Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.ui.tool.internal.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.util.Range; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.base.Option; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FinalParentHelper { private final AbstractNodeEvent self; private final RequestQuery request; private Range expansionZone; private ISequenceEvent globalFinalParent; /** * Constructor. * * @param self * the execution which will be resized. * @param resizeRequest * the resize query. */ public FinalParentHelper(AbstractNodeEvent self, RequestQuery resizeRequest) { this.self = Preconditions.checkNotNull(self); this.request = Preconditions.checkNotNull(resizeRequest); Preconditions.checkArgument(resizeRequest.isResize()); } /** * Determines what event will be the direct parent of this execution after * the execution of the specified request. Returns <code>null</code> if the * request is invalid. Calling this method also sets the * <code>expansionZone</code> field: it is set to <code>null</code> if the * returned parent can accept this execution directly, or to the vertical * range which needs to be expanded on the future parent if there is not yet * enough room to contain this execution. */ public void computeFinalParent() { Range fullFinalRange = getFullFinalRange(); if (fullFinalRange != null) { if (isInvalidInteractionInsideOperand(fullFinalRange)) { globalFinalParent = null; } else if (request.isResize()) { globalFinalParent = getFinalParentOnResize(fullFinalRange); } } } /** * Validates if the execution resize is valid if located in an operand. * * @param fullFinalRange * the new range of the resized {@link ISequenceEvent} * @return if the execution resize is valid if located in an operand. */ private boolean isInvalidInteractionInsideOperand(Range fullFinalRange) { boolean result = false; Option<Operand> parentOperand = self.getParentOperand(); if (request.isResize()) { result = parentOperand.some() && !parentOperand.get().getVerticalRange().includes(fullFinalRange); } return result; } /** * Returns the computed final parent of the execution after the resize. * * @return the final parent of the execution after the resize. */ public ISequenceEvent getFinalParent() { return globalFinalParent; } /** * Returns the auto-expansion required before the resize. * * @return the auto-expansion required before the resize. */ public Range getRequiredExpansion() { return expansionZone; } /** * Computes the full final range which would be occupied by this execution * and any of the elements resized along with it if we accept the specified * request. * * @param request * the request for changing the size/location of this execution * @return the final vertical range of the execution and its linked messages * (if any) if we accept the request. */ private Range getFullFinalRange() { Rectangle newBounds = request.getLogicalTransformedRectangle(self.getProperLogicalBounds()); if (newBounds.width < 0 || newBounds.height < 0) { return null; } Range fullFinalRange = RangeHelper.verticalRange(newBounds); if (self instanceof Execution) { Execution execution = (Execution) self; Option<Message> startMessage = execution.getStartMessage(); if (startMessage.some() && !startMessage.get().surroundsEventOnSameLifeline()) { int startY = fullFinalRange.getLowerBound() - startMessage.get().getVerticalRange().width(); fullFinalRange = new Range(startY, fullFinalRange.getUpperBound()); } Option<Message> endMessage = execution.getEndMessage(); if (endMessage.some() && !endMessage.get().surroundsEventOnSameLifeline()) { int finishY = fullFinalRange.getUpperBound() + endMessage.get().getVerticalRange().width(); fullFinalRange = new Range(fullFinalRange.getLowerBound(), finishY); } } return fullFinalRange; } private ISequenceEvent getFinalParentOnResize(final Range fullFinalRange) { Preconditions.checkArgument(request.isResize()); final Collection<ISequenceEvent> remoteErrors = Sets.newHashSet(); /* * A simple resizing can not change the parent of an execution. */ ISequenceEvent finalParent = self.getParentEvent(); /* * We must still check that the resizing is valid, in that it will not * cause an overlap/conflict with sibling events. */ final Collection<ISequenceEvent> linkedSiblings = FinalParentHelper.computeLinkedSiblings(request); Iterable<ISequenceEvent> finalSiblings = EventEndHelper.getIndependantEvents(self, finalParent.getSubEvents()); final Option<Lifeline> selfLifeline = self.getLifeline(); Predicate<ISequenceEvent> sameLifeline = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { Option<Lifeline> inputLifeline = input.getLifeline(); boolean same = !inputLifeline.some() || (selfLifeline.some() && inputLifeline.get() == selfLifeline.get()); if (input instanceof Message) { Option<Lifeline> sourceLifeline = ((Message) input).getSourceLifeline(); same = same || !sourceLifeline.some() || (selfLifeline.some() && sourceLifeline.get() == selfLifeline.get()); Option<Lifeline> tgtLifeline = ((Message) input).getTargetLifeline(); same = same || !tgtLifeline.some() || (selfLifeline.some() && tgtLifeline.get() == selfLifeline.get()); } return same; } }; Predicate<ISequenceEvent> intersectsFinalBounds = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { Range inputRange = input.getVerticalRange(); boolean intersection = inputRange.intersects(fullFinalRange) && !linkedSiblings.contains(input); // Some event could not be parents : states for examples. boolean includedInput = !self.getValidSubEventsRange().isEmpty() && fullFinalRange.includes(inputRange.grown(1)); if (input instanceof Message) { Message msg = (Message) input; if (msg.isReflective() && !includedInput) { intersection = inputRange.intersects(fullFinalRange) && !inputRange.includes(fullFinalRange); includedInput = inputRange.includes(fullFinalRange); } if (intersection && msg.isCompoundMessage()) { Iterable<Execution> compoundEvents = Iterables .filter(EventEndHelper.getCompoundEvents(input), Execution.class); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(compoundEvents)) { Execution remoteExec = compoundEvents.iterator().next(); if (remoteExec != null && remoteExec.getEndMessage().some() && !fullFinalRange.includes(remoteExec.getExtendedVerticalRange())) { includedInput = false; remoteErrors.add(remoteExec); } } } } return intersection && !includedInput; } }; /* * Removes parent combined fragment to be able to resize an execution in * a combined fragment */ Predicate<ISequenceEvent> notParentCombinedFragment = new Predicate<ISequenceEvent>() { public boolean apply(ISequenceEvent input) { if (input instanceof CombinedFragment && self.getLifeline().some()) { CombinedFragment combinedFragment = (CombinedFragment) input; return !(combinedFragment.computeCoveredLifelines().contains(self.getLifeline().get()) && combinedFragment.getVerticalRange().includes(fullFinalRange)); } return true; } }; Iterable<ISequenceEvent> invalids = Iterables.filter(finalSiblings, Predicates.and(sameLifeline, notParentCombinedFragment, intersectsFinalBounds)); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(invalids)) { finalParent = null; for (ISequenceEvent ise : Iterables.concat(invalids, remoteErrors)) { Range verticalRange = ise.getVerticalRange(); if (ise instanceof Message && ((Message) ise).isReflective() && verticalRange.includes(self.getVerticalRange())) { verticalRange = new Range(verticalRange.getUpperBound(), verticalRange.getUpperBound()); } if (request.isResizeFromBottom()) { Range errorRange = new Range(verticalRange.getLowerBound() - 1, Math.max(verticalRange.getLowerBound(), fullFinalRange.getUpperBound())); expansionZone = expansionZone == null ? errorRange : errorRange.union(expansionZone); } } } return finalParent; } /** * Get list of {@link ISequenceEvent} from the request. * * @param request * request of resize * * @return list of {@link ISequenceEvent} */ public static ArrayList<ISequenceEvent> computeLinkedSiblings(RequestQuery request) { final ArrayList<ISequenceEvent> linkedSiblings = Lists.newArrayList(); Set<Execution> parts = request.getExecutions(); for (Execution execution : parts) { linkedSiblings.add(execution); linkedSiblings.addAll(execution.findLinkedExecutions(true)); linkedSiblings.addAll(new ISequenceEventQuery(execution).getAllDescendants()); } return linkedSiblings; } /** * Get the {@link ISequenceEvent} for ... * * @param self * {@link AbstractNodeEvent} to consider. * @param smep * the {@link Message} to consider. * @param deltaY * the deltaY to use * @param deltaHeight * the deltaHeight to use * * @return the {@link ISequenceEvent} for ... */ public static ISequenceEvent getFinalRemoteParent(AbstractNodeEvent self, Message smep, int deltaY, int deltaHeight) { Range finalMessageRange = smep.getVerticalRange().shifted(deltaY); if (deltaHeight != 0) { finalMessageRange = new Range(finalMessageRange.getLowerBound(), finalMessageRange.getUpperBound() + deltaHeight); } Set<ISequenceEvent> allMovedElements = new ISequenceEventQuery(self).getAllDescendants(); allMovedElements.add(self); ISequenceEvent sourceParent = (smep.getSourceElement() instanceof ISequenceEvent) ? (ISequenceEvent) smep.getSourceElement() : null; /* * The target will not be an ISequenceEvent for creation and destruction * messages as instance roles and EOL are not ISequenceEvents. */ ISequenceEvent targetParent = (smep.getTargetElement() instanceof ISequenceEvent) ? (ISequenceEvent) smep.getTargetElement() : null; ISequenceEvent remoteParent = allMovedElements.contains(sourceParent) ? targetParent : sourceParent; ISequenceEvent finalRemoteParent = null; if (remoteParent != null) { Option<Lifeline> remoteLifeline = remoteParent.getLifeline(); if (remoteLifeline.some()) { EventFinder remoteFinder = new EventFinder(remoteLifeline.get()); remoteFinder.setEventsToIgnore(; finalRemoteParent = remoteFinder.findMostSpecificEvent(finalMessageRange); } } return finalRemoteParent; } }