Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 IBH SYSTEMS GmbH and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * IBH SYSTEMS GmbH - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.neoscada.protocol.iec60870.apci; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import org.eclipse.neoscada.protocol.iec60870.ProtocolOptions; import org.eclipse.neoscada.protocol.iec60870.apci.UnnumberedControl.Function; import org.eclipse.neoscada.protocol.iec60870.asdu.MessageManager; import org.eclipse.neoscada.protocol.iec60870.asdu.message.DataTransmissionMessage; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException; import io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil; public class MessageChannel extends ChannelDuplexHandler { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageChannel.class); private ChannelHandlerContext ctx; private final ProtocolOptions options; private Timer timer1; private Timer timer2; private Timer timer3; private final AckBuffer ackBuffer; /** * Sequence number of next incoming packet */ private int receiveCounter; /** * Sequence number of last acknowledged packet */ private int ackSentCounter = -1; private final Queue<WriteEvent> messageBuffer = new LinkedList<>(); private final MessageManager manager; private final List<MessageSource> sources = new LinkedList<>(); private Runnable startTimers; private static class WriteEvent { private final ByteBuf msg; private final ChannelPromise promise; private final ChannelHandlerContext ctx; WriteEvent(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ByteBuf msg, final ChannelPromise promise) { this.ctx = ctx; this.msg = msg; this.promise = promise; } } public MessageChannel(final ProtocolOptions options, final MessageManager manager) { this.options = options != null ? options : new ProtocolOptions.Builder().build(); this.ackBuffer = new AckBuffer(options.getMaxUnacknowledged(), options.getMaxSequenceNumber()); this.manager = manager; } @Override public void channelActive(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { this.ctx = ctx; this.timer1 = new Timer(ctx, "T1", new TimerHandler() { @Override public void handleTimeout() { handleTimeout1(); } }); this.timer2 = new Timer(ctx, "T2", new TimerHandler() { @Override public void handleTimeout() { handleTimeout2(); } }); this.timer3 = new Timer(ctx, "T3", new TimerHandler() { @Override public void handleTimeout() { handleTimeout3(); } }); startTimers = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageChannel.this.timer1.start(MessageChannel.this.options.getTimeout1()); MessageChannel.this.timer3.start(MessageChannel.this.options.getTimeout3()); } }; super.channelActive(ctx); } @Override public void channelInactive(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {"Channel inactive"); super.channelInactive(ctx); this.timer1.dispose(); this.timer2.dispose(); this.timer3.dispose(); } protected void handleTimeout1() { // expiration of timer #1 -> close logger.warn("Closing connection due to timeout: {}", this.ctx); this.ctx.close(); } protected void handleTimeout2() { sendSupervisory(); } private void sendSupervisory() { synchronized (this) { if (this.ackSentCounter != this.receiveCounter) { this.ackSentCounter = this.receiveCounter; this.ctx.write(new Supervisory(this.receiveCounter)); } } this.ctx.flush(); } protected void handleTimeout3() { // expiration of timer #3 -> TESTFR sendTestAct(); } @Override public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) throws Exception { logger.trace("channelRead - message: {}, ctx: {}", msg, ctx); // we received something - restart t3 this.timer3.restart(this.options.getTimeout3()); if (msg instanceof InformationTransfer) { handleAck(ctx, ((InformationTransfer) msg).getReceiveSequenceNumber()); handleInformationTransfer((InformationTransfer) msg); } else if (msg instanceof UnnumberedControl) { handleFunction(((UnnumberedControl) msg).getFunction()); } else if (msg instanceof Supervisory) { handleAck(ctx, ((Supervisory) msg).getReceiveSequenceNumber()); } } protected void handleInformationTransfer(final InformationTransfer msg) { synchronized (this) { final int nr = msg.getSendSequenceNumber(); if (nr != this.receiveCounter) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Sequence error - expected: %s, received: %s", this.receiveCounter, nr)); } incrementReceiveCounter(); if (this.receiveCounter - this.ackSentCounter >= this.options.getAcknowledgeWindow()) { // send S format right now this.timer2.stop(); // just in case the timer was already started sendSupervisory(); } else { // schedule transmission for later -> start timer #2 this.timer2.start(this.options.getTimeout2()); } } processInformationTransfer(this.ctx, msg); } private void processInformationTransfer(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) { final List<Object> out = new LinkedList<>(); logger.trace("Passing to manager: {}", msg); final ByteBuf errorData = this.manager.receiveMessage((InformationTransfer) msg, out); if (errorData != null) { logger.debug("Write error reply"); writeMessageToChannel(ctx, errorData, null); ctx.flush(); } for (final Object newMsg : out) { logger.trace("Passing message: {}", newMsg); ctx.fireChannelRead(newMsg); } } private void incrementReceiveCounter() { this.receiveCounter++; if (this.receiveCounter > this.options.getMaxSequenceNumber()) {"Reset receive counter"); this.receiveCounter = 0; } } protected synchronized void handleAck(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final int receiveSequenceNumber) { logger.trace("Received ACK up to: {}", receiveSequenceNumber); // handle ack this.ackBuffer.gotAck(receiveSequenceNumber); // now try to flush messages from the buffer sendFromBuffer(); // try to send from sources sendFromSources(); ctx.flush(); } /** * Send messages from the local message buffer<br/> * <p> * <em>Note:</em> This method does not flush the context * </p> */ private void sendFromBuffer() { while (!this.ackBuffer.isFull() && !this.messageBuffer.isEmpty()) { final WriteEvent event = this.messageBuffer.poll(); writeMessageToChannel(event.ctx, event.msg, event.promise); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Sending message from buffer: {} remaining", this.messageBuffer.size()); } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("AckBuffer(full) : {}, messageBuffer(empty): {}", this.ackBuffer.isFull(), this.messageBuffer.isEmpty()); } } /** * Send messages from the message sources <br/> * <p> * <em>Note:</em> This method does not flush the context * </p> */ private void sendFromSources() { if (this.ackBuffer.isFull()) { return; } // this method does not cycle through the buffers final Iterator<MessageSource> i = this.sources.iterator(); source: while (i.hasNext() && !this.ackBuffer.isFull() /* check again [1] */ ) { final MessageSource source =; logger.trace("Try source: {}", source); while (!this.ackBuffer.isFull()) { final Object msg = source.poll(); logger.trace("Polled message: {}", msg); if (msg == null) { continue source; // try next source } writeMessageToChannel(this.ctx, encode(this.ctx, msg), null); } } /* * [1] check again to prevent unnecessary iterations over the sources list */ } private void sendTestAct() {"Request TESTFR: {}", this.ctx); this.timer1.start(this.options.getTimeout1()); this.ctx.writeAndFlush(new UnnumberedControl(Function.TESTFR_ACT)); } @Override public void write(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg, final ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { logger.trace("Write {}", msg); synchronized (this) { if (msg instanceof DataTransmissionMessage) { switch ((DataTransmissionMessage) msg) { case REQUEST_START: ctx.write(new UnnumberedControl(Function.STARTDT_ACT), promise); break; case CONFIRM_START: ctx.write(new UnnumberedControl(Function.STARTDT_CONFIRM), promise); break; case REQUEST_STOP: ctx.write(new UnnumberedControl(Function.STOPDT_ACT), promise); break; case CONFIRM_STOP: ctx.write(new UnnumberedControl(Function.STOPDT_CONFIRM), promise); break; default: throw new EncoderException(String.format("Unknown data transmission message: %s", msg)); } } else if (msg == MessageSource.NOTIFY_TOKEN) { handleMessageSourceUpdates(ctx); } else { handleMessageWrite(ctx, msg, promise); } } } private synchronized void handleMessageSourceUpdates(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { if (this.ackBuffer.isFull()) { logger.trace("Received notify token but buffer is full"); return; } /* * we can directly send from the sources since either is the message buffer * not empty, but then also the ackBuffer full. Which it is not at this point. * * Or the ackBuffer has room, so there won't be any message in the message buffer left. */ sendFromSources(); // we have to flush manually ctx.flush(); } private void handleMessageWrite(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg, final ChannelPromise promise) { final ByteBuf data = encode(ctx, msg); if (data == null) { // ignore return; } // if the buffer is full if (this.ackBuffer.isFull()) { logger.trace("Store message for later transmission"); // ... store now and re-try later this.messageBuffer.add(new WriteEvent(ctx, data, promise)); } else { writeMessageToChannel(ctx, data, promise); } } private ByteBuf encode(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) { ByteBuf buf = ctx.alloc().buffer(255); try { this.manager.encodeMessage(msg, buf); if (buf.isReadable()) { // copy away the reference so it does not get released final ByteBuf buf2 = buf; buf = null; return buf2; } } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.release(buf); } return null; } private void writeMessageToChannel(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ByteBuf data, final ChannelPromise promise) { final int seq = this.ackBuffer.addMessage(data); if (promise == null) { ctx.write(new InformationTransfer(seq, this.receiveCounter, data)); } else { ctx.write(new InformationTransfer(seq, this.receiveCounter, data), promise); } logger.trace("Enqueued message as {} : {}", seq, data); // we can stop timer #2 here ... will be restarted by receive this.timer2.stop(); } private void handleFunction(final Function function) { logger.debug("Handle U-format function: {}", function); this.timer1.stop(); this.timer3.restart(this.options.getTimeout3()); switch (function) { case STARTDT_ACT: this.ctx.fireChannelRead(DataTransmissionMessage.REQUEST_START); return; case STOPDT_ACT: this.ctx.fireChannelRead(DataTransmissionMessage.REQUEST_STOP); return; case STARTDT_CONFIRM: this.ctx.fireChannelRead(DataTransmissionMessage.CONFIRM_START); return; case STOPDT_CONFIRM: this.ctx.fireChannelRead(DataTransmissionMessage.CONFIRM_STOP); return; case TESTFR_ACT: // simply reply with confirm this.ctx.writeAndFlush(new UnnumberedControl(Function.TESTFR_CONFIRM)); return; case TESTFR_CONFIRM: // no-op return; default: throw new DecoderException(String.format("Cannot handle function: %s" + function)); } } public synchronized void addSource(final MessageSource messageSource) { this.sources.add(messageSource); } public void startTimers() { if (startTimers != null) {; } } }