Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.internal.edit.commands; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.draw2d.PositionConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PrecisionPoint; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart; import org.eclipse.gef.requests.ChangeBoundsRequest; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.command.CommandResult; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IBorderItemEditPart; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IBorderedShapeEditPart; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IGraphicalEditPart; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.l10n.DiagramUIMessages; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.AbstractTransactionalCommand; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.CompositeTransactionalCommand; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.core.util.EObjectAdapter; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Node; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.graphical.edit.policies.SiriusResizeTracker; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.Messages; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.gmf.runtime.editparts.GraphicalHelper; import; import; /** * This command avoids time consumption as long as it does not executed. The * "real" command is created during the execution. * * @author <a href="">Laurent Redor</a> */ public class ChildrenAdjustmentCommand extends AbstractTransactionalCommand { CompositeTransactionalCommand wrappedCommand; IGraphicalEditPart host; ChangeBoundsRequest request; private boolean adjustBorderNodes; private boolean adjustSubNodes; /** * Default constructor. * * @param host * the <i>host</i> EditPart on which this policy is installed. * @param request * the initial change bounds request */ public ChildrenAdjustmentCommand(IGraphicalEditPart host, ChangeBoundsRequest request) { this(host, request, true, true); } /** * Default constructor. * * @param host * the <i>host</i> EditPart on which this policy is installed. * @param request * the initial change bounds request * @param borderNodes * true to adjust border nodes positions * @param subNodes * true to adjust sub nodes positions (Containers and Nodes in * the content pane) */ public ChildrenAdjustmentCommand(IGraphicalEditPart host, ChangeBoundsRequest request, boolean borderNodes, boolean subNodes) { super(host.getEditingDomain(), Messages.ChildrenAdjustmentCommand_label, null); = host; this.request = request; this.adjustBorderNodes = borderNodes; this.adjustSubNodes = subNodes; } @Override protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info) { CommandResult result = CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(); wrappedCommand = new CompositeTransactionalCommand(host.getEditingDomain(), this.getLabel()); RequestQuery rq = new RequestQuery(request); boolean keepSameAbsoluteLocation = false; if (rq.isResizeFromTop() || rq.isResizeFromLeft() || request.isCenteredResize()) { Object childrenMoveModeExtendedData = request.getExtendedData() .get(SiriusResizeTracker.CHILDREN_MOVE_MODE_KEY); keepSameAbsoluteLocation = (childrenMoveModeExtendedData == null && SiriusResizeTracker.DEFAULT_CHILDREN_MOVE_MODE) || (childrenMoveModeExtendedData != null && ((Boolean) childrenMoveModeExtendedData).booleanValue()); if (keepSameAbsoluteLocation && adjustSubNodes) { addChildrenAdjustmentCommands(host, wrappedCommand, request); } else { // Children have been indirectly moved so their edges must // adapted to only move last segment addChildrenEdgesAdjustmentCommands(host, wrappedCommand, request); } } if (host instanceof IBorderedShapeEditPart && adjustBorderNodes) { addBorderChildrenAdjustmentCommands(host, wrappedCommand, request, keepSameAbsoluteLocation); } if (wrappedCommand.size() > 0) { if (wrappedCommand.canExecute()) { try { wrappedCommand.execute(new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { result = CommandResult.newErrorCommandResult(e); } } else { // Not expected to be there result = CommandResult.newWarningCommandResult(Messages.ChildrenAdjustmentCommand_errorMsg, null); } } return result; } @Override public boolean canUndo() { if (wrappedCommand.size() > 0 && wrappedCommand != null) { return wrappedCommand.canUndo(); } return true; } @Override public boolean canRedo() { if (wrappedCommand.size() > 0 && wrappedCommand != null) { return wrappedCommand.canRedo(); } return true; } @Override public void dispose() { host = null; request = null; wrappedCommand = null; } /** * Add the needed commands, to move the children nodes, to the original * command. * * @param resizedPart * The part that will be resized * @param cc * The current command that resizes the parent part, command to * complete with the moves of children * @param cbr * The original request */ private void addChildrenAdjustmentCommands(IGraphicalEditPart resizedPart, CompositeTransactionalCommand cc, ChangeBoundsRequest cbr) { PrecisionPoint delta = new PrecisionPoint(cbr.getMoveDelta().getNegated()); GraphicalHelper.applyInverseZoomOnPoint(resizedPart, delta); AbstractDNodeContainerCompartmentEditPart compartment = Iterables.getFirst( Iterables.filter(resizedPart.getChildren(), AbstractDNodeContainerCompartmentEditPart.class), null); if (compartment != null) { Iterable<EditPart> childrenExceptBorderItemPart = Iterables.filter(compartment.getChildren(), EditPart.class); for (EditPart editPart : childrenExceptBorderItemPart) { IAdaptable adapter = new EObjectAdapter((Node) editPart.getModel()); // Shift this view by the delta cc.compose(CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new MoveViewOperation(DiagramUIMessages.SetLocationCommand_Label_Resize, adapter, delta))); } } } /** * Add the needed commands, to "move" only the last segment of edges * pointing to the children nodes, to the original command. * * @param resizedPart * The part that will be resized * @param cc * The current command that resizes the parent part, command to * complete with the moves of children * @param cbr * The original request */ private void addChildrenEdgesAdjustmentCommands(IGraphicalEditPart resizedPart, CompositeTransactionalCommand cc, ChangeBoundsRequest cbr) { PrecisionPoint delta = new PrecisionPoint(cbr.getMoveDelta()); GraphicalHelper.applyInverseZoomOnPoint(resizedPart, delta); DNodeContainerViewNodeContainerCompartmentEditPart compartment = Iterables.getFirst(Iterables .filter(resizedPart.getChildren(), DNodeContainerViewNodeContainerCompartmentEditPart.class), null); if (compartment != null) { Iterable<EditPart> childrenExceptBorderItemPart = Iterables.filter(compartment.getChildren(), EditPart.class); for (EditPart editPart : childrenExceptBorderItemPart) { // Adapt edges to move only the last segment if (editPart instanceof IGraphicalEditPart) { cc.compose(new ChangeBendpointsOfEdgesCommand((IGraphicalEditPart) editPart, delta)); } } } } /** * Add the needed commands, to move the border nodes, to the original * command. * * @param resizedPart * The part that will be resized (parent of the border nodes to * move) * @param cc * The current command that resizes the parent part, command to * complete with the moves of border nodes * @param cbr * The resize request * @param keepSameAbsoluteLocation * true if the children must stay at the same absolute location, * false otherwise. The location can change in one axis of there * border node is on the moved side. */ private void addBorderChildrenAdjustmentCommands(IGraphicalEditPart resizedPart, CompositeTransactionalCommand cc, final ChangeBoundsRequest cbr, boolean keepSameAbsoluteLocation) { RequestQuery rq = new RequestQuery(cbr); Rectangle logicalDelta = rq.getLogicalDelta(); EditPartQuery resizedPartQuery = new EditPartQuery(resizedPart); if (rq.isResizeFromTop() || rq.isResizeFromBottom()) { int verticalSizeDelta = logicalDelta.height; // The border nodes of the bottom side must be shift to stay on // the bottom side. List<Node> childrenToMove = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodes(PositionConstants.SOUTH); if (!childrenToMove.isEmpty()) { cc.compose( CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new ShiftDirectBorderedNodesOperation( childrenToMove, new Dimension(0, verticalSizeDelta)))); } // The border nodes of the east and west side must eventually be // shift to stay in the parent bounds. Map<Node, Dimension> childrenToMoveWithDelta; if (rq.isResizeFromTop()) { childrenToMoveWithDelta = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta(PositionConstants.EAST, PositionConstants.NORTH, verticalSizeDelta); childrenToMoveWithDelta.putAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta( PositionConstants.WEST, PositionConstants.NORTH, verticalSizeDelta)); } else { childrenToMoveWithDelta = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta(PositionConstants.EAST, PositionConstants.SOUTH, verticalSizeDelta); childrenToMoveWithDelta.putAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta( PositionConstants.WEST, PositionConstants.SOUTH, verticalSizeDelta)); } for (Entry<Node, Dimension> entry : childrenToMoveWithDelta.entrySet()) { cc.compose( CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new ShiftDirectBorderedNodesOperation( Lists.newArrayList(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()))); } if (rq.isResizeFromTop() || cbr.isCenteredResize()) { // The edges linked to border node of the north side must // adapted to only move the last segment. List<IBorderItemEditPart> childrenWithEdgesToMove = resizedPartQuery .getBorderNodeEditParts(PositionConstants.NORTH); PrecisionPoint delta; if (cbr.isCenteredResize()) { delta = new PrecisionPoint(0, -verticalSizeDelta - logicalDelta.y); } else { delta = new PrecisionPoint(0, -verticalSizeDelta); } for (IBorderItemEditPart borderNodeEditPart : childrenWithEdgesToMove) { cc.compose(new ChangeBendpointsOfEdgesCommand(borderNodeEditPart, delta)); } if (keepSameAbsoluteLocation) { // The border nodes of the west and east sides must be shift // to stay at the same absolute location (except if they // have already moved to stay in the parent bounds). if (cbr.isCenteredResize()) { verticalSizeDelta = verticalSizeDelta + logicalDelta.y; } List<Node> borderNodes = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodes(PositionConstants.WEST); borderNodes.addAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodes(PositionConstants.EAST)); borderNodes.removeAll(childrenToMoveWithDelta.keySet()); cc.compose(CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new ShiftDirectBorderedNodesOperation(borderNodes, new Dimension(0, verticalSizeDelta)))); } else { // The edges linked to border nodes of the west and east // sides must be adapted to only move the last segment. childrenWithEdgesToMove = resizedPartQuery.getBorderNodeEditParts(PositionConstants.WEST); childrenWithEdgesToMove.addAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderNodeEditParts(PositionConstants.EAST)); childrenWithEdgesToMove.removeAll(childrenToMoveWithDelta.keySet()); if (cbr.isCenteredResize()) { delta = new PrecisionPoint(0, -verticalSizeDelta - logicalDelta.y); } else { delta = new PrecisionPoint(0, -verticalSizeDelta); } for (IBorderItemEditPart borderNodeEditPart : childrenWithEdgesToMove) { cc.compose(new ChangeBendpointsOfEdgesCommand(borderNodeEditPart, delta)); } } } } if (rq.isResizeFromRight() || rq.isResizeFromLeft()) { int horizontalSizeDelta = logicalDelta.width; // The border node of the east side must be shift to stay on the // east side. List<Node> childrenToMove = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodes(PositionConstants.EAST); if (!childrenToMove.isEmpty()) { cc.compose( CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new ShiftDirectBorderedNodesOperation( childrenToMove, new Dimension(horizontalSizeDelta, 0)))); } // The border nodes of the north or south side must eventually be // shift to stay in the parent bounds. Map<Node, Dimension> childrenToMoveWithDelta; if (rq.isResizeFromRight()) { childrenToMoveWithDelta = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta(PositionConstants.NORTH, PositionConstants.EAST, horizontalSizeDelta); childrenToMoveWithDelta.putAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta( PositionConstants.SOUTH, PositionConstants.EAST, horizontalSizeDelta)); } else { childrenToMoveWithDelta = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta(PositionConstants.NORTH, PositionConstants.WEST, horizontalSizeDelta); childrenToMoveWithDelta.putAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodesToMoveWithDelta( PositionConstants.SOUTH, PositionConstants.WEST, horizontalSizeDelta)); } for (Entry<Node, Dimension> entry : childrenToMoveWithDelta.entrySet()) { cc.compose( CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new ShiftDirectBorderedNodesOperation( Lists.newArrayList(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()))); } if (rq.isResizeFromLeft() || cbr.isCenteredResize()) { // The edges linked to border node of the west side must adapted // to only move the last segment. List<IBorderItemEditPart> childrenWithEdgesToMove = resizedPartQuery .getBorderNodeEditParts(PositionConstants.WEST); PrecisionPoint delta; if (cbr.isCenteredResize()) { delta = new PrecisionPoint(-horizontalSizeDelta - logicalDelta.x, 0); } else { delta = new PrecisionPoint(-horizontalSizeDelta, 0); } for (IBorderItemEditPart borderNodeEditPart : childrenWithEdgesToMove) { cc.compose(new ChangeBendpointsOfEdgesCommand(borderNodeEditPart, delta)); } if (keepSameAbsoluteLocation) { // The border nodes of the north and south sides must be // shift to stay at the same absolute location (except if // they have already moved to stay in the parent bounds). if (cbr.isCenteredResize()) { horizontalSizeDelta = horizontalSizeDelta + logicalDelta.x; } List<Node> borderNodes = resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodes(PositionConstants.NORTH); borderNodes.addAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderedNodes(PositionConstants.SOUTH)); borderNodes.removeAll(childrenToMoveWithDelta.keySet()); cc.compose(CommandFactory.createICommand(cc.getEditingDomain(), new ShiftDirectBorderedNodesOperation(borderNodes, new Dimension(horizontalSizeDelta, 0)))); } else { // The edges linked border nodes of the north and south // sides must be adapted to only move the last segment. childrenWithEdgesToMove = resizedPartQuery.getBorderNodeEditParts(PositionConstants.NORTH); childrenWithEdgesToMove .addAll(resizedPartQuery.getBorderNodeEditParts(PositionConstants.SOUTH)); childrenWithEdgesToMove.removeAll(childrenToMoveWithDelta.keySet()); if (cbr.isCenteredResize()) { delta = new PrecisionPoint(-horizontalSizeDelta - logicalDelta.x, 0); } else { delta = new PrecisionPoint(-horizontalSizeDelta, 0); } for (IBorderItemEditPart borderNodeEditPart : childrenWithEdgesToMove) { cc.compose(new ChangeBendpointsOfEdgesCommand(borderNodeEditPart, delta)); } } } } } }