Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.oomph.internal.util; import org.eclipse.oomph.util.HexUtil; import org.eclipse.oomph.util.IOExceptionWithCause; import org.eclipse.oomph.util.IOUtil; import org.eclipse.oomph.util.OomphPlugin.BundleFile; import org.eclipse.oomph.util.StringUtil; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; /** * @author Eike Stepper */ public final class HTTPServer { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean DEBUG_REQUEST = false; private static final boolean DEBUG_RESPONSE = false; private static final Map<String, String> CONTENT_TYPES = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static final ImageContext IMAGE_CONTEXT = new ImageContext(); private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; private static final String STATUS_OK = "200 OK"; private static final String STATUS_SEE_OTHER = "303 See Other"; private static final String STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = "400 Bad Request"; private static final String STATUS_FORBIDDEN = "403 Forbidden"; private static final String STATUS_NOT_FOUND = "404 Not Found"; private static final String STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = "500 Internal Server Error"; private static final String STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "501 Not Implemented"; private final List<Context> contexts = new ArrayList<Context>(); private final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); private Acceptor acceptor; public HTTPServer() throws IOException { this(15000, 50000); } public HTTPServer(int minPort, int maxPort) throws IOException { addContext(IMAGE_CONTEXT); for (int port = minPort; port <= maxPort; port++) { try { ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 500); acceptor = new Acceptor(serverSocket); return; } catch (BindException ex) { // Try next port. } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new IOExceptionWithCause("Start interrupted", ex); } } throw new IOException("No port available between " + minPort + " and " + maxPort); } public int getPort() { if (acceptor != null) { return acceptor.getPort(); } return 0; } public String getURL() { int port = acceptor != null ? acceptor.getPort() : 0; return "" + port; } public synchronized void addContext(Context context) { contexts.add(context); Collections.sort(contexts); } public synchronized void removeContext(Context context) { contexts.remove(context); } public synchronized Context getContext(String path) { for (Context context : contexts) { if (path.startsWith(context.getPath())) { return context; } } return null; } public void stop() throws IOException { if (acceptor != null) { acceptor.interrupt(); threadPool.shutdown(); } } @Override public String toString() { return getURL(); } private static void registerContentType(String contentType, String... extensions) { for (String extension : extensions) { CONTENT_TYPES.put(extension, contentType); } } static { registerContentType("application/java-archive", "jar"); registerContentType("application/javascript", "js"); registerContentType("application/json", "json"); registerContentType("application/jsonml+json", "jsonml"); registerContentType("application/pdf", "pdf"); registerContentType("application/xaml+xml", "xaml"); registerContentType("application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml", "xht"); registerContentType("application/xml", "xml", "xsl"); registerContentType("application/xml-dtd", "dtd"); registerContentType("application/xslt+xml", "xslt"); registerContentType("application/zip", "zip"); registerContentType("image/bmp", "bmp"); registerContentType("image/gif", "gif"); registerContentType("image/jpeg", "jpeg", "jpg", "jpe"); registerContentType("image/png", "png"); registerContentType("image/svg+xml", "svg", "svgz"); registerContentType("image/tiff", "tiff", "tif"); registerContentType("image/x-icon", "ico"); registerContentType("text/css", "css"); registerContentType("text/html", "html", "htm"); registerContentType("text/plain", "txt", "text", "conf", "def", "list", "log", "in"); registerContentType("text/x-java-source", "java"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(80, 100); server.addContext(new FileContext("/file/c", true, new File("C:"))); server.addContext(new FileContext("/file/e", true, new File("E:"))); System.out.println("http://localhost:" + server.getPort()); System.out.println(); while ( == 0) { Thread.sleep(50); } server.stop(); } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ private final class Acceptor extends Thread { private final ServerSocket serverSocket; private final CountDownLatch started = new CountDownLatch(1); public Acceptor(ServerSocket serverSocket) throws InterruptedException { super("Httpd"); this.serverSocket = serverSocket; setDaemon(true); start(); started.await(); } public int getPort() { return serverSocket.getLocalPort(); } @Override public void run() { started.countDown(); while (true) { try { Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(socket); threadPool.execute(requestHandler); } catch (Exception ex) { if (interrupted()) { return; } UtilPlugin.INSTANCE.log(ex); } } } @Override public void interrupt() { try { super.interrupt(); } finally { IOUtil.closeSilent(serverSocket); } } } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ private final class RequestHandler implements Runnable { private final Socket socket; public RequestHandler(Socket socket) { this.socket = socket; } public void run() { InputStream inputStream = null; OutputStream outputStream = null; try { try { inputStream = socket.getInputStream(); outputStream = socket.getOutputStream(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isBadState()) { return; } UtilPlugin.INSTANCE.log(ex); } if (inputStream != null && outputStream != null) { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(outputStream); try { handleRequest(input, output); } catch (Exception ex) { if (isBadState()) { return; } if (DEBUG || !(ex instanceof SocketException)) { UtilPlugin.INSTANCE.log(ex); } Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, null, 0, true); } try { output.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { if (DEBUG) { UtilPlugin.INSTANCE.log(ex); } } } } finally { IOUtil.closeSilent(outputStream); IOUtil.closeSilent(inputStream); IOUtil.closeSilent(socket); } } private void handleRequest(BufferedReader input, DataOutputStream output) throws Exception { String line = input.readLine(); if (line == null) { return; } if (DEBUG_REQUEST) { System.out.println(); String l = line; while (!StringUtil.isEmpty(l)) { System.out.println(l); l = input.readLine(); } } line = line.replace(" ", " "); String[] tokens = line.split(" "); if (tokens.length < 2) { Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, null, 0, false); return; } String method = tokens[0]; boolean head = "HEAD".equalsIgnoreCase(method); if (!head && !"GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, null, 0, false); return; } URI uri = new URI("xxx:" + tokens[1]); String path = Context.decodePath(uri.getPath()); Context context = getContext(path); if (context == null) { if (PATH_SEPARATOR.equals(path)) { Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_OK, "index.html", 0, false); for (Context c : contexts) { if (c != IMAGE_CONTEXT) { String href = c.getPath(); output.writeBytes("<img src=\"" + ImageContext.CONTEXT_PATH + ImageContext.NAME_CONTEXT + "\" valign=\"middle\"/> <a href=\"" + href + PATH_SEPARATOR + "\">" + href + "</a><br>\r\n"); } } return; } Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_NOT_FOUND, null, 0, false); return; } path = path.substring(context.getPath().length()); if (!path.startsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) { path = PATH_SEPARATOR + path; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(context + " " + path); } context.handleRequest(path, output, !head); } private boolean isBadState() { return socket.isClosed() || !socket.isConnected() || socket.isInputShutdown() || socket.isOutputShutdown(); } } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ public static abstract class Context implements Comparable<Context> { private static final String URL_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private final String path; private final boolean allowDirectory; protected Context(String path, boolean allowDirectory) { if (!path.startsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path must start with a slash: " + path); } this.path = path; this.allowDirectory = allowDirectory; } public final String getPath() { return path; } public final boolean isAllowDirectory() { return allowDirectory; } public final int compareTo(Context o) { return o.path.length() - path.length(); } public Object getRoot() { return null; } public String getURL(HTTPServer server) { return server.getURL() + path; } @Override public final String toString() { String string = getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + path; Object root = getRoot(); if (root != null) { string += " --> " + root; } return string + "]"; } protected void handleRequest(String path, DataOutputStream output, boolean responseBody) throws IOException { if (isDirectory(path)) { if (!allowDirectory) { Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_FORBIDDEN, null, 0, false); } else { if (!path.endsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) { path += PATH_SEPARATOR; Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_SEE_OTHER, path, 0, false); } else { Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_OK, "index.html", 0, false); } if (path.length() > 1) { output.writeBytes("<img src=\"" + ImageContext.CONTEXT_PATH + ImageContext.NAME_FOLDER_UP + "\" valign=\"middle\"/> <a href=\"../\">..</a><br>\r\n"); } String[] children = getChildren(path); if (children != null) { final String finalPath = path; Arrays.sort(children, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String n1, String n2) { int t1 = getType(n1); int t2 = getType(n2); int result = t1 - t2; if (result == 0) { result = .compareTo(; } return result; } private int getType(String child) { return isDirectory(finalPath + child) ? 1 : 2; } }); for (String child : children) { boolean directory = isDirectory(path + child); output.writeBytes("<img src=\"" + ImageContext.CONTEXT_PATH + (directory ? ImageContext.NAME_FOLDER : ImageContext.NAME_FILE) + "\" valign=\"middle\"/> "); String trailingSlash = directory ? PATH_SEPARATOR : ""; output.writeBytes("<a href=\"" + encodePath(child) + trailingSlash + "\">" + child + trailingSlash + "</a><br>\r\n"); } } } return; } if (!isFile(path)) { Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_NOT_FOUND, null, 0, false); return; } long lastModified = getLastModified(path); Context.sendResponse(output, STATUS_OK, path, lastModified, false); if (responseBody) { InputStream stream = null; try { stream = getContents(path); IOUtil.copy(stream, output); } finally { IOUtil.close(stream); } } } protected abstract boolean isDirectory(String path); protected abstract boolean isFile(String path); protected abstract String[] getChildren(String path) throws IOException; protected abstract InputStream getContents(String path) throws IOException; protected long getLastModified(String path) throws IOException { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } protected static String encodePath(String path) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(path, PATH_SEPARATOR); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(PATH_SEPARATOR); } String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); builder.append(URLEncoder.encode(token, URL_ENCODING)); } return builder.toString(); } protected static String decodePath(String path) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLDecoder.decode(path, URL_ENCODING); } @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "restriction" }) protected static String formatDate(long lastModified) { return org.apache.http.impl.cookie.DateUtils.formatDate(new Date(lastModified)); } protected static void sendResponse(DataOutputStream output, String status, String fileName, long lastModified, boolean ignoreExceptions) { try { output.writeBytes("HTTP/1.0 "); output.writeBytes(status); output.writeBytes("\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: "); output.writeBytes(HTTPServer.class.getName()); output.writeBytes("\r\n"); String location = null; if (status == STATUS_SEE_OTHER) { location = fileName; fileName = "index.html"; } int lastDot = fileName == null ? -1 : fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); String extension = lastDot == -1 ? "txt" : fileName.substring(lastDot + 1); String contentType = CONTENT_TYPES.get(extension); if (contentType == null) { contentType = CONTENT_TYPES.get("txt"); } output.writeBytes("Content-Type: "); output.writeBytes(contentType); output.writeBytes("\r\n"); if (lastModified != 0) { output.writeBytes("Last-Modified: "); output.writeBytes(formatDate(lastModified)); output.writeBytes("\r\n"); } if (location != null) { output.writeBytes("Location: /file/c"); output.writeBytes(location); output.writeBytes("\r\n"); output.writeBytes("\r\n"); return; } output.writeBytes("\r\n"); if (status == STATUS_OK) { return; } output.writeBytes(status); output.writeBytes("\r\n"); } catch (IOException ex) { if (ignoreExceptions) { return; } if (ex instanceof SocketException && ex.getMessage().equals("Software caused connection abort: socket write error")) { return; } UtilPlugin.INSTANCE.log(ex); } } } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ public static class ImageContext extends Context { public static final String CONTEXT_PATH = PATH_SEPARATOR + "~"; public static final String NAME_CONTEXT = PATH_SEPARATOR + "context"; public static final String NAME_FOLDER_UP = PATH_SEPARATOR + "folderup"; public static final String NAME_FOLDER = PATH_SEPARATOR + "folder"; public static final String NAME_FILE = PATH_SEPARATOR + "file"; private static final byte[] ICON_CONTEXT = HexUtil.hexToBytes( "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"); private static final byte[] ICON_FOLDER_UP = HexUtil.hexToBytes( "47494638396110001000841d009c6a3c41913b4a9045ac7a44ac7a4cac825cb48a54bc9264bc926cc4a274ccaa74d4b27cdcb2745edb63e4c27c72e57f93e596ecd28cfcd27cf4da949df3a7fcda8cfce29cfce2a4aff8b7fcea9cfceab4fcf2ccfcfefcffffffffffffffffff21f904010a001f002c000000001000100000056de0278e64699ee7b2280c3a1a5ccc19ae925951e42809df93898d7023180a13408de62280082e4b0d0178b1081e108ae0c0e5220e1f4345d0c05230024bc53289800d128120e094572a39f067203938e80212120e126e230007824d81827d2505908090902e8b2e2502979a2421003b"); private static final byte[] ICON_FOLDER = HexUtil.hexToBytes( "47494638396110001000c40000f8e898f8f0c8f8e8b0e8d088f0d890f8e098f8e0a0f8d888f8d078e0c078f8d890f8d080d8b070bc8532c38b36b47f32a56c24ad722bbc7f32c38536ad6c249e6627ad722f9e5f1d9e5f208f5219ffffffffffff00000000000000000000000021f9040100001b002c0000000010001000000555e0268e64699ea7a33ae84869b046b513001043c24c3c4f3681a070d8204904c8a412437a189e068b744add4414584b61cbdd0e2c1bc8e160199bcd5fd1056159b8dfeeb4286341d8ef76f9a8c2effb5b8081828021003b"); private static final byte[] ICON_FILE = HexUtil.hexToBytes( "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"); private static final byte[] ICON_UNKNOWN = HexUtil.hexToBytes( "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"); public ImageContext() { super(CONTEXT_PATH, false); } @Override protected boolean isDirectory(String path) { return false; } @Override protected boolean isFile(String path) { return true; } @Override protected String[] getChildren(String path) throws IOException { return null; } @Override protected InputStream getContents(String path) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = getImage(path); return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } private byte[] getImage(String path) { if (NAME_CONTEXT.equals(path)) { return ICON_CONTEXT; } if (NAME_FOLDER_UP.equals(path)) { return ICON_FOLDER_UP; } if (NAME_FOLDER.equals(path)) { return ICON_FOLDER; } if (NAME_FILE.equals(path)) { return ICON_FILE; } return ICON_UNKNOWN; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("private static final byte[] ICON_CONTEXT = HexUtil.hexToBytes(\"" + HexUtil.bytesToHex(IOUtil.readFile(new File("/develop/icons/configuration_obj.gif"))) + "\");"); System.out.println("private static final byte[] ICON_FOLDER_UP = HexUtil.hexToBytes(\"" + HexUtil.bytesToHex(IOUtil.readFile(new File("/develop/icons/FolderUp.gif"))) + "\");"); System.out.println("private static final byte[] ICON_FOLDER = HexUtil.hexToBytes(\"" + HexUtil.bytesToHex(IOUtil.readFile(new File("/develop/icons/folder7.gif"))) + "\");"); System.out.println("private static final byte[] ICON_FILE = HexUtil.hexToBytes(\"" + HexUtil.bytesToHex(IOUtil.readFile(new File("/develop/icons/file.gif"))) + "\");"); System.out.println("private static final byte[] ICON_UNKNOWN = HexUtil.hexToBytes(\"" + HexUtil.bytesToHex(IOUtil.readFile(new File("/develop/icons/unknown_obj.gif"))) + "\");"); } } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ public static class FileContext extends Context { private final File root; public FileContext(String path, boolean allowDirectory, File root) { super(path, allowDirectory); this.root = root; } @Override public final File getRoot() { return root; } @Override protected boolean isDirectory(String path) { return getFile(path).isDirectory(); } @Override protected boolean isFile(String path) { return getFile(path).isFile(); } @Override protected String[] getChildren(String path) throws IOException { return getFile(path).list(); } @Override protected InputStream getContents(String path) throws IOException { File file = getFile(path); if (DEBUG_RESPONSE /* && path.endsWith(".html") */) { try { String contents = IOUtil.readUTF8(file); System.out.println(contents); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return new FileInputStream(file); } @Override protected long getLastModified(String path) throws IOException { File file = getFile(path); return file.lastModified(); } private File getFile(String path) { if (root == null) { return new File(path); } return new File(root, path); } } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ public static class PluginContext extends Context { public PluginContext(String path, boolean allowDirectory) { super(path, allowDirectory); } @Override protected boolean isDirectory(String path) { if (path.length() == 1) { // The context root is a directory of the resolved plugins. return true; } try { BundleFile file = getFile(path); return file.isDirectory(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { return false; } } @Override protected boolean isFile(String path) { try { BundleFile file = getFile(path); return !file.isDirectory(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { return false; } } @Override protected String[] getChildren(String path) throws IOException { String[] result; if (path.length() == 1) { // The context root is a directory of the resolved plugins. Bundle[] bundles = UtilPlugin.INSTANCE.getBundleContext().getBundles(); result = new String[bundles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) { result[i] = bundles[i].getSymbolicName(); } } else { BundleFile file = getFile(path); List<BundleFile> children = file.getChildren(); result = new String[children.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = children.get(i).getName(); } } return result; } @Override protected InputStream getContents(String path) throws IOException { BundleFile file = getFile(path); if (DEBUG_RESPONSE /* && path.endsWith(".html") */) { try { String contents = file.getContentsString(); System.out.println(contents); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return file.getContents(); } @Override protected long getLastModified(String path) throws IOException { BundleFile file = getFile(path); return file.getBundle().getLastModified(); } private BundleFile getFile(String path) throws FileNotFoundException { String[] segments = path.split(PATH_SEPARATOR); Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(segments[1]); BundleFile file = new RootBundleFile(bundle); for (int i = 2; file != null && i < segments.length; i++) { String segment = segments[i]; file = file.getChild(segment); } if (file == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path); } return file; } /** * @author Eike Stepper */ private static class RootBundleFile extends BundleFile { private Bundle bundle; public RootBundleFile(Bundle bundle) { super("", true, null); this.bundle = bundle; } @Override public Bundle getBundle() { return bundle; } @Override public String getPath() { return ""; } } } }