Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014,2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation * * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ package org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.client; import static org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.HomematicBindingConstants.*; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.HomematicBindingConstants; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.common.HomematicConfig; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.message.RpcRequest; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.GetAllScriptsParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.GetAllSystemVariablesParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.GetDeviceDescriptionParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.GetParamsetDescriptionParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.GetParamsetParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.GetValueParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.HomegearLoadDeviceNamesParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.ListBidcosInterfacesParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.ListDevicesParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.parser.RssiInfoParser; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmChannel; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmDatapoint; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmDevice; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmGatewayInfo; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmInterface; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmParamsetType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.homematic.internal.model.HmRssiInfo; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Client implementation for sending messages via BIN-RPC to a Homematic gateway. * * @author Gerhard Riegler - Initial contribution */ public abstract class RpcClient<T> { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RpcClient.class); protected static final int MAX_RPC_RETRY = 1; protected HomematicConfig config; public RpcClient(HomematicConfig config) { this.config = config; } /** * Disposes the client. */ public abstract void dispose(); /** * Returns a RpcRequest for this client. */ protected abstract RpcRequest<T> createRpcRequest(String methodName); /** * Returns the callback url for this client. */ protected abstract String getRpcCallbackUrl(); /** * Sends the RPC message to the gateway. */ protected abstract Object[] sendMessage(int port, RpcRequest<T> request) throws IOException; /** * Register a callback for the specified interface where the Homematic gateway can send its events. */ public void init(HmInterface hmInterface, String clientId) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("init"); request.addArg(getRpcCallbackUrl()); request.addArg(clientId); if (config.getGatewayInfo().isHomegear()) { request.addArg(new Integer(0x22)); } sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request); } /** * Release a callback for the specified interface. */ public void release(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("init"); request.addArg(getRpcCallbackUrl()); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request); } /** * Sends a ping to the specified interface. */ public void ping(HmInterface hmInterface, String callerId) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("ping"); request.addArg(callerId); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request); } /** * Returns the info of all BidCos interfaces available on the gateway. */ public ListBidcosInterfacesParser listBidcosInterfaces(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("listBidcosInterfaces"); return new ListBidcosInterfacesParser().parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request)); } /** * Returns some infos of the gateway. */ private GetDeviceDescriptionParser getDeviceDescription(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getDeviceDescription"); request.addArg("BidCoS-RF"); return new GetDeviceDescriptionParser().parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request)); } /** * Returns all variable metadata and values from a Homegear gateway. */ public void getAllSystemVariables(HmChannel channel) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getAllSystemVariables"); new GetAllSystemVariablesParser(channel).parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(channel), request)); } /** * Loads all device names from a Homegear gateway. */ public void loadDeviceNames(HmInterface hmInterface, Collection<HmDevice> devices) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getDeviceInfo"); new HomegearLoadDeviceNamesParser(devices).parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request)); } /** * Returns true, if the interface is available on the gateway. */ public void checkInterface(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("init"); request.addArg("http://openhab.validation:1000"); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request); } /** * Returns all script metadata from a Homegear gateway. */ public void getAllScripts(HmChannel channel) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getAllScripts"); new GetAllScriptsParser(channel).parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(channel), request)); } /** * Returns all device and channel metadata. */ public Collection<HmDevice> listDevices(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("listDevices"); return new ListDevicesParser(hmInterface, config) .parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request)); } /** * Loads all datapoint metadata into the given channel. */ public void addChannelDatapoints(HmChannel channel, HmParamsetType paramsetType) throws IOException { if (isConfigurationChannel(channel) && paramsetType != HmParamsetType.MASTER) { // The configuration channel only has a MASTER Paramset, so there is nothing to load return; } RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getParamsetDescription"); request.addArg(getRpcAddress(channel.getDevice().getAddress()) + getChannelSuffix(channel)); request.addArg(paramsetType.toString()); new GetParamsetDescriptionParser(channel, paramsetType) .parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(channel), request)); } /** * Sets all datapoint values for the given channel. */ public void setChannelDatapointValues(HmChannel channel, HmParamsetType paramsetType) throws IOException { if (isConfigurationChannel(channel) && paramsetType != HmParamsetType.MASTER) { // The configuration channel only has a MASTER Paramset, so there is nothing to load return; } RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getParamset"); request.addArg(getRpcAddress(channel.getDevice().getAddress()) + getChannelSuffix(channel)); request.addArg(paramsetType.toString()); if (channel.getDevice().getHmInterface() == HmInterface.CUXD && paramsetType == HmParamsetType.VALUES) { setChannelDatapointValues(channel); } else { try { new GetParamsetParser(channel, paramsetType) .parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(channel), request)); } catch (UnknownRpcFailureException ex) { if (paramsetType == HmParamsetType.VALUES) { logger.debug( "RpcResponse unknown RPC failure (-1 Failure), fetching values with another API method for device: {}, channel: {}, paramset: {}", channel.getDevice().getAddress(), channel.getNumber(), paramsetType); setChannelDatapointValues(channel); } else { throw ex; } } } } /** * Reads all VALUES datapoints individually, fallback method if setChannelDatapointValues throws a -1 Failure * exception. */ private void setChannelDatapointValues(HmChannel channel) throws IOException { for (HmDatapoint dp : channel.getDatapoints()) { getDatapointValue(dp); } } /** * Tries to identify the gateway and returns the GatewayInfo. */ public HmGatewayInfo getGatewayInfo(String id) throws IOException { boolean isHomegear = false; GetDeviceDescriptionParser ddParser; ListBidcosInterfacesParser biParser; try { ddParser = getDeviceDescription(HmInterface.RF); isHomegear = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(ddParser.getType(), "Homegear"); } catch (IOException ex) { // can't load gateway infos via RF interface ddParser = new GetDeviceDescriptionParser(); } try { biParser = listBidcosInterfaces(HmInterface.RF); } catch (IOException ex) { biParser = listBidcosInterfaces(HmInterface.HMIP); } HmGatewayInfo gatewayInfo = new HmGatewayInfo(); gatewayInfo.setAddress(biParser.getGatewayAddress()); if (isHomegear) { gatewayInfo.setId(HmGatewayInfo.ID_HOMEGEAR); gatewayInfo.setType(ddParser.getType()); gatewayInfo.setFirmware(ddParser.getFirmware()); } else if ((StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(biParser.getType(), "CCU") || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(biParser.getType(), "HMIP_CCU") || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(ddParser.getType(), "HM-RCV-50") || config.isCCUType()) && !config.isNoCCUType()) { gatewayInfo.setId(HmGatewayInfo.ID_CCU); String type = StringUtils.isBlank(biParser.getType()) ? "CCU" : biParser.getType(); gatewayInfo.setType(type); gatewayInfo .setFirmware(ddParser.getFirmware() != null ? ddParser.getFirmware() : biParser.getFirmware()); } else { gatewayInfo.setId(HmGatewayInfo.ID_DEFAULT); gatewayInfo.setType(biParser.getType()); gatewayInfo.setFirmware(biParser.getFirmware()); } if (gatewayInfo.isCCU() || config.hasRfPort()) { gatewayInfo.setRfInterface(hasInterface(HmInterface.RF, id)); } if (gatewayInfo.isCCU() || config.hasWiredPort()) { gatewayInfo.setWiredInterface(hasInterface(HmInterface.WIRED, id)); } if (gatewayInfo.isCCU() || config.hasHmIpPort()) { gatewayInfo.setHmipInterface(hasInterface(HmInterface.HMIP, id)); } if (gatewayInfo.isCCU() || config.hasCuxdPort()) { gatewayInfo.setCuxdInterface(hasInterface(HmInterface.CUXD, id)); } if (gatewayInfo.isCCU() || config.hasGroupPort()) { gatewayInfo.setGroupInterface(hasInterface(HmInterface.GROUP, id)); } return gatewayInfo; } /** * Returns true, if a connection is possible with the given interface. */ private boolean hasInterface(HmInterface hmInterface, String id) throws IOException { try { checkInterface(hmInterface); return true; } catch (IOException ex) {"Interface '{}' on gateway '{}' not available, disabling support", hmInterface, id); return false; } } /** * Sets the value of the datapoint using the provided rx transmission mode. * * @param dp The datapoint to set * @param value The new value to set on the datapoint * @param rxMode The rx mode to use for the transmission of the datapoint value * ({@link HomematicBindingConstants#RX_BURST_MODE "BURST"} for burst mode, * {@link HomematicBindingConstants#RX_WAKEUP_MODE "WAKEUP"} for wakeup mode, or null for the default * mode) */ public void setDatapointValue(HmDatapoint dp, Object value, String rxMode) throws IOException { if (dp.isIntegerType() && value instanceof Double) { value = ((Number) value).intValue(); } RpcRequest<T> request; if (HmParamsetType.VALUES == dp.getParamsetType()) { request = createRpcRequest("setValue"); request.addArg( getRpcAddress(dp.getChannel().getDevice().getAddress()) + getChannelSuffix(dp.getChannel())); request.addArg(dp.getName()); request.addArg(value); configureRxMode(request, rxMode); } else { request = createRpcRequest("putParamset"); request.addArg( getRpcAddress(dp.getChannel().getDevice().getAddress()) + getChannelSuffix(dp.getChannel())); request.addArg(HmParamsetType.MASTER.toString()); Map<String, Object> paramSet = new HashMap<String, Object>(); paramSet.put(dp.getName(), value); request.addArg(paramSet); configureRxMode(request, rxMode); } sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(dp.getChannel()), request); } protected void configureRxMode(RpcRequest<T> request, String rxMode) { if (rxMode != null) { if (RX_BURST_MODE.equals(rxMode) || RX_WAKEUP_MODE.equals(rxMode)) { request.addArg(rxMode); } } } /** * Retrieves the value of a single {@link HmDatapoint} from the device. Can only be used for the paramset "VALUES". * * @param dp The HmDatapoint that shall be loaded * @throws IOException If there is a problem while communicating to the gateway */ public void getDatapointValue(HmDatapoint dp) throws IOException { if (dp.isReadable() && !dp.isVirtual() && dp.getParamsetType() == HmParamsetType.VALUES) { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getValue"); request.addArg( getRpcAddress(dp.getChannel().getDevice().getAddress()) + getChannelSuffix(dp.getChannel())); request.addArg(dp.getName()); new GetValueParser(dp).parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(dp.getChannel()), request)); } } /** * Sets the value of a system variable on a Homegear gateway. */ public void setSystemVariable(HmDatapoint dp, Object value) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("setSystemVariable"); request.addArg(dp.getInfo()); request.addArg(value); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(dp.getChannel()), request); } /** * Executes a script on the Homegear gateway. */ public void executeScript(HmDatapoint dp) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("runScript"); request.addArg(dp.getInfo()); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(dp.getChannel()), request); } /** * Enables/disables the install mode for given seconds. * * @param hmInterface specifies the interface to enable / disable install mode on * @param enable if <i>true</i> it will be enabled, otherwise disabled * @param seconds desired duration of install mode * @throws IOException if RpcClient fails to propagate command */ public void setInstallMode(HmInterface hmInterface, boolean enable, int seconds) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("setInstallMode"); request.addArg(enable); request.addArg(seconds); request.addArg(INSTALL_MODE_NORMAL); logger.debug("Submitting setInstallMode(on={}, time={}, mode={}) ", enable, seconds, INSTALL_MODE_NORMAL); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request); } /** * Returns the remaining time of <i>install_mode==true</i> * * @param hmInterface specifies the interface on which install mode status is requested * @return current duration in seconds that the controller will remain in install mode, * value of 0 means that the install mode is disabled * @throws IOException if RpcClient fails to propagate command */ public int getInstallMode(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("getInstallMode"); Object[] result = sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( "Checking InstallMode: getInstallMode() request returned {} (remaining seconds in InstallMode=true)", result); } try { return (int) result[0]; } catch (Exception cause) { IOException wrappedException = new IOException( "Failed to request install mode from interface " + hmInterface); wrappedException.initCause(cause); throw wrappedException; } } /** * Deletes the device from the gateway. */ public void deleteDevice(HmDevice device, int flags) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("deleteDevice"); request.addArg(device.getAddress()); request.addArg(flags); sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(device.getHmInterface()), request); } /** * Returns the rpc address from a device address, correctly handling groups. */ private String getRpcAddress(String address) { if (address != null && address.startsWith("T-")) { address = "*" + address.substring(2); } return address; } /** * Returns the rssi values for all devices. */ public List<HmRssiInfo> loadRssiInfo(HmInterface hmInterface) throws IOException { RpcRequest<T> request = createRpcRequest("rssiInfo"); return new RssiInfoParser(config).parse(sendMessage(config.getRpcPort(hmInterface), request)); } /** * Returns the address suffix that specifies the channel for a given HmChannel. This is either a colon ":" followed * by the channel number, or the empty string for a configuration channel. */ private String getChannelSuffix(HmChannel channel) { return isConfigurationChannel(channel) ? "" : ":" + channel.getNumber(); } /** * Checks whether a channel is a configuration channel. The configuration channel of a device encapsulates the * MASTER Paramset that does not belong to one of its actual channels. */ private boolean isConfigurationChannel(HmChannel channel) { return channel.getNumber() == CONFIGURATION_CHANNEL_NUMBER; } }