Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Computes the appropriate graphical locations of sequence events and lifelines * on a sequence diagram to reflect the semantic order. * * @param <S> * the layouted element type. * * @param <T> * the layout data type. * * @param <U> * the ordering type. * * @author mporhel */ public abstract class AbstractSequenceOrderingLayout<S, T, U> extends AbstractSequenceLayout<S, T> { /** * The semantic ordering. */ protected final List<U> semanticOrdering; /** * The graphical ordering. */ protected final List<U> graphicalOrdering; /** * Semantic flagged ordering elements. */ protected final List<U> flaggedEnds; /** * Old flagged absolute bounds. */ protected final Map<S, Rectangle> oldFlaggedLayoutData; /** * Constructor. * * @param sequenceDiagram * the sequence diagram to layout. */ public AbstractSequenceOrderingLayout(SequenceDiagram sequenceDiagram) { super(sequenceDiagram); this.semanticOrdering = Lists.newArrayList(); this.graphicalOrdering = Lists.newArrayList(); this.flaggedEnds = Lists.newArrayList(); this.oldFlaggedLayoutData = Maps.newHashMap(); } /** * Dispose the layout context after layout application. */ protected void dispose() { semanticOrdering.clear(); graphicalOrdering.clear(); flaggedEnds.clear(); oldFlaggedLayoutData.clear(); super.dispose(); } /** * * Look in the semantic, graphical and flaggedEnds orderings to retrieve the * safest predecessor and try to keep a stable delta regarding it. * * @param currentPos * the current position (x or y) * @param element * the current ordering element * @param alreadyComputedLocations * the already computed locations * @return the delta stable position. */ protected int getDeltaStablePosition(final int currentPos, final U element, Map<? extends U, Integer> alreadyComputedLocations) { int deltaStablePos = currentPos; int semanticIndex = semanticOrdering.indexOf(element); int graphicalIndex = graphicalOrdering.indexOf(element); int flaggedIndex = flaggedEnds.indexOf(element); if (flaggedIndex != -1 && semanticIndex != 0 && graphicalIndex != -1) { List<U> semanticPredecessors = Lists.newArrayList(semanticOrdering.subList(0, semanticIndex)); List<U> graphicalPredecessors = Lists.newArrayList(graphicalOrdering.subList(0, graphicalIndex)); List<U> flaggedPredecessors = Lists.newArrayList(flaggedEnds.subList(0, flaggedIndex)); // Intersection semanticPredecessors.retainAll(flaggedEnds); graphicalPredecessors.retainAll(flaggedEnds); flaggedPredecessors.retainAll(semanticPredecessors); // Which is the safer position ? Function<U, Integer> oldPosition = getOldPosition(); U flaggedPred = null; if (Iterables.elementsEqual(semanticPredecessors, graphicalPredecessors) && !graphicalPredecessors.isEmpty()) { flaggedPred = graphicalPredecessors.get(graphicalPredecessors.size() - 1); } else { // Desynchronisation -> flagged position oldPosition = getOldFlaggedPosition(); // Look for the last semantic predecessor with same index in // semantic and flagged lists. U potentialSafePred = null; for (int i = 0; i < flaggedPredecessors.size(); i++) { U semPot = semanticPredecessors.get(i); U flaggedPot = flaggedPredecessors.get(i); if (semPot != null && semPot.equals(flaggedPot)) { potentialSafePred = semPot; } } if (potentialSafePred != null) { flaggedPred = potentialSafePred; } } if (flaggedPred != null) { Integer predY = oldPosition.apply(flaggedPred); Integer flaggedY = oldPosition.apply(element); int delta = flaggedY - predY; if (delta >= 0) { deltaStablePos = alreadyComputedLocations.get(flaggedPred) + delta; } } } return deltaStablePos; } /** * A function to retrieve the old positions. * * @return the function. */ protected abstract Function<U, Integer> getOldPosition(); /** * A function to retrieve the old flagged positions. * * @return the function. */ protected abstract Function<U, Integer> getOldFlaggedPosition(); }