Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.gef.ConnectionEditPart; import org.eclipse.gef.Request; import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command; import org.eclipse.gef.commands.CompoundCommand; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.util.StringStatics; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.actions.DiagramAction; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.edit.api.part.AbstractDiagramEdgeEditPart; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.DiagramUIPlugin; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.Messages; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage; import; import; /** * A {@link DiagramAction} to straighten edges.<BR> * * @author <a href="">Laurent Redor</a> */ @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class StraightenToAction extends DiagramAction { /** Constant indicating a straighten to top action. */ public static final int TO_TOP = 0; /** Constant indicating a straighten to bottom action. */ public static final int TO_BOTTOM = 1; /** Constant indicating a straighten to left action. */ public static final int TO_LEFT = 2; /** Constant indicating a straighten to right action. */ public static final int TO_RIGHT = 3; /** * The straighten type must by one of: * <UL> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_TOP}</LI> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_BOTTOM}</LI> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_LEFT}</LI> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_RIGHT}</LI> * </UL> */ private int straightenType; /** * Constructs a StraightenTpAction with the given part and straighten type. * * The straighten type must by one of: * <UL> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_TOP}</LI> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_BOTTOM}</LI> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_LEFT}</LI> * <LI>{@link StraightenToAction#TO_RIGHT}</LI> * </UL> * * @param workbenchPage * the workbench part used to obtain context * @param straightenType * The straighten type */ protected StraightenToAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage, int straightenType) { super(workbenchPage); this.straightenType = straightenType; setText(getLabel(straightenType)); setToolTipText(getTooltip(straightenType)); } /** * Get the label of the action according to <code>distributionType</code> * and <code>isToolbarItem</code>. * * @param straightenType * the kind of straighten. * @return The label */ public static String getLabel(int straightenType) { String label = StringStatics.BLANK; switch (straightenType) { case StraightenToAction.TO_TOP: label = Messages.StraightenToAction_toTopLabel; break; case StraightenToAction.TO_BOTTOM: label = Messages.StraightenToAction_toBottomLabel; break; case StraightenToAction.TO_LEFT: label = Messages.StraightenToAction_toLeftLabel; break; case StraightenToAction.TO_RIGHT: label = Messages.StraightenToAction_toRightLabel; break; default: break; } return label; } /** * Get the tooltip of the action according to <code>distributionType</code>. * * @param straightenType * the kind of straighten. * @return The tooltip */ public static String getTooltip(int straightenType) { String tooltip = StringStatics.BLANK; switch (straightenType) { case StraightenToAction.TO_TOP: tooltip = Messages.StraightenToAction_toTopTooltip; break; case StraightenToAction.TO_BOTTOM: tooltip = Messages.StraightenToAction_toBottomTooltip; break; case StraightenToAction.TO_LEFT: tooltip = Messages.StraightenToAction_toLeftTooltip; break; case StraightenToAction.TO_RIGHT: tooltip = Messages.StraightenToAction_toRightTooltip; break; default: break; } return tooltip; } /** * Creates the Straighten to top action to align the edge horizontally to * the highest source or target. * * @param workbenchPage * the workbench part used to obtain context * @return the corresponding action */ public static StraightenToAction createStraightenToTopAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage) { StraightenToAction action = new StraightenToAction(workbenchPage, StraightenToAction.TO_TOP); action.setId(ActionIds.STRAIGHTEN_TO_TOP); ImageDescriptor bundledImageDescriptor = DiagramUIPlugin.Implementation .getBundledImageDescriptor(DiagramImagesPath.STRAIGHTEN_TO_TOP); action.setImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); action.setHoverImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); return action; } /** * Creates the Straighten to bottom action to align the edge horizontally to * the lowest source or target. * * @param workbenchPage * the workbench part used to obtain context * @return the corresponding action */ public static StraightenToAction createStraightenToBottomAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage) { StraightenToAction action = new StraightenToAction(workbenchPage, StraightenToAction.TO_BOTTOM); action.setId(ActionIds.STRAIGHTEN_TO_BOTTOM); ImageDescriptor bundledImageDescriptor = DiagramUIPlugin.Implementation .getBundledImageDescriptor(DiagramImagesPath.STRAIGHTEN_TO_BOTTOM); action.setImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); action.setHoverImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); return action; } /** * Creates the Straighten to left action to align the edge vertically to the * left most source or target. * * @param workbenchPage * the workbench part used to obtain context * @return the corresponding action */ public static StraightenToAction createStraightenToLeftAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage) { StraightenToAction action = new StraightenToAction(workbenchPage, StraightenToAction.TO_LEFT); action.setId(ActionIds.STRAIGHTEN_TO_LEFT); ImageDescriptor bundledImageDescriptor = DiagramUIPlugin.Implementation .getBundledImageDescriptor(DiagramImagesPath.STRAIGHTEN_TO_LEFT); action.setImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); action.setHoverImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); return action; } /** * Creates the Straighten to right action to align the edge vertically to * the right most source or target. * * @param workbenchPage * the workbench part used to obtain context * @return the corresponding action */ public static StraightenToAction createStraightenToRightAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage) { StraightenToAction action = new StraightenToAction(workbenchPage, StraightenToAction.TO_RIGHT); action.setId(ActionIds.STRAIGHTEN_TO_RIGHT); ImageDescriptor bundledImageDescriptor = DiagramUIPlugin.Implementation .getBundledImageDescriptor(DiagramImagesPath.STRAIGHTEN_TO_RIGHT); action.setImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); action.setHoverImageDescriptor(bundledImageDescriptor); return action; } @Override protected Request createTargetRequest() { StraightenToRequest straightenRequest = new StraightenToRequest(); straightenRequest.setStraightenType(straightenType); return straightenRequest; } @Override protected void updateTargetRequest() { StraightenToRequest straightenRequest = (StraightenToRequest) getTargetRequest(); straightenRequest.setStraightenType(straightenType); } @Override protected Command getCommand() { CompoundCommand straightenEdgesCmd = new CompoundCommand(Messages.StraightenToAction_commandLabel); List<?> operationSet = getOperationSet(); if (!operationSet.isEmpty()) { for (Object object : operationSet) { if (object instanceof ConnectionEditPart) { straightenEdgesCmd.add(((ConnectionEditPart) object).getCommand(getTargetRequest())); } } } return straightenEdgesCmd; } /** * Return only a list of selected AbstractDiagramEdgeEditPart that * understands the request. If there is at least one other kind of edit * part, an empty list is returned. * * @return A list of {@link AbstractDiagramEdgeEditPart} selected. */ @Override protected List<?> createOperationSet() { List<?> selection = getSelectedObjects(); if (!Iterables.all(selection, Predicates.instanceOf(AbstractDiagramEdgeEditPart.class))) { selection = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return selection; } @Override protected boolean isSelectionListener() { return true; } @Override protected boolean isOperationHistoryListener() { return true; } }