Java tutorial
/*********************************************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Attensity Europe GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the * accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this * distribution, and is available at * * Contributors: Juergen Schumacher (empolis GmbH) - initial API and implementation Andreas Weber (Attensity Europe * GmbH) - data model simplification **********************************************************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.xml; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Any; import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Any.ValueType; import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnyMap; import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnySeq; import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Record; import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Value; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * A utility class to create DOM representations of SMILA records. * * @author jschumacher */ public class DOMRecordWriter { /** switch to true to add newlines for better readability, but poorer performance. */ private final boolean _printPretty; /** * create new RecordBuilder. */ public DOMRecordWriter() { this(false); } /** * create new RecordBuilder with custom printPretty flag. * * @param printPretty * printPretty flag */ public DOMRecordWriter(final boolean printPretty) { _printPretty = printPretty; } /** * Append a Record element describing the given record to the given parent element. The record element is appended as * a new last child to the parent element. * * @param parent * the parent element to append to. * @param record * the record to transform. * * @return the appended element */ public Element appendRecord(final Element parent, final Record record) { final Document factory = parent.getOwnerDocument(); newline(factory, parent); final Element recordElement = buildRecord(factory, record); recordElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_XMLNSREC, XmlConstants.NAMESPACE_RECORD); parent.appendChild(recordElement); newline(factory, parent); return recordElement; } /** * Append a RecordList element describing the given record list to the given parent element. The record list element * is appended as a new last child to the parent element. * * @param parent * the parent element to append to. * @param records * the record list to transform. * * @return the appended element */ public Element appendRecordList(final Element parent, final Iterable<Record> records) { final Document factory = parent.getOwnerDocument(); newline(factory, parent); final Element recordListElement = appendElement(factory, parent, XmlConstants.TAG_RECORDLIST); for (final Record record : records) { final Element recordElement = buildRecord(factory, record); recordListElement.appendChild(recordElement); newline(factory, parent); } return recordListElement; } /** * Append a RecordList element describing the given record list to the given parent element. The record list element * is appended as a new last child to the parent element. * * @param parent * the parent element to append to. * @param records * the record list to transform. * * @return the appended element */ public Element appendRecordList(final Element parent, final Record[] records) { final Document factory = parent.getOwnerDocument(); newline(factory, parent); final Element recordListElement = appendElement(factory, parent, XmlConstants.TAG_RECORDLIST); for (final Record record : records) { final Element recordElement = buildRecord(factory, record); recordListElement.appendChild(recordElement); newline(factory, parent); } return recordListElement; } /** * build Record element. * * @param factory * factory for creating DOM elements * @param record * the record to transform * * @return the created element. */ public Element buildRecord(final Document factory, final Record record) { final Element recordElement = factory.createElementNS(XmlConstants.NAMESPACE_RECORD, XmlConstants.TAG_RECORD); recordElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, XmlConstants.SCHEMA_VERSION_RECORD); newline(factory, recordElement); if (record.getMetadata() != null) { final Set<Entry<String, Any>> entries = record.getMetadata().entrySet(); for (final Entry<String, Any> entry : entries) { if (entry.getValue().isMap()) { appendMap(factory, recordElement, ((AnyMap) entry.getValue()), entry.getKey()); } else if (entry.getValue().isSeq()) { appendSeq(factory, recordElement, ((AnySeq) entry.getValue()), entry.getKey()); } else { // Value appendVal(factory, recordElement, ((Value) entry.getValue()), entry.getKey()); } } } if (record.hasAttachments()) { final Iterator<String> attachmentNames = record.getAttachmentNames(); while (attachmentNames.hasNext()) { final String attachmentName =; appendTextElement(factory, recordElement, XmlConstants.TAG_ATTACHMENT, attachmentName); } } return recordElement; } /** * Builds the record as document element. * * @param factory * the factory * @param record * the record */ public void buildRecordAsDocumentElement(final Document factory, final Record record) { final Element recordElement = buildRecord(factory, record); recordElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, XmlConstants.SCHEMA_VERSION_RECORD); recordElement.setAttributeNS(XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI, XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_XMLNSREC, XmlConstants.NAMESPACE_RECORD); factory.appendChild(recordElement); } /** * append Map element. * * @param factory * factory for creating DOM elements. * @param parentElement * the parent element to append to. * @param anyMap * the AnyMap object to append as XML. * @param key * a possible key, if we are within a map (maybe 'null') */ private void appendMap(final Document factory, final Element parentElement, final AnyMap anyMap, final String key) { final Element attributeElement = appendElement(factory, parentElement, XmlConstants.TAG_MAP); if (key != null) { attributeElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_KEY, key); } if (!anyMap.isEmpty()) { final Iterator<String> childKeys = anyMap.keySet().iterator(); while (childKeys.hasNext()) { final String childKey =; final Any any = anyMap.get(childKey); if (any.isMap()) { appendMap(factory, attributeElement, ((AnyMap) any), childKey); } else if (any.isSeq()) { appendSeq(factory, attributeElement, ((AnySeq) any), childKey); } else { // Value appendVal(factory, attributeElement, ((Value) any), childKey); } } } } /** * append Seq element. * * @param factory * factory for creating DOM elements. * @param parentElement * the parent element to append to. * @param anySeq * the AnySeq object to append as XML. * @param key * a possible key, if we are within a map (maybe 'null') */ private void appendSeq(final Document factory, final Element parentElement, final AnySeq anySeq, final String key) { final Element attributeElement = appendElement(factory, parentElement, XmlConstants.TAG_SEQ); if (key != null) { attributeElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_KEY, key); } if (!anySeq.isEmpty()) { final Iterator<Any> seqElements = anySeq.iterator(); while (seqElements.hasNext()) { final Any any =; if (any.isMap()) { appendMap(factory, attributeElement, ((AnyMap) any), null); } else if (any.isSeq()) { appendSeq(factory, attributeElement, ((AnySeq) any), null); } else { // Value appendVal(factory, attributeElement, ((Value) any), null); } } } } /** * append Value to parent element. * * @param factory * factory for creating DOM elements. * @param parentElement * the parent element to append to. * @param value * the value to append * @param key * a possible key, if we are within a map (maybe 'null') */ private void appendVal(final Document factory, final Element parentElement, final Value value, final String key) { final Element valueElement = appendTextElement(factory, parentElement, XmlConstants.TAG_VAL, value.asString()); if (key != null) { valueElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_KEY, key); } // write no 'type' attribute for strings if (value.getValueType() != ValueType.STRING) { // LONG, DATE, ... -> type 'long', 'date' valueElement.setAttribute(XmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, value.getValueType().name().toLowerCase()); } } /** * create an empty element and append it to the parent element. * * @param factory * factory for creating DOM elements. * @param parentElement * element to append to * @param tag * name of element * * @return new element */ private Element appendElement(final Document factory, final Element parentElement, final String tag) { final Element element = factory.createElementNS(XmlConstants.NAMESPACE_RECORD, tag); newline(factory, element); parentElement.appendChild(element); newline(factory, parentElement); return element; } /** * append an element containing a text node. * * @param factory * the DOM element factory to use * @param element * the element to append to * @param name * the qualified name of the new element * @param text * the text content to add * * @return the new element */ private Element appendTextElement(final Document factory, final Element element, final String name, final String text) { final Element textElement = factory.createElementNS(XmlConstants.NAMESPACE_RECORD, name); textElement.appendChild(factory.createTextNode(cleanText(text))); element.appendChild(textElement); newline(factory, element); return textElement; } /** * append a newline text element if printPretty is activated. * * @param factory * factory to use. * @param element * element to append to. */ private void newline(final Document factory, final Element element) { if (_printPretty) { element.appendChild(factory.createTextNode("\n")); } } /** * @param text * input text (XML) * @return XML text cleaned from characters forbidden in XML 1.1 specification */ protected static String cleanText(final String text) { // (Andreas Weber) from XML 1.1 spec: // Due to potential problems with APIs, #x0 is still forbidden both directly and as a character reference. // (jschumacher) this uses StringUtils.replace and not String.replace(char, char) because the latter always // creates a new string instance, while the first return the input string instance as result, if the string // to be replaced is not contained (at least in commons.lang 2.4). It's better to safe unnecessary instance // creations in the most cases (no replacement at all) than to have a bit faster replacement method in very // rare cases. return StringUtils.replace(text, "\u0000", " "); } }