Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 by the respective copyright holders.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.wemo.handler;

import static org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.wemo.WemoBindingConstants.*;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.wemo.internal.http.WemoHttpCall;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core.Configuration;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.DiscoveryListener;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.DiscoveryResult;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.DiscoveryService;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DateTimeType;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OnOffType;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ChannelUID;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.Thing;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingStatus;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingStatusDetail;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingTypeUID;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingUID;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.Command;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.RefreshType;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * The {@link WemoHandler} is responsible for handling commands, which are
 * sent to one of the channels and to update their states.
 * @author Hans-Jrg Merk - Initial contribution; Added support for WeMo Insight energy measurement
 * @author Kai Kreuzer - some refactoring for performance and simplification
 * @author Stefan Buweiler - Added new thing status handling

public class WemoHandler extends BaseThingHandler implements UpnpIOParticipant, DiscoveryListener {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WemoHandler.class);

    public final static Set<ThingTypeUID> SUPPORTED_THING_TYPES = Sets.newHashSet(THING_TYPE_SOCKET,

    private Map<String, Boolean> subscriptionState = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

    private Map<String, String> stateMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, String>());

    protected final static int SUBSCRIPTION_DURATION = 600;

    private UpnpIOService service;

     * The default refresh interval in Seconds.
    private int DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 120;

    private ScheduledFuture<?> refreshJob;

    private Runnable refreshRunnable = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                if (!isUpnpDeviceRegistered()) {
                    logger.debug("WeMo UPnP device {} not yet registered", getUDN());


            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.debug("Exception during poll : {}", e);

    public WemoHandler(Thing thing, UpnpIOService upnpIOService) {


        logger.debug("Creating a WemoHandler for thing '{}'", getThing().getUID());

        if (upnpIOService != null) {
            this.service = upnpIOService;
        } else {
            logger.debug("upnpIOService not set.");


    public void initialize() {

        Configuration configuration = getConfig();

        if (configuration.get("udn") != null) {
            logger.debug("Initializing WemoHandler for UDN '{}'", configuration.get("udn"));
        } else {
            logger.debug("Cannot initalize WemoHandler. UDN not set.");


    public void thingDiscovered(DiscoveryService source, DiscoveryResult result) {
        if (result.getThingUID().equals(this.getThing().getUID())) {
            if (getThing().getConfiguration().get(UDN).equals(result.getProperties().get(UDN))) {
                logger.trace("Discovered UDN '{}' for thing '{}'", result.getProperties().get(UDN),

    public void thingRemoved(DiscoveryService source, ThingUID thingUID) {
        if (thingUID.equals(this.getThing().getUID())) {
            logger.trace("Setting status for thing '{}' to OFFLINE", getThing().getUID());

    public void dispose() {
        logger.debug("WeMoHandler disposed.");


        if (refreshJob != null && !refreshJob.isCancelled()) {
            refreshJob = null;

    public void handleCommand(ChannelUID channelUID, Command command) {
        logger.trace("Command '{}' received for channel '{}'", command, channelUID);

        if (command instanceof RefreshType) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.debug("Exception during poll : {}", e);
        } else if (channelUID.getId().equals(CHANNEL_STATE)) {
            if (command instanceof OnOffType) {

                try {

                    String binaryState = null;

                    if (command.equals(OnOffType.ON)) {
                        binaryState = "1";
                    } else if (command.equals(OnOffType.OFF)) {
                        binaryState = "0";

                    String soapHeader = "\"urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1#SetBinaryState\"";

                    String content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
                            + "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\" s:encodingStyle=\"\">"
                            + "<s:Body>" + "<u:SetBinaryState xmlns:u=\"urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1\">"
                            + "<BinaryState>" + binaryState + "</BinaryState>" + "</u:SetBinaryState>" + "</s:Body>"
                            + "</s:Envelope>";

                    String wemoURL = getWemoURL("basicevent");

                    if (wemoURL != null) {
                        WemoHttpCall.executeCall(wemoURL, soapHeader, content);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.error("Failed to send command '{}' for device '{}': {}", command, getThing().getUID(),
                    updateStatus(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR);

    public void onServiceSubscribed(String service, boolean succeeded) {
        logger.debug("WeMo {}: Subscription to service {} {}", getUDN(), service,
                succeeded ? "succeeded" : "failed");
        subscriptionState.put(service, succeeded);

    public void onValueReceived(String variable, String value, String service) {

        logger.debug("Received pair '{}':'{}' (service '{}') for thing '{}'",
                new Object[] { variable, value, service, this.getThing().getUID() });


        this.stateMap.put(variable, value);

        if (getThing().getThingTypeUID().getId().equals("insight")) {
            String insightParams = stateMap.get("InsightParams");

            if (insightParams != null) {

                String[] splitInsightParams = insightParams.split("\\|");

                if (splitInsightParams[0] != null) {
                    OnOffType binaryState = null;
                    binaryState = splitInsightParams[0].equals("0") ? OnOffType.OFF : OnOffType.ON;
                    if (binaryState != null) {
                        logger.trace("New InsightParam binaryState '{}' for device '{}' received", binaryState,
                        updateState(CHANNEL_STATE, binaryState);

                long lastChangedAt = 0;
                try {
                    lastChangedAt = Long.parseLong(splitInsightParams[1]) * 1000; // convert s to ms
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    logger.error("Unable to parse lastChangedAt value '{}' for device '{}'; expected long",
                            splitInsightParams[1], getThing().getUID());
                GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
                State lastChangedAtState = new DateTimeType(cal);
                if (lastChangedAt != 0) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam lastChangedAt '{}' for device '{}' received", lastChangedAtState,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_LASTCHANGEDAT, lastChangedAtState);

                State lastOnFor = DecimalType.valueOf(splitInsightParams[2]);
                if (lastOnFor != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam lastOnFor '{}' for device '{}' received", lastOnFor,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_LASTONFOR, lastOnFor);

                State onToday = DecimalType.valueOf(splitInsightParams[3]);
                if (onToday != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam onToday '{}' for device '{}' received", onToday,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_ONTODAY, onToday);

                State onTotal = DecimalType.valueOf(splitInsightParams[4]);
                if (onTotal != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam onTotal '{}' for device '{}' received", onTotal,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_ONTOTAL, onTotal);

                State timespan = DecimalType.valueOf(splitInsightParams[5]);
                if (timespan != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam timespan '{}' for device '{}' received", timespan,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_TIMESPAN, timespan);

                State averagePower = DecimalType.valueOf(splitInsightParams[6]); // natively given in W
                if (averagePower != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam averagePower '{}' for device '{}' received", averagePower,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_AVERAGEPOWER, averagePower);

                BigDecimal currentMW = new BigDecimal(splitInsightParams[7]);
                State currentPower = new DecimalType(currentMW.divide(new BigDecimal(1000), RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); // recalculate
                // mW to W
                if (currentPower != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam currentPower '{}' for device '{}' received", currentPower,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_CURRENTPOWER, currentPower);

                BigDecimal energyTodayMWMin = new BigDecimal(splitInsightParams[8]);
                // recalculate mW-mins to Wh
                State energyToday = new DecimalType(
                        energyTodayMWMin.divide(new BigDecimal(60000), RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
                if (energyToday != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam energyToday '{}' for device '{}' received", energyToday,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_ENERGYTODAY, energyToday);

                BigDecimal energyTotalMWMin = new BigDecimal(splitInsightParams[9]);
                // recalculate mW-mins to Wh
                State energyTotal = new DecimalType(
                        energyTotalMWMin.divide(new BigDecimal(60000), RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
                if (energyTotal != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam energyTotal '{}' for device '{}' received", energyTotal,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_ENERGYTOTAL, energyTotal);

                BigDecimal standByLimitMW = new BigDecimal(splitInsightParams[10]);
                State standByLimit = new DecimalType(
                        standByLimitMW.divide(new BigDecimal(1000), RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); // recalculate
                // mW to W
                if (standByLimit != null) {
                    logger.trace("New InsightParam standByLimit '{}' for device '{}' received", standByLimit,
                    updateState(CHANNEL_STANDBYLIMIT, standByLimit);

        } else {
            State state = stateMap.get("BinaryState").equals("0") ? OnOffType.OFF : OnOffType.ON;

            logger.debug("State '{}' for device '{}' received", state, getThing().getUID());

            if (state != null) {
                if (getThing().getThingTypeUID().getId().equals("motion")) {
                    updateState(CHANNEL_MOTIONDETECTION, state);
                    if (state.equals(OnOffType.ON)) {
                        State lastMotionDetected = new DateTimeType();
                        updateState(CHANNEL_LASTMOTIONDETECTED, lastMotionDetected);
                } else {
                    updateState(CHANNEL_STATE, state);

    private synchronized void onSubscription() {
        if (service.isRegistered(this)) {
            logger.debug("Checking WeMo GENA subscription for '{}'", this);

            ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID = thing.getThingTypeUID();
            String subscription = null;

            if (thingTypeUID.equals(THING_TYPE_INSIGHT)) {
                subscription = "insight1";
            } else {
                subscription = "basicevent1";

            if ((subscriptionState.get(subscription) == null)
                    || !subscriptionState.get(subscription).booleanValue()) {
                logger.debug("Setting up GENA subscription {}: Subscribing to service {}...", getUDN(),
                service.addSubscription(this, subscription, SUBSCRIPTION_DURATION);
                subscriptionState.put(subscription, true);

        } else {
            logger.debug("Setting up WeMo GENA subscription for '{}' FAILED - service.isRegistered(this) is FALSE",

    private synchronized void removeSubscription() {
        logger.debug("Removing WeMo GENA subscription for '{}'", this);

        if (service.isRegistered(this)) {
            ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID = thing.getThingTypeUID();
            String subscription = null;

            if (thingTypeUID.equals(THING_TYPE_INSIGHT)) {
                subscription = "insight1";
            } else {
                subscription = "basicevent1";

            if ((subscriptionState.get(subscription) != null)
                    && subscriptionState.get(subscription).booleanValue()) {
                logger.debug("WeMo {}: Unsubscribing from service {}...", getUDN(), subscription);
                service.removeSubscription(this, subscription);

            subscriptionState = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

    private synchronized void onUpdate() {
        if (refreshJob == null || refreshJob.isCancelled()) {
            Configuration config = getThing().getConfiguration();
            int refreshInterval = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL;
            Object refreshConfig = config.get("refresh");
            if (refreshConfig != null) {
                refreshInterval = ((BigDecimal) refreshConfig).intValue();
            refreshJob = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(refreshRunnable, 0, refreshInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    private boolean isUpnpDeviceRegistered() {
        return service.isRegistered(this);

    public String getUDN() {
        return (String) this.getThing().getConfiguration().get(UDN);

     * The {@link updateWemoState} polls the actual state of a WeMo device and
     * calls {@link onValueReceived} to update the statemap and channels..
    protected void updateWemoState() {

        String action = "GetBinaryState";
        String variable = "BinaryState";
        String actionService = "basicevent";
        String value = null;

        if (getThing().getThingTypeUID().getId().equals("insight")) {
            action = "GetInsightParams";
            variable = "InsightParams";
            actionService = "insight";

        String soapHeader = "\"urn:Belkin:service:" + actionService + ":1#" + action + "\"";
        String content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
                + "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\" s:encodingStyle=\"\">"
                + "<s:Body>" + "<u:" + action + " xmlns:u=\"urn:Belkin:service:" + actionService + ":1\">" + "</u:"
                + action + ">" + "</s:Body>" + "</s:Envelope>";

        try {
            String wemoURL = getWemoURL(actionService);
            if (wemoURL != null) {
                String wemoCallResponse = WemoHttpCall.executeCall(wemoURL, soapHeader, content);
                if (wemoCallResponse != null) {
                    logger.trace("State response '{}' for device '{}' received", wemoCallResponse,
                    if (variable.equals("InsightParams")) {
                        value = StringUtils.substringBetween(wemoCallResponse, "<InsightParams>",
                    } else {
                        value = StringUtils.substringBetween(wemoCallResponse, "<BinaryState>", "</BinaryState>");
                    if (value != null) {
                        logger.trace("New state '{}' for device '{}' received", value, getThing().getUID());
                        this.onValueReceived(variable, value, actionService + "1");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Failed to get actual state for device '{}': {}", getThing().getUID(), e.getMessage());

    public String getWemoURL(String actionService) {
        URL descriptorURL = service.getDescriptorURL(this);
        String wemoURL = null;
        if (descriptorURL != null) {
            String deviceURL = StringUtils.substringBefore(descriptorURL.toString(), "/setup.xml");
            wemoURL = deviceURL + "/upnp/control/" + actionService + "1";
            return wemoURL;
        return null;

    public void onStatusChanged(boolean status) {

    public Collection<ThingUID> removeOlderResults(DiscoveryService source, long timestamp,
            Collection<ThingTypeUID> thingTypeUIDs) {
        return null;
