Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.LayoutConstraint; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Location; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Node; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Size; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.Messages; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.util.Range; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.base.Option; import; import; import; import; /** * An operation to shift all the atomic events on a sequence diagram below a * certain point to make room. * * @author pcdavid, smonnier */ public class VerticalSpaceExpansion extends AbstractModelChangeOperation<Void> { private final SequenceDiagram sequenceDiagram; private int insertionPoint; private int expansionSize; private Set<ISequenceEvent> eventsToIgnore; private Set<ISequenceNode> eventsToResize; private Set<ISequenceNode> eventsToShift; private Set<Message> messagesToResize; private Set<Message> messagesToShift; private Map<Message, Range> finalMessagesRanges; private Integer move; /** * Constructor. * * @param diagram * the sequence diagram in which to make the change. * @param shift * the zone to expand. * @param move * how much the main execution which triggered this change is * vertically moved. * @param eventsToIgnore * the events which should be ignored, as they will be moved into * the new space. */ public VerticalSpaceExpansion(SequenceDiagram diagram, Range shift, Integer move, Collection<ISequenceEvent> eventsToIgnore) { super(MessageFormat.format(Messages.VerticalSpaceExpansion_operationName, shift)); this.sequenceDiagram = diagram; this.move = move; this.insertionPoint = shift.getLowerBound(); this.expansionSize = shift.width(); // Complete the specified eventsToIgnore with all their descendants. this.eventsToIgnore = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ISequenceEvent evt : eventsToIgnore) { this.eventsToIgnore.add(evt); this.eventsToIgnore.addAll(new ISequenceEventQuery(evt).getAllDescendants()); this.eventsToIgnore.addAll(new ISequenceEventQuery(evt).getAllMessages()); } } @Override public Void execute() { categorizeSequenceNodes(findAllSequenceNodesToConsider()); categorizeMessages(findAllMessagesToConsider()); computeFinalMessageRanges(); expandLifelines(); shiftSequenceNodes(); resizeSequenceNodes(); setFinalMessagesRanges(); return null; } private void setFinalMessagesRanges() { for (Entry<Message, Range> smep : finalMessagesRanges.entrySet()) { smep.getKey().setVerticalRange(smep.getValue()); } } private void computeFinalMessageRanges() { finalMessagesRanges = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<Message> messages = sequenceDiagram.getAllMessages(); for (Message msg : messages) { if (messagesToShift.contains(msg)) { if (!isConnectedToAMovedExecutionByASingleEnd(msg) && !isContainedReflexiveMessage(msg)) { finalMessagesRanges.put(msg, msg.getVerticalRange().shifted(expansionSize)); } else { finalMessagesRanges.put(msg, msg.getVerticalRange().shifted(move)); } } else if (messagesToResize.contains(msg)) { final Range rangeBefore = msg.getVerticalRange(); finalMessagesRanges.put(msg, new Range(rangeBefore.getLowerBound(), rangeBefore.getUpperBound() + expansionSize)); } else { finalMessagesRanges.put(msg, msg.getVerticalRange()); } } } private boolean isConnectedToAMovedExecutionByASingleEnd(Message msg) { boolean onlySourceIsInMovedExecutions = eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getSourceElement()) && !eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getTargetElement()); boolean onlyTargetIsInMovedExecutions = !eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getSourceElement()) && eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getTargetElement()); return onlySourceIsInMovedExecutions || onlyTargetIsInMovedExecutions; } /** * Expand all the lifelines which do not have a destroy message, but keep * the messages they contain stable. */ private void expandLifelines() { List<Lifeline> lifelines = sequenceDiagram.getAllLifelines(); lifelines.removeAll(eventsToIgnore); for (Lifeline lifeline : lifelines) { Option<Message> cm = lifeline.getCreationMessage(); if (cm.some() && isStrictlyBelowInsertionPoint(cm.get())) { /* * The whole lifeline is below the insertion point. */ InstanceRole irep = lifeline.getInstanceRole(); Node node = (Node) irep.getNotationView(); LayoutConstraint layoutConstraint = node.getLayoutConstraint(); if (layoutConstraint instanceof Location) { Location location = (Location) layoutConstraint; location.setY(location.getY() + expansionSize); } } else { /* * Only the end of the lifeline is below the insertion point. */ Option<Message> dm = lifeline.getDestructionMessage(); if (!dm.some() || isStrictlyBelowInsertionPoint(dm.get())) { expandDown(lifeline, expansionSize); } } } } /** * Find all the executions in the diagram which may be affected by the * operation. This is <em>all</em> the executions except the ones we are * explicitly told to ignore (and their descendants). */ private Set<ISequenceNode> findAllSequenceNodesToConsider() { Set<ISequenceNode> sequenceNodes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); sequenceNodes.addAll(sequenceDiagram.getAllAbstractNodeEvents()); sequenceNodes.addAll(sequenceDiagram.getAllInteractionUses()); sequenceNodes.addAll(sequenceDiagram.getAllCombinedFragments()); sequenceNodes.addAll(sequenceDiagram.getAllOperands()); sequenceNodes.removeAll(eventsToIgnore); return sequenceNodes; } private Set<Message> findAllMessagesToConsider() { Set<Message> messages = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Message msg : sequenceDiagram.getAllMessages()) { if (!isBetweenTwoMovedEvents(msg) || isContainedReflexiveMessage(msg)) { messages.add(msg); } } return messages; } private boolean isBetweenTwoMovedEvents(Message msg) { return eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getSourceElement()) && eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getTargetElement()); } /** * Validate if the message is a reflexive message between two ignored * executions * * @param msg * a Message * @return if the message "msg" is a reflexive message between two ignored * executions */ private boolean isContainedReflexiveMessage(Message msg) { return eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getSourceElement()) && eventsToIgnore.contains(msg.getTargetElement()) && msg.isReflective(); } private void categorizeMessages(Set<Message> messages) { messagesToResize = Sets.newHashSet(); messagesToShift = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Message ise : Iterables.filter(messages, Predicates.not( { if (containsInsertionPoint(ise)) { messagesToResize.add(ise); } else if (isStrictlyBelowInsertionPoint(ise) || isConnectedToAMovedExecutionByASingleEnd(ise)) { messagesToShift.add(ise); } } } /** * Decide what needs to be done for each of the specified ISequenceNode: * <ul> * <li>nothing if it is above the expansion zone.</li> * <li>a resize if it intersects the insertion point, i.e. its top is above * the point but its bottom is below.</li> * <li>a complete shift if it is completely below the insertion point.</li> * </ul> * <p> * After completion of this method, <code>toResize</code> contains all the * executions which need to be resized and <code>toShift</code> all the * executions which need to be shifted. */ private void categorizeSequenceNodes(Set<? extends ISequenceNode> sequenceNodes) { eventsToResize = Sets.newHashSet(); eventsToShift = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ISequenceNode isn : sequenceNodes) { if (isn instanceof ISequenceEvent) { ISequenceEvent ise = (ISequenceEvent) isn; if (containsInsertionPoint(ise)) { eventsToResize.add(isn); } else if (isStrictlyBelowInsertionPoint(ise) && !(isn instanceof Operand && eventsToShift.contains(((Operand) isn).getCombinedFragment()))) { eventsToShift.add(isn); } } } } private void shiftSequenceNodes() { for (ISequenceNode nodes : Iterables.filter(eventsToShift, Predicates.not(Predicates.instanceOf(AbstractNodeEvent.class)))) { shift(nodes, expansionSize); } for (AbstractNodeEvent execution : Iterables.filter(eventsToShift, AbstractNodeEvent.class)) { Lifeline lep = execution.getLifeline().get(); Option<Message> cm = lep.getCreationMessage(); if (cm.some() && isStrictlyBelowInsertionPoint(cm.get())) { continue; } /* * Only actually shift the "top-level" executions. The rest will be * moved along with their shifted ancestor, as execution position is * relative to its parent. */ if (!containsAncestors(eventsToShift, execution)) { shift(execution, expansionSize); } } for (AbstractNodeEvent execution : Iterables.filter(eventsToIgnore, AbstractNodeEvent.class)) { /* * Unshift events to ignore... */ if (eventsToShift.contains(execution.getHierarchicalParentEvent())) { shift(execution, -expansionSize); } } } private void resizeSequenceNodes() { for (ISequenceNode ise : eventsToResize) { expandDown(ise, expansionSize); } } private boolean containsAncestors(Set<ISequenceNode> events, AbstractNodeEvent ise) { ISequenceEvent parent = ise.getHierarchicalParentEvent(); if (parent == null || !(parent instanceof AbstractNodeEvent)) { return false; } else { return Iterables.contains(events, parent) || containsAncestors(events, (AbstractNodeEvent) parent); } } private boolean containsInsertionPoint(ISequenceEvent event) { return event != null && event.getVerticalRange().includes(insertionPoint); } private boolean isStrictlyBelowInsertionPoint(ISequenceEvent event) { return event != null && event.getVerticalRange().getLowerBound() > insertionPoint; } private void expandDown(Lifeline lifeline, int height) { Range range = lifeline.getVerticalRange(); lifeline.setVerticalRange(new Range(range.getLowerBound(), range.getUpperBound() + height)); } private void expandDown(ISequenceNode isn, int height) { Node node = isn.getNotationNode(); LayoutConstraint layoutConstraint = node.getLayoutConstraint(); if (layoutConstraint instanceof Size) { Size s = (Size) layoutConstraint; s.setHeight(s.getHeight() + height); } } private void shift(ISequenceNode isn, int height) { Node node = (Node) isn.getNotationView(); LayoutConstraint layoutConstraint = node.getLayoutConstraint(); if (layoutConstraint instanceof Location && height != 0) { Location location = (Location) layoutConstraint; location.setY(location.getY() + height); } } }