Source code

Java tutorial


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 * This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
 * Copyright 2004, 2010 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
 * for its Fraunhofer Institute and Computer Architecture and Software
 * Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
 * Germany.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * $Id: 23495 2010-02-05 23:15:16Z stephan $
 * Please visit for updates and contact.
 * Contributors:
 *      Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
 *      Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.core;

import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.RelevanceConstants.*;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.StubUtility;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.EditorUtility;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.template.contentassist.TemplateProposal;
import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.TestOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.CoreTests;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.IJavaPartitions;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextOperationTarget;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposalExtension;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposalExtension2;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContentAssistProcessor;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.ui.assist.CompletionAdaptor;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.util.JavaProjectHelper;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;

 * Tests for code completion including the UI part 
 * i.e., testing the actual rewriting and also selections. 
 * @author stephan
 * @since 1.1.8
public class CodeCompletionTest extends CoreTests {

    private static final int INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL = CompletionAdaptor.R_METHOD_MAPPING
    private static final int VERY_INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL = CompletionAdaptor.R_METHOD_MAPPING

    private static final Class<CodeCompletionTest> THIS = CodeCompletionTest.class;

    public static Test allTests() {
        return new ProjectTestSetup(new TestSuite(THIS));

    public static Test setUpTest(Test test) {
        return new ProjectTestSetup(test);

    @SuppressWarnings("unused") // dead code inside
    public static Test suite() {
        if (true) {
            return allTests();
        } else {
            TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
            suite.addTest(new CodeCompletionTest("testMethodInvocations2"));
            return new ProjectTestSetup(suite);

    private IJavaProject fJProject1;

    public CodeCompletionTest(String name) {

    private void codeComplete(ICompilationUnit cu, int offset, CompletionProposalCollector collector)
            throws JavaModelException {
        waitBeforeCoreCompletion(); // ??
        cu.codeComplete(offset, collector);

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        fJProject1 = JavaProjectHelper.createOTJavaProject("OTTestProject1", "bin");
        JavaProjectHelper.addRequiredProject(fJProject1, ProjectTestSetup.getProject());

        Hashtable<String, String> options = TestOptions.getDefaultOptions();
        options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_NUMBER_OF_EMPTY_LINES_TO_PRESERVE, "1");
        options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, JavaCore.SPACE);
        options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_SIZE, "4");
        options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, "f");

        IPreferenceStore store = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
        store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEGEN_ADD_COMMENTS, true);
        store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEASSIST_GUESS_METHOD_ARGUMENTS, false);
        store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CODEASSIST_SHOW_VISIBLE_PROPOSALS, false);

                "/* (non-Javadoc)\n * ${see_to_overridden}\n */", null); // TODO(SH): this one is currently used for method bindings, see TODO in CompletionAdaptor.Stubs#createCallout
                "/* (non-Javadoc)\n * ${see_to_target}\n */", null);
        StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.METHODSTUB_ID, "//TODO\n${body_statement}", null);
        StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.CONSTRUCTORCOMMENT_ID, "/**\n * Constructor.\n */",
        StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.METHODCOMMENT_ID, "/**\n * Method.\n */", null);
        StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.CONSTRUCTORSTUB_ID, "//TODO\n${body_statement}", null);
                "/**\n * @return the ${bare_field_name}\n */", fJProject1);
                "/**\n * @param ${param} the ${bare_field_name} to set\n */", fJProject1);

        fBeforeImports = "";
        fAfterImports = "";
        fMembers = "";
        fLocals = "";
        fTrigger = '\0';
        fWaitBeforeCompleting = false;

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
        IPreferenceStore store = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();

    public static void closeEditor(IEditorPart editor) {
        IWorkbenchPartSite site;
        IWorkbenchPage page;
        if (editor != null && (site = editor.getSite()) != null && (page = site.getPage()) != null)
            page.closeEditor(editor, false);

    public static void closeAllEditors() {
        IWorkbenchWindow[] windows = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows();
        for (int i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
            IWorkbenchPage[] pages = windows[i].getPages();
            for (int j = 0; j < pages.length; j++) {
                IEditorReference[] editorReferences = pages[j].getEditorReferences();
                for (int k = 0; k < editorReferences.length; k++)

    /* Legacy style of testing: */
    public void _testCreateCalloutCompletion() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragmentRoot sourceFolder = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJProject1, "src");

        // create base class:
        IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append("package test1;\n");
        buf.append("public class B {\n");
        buf.append("    public void foo() {\n");
        buf.append("    }\n");
        String contents = buf.toString();

        pack1.createCompilationUnit("", contents, false, null);

        // create team class:
        IPackageFragment pack2 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test2", false, null);
        buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append("package test2;\n");
        buf.append("import base test1.B;\n");
        buf.append("public team class T {\n");
        buf.append("    public class R playedBy B {\n");
        buf.append("        fo\n");
        buf.append("    }\n");
        contents = buf.toString();

        ICompilationUnit cuT = pack2.createCompilationUnit("", contents, false, null);

        fEditor = (JavaEditor) JavaUI.openInEditor(cuT);

        String str = "        fo";

        int offset = contents.indexOf(str) + str.length();

        CompletionProposalCollector collector = createCollector(cuT, offset);
        codeComplete(cuT, offset, collector);
        IJavaCompletionProposal[] proposals = collector.getJavaCompletionProposals();

        assertTrue("proposals", proposals.length >= 1);
        IJavaCompletionProposal selected = null;
        for (IJavaCompletionProposal javaCompletionProposal : proposals) {
            if (javaCompletionProposal.getDisplayString().startsWith("foo()  void - Binding")) {
                selected = javaCompletionProposal;
        assertNotNull("expected proposal", selected);

        IDocument doc = fEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(fEditor.getEditorInput());

        buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append("package test2;\n" + "import base test1.B;\n" + "public team class T {\n"
                + "    public class R playedBy B {\n" + "\n" + "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n"
                + "         * @see test1.B#foo()\n" + "         */\n" + "        void foo() -> void foo();\n"
                + "        \n" + "    }\n" + "}\n" + "");
        assertEqualString(doc.get(), buf.toString());

    // helpers for above:
    private CompletionProposalCollector createCollector(ICompilationUnit cu, int offset)
            throws PartInitException, JavaModelException {
        CompletionProposalCollector collector = new CompletionProposalCollector(cu);
        collector.setInvocationContext(createContext(offset, cu));
        return collector;

    private JavaContentAssistInvocationContext createContext(int offset, ICompilationUnit cu)
            throws PartInitException, JavaModelException {
        JavaEditor editor = (JavaEditor) JavaUI.openInEditor(cu);
        ISourceViewer viewer = editor.getViewer();
        return new JavaContentAssistInvocationContext(viewer, offset, editor);

    // ==== START REAL TESTS: ====

    /** At the empty space within a role one could create a constructor. */
    public void testCreateRoleConstructor() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
                "        |", "R(", "        /**\n" + "         * Constructor.\n" + "         */\n"
                        + "        public R(B b) {\n" + "            //TODO\n" + "\n" + "        }",

    public void testCreateCallout1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        fo|", "foo(", "\n" + // TODO(SH): initial newline is not intended?
                "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "         * @see test1.B#foo()\n" + "         */\n"
                + "        void |foo|() -> void foo();\n" + "        ", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    // abstract method exists:
    public void testCreateCallout1a() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        abstract void foo();\n" + "        fo|", "foo(",
                "        abstract void foo();\n" + "\n" + // TODO(SH): initial newline is not intended?
                        "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "         * @see test1.B#foo()\n" + "         */\n"
                        + "        void |foo|() -> void foo();\n" + "        ",

    // ROFI
    public void testCreateCallout2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertROFIBodyProposal("    fo|", "foo(", "\n" + // TODO(SH): initial newline is not intended?
                "    /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "     * @see test1.B#foo()\n" + "     */\n"
                + "    void |foo|() -> void foo();\n" + "    ", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    public void testCreateCalloutOverride1() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n"
                + "   public class MyRole {\n" + "      String blub(int i) { return \"\"; }\n" + "   }\n" + "}\n",
                true, null);

        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public class ABase {\n"
                + "   String blub(int k) { return null; }\n" + "}\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import base test1.p1.ABase;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateCalloutOverride1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class MyRole playedBy ABase {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      \n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import base test1.p1.ABase;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateCalloutOverride1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class MyRole playedBy ABase {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        /* (non-Javadoc)\n");
        expectedContent.append("         * @see test1.p1.ABase#blub(int)\n");
        expectedContent.append("         */\n");
        expectedContent.append("        String blub(int k) => String blub(int k);\n");
        expectedContent.append("      \n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "      ";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("String");

        // discriminate from overriding "blub(int i)":
        assertProposal("blub(int k", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, "String".length()), 0);

    // callout override to field
    public void testCreateCalloutOverride2() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
                "", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n"
                        + "   public class MyRole {\n" + "      void setBlub(int i) { }\n" + "   }\n" + "}\n",
                true, null);

                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public class ABase {\n" + "   int blub;\n" + "}\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import base test1.p1.ABase;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateCalloutOverride1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class MyRole playedBy ABase {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      set\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import base test1.p1.ABase;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateCalloutOverride1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class MyRole playedBy ABase {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        /**\n");
        expectedContent.append("         * \n");
        expectedContent.append("         */\n");
        expectedContent.append("        void setBlub(int blub) => set int blub;\n");
        expectedContent.append("      \n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "      set";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("      ");

        // discriminate from overriding "setBlub(int i)":
        assertProposal("setBlub(int)", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter + 2, 0), 0);

    // Bug 374840 - [assist] callout completion after parameter mapping garbles the code
    public void testCreateCalloutOverride3() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");

                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public class ABase {\n" + "   Object blub;\n" + "}\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import base test1.p1.ABase;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateCalloutOverride3 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class MyRole playedBy ABase {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      public String getBlubString() -> get Object blub\n");
        subTeamContent.append("          with { result <- blub.toString() }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      toStr\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import base test1.p1.ABase;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateCalloutOverride3 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class MyRole playedBy ABase {\n");
        expectedContent.append("      public String getBlubString() -> get Object blub\n");
        expectedContent.append("          with { result <- blub.toString() }\n");
        expectedContent.append("        /* (non-Javadoc)\n");
        expectedContent.append("         * @see java.lang.Object#toString()\n");
        expectedContent.append("         */\n");
        expectedContent.append("        String toString() => String toString();\n");
        expectedContent.append("      \n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "      toStr";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("String toString");

        // discriminate from method override:
        assertProposal("toString()  String", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, "String".length()), 0);

    public void testCompleteCallout1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        void foo() ->|", "foo(", "        void foo() ->| void foo();|" + // SH: why selected?

    public void testCompleteCallout2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        foo -> |", "foo(", "        foo -> foo; |" + // SH: trailing space? 

    /* short, no callinModifier, callin-method, follows: short callin. */
    public void testCompleteCallout3() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        void foo() ->|\n" + // no leading space, inserted below (good)
                "        bar <- replace clone;\n", "foo(", "        callin void bar() {}\n"
                        + "        void foo() ->| void foo();|\n" + "        bar <- replace clone;\n" + "",

    /* short, prefix typed, follows: method */
    public void testCompleteCallout4() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        foo -> f|", "foo(", "        foo -> |foo;|",

    public void testCompleteCallout5() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
                "      |", "foo(", "\n" + "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "         * @see test1.B#foo()\n"
                        + "         */\n" + "        void |foo|() -> void foo();\n" + "      ",

    public void testCompleteCallout6() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertROFIBodyProposal("   |", "foo(", "\n" + "    /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "     * @see test1.B#foo()\n"
                + "     */\n" + "    void |foo|() -> void foo();\n" + "   ", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    // callout to static from ROFI
    public void testCompleteCallout7() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public static void foo() {}\n");
        assertROFIBodyProposal("   |", "foo(", "\n" + "    /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "     * @see test1.B#foo()\n"
                + "     */\n" + "    void |foo|() -> void foo();\n" + "   ", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    // See Bug 395762: this case could trigger the reported hang
    public void testCompleteParameterMapping1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    java.util.List<String> names;\n");
        assertNosuchTypeBodyProposal("        String setName(int i, String n) -> set java.util.List<String> names\n"
                + "            with { n -> base.| }", "names", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    // similar to above, positive case
    public void testCompleteParameterMapping2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    java.util.List<String> names;\n");
                "        String getName(int i) -> get java.util.List<String> names\n"
                        + "            with { result <- base.| }",
                "names", "        String getName(int i) -> get java.util.List<String> names\n"
                        + "            with { result <- base.names|| }",

    // Bug 353468 - [completion] completing a method binding inserts nested class by its binary name
    public void testCreateMethodBinding1() throws Exception {
        // secondary types:
        createBaseClass("test1.b1", "B1", "    public class Inner{}\n");
        createBaseClass("test1.b2", "B2", "");
        // the base class bound to our role:
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append("package test1;\n");
        buf.append("import test1.b1.B1;\n");
        buf.append("import test1.b2.B2;\n");
        buf.append("public class B {\n");
        buf.append("    public void foo(B1 b1, B1.Inner inner, B2 b2);\n");
        String contents = buf.toString();
        IPackageFragment basePkg = CompletionTestSetup.getAbsoluteTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "test1");
        basePkg.createCompilationUnit("", contents, true, null);

        fAfterImports = "\n" + "import test1.b1.B1;\n" + "import test1.b1.B1.Inner;\n" + "import test1.b2.B2;\n";

        assertTypeBodyProposal("        |", "foo(", "\n" + "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n"
                + "         * @see test1.B#foo(test1.b1.B1, test1.b1.B1.Inner, test1.b2.B2)\n" + "         */\n"
                + "        void |foo|(B1 b1, Inner inner, B2 b2) -> void foo(B1 b1, Inner inner,\n"
                + "                B2 b2);\n" + "        ", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    /** A base method spec with return type and beginning of the selector is searched. */
    public void testCompletionMethodSpecLong1() throws Exception {
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        String toString() => String toStr|", "toString(",
                "        String toString() => |String toString();|", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    /** A base method spec without return type and beginning of the selector is searched. */
    public void testCompletionMethodSpecLong2() throws Exception {
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        String toString() => toStr|", "toString(",
                "        String toString() => |String toString();|", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    /** A base method spec with return type and no selector is searched. */
    public void testCompletionMethodSpecLong3() throws Exception {
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        String toString() => String |", "toString(",
                "        String toString() => String toString(); |", // trailing space?

    /* short, no callinModifier, follows: method */
    public void testCompleteCallin1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <-|\n" + // no space, inserted below (good)
                "        void zork() {}\n", "foo(",
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- |before| foo;\n" + "        void zork() {}\n" + "",

    // concrete method exists, create full callin binding (cf. testCreateCallout1a()).
    public void testCreateCallin1a() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        void foo() {}\n" + "        fo|", "foo(", "        void foo() {}\n" + "\n" + // TODO(SH): initial newline is not intended?
                "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "         * @see test1.B#foo()\n" + "         */\n"
                + "        void |foo|() <- before void foo();\n" + "        ", INTERESTING_CALLIN_CALLOUT_PROPOSAL);

    // create callin with non-default selections in linked mode
    // DISABLED because I'm yet to find a way for triggering linked mode selection in a test
    public void _testCreateCallin2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public String foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        fo|", "foo(", "\n" + // TODO(SH): initial newline is not intended?
                "        /* (non-Javadoc)\n" + "         * @see test1.B#foo()\n" + "         */\n"
                + "        |String| foo() <- before void foo();\n" + "        ",

    /* short, with callinModifier, follows: callout binding. */
    public void testCompleteCallin2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- after |\n" + "        void foo() -> void foo();\n",
                "foo(", "        void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- after foo; |\n" + // SH: trailing space?
                        "        void foo() -> void foo();\n" + "",

    /* short, with callinModifier, follows: callout binding, non-keyword return type. */
    public void testCompleteCallin2a() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public String foo() { return null; }\n");
                "        String bar() { return \"\"; }\n" + "        bar <- after |\n"
                        + "        String foo() -> String foo();\n",
                "foo(", "        String bar() { return \"\"; }\n" + "        bar <- after foo; |\n" + // SH: trailing space?
                        "        String foo() -> String foo();\n" + "",

    /* long, with callinModifier, follows: field. */
    public void testCompleteCallin3() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        void bar() {}\n" + "        void bar() <-after |\n" + // cannot insert space before modifier (OK)
                "        int i;\n", "foo(",
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        void bar() <-after void foo(); |\n" + "        int i;\n" + "",

    /* long, no callinModifier, callin-method, follows: field. */
    public void testCompleteCallin4() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        void bar() <- |\n" + "        int i;\n",
                "foo(", "        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        void bar() <- |replace| void foo(); \n"
                        + "        int i;\n" + "",

    /* long, no callinModifier, callin-method, follows: method. */
    public void testCompleteCallin5() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        void bar() <-|\n" + // no leading space, inserted below (good)
                "        int zork() {}\n", "foo(", "        callin void bar() {}\n"
                        + "        void bar() <- |replace| void foo();\n" + "        int zork() {}\n" + "",

    /* long, no callinModifier, callin-method, follows: short callin. */
    public void testCompleteCallin6() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        void bar() <-|\n" + // no leading space, inserted below (good)
                "        bar <- replace clone;\n", "foo(", "        callin void bar() {}\n"
                        + "        void bar() <- |replace| void foo();\n" + "        bar <- replace clone;\n" + "",

    /* long, no callinModifier, callin-method, follows: short callin. */
    public void testCompleteCallin7() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
                "        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- replace |\n" + "        bar <- replace clone;\n",
                "foo", "        callin void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- replace foo; |\n" + // SH: trailing space?
                        "        bar <- replace clone;\n" + "",

    /* short, prefix typed, with callinModifier, follows: callout binding. */
    public void testCompleteCallin8() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public void foo() {}\n");
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- after f|\n" + "        void foo() -> void foo();\n",
                "foo(", "        void bar() {}\n" + "        bar <- after |foo;|\n"
                        + "        void foo() -> void foo();\n" + "",

    public void testCompleteBasecall1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public String getBaseText(Object object) {return null;}\n");
                "        callin String getText(Object o) {\n" + "            return base.|\n" + "        }\n"
                        + "        getText <- replace getBaseText;\n",
                "", // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others
                "        callin String getText(Object o) {\n" + "            return base.getText(|o|)\n"
                        + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getBaseText;\n" + "",
                0); // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others

    // static case, result ignored - see
    public void testCompleteBasecall2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public static String getBaseText(Object object) {return null;}\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        static callin String getText(Object o) {\n" + "            base.|\n"
                + "            return \"\";\n" + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getBaseText;\n", "", // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others
                "        static callin String getText(Object o) {\n" + "            base.getText(|o|)\n"
                        + "            return \"\";\n" + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getBaseText;\n"
                        + "",
                0); // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others

    // - [assist] template proposals not working after a base call
    public void testMethodInvocations1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public String getBaseText(Object object) {return null;}\n");
                "        callin String getText(Object o) {\n" + "          if (o != null)\n"
                        + "               return base.getText(o);\n" + "          sysout|\n"
                        + "          return \"\";\n" + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getBaseText;\n",
                "", // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others
                "        callin String getText(Object o) {\n" + "          if (o != null)\n"
                        + "               return base.getText(o);\n" + "          System.out.println(||);\n"
                        + "          return \"\";\n" + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getBaseText;\n"
                        + "",
                0); // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others

    // - [assist] template proposals not working after a base call
    // variant challenging completion after a tsuper call
    public void testMethodInvocations2() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragmentRoot sourceFolder = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJProject1, "src");

        IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
        String contents = "package test1;\n" + "\n" + "public team class CompletionTeam0 {\n"
                + "    protected class R {\n" + "        void foomethod(int i) {}\n"
                + "        void foomethod(String s) {}\n" + "        void barmethod(int i) {}\n" + "    }\n"
                + "}\n";
        pack1.createCompilationUnit("", contents, false, null);

        contents = "package test1;\n" + "\n" + "public team class CompletionTeam1 extends CompletionTeam0 {\n"
                + "    protected class R {\n" + "        void foomethod(int i) {\n"
                + "            tsuper.foomethod(i);\n" + "          sysout//here\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n"
                + "}\n";
        ICompilationUnit cu1 = pack1.createCompilationUnit("", contents, false, null);

        String str = "//here";

        int offset = contents.indexOf(str);

        fEditor = (JavaEditor) EditorUtility.openInEditor(cu1);
        ICompletionProposal proposal = findNonNullProposal("", cu1, new Region(offset, 0), 0);
        String expectedContents = "package test1;\n" + "\n"
                + "public team class CompletionTeam1 extends CompletionTeam0 {\n" + "    protected class R {\n"
                + "        void foomethod(int i) {\n" + "            tsuper.foomethod(i);\n"
                + "          System.out.println();//here\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "}\n";
        assertAppliedTemplateProposal(contents, (TemplateProposal) proposal, expectedContents);

    public void testCompleteTSuperCall1() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragmentRoot sourceFolder = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJProject1, "src");

        IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
        String contents = "package test1;\n" + "\n" + "public team class CompletionTeam0 {\n"
                + "    protected class R {\n" + "        void foomethod(int i) {}\n"
                + "        void foomethod(String s) {}\n" + "        void barmethod(int i) {}\n" + "    }\n"
                + "}\n";
        pack1.createCompilationUnit("", contents, false, null);

        contents = "package test1;\n" + "\n" + "public team class CompletionTeam1 extends CompletionTeam0 {\n"
                + "    protected class R {\n" + "        void foomethod(int i) {\n" + "            tsuper.//here\n"
                + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "}\n";
        ICompilationUnit cu1 = pack1.createCompilationUnit("", contents, false, null);

        String str = "//here";

        int offset = contents.indexOf(str);

        CompletionProposalCollector collector = createCollector(cu1, offset);

        codeComplete(cu1, offset, collector);

        IJavaCompletionProposal[] proposals = collector.getJavaCompletionProposals();

        // strictly expect one method only.
        assertEquals(1, proposals.length);
        assertAppliedProposal(contents, proposals[0], "foomethod();"); // arguments are not inserted by this method :(

    // see Trac #126
    public void testCompleteInCallinMethod1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("    public String getText() { return null; }\n");
        ICompletionProposal proposal = assertTypeBodyProposal(
                "        void foo(int i) {} \n" + "        callin void getText() {\n" + "            int idx = 3;\n"
                        + "            foo|\n" + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getText;\n",
                "foo", // this is just step 1.
                "        void foo(int i) {} \n" + "        callin void getText() {\n" + "            int idx = 3;\n"
                        + "            foo(|i|);\n" + "        }\n" + "        getText <- replace getText;\n" + "",
                0); // should only have one proposal, so accept any to see if there are others
        // this is the interesting check: choices??
        assertChoices(proposal, new String[][] { new String[] { "i", "idx", "0" } });

    /* Full c-t-f declaration */
    public void testCalloutToField1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("public int myField;\n");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("        void bar() {}\n" + "        get|\n" + "        void blub() {}\n",
                "getMyField", "        void bar() {}\n" + "        /**\n" + "         * \n" + // TODO(SH): define method binding comment templates
                        "         */\n" + "        int getMyField() -> get int myField;\n" + "        |\n" + // TODO(SH): newline not intended?
                        "        void blub() {}\n" + "",

    /* after modifier w/o trailing space */
    public void testCalloutToField2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("public int myField;\n");
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        int getMyField() -> get|\n" + "        void blub() {}\n",
                " int", "        void bar() {}\n" + "        int getMyField() -> get int myField;|\n"
                        + "        void blub() {}\n" + "",

    /* after modifier w/ trailing space */
    public void testCalloutToField3() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("public int myField;\n");
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        void setMyField(int v) -> set |\n"
                        + "        void blub() {}\n",
                "int", "        void bar() {}\n" + "        void setMyField(int v) -> set int myField;|\n"
                        + "        void blub() {}\n" + "",

    /* after modifier w/ trailing space - multiple base fields */
    public void testCalloutToField4() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("public int myField;\n" + "public int yourField;\n" + "public boolean nobodysField;");
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        int getMyField() -> get |\n" + "        void blub() {}\n",
                "int y", "        void bar() {}\n" + "        int getMyField() -> get int yourField;|\n"
                        + "        void blub() {}\n" + "",

    /* after modifier w/ trailing space - multiple base fields, mismatching type */
    public void testCalloutToField5() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("public int myField;\n" + "public int yourField;\n" + "public boolean nobodysField;");
                "        void bar() {}\n" + "        int getMyField() -> get |\n" + "        void blub() {}\n",

    /* Don't accidentally propose a getter for _OT$base: */
    public void testCalloutToField6() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("public int myField;\n" + "public int yourField;\n" + "public boolean nobodysField;");
        assertNosuchTypeBodyProposal("        void bar() {}\n" + "        get|\n" + "        void blub() {}\n",
                "get_", 100);

    public void testPlayedBy1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("test2", "MyBase", "");
        fBeforeImports = "";
        fAfterImports = "\nimport base test2.MyBase;\n";
        assertTypeBodyProposal("protected class R playedBy MyBa| {\n" + "}\n", "MyBase",
                "protected class R playedBy MyBase| {\n" + "}\n", 0, false);

    public void testPlayedBy2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "");
        fBeforeImports = "\n" + "import java.util.Map;\n";
        fAfterImports = "\n" + "import java.util.Map;\n" + "\n" + "import base test2.AClass;\n";
        assertTypeBodyProposal("protected class AClass playedBy A| {\n" + "}\n", "ACl",
                "protected class AClass playedBy AClass| {\n" + "}\n", 0, false);

    // - Adopt and adjust new ImportRewriteAnalyzer from JDT/Core
    // base import for other role already exists, correctly sort in.
    public void testPlayedBy3() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "test3");
        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test3;\n" + "public class OtherBase {}\n", true, null);

        createBaseClass("test2", "MyBase", "");
        fBeforeImports = "\n" + "import java.util.Map;\n" + "\n" + "import base test3.OtherBase;\n";
        fAfterImports = "\n" + "import java.util.Map;\n" + "\n" + "import base test2.MyBase;\n"
                + "import base test3.OtherBase;\n";
                "protected class R playedBy MyBa| {\n" + "}\n" + "protected class R2 playedBy OtherBase {\n"
                        + "   Map<String,String> f;\n" + "}\n",
                "MyBase", "protected class R playedBy MyBase| {\n" + "}\n"
                        + "protected class R2 playedBy OtherBase {\n" + "   Map<String,String> f;\n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    public void testBaseGuard1() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public boolean check() { return false; }");
        fBeforeImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        fAfterImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass\n" + "        base when (base.|)\n" + "{\n" + "}\n", "che",
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass\n" + "        base when (base.check()|)\n" + "{\n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    public void testBaseGuard2() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "");
        assertTypeBodyProposal("protected class ARole playedBy AClass\n" + "        ba|\n" + "{\n" + "}\n", "base",
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass\n" + "        base when (|)\n" + "{\n" + "}\n", 0, false);

    public void testGuard3() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public boolean check() { return false; }");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    toString <- after check w| \n" + "}\n", "wh",
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    toString <- after check when (|) \n" + "}\n", 0,

    public void testGuard4() throws Exception {
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public String check() { return false; }");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    String toString() <- after String check() w| \n"
                        + "}\n",
                "wh", "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n"
                        + "    String toString() <- after String check() when (|) \n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    // inside guard of short method binding
    // Bug 340083 - [assist] cannot complete inside a binding guard
    public void testGuard5() throws Exception {
        fBeforeImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        fAfterImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public String check() { return \"false\"; }");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    toString <- after check when(f|); \n" + "}\n",
                "fla", "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    toString <- after check when(flag|); \n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    // inside guard of short method binding, field reference
    // Bug 340083 - [assist] cannot complete inside a binding guard
    public void testGuard6() throws Exception {
        fBeforeImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        fAfterImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public String check() { return \"false\"; }");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    toString <- after check when(this.f|); \n" + "}\n",
                "fla", "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    toString <- after check when(this.flag|); \n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    // inside base guard of short method binding, field reference
    // Bug 340083 - [assist] cannot complete inside a binding guard
    public void testGuard7() throws Exception {
        fBeforeImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        fAfterImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public String check() { return \"false\"; }\n public boolean flig;\n");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    toString <- after check base when(base.f|); \n" + "}\n",
                "fl", "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    toString <- after check base when(base.flig|); \n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    // see - [assist] FUP of bug 340083
    // inside base guard of method binding with signatures, field reference
    public void testGuard8() throws Exception {
        fBeforeImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        fAfterImports = "import base test2.AClass;";
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public String check() { return \"false\"; }\n public boolean flig;\n");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    String toString() <- after String check() base when(base.f|); \n" + "}\n",
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "    boolean flag;\n"
                        + "    String toString() <- after String check() base when(base.flig|); \n" + "}\n",
                0, false);

    public void testRoleTag1() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment teamPkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "MyTeam");
        teamPkg.createCompilationUnit("", "team package test1.MyTeam;\n" + "public class MyRole {}\n",
                true, null);
        StringBuffer teamContent = new StringBuffer();
        teamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        teamContent.append("/** @role My */\n");
        teamContent.append("public team class MyTeam {\n");
        teamContent.append("    MyRole roleField;\n"); // trigger loading
        teamContent.append("    protected class MyOtherRole {}\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("/** @role MyRole */\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class MyTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    MyRole roleField;\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class MyOtherRole {}\n");

        String completeAfter = "@role My";
        int pos = teamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();

        assertProposal("My", null, null, teamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent, new Region(pos + 4, 0),
                0); // 4: len(MyRole)-len(My)

    public void testRoleTag2() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment teamPkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "MyTeam");
        teamPkg.createCompilationUnit("", "team package test1.MyTeam;\n" + "public class MyRole {}\n",
                true, null);
        StringBuffer teamContent = new StringBuffer();
        teamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        teamContent.append("/** @role  */\n");
        teamContent.append("public team class MyTeam {\n");
        teamContent.append("    MyRole roleField;\n"); // trigger loading
        teamContent.append("    protected class MyOtherRole {}\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("/** @role MyRole */\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class MyTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    MyRole roleField;\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class MyOtherRole {}\n");

        String completeAfter = "@role ";
        int pos = teamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();

        assertProposal("", null, null, teamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent, new Region(pos + 6, 0), 0); // 6: len(MyRole) 

    public void testCreateMethod1() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n"
                + "   public class MyRole {\n" + "      String blub(int i) { return \"\"; }\n" + "   }\n" + "}\n",
                true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateMethod1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class MyRole {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        blu\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateMethod1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class MyRole {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        /* (non-Javadoc)\n");
        expectedContent.append("         * @see test1.p1.SuperTeam.MyRole#blub(int)\n");
        expectedContent.append("         */\n");
        expectedContent.append("        @Override\n");
        expectedContent.append("        String blub(int i) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("            //TODO\n");
        expectedContent.append("            return tsuper.blub(i);\n");
        expectedContent.append("        }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "blu";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("}") + 1;

        assertProposal("", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent, new Region(posAfter, 0),

    // Bug 362003 - [assist] completion is broken after <B base R> after a base guard
    public void testCreateMethod2() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public class BaseClass {\n" + "    public void blub() {}\n" + "}\n", true,

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import base test1.p1.BaseClass;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateMethod2 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class Role0 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        void foo() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class Role1 extends Role0 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        String val;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        void bar1() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("          \n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class Role2 extends Role0 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        void bar() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        bar <- after blub\n");
        subTeamContent.append("              base when(4 == 5);\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    <B base Role0> void takeIt(B as Role0 o) {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        System.out.print(o);\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import base test1.p1.BaseClass;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testCreateMethod2 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class Role0 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        void foo() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class Role1 extends Role0 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        String val;\n");
        expectedContent.append("        void bar1() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("          /* (non-Javadoc)\n");
        expectedContent.append("         * @see test1.Completion_testCreateMethod2.Role0#foo()\n");
        expectedContent.append("         */\n");
        expectedContent.append("        @Override\n");
        expectedContent.append("        void foo() {\n");
        expectedContent.append("            //TODO\n");
        expectedContent.append("  ;\n");
        expectedContent.append("        }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class Role2 extends Role0 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        void bar() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("        bar <- after blub\n");
        expectedContent.append("              base when(4 == 5);\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    <B base Role0> void takeIt(B as Role0 o) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        System.out.print(o);\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "          ";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("");
        posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("}", posAfter) + 1;

        assertProposal("foo", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);

    // override role, simple case
    public void testOverrideRole1() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n"
                + "   public class MyRole {\n" + "   }\n" + "}\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    \n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    @Override\n");
        expectedContent.append("    public class MyRole {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "    ";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("}") + 1;

        assertProposal("MyRole - Override", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);

    // override role, role file with mentioning in the team
    public void testOverrideRole2() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n" + "   RoleFile field\n;" + // help the compiler to find the role file
                true, null);
        IPackageFragment rolePack = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1.SuperTeam");
                "team package test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n" + "protected class RoleFile { }\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    \n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    @Override\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class RoleFile {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "    ";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("}") + 1;

        assertProposal("RoleFile - Override", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);

    // override role, role file, without mentioning in the team (requires search engine help)
    public void testOverrideRole3() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n" + // no mentioning of RoleFile
                "}\n", true, null);
        IPackageFragment rolePack = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1.SuperTeam");
                "team package test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n" + "protected class RoleFile { }\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    \n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    @Override\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class RoleFile {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "    ";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("}") + 1;

        assertProposal("RoleFile - Override", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);

    // Bug 355255 - [assist] NPE during completion if team contains an enum
    public void testOverrideRole4() throws Exception {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
        pkg.createCompilationUnit("", "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n"
                + "   public class MyRole {\n" + "   }\n" + "}\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    enum Aufzaehlung { EINS, ZWEI }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    \n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testOverrideRole1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    enum Aufzaehlung { EINS, ZWEI }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    @Override\n");
        expectedContent.append("    public class MyRole {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String completeAfter = "}\n    ";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("    }") + 5;

        assertProposal("MyRole - Override", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0), expectedContent,
                new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);

    // propose creating a team instance:
    public void testNewExpression1() throws CoreException {
        createBaseClass("test2", "AClass", "public boolean check() { return false; }");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "}\n" + "static void foo() {\n" + "    new |\n"
                        + "}\n",
                "Completion_", "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "}\n" + "static void foo() {\n"
                        + "    new Completion_testNewExpression1()|\n" + "}\n",
                0, false);


    // propose creating a role instance (bound role):
    public void testNewExpression2() throws CoreException {
        createBaseClass("test1", "AClass", "public boolean check() { return false; }");
                "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "}\n" + "static void foo() {\n" + "    new |\n"
                        + "}\n",
                "A", "protected class ARole playedBy AClass {\n" + "}\n" + "static void foo() {\n"
                        + "    new ARole(|base|)\n" + // editing base argument
                0, false);


    // propose creating a role instance (unbound role):
    public void testNewExpression3() throws CoreException {
                "protected class ARole {\n" + "}\n" + "static void foo() {\n" + "    new |\n" + "}\n", "A",
                "protected class ARole {\n" + "}\n" + "static void foo() {\n" + "    new ARole()|\n" + // no arguments to add
                0, false);


    // propose methods invoked via a phantom role, simple case
    public void testMethodInvocation1() throws CoreException {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n" + "    protected class R {\n"
                        + "        /** Doc of foo() */\n" + "        protected void foo() { }\n" + "    }\n"
                        + "}\n",
                true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        r.\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation1 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");

        String expectedInfo = ">Doc of foo() </body></html>";

        String completeAfter = "r.";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("foo();") + 6;

        ICompletionProposal proposal = assertProposal("foo", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0),
                expectedContent, new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);
        assertTrue("Unexpected additional info", proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo().endsWith(expectedInfo));

    // propose methods invoked via a phantom role, two direct tsuper roles both have the method, pick the nearest version
    public void testMethodInvocation2() throws CoreException {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n" + "  protected team class Mid1 {\n"
                        + "    protected class R {\n" + "        /** Doc of original foo() */\n"
                        + "        protected void foo() { }\n" + "    }\n" + "  }\n"
                        + "  protected team class Mid2 extends Mid1 {\n" + "    protected class R {\n"
                        + "        /** foo in SuperMid2 */\n" + "        protected void foo() { }\n" + "    }\n"
                        + "  }\n" + "}\n",
                true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation2 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  protected team class Mid1 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class R {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      /** foo in SubMid1 */\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  protected team class Mid2 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        r.\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation2 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("  protected team class Mid1 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class R {\n");
        expectedContent.append("      /** foo in SubMid1 */\n");
        expectedContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  protected team class Mid2 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");

        String superMid1R = "%E2%98%82=OTTestProject1/";
        String expectedInfo = ">foo in SuperMid2 " + "<div><b>Overrides:</b> " + "<a href='eclipse-javadoc:"
                + superMid1R + "~foo'>foo()</a> " + "in <a href='eclipse-javadoc:" + superMid1R
                + "'>R</a></div></body></html>";

        String completeAfter = "r.";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf(";") + 8;

        ICompletionProposal proposal = assertProposal("foo", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0),
                expectedContent, new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);
        assertTrue("Unexpected additional info", proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo().endsWith(expectedInfo));

    // propose methods invoked via a phantom role, two direct tsuper roles, only more distant one has the method
    public void testMethodInvocation3() throws CoreException {
        IPackageFragment pkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, "p1");
                "package test1.p1;\n" + "public team class SuperTeam {\n" + "  protected team class Mid1 {\n"
                        + "    protected class R {\n" + "        /** Doc of original foo() */\n"
                        + "        protected void foo() { }\n" + "    }\n" + "  }\n"
                        + "  protected team class Mid2 extends Mid1 {\n" + "    protected class R {\n" + "    }\n"
                        + "  }\n" + "}\n",
                true, null);

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation3 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  protected team class Mid1 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class R {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      /** foo in SubMid1 */\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  protected team class Mid2 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        r.\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("import test1.p1.SuperTeam;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation3 extends SuperTeam {\n");
        expectedContent.append("  protected team class Mid1 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class R {\n");
        expectedContent.append("      /** foo in SubMid1 */\n");
        expectedContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  protected team class Mid2 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");

        String superMid1R = "%E2%98%82=OTTestProject1/";
        String expectedInfo = ">foo in SubMid1 " + "<div><b>Overrides:</b> " + "<a href='eclipse-javadoc:"
                + superMid1R + "~foo'>foo()</a> " + "in <a href='eclipse-javadoc:" + superMid1R
                + "'>R</a></div></body></html>";

        String completeAfter = "r.";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf(";") + 8;

        ICompletionProposal proposal = assertProposal("foo", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0),
                expectedContent, new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);
        assertTrue("Unexpected additional info", proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo().endsWith(expectedInfo));

    // propose methods invoked via a phantom role, simple nested case
    public void testMethodInvocation4() throws CoreException {

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation4 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  protected team class Mid1 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class R {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      /** foo in Mid1 */\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  protected team class Mid2 extends Mid1 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class R {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        r.\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation4 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("  protected team class Mid1 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class R {\n");
        expectedContent.append("      /** foo in Mid1 */\n");
        expectedContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  protected team class Mid2 extends Mid1 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class R {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("    void test(R r) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");

        String expectedInfo = ">foo in Mid1 </body></html>";

        String completeAfter = "r.";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf(";") + 8;

        ICompletionProposal proposal = assertProposal("foo", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0),
                expectedContent, new Region(posAfter, 0), 0);
        assertTrue("Unexpected additional info", proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo().endsWith(expectedInfo));

    // propose methods invoked via a phantom role, simple nested case
    public void testMethodInvocation5() throws CoreException {

        createBaseClass("test1", "B", "public boolean check() { return false; }");

        StringBuffer subTeamContent = new StringBuffer();
        subTeamContent.append("package test1;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation5 {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    protected class R playedBy B {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    java.util.List<R> roles;\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    void test(B as R rarg) {\n");
        subTeamContent.append("        roles.\n");
        subTeamContent.append("    }\n");
        subTeamContent.append("  }\n");

        StringBuffer expectedContent = new StringBuffer();
        expectedContent.append("package test1;\n");
        expectedContent.append("public team class Completion_testMethodInvocation5 {\n");
        expectedContent.append("    protected class R playedBy B {\n");
        expectedContent.append("      protected void foo() {}\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("    java.util.List<R> roles;\n");
        expectedContent.append("    void test(B as R rarg) {\n");
        expectedContent.append("        roles.add(arg0)\n");
        expectedContent.append("    }\n");
        expectedContent.append("  }\n");

        String completeAfter = "roles.";
        int pos = subTeamContent.indexOf(completeAfter) + completeAfter.length();
        int posAfter = expectedContent.indexOf("roles.add(arg0)") + 10; // at start of argument

        ICompletionProposal proposal = assertProposal("add", null, null, subTeamContent, new Region(pos, 0),
                expectedContent, new Region(posAfter, 4), 0);
        assertTrue("Should be a parameter guessing proposal", proposal instanceof ParameterGuessingProposal);
        assertChoices(proposal, new String[][] { new String[] { "arg0", "rarg", "null" } }); // <- this is key: expect "rarg" next to "arg0"!

    // == Below: Helper methods/fields. ==

    private void createBaseClass(String classBody) throws JavaModelException, CoreException {
        createBaseClass("test1", "B", classBody);

    private void createBaseClass(String basePackage, String className, String classBody)
            throws JavaModelException, CoreException {
        // create a base class:
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append("package " + basePackage + ";\n");
        buf.append("public class " + className + " {\n");
        String contents = buf.toString();

        IPackageFragment basePkg = CompletionTestSetup.getAbsoluteTestPackage(this.fJProject1, basePackage);
        basePkg.createCompilationUnit(className + ".java", contents, true, null);

    // from 3.4 AbstractCompletionTest:
    protected static final String CARET = "|";

    private ICompilationUnit fCU;
    private JavaEditor fEditor;

    private String fBeforeImports;
    private String fAfterImports;
    private String fMembers;
    private String fLocals;
    private char fTrigger;
    private boolean fWaitBeforeCompleting;

    protected void assertChoices(ICompletionProposal proposal, String[][] expected) {
        assertTrue("Not a ParameterGuessingProposal", proposal instanceof ParameterGuessingProposal);
        ParameterGuessingProposal pgProposal = (ParameterGuessingProposal) proposal;
        ICompletionProposal[][] choices = new ProposalAdaptor().getChoices(pgProposal);
        assertEquals("Not same number of choices", expected.length, choices.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Not same number of nested choices", expected[i].length, choices[i].length);
            for (int j = 0; j < choices.length; j++) {
                assertEquals("Unexpected choice", expected[i][j], choices[i][j].getDisplayString());

    protected ICompletionProposal assertTypeBodyProposal(String before, String selector, String expected,
            int requiredRelevance) throws CoreException {
        return assertTypeBodyProposal(before, selector, expected, requiredRelevance, true);

    protected ICompletionProposal assertTypeBodyProposal(String before, String selector, String expected,
            int requiredRelevance, boolean addRole) throws CoreException {
        StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
        IRegion preSelection = assembleClassBodyTestCUExtractSelection(contents, before, fBeforeImports, addRole);
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        IRegion expectedSelection = assembleClassBodyTestCUExtractSelection(result, expected, fAfterImports,

        return assertProposal(selector, null, null, contents, preSelection, result, expectedSelection,

    protected ICompletionProposal assertROFIBodyProposal(String before, String selector, String expected,
            int requiredRelevance) throws CoreException {
        IPackageFragment testPkg = CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, null);
        String teamName = "Completion_" + getName();
        testPkg.createCompilationUnit(teamName + ".java", "package test1;\n" + "/** @role RoFiRole */\n"
                + "public team class Completion_" + getName() + " {}\n", true, null);

        StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
        IRegion preSelection = assembleROFIBodyTestCUExtractSelection(contents, before, fBeforeImports);
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        IRegion expectedSelection = assembleROFIBodyTestCUExtractSelection(result, expected, fAfterImports);

        return assertProposal(selector, teamName, "RoFiRole", contents, preSelection, result, expectedSelection,

    protected void assertNosuchTypeBodyProposal(String before, String selector, int requiredRelevance)
            throws CoreException {
        StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
        IRegion preSelection = assembleClassBodyTestCUExtractSelection(contents, before, fBeforeImports, true);

        assertNosuchProposal(selector, contents, preSelection, requiredRelevance);

    private IRegion assembleClassBodyTestCUExtractSelection(StringBuffer buffer, String javadocLine, String imports,
            boolean addRole) {
        String prefix = "package test1;\n" + imports + "\n" + "public team class Completion_" + getName() + " {\n" + // SH: added: team, removed <T> (crashed!!) FIXME!!
                (addRole ? "    protected class R playedBy B {\n" : "") +
                // SH}
                fLocals + ""; // SH: removed blanks
        String postfix = "\n" + "\n" + fMembers +
                (addRole ? "    }\n" : "") +
                // SH}
        StringBuffer lineBuffer = new StringBuffer(javadocLine);
        int firstPipe = lineBuffer.indexOf(CARET);
        int secondPipe;
        if (firstPipe == -1) {
            firstPipe = lineBuffer.length();
            secondPipe = firstPipe;
        } else {
            lineBuffer.replace(firstPipe, firstPipe + CARET.length(), "");
            secondPipe = lineBuffer.indexOf(CARET, firstPipe);
            if (secondPipe == -1)
                secondPipe = firstPipe;
                lineBuffer.replace(secondPipe, secondPipe + CARET.length(), "");
        buffer.append(prefix + lineBuffer + postfix);
        return new Region(firstPipe + prefix.length(), secondPipe - firstPipe);

    private IRegion assembleROFIBodyTestCUExtractSelection(StringBuffer buffer, String javadocLine,
            String imports) {
        String teamName = "Completion_" + getName();
        String prefix = "team package test1." + teamName + ";\n" + imports + "\n"
                + "protected class RoFiRole playedBy B {\n" + fLocals + "";
        String postfix = "\n" + "\n" + fMembers + "}\n";
        StringBuffer lineBuffer = new StringBuffer(javadocLine);
        int firstPipe = lineBuffer.indexOf(CARET);
        int secondPipe;
        if (firstPipe == -1) {
            firstPipe = lineBuffer.length();
            secondPipe = firstPipe;
        } else {
            lineBuffer.replace(firstPipe, firstPipe + CARET.length(), "");
            secondPipe = lineBuffer.indexOf(CARET, firstPipe);
            if (secondPipe == -1)
                secondPipe = firstPipe;
                lineBuffer.replace(secondPipe, secondPipe + CARET.length(), "");
        buffer.append(prefix + lineBuffer + postfix);
        return new Region(firstPipe + prefix.length(), secondPipe - firstPipe);

    private ICompletionProposal assertProposal(String selector, String relativePackage, String typeName,
            StringBuffer contents, IRegion preSelection, StringBuffer result, IRegion expectedSelection,
            int requiredRelevance) throws CoreException {
        //{ObjectTeams: made package and file name configurable via new arguments `relativePackage'/`typeName':
        IPackageFragment pkg = (relativePackage == null)
                ? CompletionTestSetup.getAnonymousTestPackage(this.fJProject1)
                : CompletionTestSetup.getTestPackage(this.fJProject1, relativePackage);
        fCU = (typeName == null) ? createCU(pkg, contents.toString())
                : pkg.createCompilationUnit(typeName + ".java", contents.toString(), false, null);
        // SH}
        fEditor = (JavaEditor) EditorUtility.openInEditor(fCU);
        IDocument doc;
        ITextSelection postSelection;
        ICompletionProposal proposal = null;
        try {
            proposal = findNonNullProposal(selector, fCU, preSelection, requiredRelevance);
            doc = fEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(fEditor.getEditorInput());
            //{ObjectTeams: selection needs to be set in the editor:
                    .setSelection(new TextSelection(preSelection.getOffset(), preSelection.getLength()));
            // SH}
            apply(fEditor, doc, proposal, preSelection);
            postSelection = (ITextSelection) fEditor.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
        } finally {

        assertEquals(result.toString(), doc.get());
        assertEquals("selection offset", expectedSelection.getOffset(), postSelection.getOffset());
        assertEquals("selection length", expectedSelection.getLength(), postSelection.getLength());
        return proposal;

    private void assertNosuchProposal(String selector, StringBuffer contents, IRegion preSelection,
            int requiredRelevance) throws CoreException {
        fCU = createCU(CompletionTestSetup.getAnonymousTestPackage(this.fJProject1), contents.toString());
        fEditor = (JavaEditor) EditorUtility.openInEditor(fCU);
        try {
            ICompletionProposal proposal = findNamedProposal(selector, fCU, preSelection, requiredRelevance);
            assertNull("found unexpected proposal: " + selector, proposal);
        } finally {

    // from 3.4 CodeCompletionTest
    private void assertAppliedProposal(String contents, IJavaCompletionProposal proposal, String completion) {
        IDocument doc = new Document(contents);
        int offset2 = contents.indexOf("//here");
        String result = contents.substring(0, offset2) + completion + contents.substring(offset2);
        assertEquals(result, doc.get());

    private void assertAppliedTemplateProposal(String contents, TemplateProposal proposal,
            String expectedContents) {
        int offset = contents.indexOf("//here");
        proposal.apply(fEditor.getViewer(), ';', 0, offset);
        assertEquals(expectedContents, fEditor.getViewer().getDocument().get());

    private ICompilationUnit createCU(IPackageFragment pack1, String contents) throws JavaModelException {
        ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Completion_" + getName() + ".java", contents, false,
        return cu;

    private ICompletionProposal findNonNullProposal(String prefix, ICompilationUnit cu, IRegion selection,
            int requiredRelevance) throws JavaModelException, PartInitException {
        ICompletionProposal proposal = findNamedProposal(prefix, cu, selection, requiredRelevance);
        assertNotNull("no proposal starting with \"" + prefix + "\"", proposal);
        return proposal;

    private ICompletionProposal findNamedProposal(String prefix, ICompilationUnit cu, IRegion selection,
            int requiredRelevance) throws JavaModelException, PartInitException {
        ICompletionProposal[] proposals = collectProposals(cu, selection);

        ICompletionProposal found = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < proposals.length; i++) {
            if (proposals[i] instanceof IJavaCompletionProposal)
                if (((IJavaCompletionProposal) proposals[i]).getRelevance() < requiredRelevance)
            String displayString = proposals[i].getDisplayString();
            if (displayString.startsWith(prefix)) {
                if (found == null || displayString.equals(prefix))
                    found = proposals[i];
        return found;

    private ICompletionProposal[] collectProposals(ICompilationUnit cu, IRegion selection)
            throws JavaModelException, PartInitException {
        ContentAssistant assistant = new ContentAssistant();
        IContentAssistProcessor javaProcessor = new JavaCompletionProcessor(fEditor, assistant, getContentType());

        ICompletionProposal[] proposals = javaProcessor.computeCompletionProposals(fEditor.getViewer(),
        return proposals;

     * Invokes {@link Thread#sleep(long)} if {@link #waitBeforeCompleting(boolean)} was set to
     * <code>true</code> or camel case completions are enabled. For some reasons, inner types and
     * camel case matches don't show up otherwise.
     * @since 3.2
    private void waitBeforeCoreCompletion() {
        if (fWaitBeforeCompleting
                || JavaCore.ENABLED.equals(JavaCore.getOption(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH))) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException x) {

    protected String getContentType() {
        return IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;

    private void apply(ITextEditor editor, IDocument doc, ICompletionProposal proposal, IRegion selection) {
        if (proposal instanceof ICompletionProposalExtension2) {
            ICompletionProposalExtension2 ext = (ICompletionProposalExtension2) proposal;
            ITextViewer viewer = (ITextViewer) editor.getAdapter(ITextOperationTarget.class);
            ext.selected(viewer, false);
            viewer.setSelectedRange(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength());
            ext.apply(viewer, fTrigger, 0, selection.getOffset());
            Point range = proposal.getSelection(doc);
            if (range != null)
                viewer.setSelectedRange(range.x, range.y);
        } else if (proposal instanceof ICompletionProposalExtension) {
            ICompletionProposalExtension ext = (ICompletionProposalExtension) proposal;
            ext.apply(doc, fTrigger, selection.getOffset() + selection.getLength());
        } else {