Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Tasktop Technologies and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Tasktop Technologies - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.IRepositoryQuery; import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.TaskRepository; import; import; import; /** * Just a brain-dead emf query engine to manage simple cases. TODO Implement a real query engine based on OCL, Emf * QueryInc, CDO, etc.. * * @author milesparker */ public class SimpleQueryEngine extends EmfQueryEngine { public SimpleQueryEngine(AbstractEmfConnector connector, TaskRepository repository) { super(connector, repository); } public boolean isSatisfied(QueryOperation operation, String tested, String searchString) { if (operation == QueryOperation.SUBSTRING) { return StringUtils.contains(tested, searchString); } return false; } @Override public List<EObject> performQuery(IRepositoryQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws QueryException, CoreException { List<EObject> results = new ArrayList<EObject>(); EmfClient client = getConnector().getClient(getRepository());; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<EObject> all = (List<EObject>) client.getRootContainer() .eGet(getConnector().getContainmentReference()); monitor.beginTask("Querying repository", all.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //TODO O(nc) (where c is a limited size constant value) QueryClause[] clauses = getNonEmptyClauses(query); //For now, just assume that we want everything if (clauses.length == 0) { return all; } for (Object object : all) { if (object instanceof EObject) { EObject candidate = (EObject) object; boolean allSatisfied = true; for (QueryClause clause : clauses) { Object candidateValue = candidate.eGet(clause.getFeature()); if (candidate.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures().contains(clause.getFeature())) { if (!isSatisifed(clause.getOperation(), candidateValue, clause.getValue())) { allSatisfied = false; break; } } } if (allSatisfied) { results.add(candidate); } } } monitor.done(); return results; } protected boolean isSatisifed(QueryOperation operation, Object candidateValue, String testValue) { if (operation == QueryOperation.MATCH_ITEMS) { if (candidateValue instanceof Enumerator) { Enumerator literal = (Enumerator) candidateValue; String[] items = StringUtils.split(testValue, EmfQueryEngine.LIST_ITEM_SEPERATOR); for (String item : items) { if (item.equals(literal.getName())) { return true; } } } return false; } if (operation == QueryOperation.EXACT) { return candidateValue.equals(testValue); } if (operation == QueryOperation.NOT_EQUALS) { return !candidateValue.equals(testValue); } if (candidateValue instanceof String) { String stringValue = (String) candidateValue; if (operation == QueryOperation.SUBSTRING) { return stringValue.indexOf(testValue) > 0; } if (operation == QueryOperation.REGEXP) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(testValue); return pattern.matcher(stringValue).matches(); } if (operation == QueryOperation.NOT_REGEXP) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(testValue); return !pattern.matcher(stringValue).matches(); } } if (candidateValue instanceof Date) { EmfAttributeMapper attributeMapper = getConnector().getEmfMapper(getRepository()); Date candidateDate = (Date) candidateValue; if (operation == QueryOperation.IN_RANGE) { String[] dateParts = StringUtils.split(testValue, ","); Date after = attributeMapper.getDateValue(dateParts[0]); Date before = attributeMapper.getDateValue(dateParts[1]); return (candidateDate.after(after) && candidateDate.before(before)) || candidateDate.equals(after) || candidateDate.equals(before); } if (operation == QueryOperation.AFTER) { Date upto = attributeMapper.getDateValue(testValue); return candidateDate.after(upto) || candidateDate.equals(upto); } if (operation == QueryOperation.BEFORE) { Date upto = attributeMapper.getDateValue(testValue); return candidateDate.before(upto) || candidateDate.equals(upto); } } return false; } }