesHelper.getRequiredAttribute(factofyElement, "id").equals(id)) {
                return ExternalFactoriesHelper.createExecutableExtension(factofyElement, "class");
        return null;

    // Creation support
    private CreationSupport m_creationSupport;

     * Sets new {@link CreationSupport}.<br>
     * This rare operation, for example we use it to "materialize" implicit layout.
    public final void setCreationSupport(CreationSupport creationSupport) throws Exception {
        m_creationSupport = creationSupport;

     * @return the current {@link CreationSupport}.
    public final CreationSupport getCreationSupport() {
        return m_creationSupport;

     * Specifies that given {@link Expression} is creation of this {@link JavaInfo}.
    public void bindToExpression(Expression expression) {
        EditorState.get(m_editor).getJavaInfoResolver().bind(this, expression);

    // HasSourcePosition
    public int getSourcePosition() {
        return getCreationSupport().getNode().getStartPosition();

    // Variable support
    private VariableSupport m_variableSupport;

     * @return current {@link VariableSupport}. Can not return <code>null</code>.
    public final VariableSupport getVariableSupport() {
        return m_variableSupport;

     * Sets new {@link VariableSupport}.<br>
     * Usually this is done during parsing or when existing {@link VariableSupport} morphed into new
     * one.
    public final void setVariableSupport(VariableSupport variableSupport) throws Exception {
        VariableSupport oldVariable = m_variableSupport;
        m_variableSupport = variableSupport;
        getBroadcastSupport().getListener(JavaInfoSetVariable.class).invoke(m_this, oldVariable, m_variableSupport);

    // Presentation
    private final IObjectPresentation m_presentation = new DefaultJavaInfoPresentation(this);

    public IObjectPresentation getPresentation() {
        return m_presentation;

    // Related nodes
     * {@link ASTNode}s which are tightly related to this {@link JavaInfo}. Node is related if it
     * represents reference of this {@link JavaInfo}, i.e. is creation or usage as part of
     * {@link MethodInvocation} (as target expression or argument) or {@link Assignment}, etc.
    private final List<ASTNode> m_nodes = Lists.newLinkedList();

     * Adds given related {@link ASTNode}.
    public final void addRelatedNode(ASTNode node) {
        if (node != null && !m_nodes.contains(node)) {

     * Adds {@link ASTNode}'s that represent this {@link JavaInfo} in subtree of given {@link ASTNode}
     * .
    public final void addRelatedNodes(ASTNode start) {
        start.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
            public void postVisit(ASTNode node) {
                // ignore "button" in "button = new JButton()"
                if (node.getLocationInParent() == VariableDeclarationFragment.NAME_PROPERTY
                        || node.getLocationInParent() == Assignment.LEFT_HAND_SIDE_PROPERTY) {
                if (isRepresentedBy(node)) {

            public void endVisit(MethodInvocation node) {
                // support for invocation for "this" component
                if (node.getExpression() == null && isRepresentedBy(null)) {

     * @return the {@link List} of tightly related {@link ASTNode}'s.
    public final List<ASTNode> getRelatedNodes() {
        return m_nodes;

    // Delete
    public final boolean canDelete() {
        // try "canDelete" script
            boolean canDeleteBoolean = ExecutionUtils.runObjectIgnore(new RunnableObjectEx<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean runObject() throws Exception {
                    Object canDeleteObject = JavaInfoUtils.executeScriptParameter(m_this, "canDelete");
                    if (canDeleteObject == null) {
                        return true;
                    if (canDeleteObject instanceof Boolean) {
                        return ((Boolean) canDeleteObject).booleanValue();
                    return false;
            }, false);
            if (!canDeleteBoolean) {
                return false;
        // check if creation support can delete
        if (!m_creationSupport.canDelete()) {
            return false;
        // check if association with parent can be deleted
        if (!m_association.canDelete()) {
            return false;
        // ask each child
        putArbitraryValue(FLAG_DELETING, Boolean.TRUE);
        try {
            for (ObjectInfo child : getChildren()) {
                if (!child.canDelete()) {
                    return false;
        } finally {
        // yes, this JavaInfo can be deleted
        return true;

    public void delete() throws Exception {
        final ObjectInfo parent = getParent();
        ObjectInfo hierarchyObject = parent != null ? parent : this;, new RunnableEx() {
            public void run() throws Exception {
                putArbitraryValue(FLAG_DELETING, Boolean.TRUE);
                try {
                    // broadcast "before"
                    ObjectInfoDelete deleteBroadcast = getBroadcast(ObjectInfoDelete.class);
                    deleteBroadcast.before(parent, m_this);
                    // delete association
                    // delete creation/variable
                    VariableSupport variableSupport = m_variableSupport;
                    // broadcast "after"
                    deleteBroadcast.after(parent, m_this);
                } finally {

    // MethodInvocation utils
     * @return the {@link StatementTarget} to add new {@link MethodInvocation}, using
     *         {@link MethodOrder}.
    protected StatementTarget getMethodInvocationTarget(String newSignature) throws Exception {
        // get target from order
            MethodDescription newDescription = getDescription().getMethod(newSignature);
            if (newDescription != null) {
                return newDescription.getOrder().getTarget(this, newSignature);
        // default target
        return getDescription().getDefaultMethodOrder().getTarget(this, newSignature);

     * @param relatedNode
     *          the {@link ASTNode} that represents this {@link JavaInfo}.
     * @return the {@link MethodInvocation} of this {@link JavaInfo} where given related
     *         {@link ASTNode} is expression of this {@link MethodInvocation}. May return
     *         <code>null</code>, if given related node is not part of {@link MethodInvocation}.
    public final MethodInvocation getMethodInvocation(ASTNode relatedNode) {
        if (relatedNode.getLocationInParent() == MethodInvocation.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY) {
            return (MethodInvocation) relatedNode.getParent();
        } else if (relatedNode instanceof MethodInvocation
                && ((MethodInvocation) relatedNode).getExpression() == null && isRepresentedBy(null)) {
            return (MethodInvocation) relatedNode;
        // not a MethodInvocation part
        return null;

     * @return the {@link List} of all {@link MethodInvocation} of this {@link JavaInfo}.
    public final List<MethodInvocation> getMethodInvocations() {
        List<MethodInvocation> invocations = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (ASTNode node : getRelatedNodes()) {
            MethodInvocation invocation = getMethodInvocation(node);
            if (invocation != null) {
        return invocations;

     * @return the {@link List} of {@link MethodInvocation} of this {@link JavaInfo} with given
     *         signature.
    public final List<MethodInvocation> getMethodInvocations(String signature) {
        List<MethodInvocation> invocations = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (ASTNode node : getRelatedNodes()) {
            // prepare invocation from related node
            MethodInvocation invocation = getMethodInvocation(node);
            // check invocation
            if (invocation != null) {
                String methodSignature = AstNodeUtils.getMethodSignature(invocation);
                if (signature.equals(methodSignature) && isRepresentedBy(invocation.getExpression())) {
        return invocations;

     * @return the {@link MethodInvocation} of this {@link JavaInfo} with given signature.
    public final MethodInvocation getMethodInvocation(String signature) {
        List<MethodInvocation> invocations = getMethodInvocations(signature);
        return GenericsUtils.getFirstOrNull(invocations);

     * Adds new {@link MethodInvocation} for this {@link JavaInfo}. In compare to
     * {@link #addExpressionStatement(String)} it uses {@link MethodDescription}'s to find correct
     * position for this method. For example for {@link javax.swing.JProgressBar} "setMaximum" should
     * be before "setValue".
     * @return the new added {@link MethodInvocation}.
     * @param signature
     *          the signature of method, to find correct position
     * @param arguments
     *          the comma separated arguments string
    public final MethodInvocation addMethodInvocation(String signature, String arguments) throws Exception {
        StatementTarget target = getMethodInvocationTarget(signature);
        return addMethodInvocation(target, signature, arguments);

     * Adds new {@link MethodInvocation} for this {@link JavaInfo} into given target.
     * @return the new added {@link MethodInvocation}.
     * @param target
     *          the {@link StatementTarget} that specifies where to add {@link MethodInvocation}.
     * @param signature
     *          the signature of method, to find correct position
     * @param arguments
     *          the comma separated arguments string
    public final MethodInvocation addMethodInvocation(StatementTarget target, String signature, String arguments)
            throws Exception {
        // create invocation source
        String invocationSource;
            String methodName = StringUtils.substringBefore(signature, "(");
            invocationSource = TemplateUtils.format("{0}.{1}({2})", this, methodName, arguments);
        // add statement with invocation
        return (MethodInvocation) addExpressionStatement(target, invocationSource);

     * Removes {@link MethodInvocation}'s of this {@link JavaInfo} with given signature.
    public final void removeMethodInvocations(String signature) throws Exception {
        List<MethodInvocation> invocations = getMethodInvocations(signature);
        for (MethodInvocation invocation : invocations) {

    // Expression utils
     * @return new added {@link Expression} for {@link ExpressionStatement} expression with given
     *         {@link Expression} source.
    public final Expression addExpressionStatement(String expressionSource) throws Exception {
        StatementTarget target = m_variableSupport.getStatementTarget();
        return addExpressionStatement(target, expressionSource);

     * @return new added {@link Expression} for {@link ExpressionStatement} expression with given
     *         {@link Expression} source.
    public final Expression addExpressionStatement(StatementTarget target, String expressionSource)
            throws Exception {
        expressionSource = TemplateUtils.resolve(target, expressionSource);
        String statementSource = expressionSource + ";";
        ExpressionStatement statement = (ExpressionStatement) m_editor.addStatement(statementSource, target);
        Expression expression = statement.getExpression();
        return expression;

     * See {@link AstEditor#replaceExpression(Expression, String)}. Performs also deferred
     * {@link JavaInfo} references resolving.
    public final Expression replaceExpression(Expression expression, String source) throws Exception {
        Statement targetStatement = AstNodeUtils.getEnclosingStatement(expression);
        StatementTarget target = new StatementTarget(targetStatement, true);
        source = TemplateUtils.resolve(target, source);
        return getEditor().replaceExpression(expression, source);

    // Field Assignment utils
     * @return the all {@link Assignment}'s to fields, may be empty {@link List}.
    public final List<Assignment> getFieldAssignments() {
        List<Assignment> assignments = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (ASTNode node : getRelatedNodes()) {
            Expression fieldAccess = AstNodeUtils.getFieldAssignment(node);
            if (fieldAccess != null) {
                Assignment assignment = (Assignment) fieldAccess.getParent();
        return assignments;

     * @return the {@link Assignment}'s to field, may be empty {@link List}.
    public final List<Assignment> getFieldAssignments(String fieldName) {
        List<Assignment> assignments = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Assignment assignment : getFieldAssignments()) {
            Expression fieldAccess = assignment.getLeftHandSide();
            String fieldAccessName = AstNodeUtils.getFieldAccessName(fieldAccess).getIdentifier();
            if (fieldName.equals(fieldAccessName)) {
        return assignments;

     * @return the {@link Assignment} to field, or <code>null</code> if not found.
    public final Assignment getFieldAssignment(String fieldName) {
        List<Assignment> assignments = getFieldAssignments(fieldName);
        return GenericsUtils.getFirstOrNull(assignments);

     * Adds new {@link Assignment} to given field.
    public final Assignment addFieldAssignment(String fieldName, String source) throws Exception {
        String assignmentSource = TemplateUtils.format("{0}.{1} = {2}", this, fieldName, source);
        return (Assignment) addExpressionStatement(assignmentSource);

     * Removes {@link Assignment}'s to given field on this {@link JavaInfo}.
    public final void removeFieldAssignments(String fieldName) throws Exception {
        List<Assignment> assignments = getFieldAssignments(fieldName);
        for (Assignment assignment : assignments) {
            if (!AstNodeUtils.isDanglingNode(assignment)) {

    // isRepresentedBy
     * @return <code>true</code> is given {@link ASTNode} represents this {@link JavaInfo}.
    public boolean isRepresentedBy(ASTNode node) {
        return getChildRepresentedBy(node) == this;

     * @return the {@link JavaInfo} that represents given {@link ASTNode}, or <code>null</code>.
    public JavaInfo getChildRepresentedBy(ASTNode node) {
        if (node == null || node instanceof Expression) {
            JavaInfoResolver resolver = EditorState.get(m_editor).getJavaInfoResolver();
            return resolver.getJavaInfo((Expression) node);
        return null;

    // Refresh
    private JavaInfoEvaluationHelper m_evaluationHelper;

    public void refresh_dispose() throws Exception {
        // clean object reference
        m_object = null;
        // continue

    public void refresh_beforeCreate() throws Exception {
        // mark active editor
        if (isRoot()) {

    public void refresh_create() throws Exception {
        ExecutionFlowDescription flowDescription = EditorState.get(m_editor).getFlowDescription();
        // prepare editor state
        final EditorState editorState;
            editorState = EditorState.get(m_editor);
            editorState.setTmp_visitingContext(new VisitingContext(false));
        // visited ASTNode-s
        final VisitedNodes visitedNodes = editorState.getVisitedNodes();
        // prepare visitor for evaluation
        final EvaluationEventListener evaluationListener = getBroadcast(EvaluationEventListener.class);
        m_evaluationHelper = null;
        ExecutionFlowFrameVisitor visitor = new ExecutionFlowFrameVisitor() {
            public void postVisit(ASTNode node) {
                try {
                    JavaInfoEvaluationHelper evaluationHelper = getEvaluationHelper(this);
                    // send notifications and evaluate
                    if (shouldNotifyAboutEvaluate(node)) {
                        EvaluationContext context = getEvaluationHelper(this).getContext();
                        evaluationListener.evaluateBefore(context, node);
                    if (shouldNotifyAboutEvaluate(node)) {
                        EvaluationContext context = getEvaluationHelper(this).getContext();
                        evaluationListener.evaluateAfter(context, node);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    // exception during JavaInfo evaluation is serious, so fail
                    if (node instanceof Expression && getChildRepresentedBy(node) != null) {
                    // some other exception, log and continue
                    editorState.getBadRefreshNodes().add(node, e);

            private boolean shouldNotifyAboutEvaluate(ASTNode node) {
                return node instanceof ClassInstanceCreation || node instanceof MethodInvocation
                        || node instanceof Statement;

            public boolean enterFrame(final ASTNode node) {
                // send broadcast
                ExecutionUtils.runRethrow(new RunnableEx() {
                    public void run() throws Exception {
                // MethodDeclaration
                if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
                    MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = (MethodDeclaration) node;
                    // don't visit local factory methods
                    if (FactoryDescriptionHelper.isFactoryMethod(methodDeclaration)) {
                        return false;
                return super.enterFrame(node);

            public void leaveFrame(final ASTNode node) {
                // send broadcast
                ExecutionUtils.runRethrow(new RunnableEx() {
                    public void run() throws Exception {
        // evaluate "this"
        if (!getCreationSupport().canBeEvaluated()) {
        // visit all AST nodes on execution flow and execute nodes related to components
        ExecutionFlowUtils.visit(editorState.getTmp_visitingContext(), flowDescription, visitor);

    private void highlightVisitedNodes(VisitedNodes visitedNodes) throws JavaModelException {
        // don't call DesignPageSite methods
        if (EnvironmentUtils.DEVELOPER_HOST && EnvironmentUtils.isTestingTime()) {
        // do highlight
        DesignPageSite site = DesignPageSite.Helper.getSite(this);
        if (site != null) {
            AstEditor editor = getEditor();
            String editorSource = editor.getSource();
            String unitSource = editor.getModelUnit().getSource();
            boolean isCommitted = editorSource.equals(unitSource);
            if (isCommitted) {
                // TODO(scheglov)
                //        site.highlightVisitedNodes(visitedNodes.getNodes());

    private JavaInfoEvaluationHelper getEvaluationHelper(ExecutionFlowFrameVisitor visitor) {
        if (m_evaluationHelper == null) {
            m_evaluationHelper = new JavaInfoEvaluationHelper(m_editor, visitor) {
                protected JavaInfo getRootJavaInfo() {
                    return m_this;

                protected JavaInfo getJavaInfoRepresentedBy(Expression expression) {
                    return m_this.getChildRepresentedBy(expression);

                protected void thisJavaInfoNodeProcessed(JavaInfo javaInfo, ASTNode node) throws Exception {
        return m_evaluationHelper;

    protected void refresh_afterCreate() throws Exception {
        if (!isPlaceholder()) {
            JavaInfoUtils.executeScriptParameter(this, "refresh_afterCreate");

    // Object
    private Object m_object;

     * @return <code>true</code> if {@link #getObject()} has not actual object, but placeholder, so
     *         not all methods may be invoked.
    public final boolean isPlaceholder() {
        return PlaceholderUtils.isPlaceholder(this);

     * @return the {@link Object} created for this {@link JavaInfo}.
    public final Object getObject() {
        return m_object;

     * Sets the {@link Object} created for this {@link JavaInfo}. We create these objects externally -
     * in {@link JavaInfoEvaluationHelper} or in {@link CreationSupport}.
    public void setObject(Object object) throws Exception {
            Object[] objectRef = new Object[] { object };
            getBroadcast(JavaInfosetObjectBefore.class).invoke(this, objectRef);
            object = objectRef[0];
        m_object = object;
        if (!m_initialized) {
            if (!isPlaceholder()) {
        getBroadcast(JavaInfoSetObjectAfter.class).invoke(this, object);

     * @return the {@link JavaInfo} with same object as given.
    public final JavaInfo getChildByObject(final Object o) {
        if (o == null) {
            return null;
        final JavaInfo result[] = new JavaInfo[1];
        accept(new ObjectInfoVisitor() {
            public boolean visit(ObjectInfo objectInfo) throws Exception {
                if (result[0] == null && objectInfo instanceof JavaInfo) {
                    JavaInfo javaInfo = (JavaInfo) objectInfo;
                    if (javaInfo.getObject() == o) {
                        result[0] = javaInfo;
                return result[0] == null;
        return result[0];

    // Evaluation
     * @return <code>true</code> if given {@link MethodInvocation} should be evaluated. For example we
     *         should evaluate <code>setXXX(value)</code> invocations, but not
     *         <code>addXXXListener(anonymousClass)</code>. By default methods from description are
     *         used.
    public boolean shouldEvaluateInvocation(MethodInvocation invocation) {
        IMethodBinding methodBinding = AstNodeUtils.getMethodBinding(invocation);
        MethodDescription methodDescription = getDescription().getMethod(methodBinding);
        return methodDescription != null && methodDescription.isExecutable();