Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 Obeo. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility methods for working with IInterpreterContexts. * * @author <a href="">Cedric Brun</a> * */ public final class IInterpreterContextUtils { private IInterpreterContextUtils() { } /** * Configure the given {@link IInterpreter} instance with the metamodels, * dependencies and scope settings provided by the * {@link IInterpreterContext}. * * @param interpreter * the interpreter to configure. * @param context * the context holding the settings. */ public static void configureInterpreter(IInterpreter interpreter, IInterpreterContext context) { Set<String> projectsOrBundleInScope = collectProjectsOrPlugins(context); interpreter.setProperty(IInterpreter.FILES, projectsOrBundleInScope); Collection<MetamodelDescriptor> availableMetamodels = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (EPackage pak : context.getAvailableEPackages()) { if (pak != null && pak.eResource() != null) { availableMetamodels.add(new EcoreMetamodelDescriptor(pak)); } } interpreter.activateMetamodels(availableMetamodels); interpreter.clearImports(); for (String dependency : context.getDependencies()) { interpreter.addImport(dependency); } } static Set<String> collectProjectsOrPlugins(IInterpreterContext context) { /* * use the VSM resource to declare dependent project/bundles. */ EObject vsmElement = context.getElement(); Set<String> projectsOrBundleInScope = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (vsmElement != null && vsmElement.eResource() != null) { collectProjectName(vsmElement.eResource(), projectsOrBundleInScope); if (vsmElement.eResource().getResourceSet() != null) { for (Resource other : vsmElement.eResource().getResourceSet().getResources()) { if (other != vsmElement.eResource()) { collectProjectName(other, projectsOrBundleInScope); } } } } return projectsOrBundleInScope; } private static void collectProjectName(Resource eResource, Set<String> projectsOrBundleInScope) { if (eResource.getURI() != null && eResource.getURI().segmentCount() >= 2) { URI vsmURI = eResource.getURI(); String bundleOrProjectName = vsmURI.segment(1); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(bundleOrProjectName)) { projectsOrBundleInScope.add(bundleOrProjectName); } } } /** * Utility method to compare two contexts in order to detect if it is * necessary to re-configure an {@link IInterpreter}. * * Only the information related to the search scope of an IInterpreter are * compared : the available metamodels, the imported classes, the available * EPackages. * * @param a * a context. * @param b * another context. * @return true if both context have the same scope definition, false * otherwise. */ public static boolean haveSameScopeDefinition(IInterpreterContext a, IInterpreterContext b) { Set<String> aDependencies = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(a.getDependencies()); Set<String> bDependencies = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(b.getDependencies()); Set<String> aNSURI = collectNSUris(a); Set<String> bNSURI = collectNSUris(b); Set<String> aProjects = collectProjectsOrPlugins(a); Set<String> bProjects = collectProjectsOrPlugins(b); return aDependencies.equals(bDependencies) && aNSURI.equals(bNSURI) && aProjects.equals(bProjects); } private static Set<String> collectNSUris(IInterpreterContext a) { Set<String> aNSURI = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (EPackage pak : a.getAvailableEPackages()) { String nsURI = pak.getNsURI(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(nsURI)) { aNSURI.add(nsURI); } } return aNSURI; } }