Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.accessibility;

 * Class ACC contains all the constants used in defining an
 * Accessible object.
 * @see <a href="">Sample code and further information</a>
 * @since 1.4
public class ACC {
    public static final int STATE_NORMAL = 0x00000000;
    public static final int STATE_SELECTED = 0x00000002;
    public static final int STATE_SELECTABLE = 0x00200000;
    public static final int STATE_MULTISELECTABLE = 0x01000000;
    public static final int STATE_FOCUSED = 0x00000004;
    public static final int STATE_FOCUSABLE = 0x00100000;
    public static final int STATE_PRESSED = 0x00000008;
    public static final int STATE_CHECKED = 0x00000010;
    public static final int STATE_EXPANDED = 0x00000200;
    public static final int STATE_COLLAPSED = 0x00000400;
    public static final int STATE_HOTTRACKED = 0x00000080;
    public static final int STATE_BUSY = 0x00000800;
    public static final int STATE_READONLY = 0x00000040;
    public static final int STATE_INVISIBLE = 0x00008000;
    public static final int STATE_OFFSCREEN = 0x00010000;
    public static final int STATE_SIZEABLE = 0x00020000;
    public static final int STATE_LINKED = 0x00400000;
    public static final int STATE_DISABLED = 0x00000001;
    public static final int STATE_ACTIVE = 0x04000000;
    public static final int STATE_SINGLELINE = 0x08000000;
    public static final int STATE_MULTILINE = 0x10000000;
    public static final int STATE_REQUIRED = 0x02000000;
    public static final int STATE_INVALID_ENTRY = 0x20000000;
    public static final int STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION = 0x40000000;

    public static final int ROLE_CLIENT_AREA = 0xa;
    public static final int ROLE_WINDOW = 0x9;
    public static final int ROLE_MENUBAR = 0x2;
    public static final int ROLE_MENU = 0xb;
    public static final int ROLE_MENUITEM = 0xc;
    public static final int ROLE_SEPARATOR = 0x15;
    public static final int ROLE_TOOLTIP = 0xd;
    public static final int ROLE_SCROLLBAR = 0x3;
    public static final int ROLE_DIALOG = 0x12;
    public static final int ROLE_LABEL = 0x29;
    public static final int ROLE_PUSHBUTTON = 0x2b;
    public static final int ROLE_CHECKBUTTON = 0x2c;
    public static final int ROLE_RADIOBUTTON = 0x2d;
    public static final int ROLE_SPLITBUTTON = 0x3e;
    public static final int ROLE_COMBOBOX = 0x2e;
    public static final int ROLE_TEXT = 0x2a;
    public static final int ROLE_TOOLBAR = 0x16;
    public static final int ROLE_LIST = 0x21;
    public static final int ROLE_LISTITEM = 0x22;
    public static final int ROLE_TABLE = 0x18;
    public static final int ROLE_TABLECELL = 0x1d;
    public static final int ROLE_TABLECOLUMNHEADER = 0x19;
    public static final int ROLE_TABLEROWHEADER = 0x1a;
    public static final int ROLE_TREE = 0x23;
    public static final int ROLE_TREEITEM = 0x24;
    public static final int ROLE_TABFOLDER = 0x3c;
    public static final int ROLE_TABITEM = 0x25;
    public static final int ROLE_PROGRESSBAR = 0x30;
    public static final int ROLE_SLIDER = 0x33;
    public static final int ROLE_LINK = 0x1e;
    public static final int ROLE_ALERT = 0x08;
    public static final int ROLE_ANIMATION = 0x36;
    public static final int ROLE_CANVAS = 0x401;
    public static final int ROLE_COLUMN = 0x1b;
    public static final int ROLE_DOCUMENT = 0x0f;
    public static final int ROLE_GRAPHIC = 0x28;
    public static final int ROLE_GROUP = 0x14;
    public static final int ROLE_ROW = 0x1c;
    public static final int ROLE_SPINBUTTON = 0x34;
    public static final int ROLE_STATUSBAR = 0x17;
    public static final int ROLE_CHECKMENUITEM = 0x403;
    public static final int ROLE_RADIOMENUITEM = 0x431;
    public static final int ROLE_CLOCK = 0x3d;
    public static final int ROLE_CALENDAR = 0x2f;
    public static final int ROLE_DATETIME = 0x405;
    public static final int ROLE_FOOTER = 0x40E;
    public static final int ROLE_FORM = 0x410;
    public static final int ROLE_HEADER = 0x413;
    public static final int ROLE_HEADING = 0x414;
    public static final int ROLE_PAGE = 0x41D;
    public static final int ROLE_PARAGRAPH = 0x41E;
    public static final int ROLE_SECTION = 0x424;

    public static final int CHILDID_SELF = -1;
    public static final int CHILDID_NONE = -2;
    public static final int CHILDID_MULTIPLE = -3;

     * An AT is requesting the accessible child object at the specified index.
     * @see AccessibleControlListener#getChild
    public static final int CHILDID_CHILD_AT_INDEX = -4;

     * An AT is requesting the index of this accessible in its parent.
     * @see AccessibleControlListener#getChild
    public static final int CHILDID_CHILD_INDEX = -5;

     * A detail constant indicating visible accessible objects.
    public static final int VISIBLE = 0x01;

     * A type constant specifying that insertion occurred.
    public static final int INSERT = 0;

     * A type constant specifying that deletion occurred.
    public static final int DELETE = 1;

    public static final int TEXT_INSERT = INSERT;
    public static final int TEXT_DELETE = DELETE;

     * A constant specifying that an operation succeeded.
    public static final String OK = "OK"; //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Typically, a single character is returned. In some cases more than one
     * character is returned, for example, when a document contains field data
     * such as a field containing a date, time, or footnote reference. In this
     * case the caret can move over several characters in one movement of the
     * caret. Note that after the caret moves, the caret offset changes by the
     * number of characters in the field, e.g. by 8 characters in the following
     * date: 03/26/07.
    public static final int TEXT_BOUNDARY_CHAR = 0;

     * The range provided matches the range observed when the application
     * processes the Ctrl + left arrow and Ctrl + right arrow key sequences.
     * Typically this is from the start of one word to the start of the next,
     * but various applications are inconsistent in the handling of the end of a
     * line.
    public static final int TEXT_BOUNDARY_WORD = 1;

     * Range is from start of one sentence to the start of another sentence.
    public static final int TEXT_BOUNDARY_SENTENCE = 2;

     * Range is from start of one paragraph to the start of another paragraph.
    public static final int TEXT_BOUNDARY_PARAGRAPH = 3;

     * Range is from start of one line to the start of another line. This often
     * means that an end-of-line character will appear at the end of the range.
     * However in the case of some applications an end-of-line character
     * indicates the end of a paragraph and the lines composing the paragraph,
     * other than the last line, do not contain an end of line character.
    public static final int TEXT_BOUNDARY_LINE = 4;

     * Using this value will cause all text to be returned.
    public static final int TEXT_BOUNDARY_ALL = 5;

     * Scroll the top left corner of the object or substring such that the top
     * left corner (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or
     * substring) is within the top level window. In cases where the entire
     * object or substring fits within the top level window, the placement of
     * the object or substring is dependent on the application. For example, the
     * object or substring may be scrolled to the closest edge, the furthest
     * edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases where there is a
     * hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control may have
     * to be scrolled.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_TOP_LEFT = 0;

     * Scroll the bottom right corner of the object or substring such that the
     * bottom right corner (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or
     * substring) is within the top level window. In cases where the entire
     * object or substring fits within the top level window, the placement of
     * the object or substring is dependent on the application. For example, the
     * object or substring may be scrolled to the closest edge, the furthest
     * edge, or midway between those two edges. In cases where there is a
     * hierarchy of nested scrollable controls, more than one control may have
     * to be scrolled.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 1;

     * Scroll the top edge of the object or substring such that the top edge
     * (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is
     * within the top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring
     * fits within the top level window, the placement of the object or
     * substring is dependent on the application. For example, the object or
     * substring may be scrolled to the closest edge, the furthest edge, or
     * midway between those two edges. In cases where there is a hierarchy of
     * nested scrollable controls, more than one control may have to be
     * scrolled.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_TOP_EDGE = 2;

     * Scroll the bottom edge of the object or substring such that the bottom
     * edge (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is
     * within the top level window. In cases where the entire object or
     * substring fits within the top level window, the placement of the object
     * or substring is dependent on the application. For example, the object or
     * substring may be scrolled to the closest edge, the furthest edge, or
     * midway between those two edges. In cases where there is a hierarchy of
     * nested scrollable controls, more than one control may have to be
     * scrolled.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_BOTTOM_EDGE = 3;

     * Scroll the left edge of the object or substring such that the left edge
     * (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is
     * within the top level window. In cases where the entire object or substring
     * fits within the top level window, the placement of the object or
     * substring is dependent on the application. For example, the object or
     * substring may be scrolled to the closest edge, the furthest edge, or
     * midway between those two edges. In cases where there is a hierarchy of
     * nested scrollable controls, more than one control may have to be
     * scrolled.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_LEFT_EDGE = 4;

     * Scroll the right edge of the object or substring such that the right edge
     * (and as much as possible of the rest of the object or substring) is
     * within the top level window. In cases where the entire object or
     * substring fits within the top level window, the placement of the object
     * or substring is dependent on the application. For example, the object or
     * substring may be scrolled to the closest edge, the furthest edge, or
     * midway between those two edges. In cases where there is a hierarchy of
     * nested scrollable controls, more than one control may have to be
     * scrolled.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_RIGHT_EDGE = 5;

     * Scroll the object or substring such that as much as possible of the
     * object or substring is within the top level window. The placement of the
     * object is dependent on the application. For example, the object or
     * substring may be scrolled to to closest edge, the furthest edge, or
     * midway between those two edges.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_ANYWHERE = 6;

     * Scroll the top left corner of the object or substring to the specified point.
    public static final int SCROLL_TYPE_POINT = 7;

     * Send when the selection within a container has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED = 0x8009;

     * Send when an object's text selection has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED = 0x8014;

     * Send when an object's state has changed, for example enabled/disabled, pressed/released, or checked/unchecked.
     * <p>
     * The eventData object is an array of 2 ints specifying the following:<ul>
     * <li>state - the STATE_* constant identifying the state that changed</li>
     * <li>newValue - either 1 or 0, indicating whether the state has changed to true or false</li>
     * </ul></p>
    public static final int EVENT_STATE_CHANGED = 0x800A;

     * Send when an object has moved.
     * <p>
     * Note: only send one notification for the topmost object that has changed.
     * </p>
    public static final int EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED = 0x800B;

     * Send when an object's name has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_NAME_CHANGED = 0x800C;

     * Send when an object's description has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 0x800D;

     * Send when an object's value has changed.
     * <p>
     * The eventData object is an array of 2 Numbers specifying the following:<ul>
     * <li>oldValue - the object's old value</li>
     * <li>newValue - the object's new value</li>
     * </ul></p>
    public static final int EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED = 0x800E;

     * Send when the loading of a document has completed.
    public static final int EVENT_DOCUMENT_LOAD_COMPLETE = 0x105;

     * Send when the loading of a document was interrupted.
    public static final int EVENT_DOCUMENT_LOAD_STOPPED = 0x106;

     * Send when the document contents are being reloaded.
    public static final int EVENT_DOCUMENT_RELOAD = 0x107;

     * Send when a slide changed in a presentation document
     * or a page boundary was crossed in a word processing document. 
    public static final int EVENT_PAGE_CHANGED = 0x111;

     * Send when the caret moved from one section to the next.
    public static final int EVENT_SECTION_CHANGED = 0x112;

     * Send when the count or attributes of an accessible object's actions have changed.
    public static final int EVENT_ACTION_CHANGED = 0x100;

     * Send when the starting index of this link within the containing string has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERLINK_START_INDEX_CHANGED = 0x10d;

     * Send when the ending index of this link within the containing string has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERLINK_END_INDEX_CHANGED = 0x108;

     * Send when the number of anchors associated with this hyperlink object has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERLINK_ANCHOR_COUNT_CHANGED = 0x109;

     * Send when the hyperlink selected state changed from selected to unselected
     * or from unselected to selected.
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERLINK_SELECTED_LINK_CHANGED = 0x10a;

     * Send when the hyperlink has been activated.
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERLINK_ACTIVATED = 0x10b;

     * Send when one of the links associated with the hypertext object has been selected.
     * <p>
     * The eventData object is an Integer that represents the index of the selected link
     * in the hypertext object.
     * </p>
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERTEXT_LINK_SELECTED = 0x10c;

     * Send when the number of hyperlinks associated with a hypertext object has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_HYPERTEXT_LINK_COUNT_CHANGED = 0x10f;

     * Send when an object's attributes have changed.
    public static final int EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = 0x200;

     * Send when a table caption has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_CAPTION_CHANGED = 0x203;

     * Send when a table's column description has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 0x204;

     * Send when a table's column header has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_CHANGED = 0x205;

     * Send when a table's data has changed.
     * <p>
     * The eventData object is an array of 5 ints specifying the following:<ul>
     * <li>type - {@link ACC#INSERT} or {@link ACC#DELETE} - the type of change</li>
     * <li>rowStart - the index of the first row that changed</li>
     * <li>rowCount - the number of contiguous rows that changed, or 0 if no rows changed</li>
     * <li>columnStart - the index of the first column that changed</li>
     * <li>columnCount - the number of contiguous columns that changed, or 0 if no columns changed</li>
     * </ul></p>
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_CHANGED = 0x206;

     * Send when a table's row description has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_ROW_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 0x207;

     * Send when a table's row header has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_ROW_HEADER_CHANGED = 0x208;

     * Send when a table's summary has changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TABLE_SUMMARY_CHANGED = 0x209;

     * Send when a text object's attributes have changed.
    public static final int EVENT_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = 0x20a;

     * Send when the caret has moved to a new position.
    public static final int EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED = 0x11b;

     * Send when the caret has moved from one column to the next.
    public static final int EVENT_TEXT_COLUMN_CHANGED = 0x11d;

     * Send when text was inserted or deleted.
     * <p>
     * The eventData object is an array of 4 objects specifying the following:<ul>
     * <li>type - {@link ACC#INSERT} or {@link ACC#DELETE} - the type of change</li>
     * <li>start - the index of the first character that changed</li>
     * <li>end - the index of the last character that changed</li>
     * <li>text - the text string that was inserted or deleted</li>
     * </ul></p>
    public static final int EVENT_TEXT_CHANGED = 0x20c;

     * Some attribute of this object is affected by a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY = 0;

     * This object is interactive and controls some attribute of a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR = 1;

     * This object is described by the target object.
    public static final int RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY = 2;

     * This object is describes the target object.
    public static final int RELATION_DESCRIPTION_FOR = 3;

     * This object is embedded by a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY = 4;

     * This object embeds a target object. This relation can be used on a
     * control's accessible to show where the content areas are.
    public static final int RELATION_EMBEDS = 5;

     * Content flows to this object from a target object. 
     * This relation and RELATION_FLOWS_TO are useful to tie text and non-text
     * objects together in order to allow assistive technology to follow the
     * intended reading order.
    public static final int RELATION_FLOWS_FROM = 6;

     * Content flows from this object to a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_FLOWS_TO = 7;

     * This object is label for a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_LABEL_FOR = 8;

     * This object is labelled by a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_LABELLED_BY = 9;

     * This object is a member of a group of one or more objects. When 
     * there is more than one object in the group each member may have one and the 
     * same target, e.g. a grouping object.  It is also possible that each member has 
     * multiple additional targets, e.g. one for every other member in the group.
    public static final int RELATION_MEMBER_OF = 10;

     * This object is a child of a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF = 11;

     * This object is a parent window of the target object.
    public static final int RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF = 12;

     * This object is a transient component related to the target object. 
     * When this object is activated the target object doesn't lose focus.
    public static final int RELATION_POPUP_FOR = 13;

     * This object is a sub window of a target object.
    public static final int RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF = 14;