Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Sean Muir (JKM Software) -Operation Test and generation
 *     Christian W. Damus - Add NarrativeReferenceTestCase for constraints on CDA R2 narrative text references (artf2815)
 *     Dan Brown (Ai) - Added a few testing constants
package org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.operations;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicDiagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Diagnostician;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.ExtendedMetaData;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMapUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.util.XMLProcessor;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.AnyType;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.CDAFactory;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.ClinicalDocument;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.ClinicalStatement;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.Entry;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.Section;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.StrucDocText;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.cda.util.CDAUtil;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.datatypes.CD;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.datatypes.CE;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.datatypes.CS;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.datatypes.DatatypesFactory;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.datatypes.ED;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.datatypes.II;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.rim.InfrastructureRoot;
import org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.vocab.NullFlavor;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

 * This class is the super class for all JUnit4 test cases for CDA based
 * classes.
public abstract class CDAValidationTest {

    protected abstract EObject getObjectToTest();

     * This is not currently used, but is implemented in many subclasses.
     * @return the initialized EObject instance to test
    protected EObject getObjectInitToTest() {
        return null;

     * The template id to use for the has* tests.
    protected static final String BAD_TEMPLATE_ID = "";

    protected static final II THE_BAD_II = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createII();

    static {

     * Additional constants for use in testing
    protected static final String BAD_CODESYSTEM_ID = "6.66.666.6.666666.6.666";

    protected static final String BAD_CODE_VALUE = "NOTACODE";

    protected static final String SNOMEDCT_ID = "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96";

    protected static final String LOINC_ID = "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1";

    // currently used for date accuracy in multiple test files
    // eight character date
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_DAY = "20091212";

    // twelve character date
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_MINUTE = "200912121721";

    // fourteen character date
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_SECOND = "20091212172151";

    // fifteen character date with time-zone
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_HOUR_WITH_TIMEZONE = "2012091619-0400";

    // seventeen character date with time-zone
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_MINUTE_WITH_TIMEZONE = "201209161918-0400";

    // nineteen character date with time-zone
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_SECOND_WITH_TIMEZONE = "20050329171504+0500";

    // twenty-three character date with time-zone
    protected static final String PRECISE_TO_MS_WITH_TIMEZONE = "20091212172151.035-0500";

    // protected static int count = 0;

    protected static Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<Object, Object>();

    protected List<CDATestCase> getTestCases() {
        return new ArrayList<CDATestCase>();

    static abstract protected class CDATestCase {
        private final String testTargetDescription;

         * @param testTargetDescription
        protected CDATestCase(final String testTargetDescription) {
            this.testTargetDescription = testTargetDescription;


        abstract protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map);

        protected String getTestTargetDescription() {
            return testTargetDescription;

        public String toString() {
            return getTestTargetDescription();

    } // CDATestCase

    static abstract protected class CDAOperationsTestCase extends CDATestCase {

        protected CDAOperationsTestCase(final String testTargetDescription) {

        abstract protected void doAdd(EObject objectToTest, EObject eObjectToAdd);

        abstract protected EObject getEObjectToAdd();

    } // CDAOperationsTestCase

    static abstract protected class CDAAddTestCase extends CDAOperationsTestCase {

        protected CDAAddTestCase(final String testTargetDescription) {

        protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            final EObject eObjectToAdd = getEObjectToAdd();
            doAdd(objectToTest, eObjectToAdd);
            final boolean isFound = isFound(objectToTest, eObjectToAdd, getFeature());
            assertTrue("Add \"" + getTestTargetDescription() + "\" failed for \"" + objectToTest.eClass().getName()
                    + "\"", isFound);
        } // doTest

        abstract protected EStructuralFeature getFeature();

        protected boolean isFound(final EObject objectToTest, final EObject eObjectToFind,
                final EStructuralFeature feature) {
            return eObjectToFind.eContainingFeature().equals(feature)
                    && eObjectToFind.eContainer().eContainer().equals(objectToTest);
        } // isFound
    } // CDAAddTestCase

    static abstract protected class CDAGetTestCase extends CDAOperationsTestCase {

        protected CDAGetTestCase(final String testTargetDescription) {

        protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            final EObject eObjectToAdd = getEObjectToAdd();
            doAdd(objectToTest, eObjectToAdd);
            final Object value = doGet(objectToTest);

            final boolean getIsGood = isGetGood(eObjectToAdd, value);
            assertTrue("Get \"" + getTestTargetDescription() + "\" failed for \"" + objectToTest.eClass().getName()
                    + "\"", getIsGood);
        } // doTest

        protected boolean isGetGood(final EObject eObjectToAdd, final Object value) {
            final EList<?> list = (EList<?>) value;
            return list.size() == 1 && list.get(0).equals(eObjectToAdd);

        abstract protected Object doGet(EObject objectToTest);

    } // CDAGetTestCase

    static abstract protected class CDAHasTestCase extends CDAOperationsTestCase {

        protected static final String TEMPLATE_ID = "";

        protected static final II THE_II = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createII();

        protected static final String CODE = "code";

        protected static final String CODE_SYSTEM = "codeSystem";

        protected static final String CODE_SYSTEM_NAME = "codeSystemName";

        protected static final String CODE_DISPLAY_NAME = "codeDisplayName";

        protected static final CD THE_CODE = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createCD(CODE, CODE_SYSTEM,

        protected static final CE THE_CE_CODE = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createCE(CODE, CODE_SYSTEM,

        protected static final CS THE_CS_CODE = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createCS(CODE);

        protected CDAHasTestCase(final String testTargetDescription) {

        protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            final EObject eObjectToAdd = getEObjectToAdd();
            doAddTemplateId(eObjectToAdd, THE_II);

            doAdd(objectToTest, eObjectToAdd);

            final boolean hasIsGood = doHas(objectToTest, TEMPLATE_ID);
            assertTrue("Has \"" + getTestTargetDescription() + "\" failed for \"" + objectToTest.eClass().getName()
                    + "\"", hasIsGood);
        } // doTest

        protected abstract void doAddTemplateId(EObject objectToTest, II theIi);

        protected abstract boolean doHas(EObject eObjectToAdd, String templateId);

    } // CDAHasTestCase

    static abstract protected class CDAValidationTestCase extends CDATestCase {

        public CDAValidationTestCase(final String testTargetDescription) {

        abstract protected boolean validate(EObject objectToTest, BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                Map<Object, Object> map);

        protected void validateExpectSkip(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            final boolean isValid = validate(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            assertTrue("ERROR EXPECT IGNORE "
                    + CDAValidationTest.createAssertionFailureMessage(diagnostician, getTestTargetDescription()),


        protected void validateExpectPass(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            final boolean isValid = validate(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            assertTrue("ERROR EXPECT PASS "
                    + CDAValidationTest.createAssertionFailureMessage(diagnostician, getTestTargetDescription()),


        protected void validateExpectFail(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            final boolean isValid = validate(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            String xml = "";

            try {
                CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet(objectToTest, out);
                xml = out.toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {

            assertTrue("ERROR EXPECT FAIL " + getTestTargetDescription() + "\" passed when it was expected to fail."
                    + xml, !isValid);

    } // CDAValidationTestCase

    // TemplateID Test Case
    protected abstract static class TemplateIDValidationTest extends CDAValidationTestCase {
        private static final String TEMPLATE_ID_FEATURE_NAME = "templateId";

        private final String templateID;

         * @param templateID
        public TemplateIDValidationTest(final String templateID) {
            this.templateID = templateID;

        public void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            try {
                validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);
                validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);
                validateExpectPass(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);
            } catch (final UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
                fail(CDAValidationTest.createUnsupportedOperationFailureMessage(TEMPLATE_ID_FEATURE_NAME, uoe));

        private EList<II> getTemplateIds(final EObject objectToTest) {
            return (EList<II>) objectToTest

        private II createTheValidII() {
            final II retValue = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createII();
            return retValue;

    } // TemplateIDValidationTest

    static abstract protected class UndefinedValidationTestCase extends CDAValidationTestCase {

        private final Set<String> eReferenceNames;

        protected UndefinedValidationTestCase(final String testTargetDescription,
                final Set<String> eReferenceNames) {
            this.eReferenceNames = eReferenceNames;

        protected Set<String> getEReferenceNames() {
            return eReferenceNames;

        protected String createEReferenceNotFoundMessage(final EObject objectToTest, final String eReferenceName) {
            return "EReference \"" + eReferenceName + "\" not found in \"" + objectToTest.eClass().getName() + "\"";

    } // UndefinedValidationTestCase

    static abstract protected class UndefinedORValidationTestCase extends UndefinedValidationTestCase {

        public UndefinedORValidationTestCase(final String validationTargetDescription,
                final Set<String> eReferenceNames) {
            super(validationTargetDescription, eReferenceNames);

        protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            // Validation should pass here as none of the references are set
            validateExpectPass(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            // Go through the references of the eObjectToValidate looking for
            // those which we will set and set them all. those which we will set
            // and test for validation failure.
            for (final String eReferenceName : getEReferenceNames()) {
                final EReference eReference = (EReference) objectToTest.eClass()

                assertNotNull(createEReferenceNotFoundMessage(objectToTest, eReferenceName), eReference);

                objectToTest.eSet(eReference, CDAFactory.eINSTANCE.create((EClass) (eReference.getEType())));

            } // for each reference

            // Validation should fail here because not one is invalid
            validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            // Now go through the same set unsetting, each in turn and
            // validating those which we will set and test for validation
            // failure.
            for (final String eReferenceName : getEReferenceNames()) {
                final EReference eReference = (EReference) objectToTest.eClass()
                final EObject temp = (EObject) objectToTest.eGet(eReference);
                validateExpectPass(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);
                objectToTest.eSet(eReference, temp);
            } // for each reference

        } // doTest

    } // UndefinedORValidationTestCase

    static abstract protected class UndefinedXORValidationTestCase extends UndefinedValidationTestCase {

        public UndefinedXORValidationTestCase(final String validationTargetDescription,
                final Set<String> eReferenceNames) {
            super(validationTargetDescription, eReferenceNames);

        protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            // Validation should fail here as none of the references are set
            validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            // Go through the references of the eObjectToValidate looking for
            // those which we will set and set them all.
            for (final String eReferenceName : getEReferenceNames()) {
                final EReference eReference = (EReference) objectToTest.eClass()
                assertNotNull(createEReferenceNotFoundMessage(objectToTest, eReferenceName), eReference);
                objectToTest.eSet(eReference, CDAFactory.eINSTANCE.create((EClass) (eReference.getEType())));
            } // for each reference

            // Validation should fail here because not one is invalid
            validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            // Now go through the same set unsetting, each in turn and
            // validating
            for (final String eReferenceName : getEReferenceNames()) {
                final EReference eReference = (EReference) objectToTest.eClass()
                final EObject temp = (EObject) objectToTest.eGet(eReference);
                validateExpectPass(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);
                objectToTest.eSet(eReference, temp);
            } // for each reference

        } // doTest

    } // UndefinedXORValidationTestCase

    static abstract protected class MutualExclusionValidationTestCase extends UndefinedValidationTestCase {

        public MutualExclusionValidationTestCase(final String validationTargetDescription,
                final Set<String> eReferenceNames) {
            super(validationTargetDescription, eReferenceNames);

        protected void doTest(final EObject objectToTest, final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
                final Map<Object, Object> map) {
            // Validation should fail here as none of the references are set
            validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);


            // Make sure everything is valid now
            validateExpectPass(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

            // Go through the references of the eObjectToValidate set them and
            // test for validation failure.
            for (final String eReferenceName : getEReferenceNames()) {
                final EReference eReference = (EReference) objectToTest.eClass()

                assertNotNull(createEReferenceNotFoundMessage(objectToTest, eReferenceName), eReference);

                // This should cause validation failure
                objectToTest.eSet(eReference, CDAFactory.eINSTANCE.create((EClass) (eReference.getEType())));
                // Which we are expecting
                validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

                // Undo for the next reference
            } // for each reference
        } // doTest

        abstract protected void initializeobjectToTest(EObject objectToTest);
    } // MutualExclusionValidationTestCase

    static abstract protected class CDAMutualExclusionValidationTestCase extends MutualExclusionValidationTestCase {

         * This is the list of the names of the EReferences that cannot be set
         * simultaneously. It is missing the name "act" because that reference
         * is always set, and the others are set individually in sequence (and
         * then unSet) to test that they invalidate the test.
        private static final Set<String> MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_EREFERENCE_NAMES = new HashSet<String>(
                               * "act"
                               * ,
                               */"encounter", "observation", "observationMedia", "organizer", "procedure",
                        "regionOfInterest", "substanceAdministration", "supply"));

        protected CDAMutualExclusionValidationTestCase(final String validationTargetDescription) {
            super(validationTargetDescription, MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_EREFERENCE_NAMES);

    } // CDAMutualExclusionValidationTestCase

    static protected String createUnsupportedOperationFailureMessage(final String testTargetDescription,
            final UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
        return "The test \"" + testTargetDescription + "\" failed because of \"" + uoe.getMessage()
                + "\".  This is likely due to errors in the OCL.";

    static protected String createAssertionFailureMessage(final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician) {
        return createAssertionFailureMessage(diagnostician, "");

    static protected String createAssertionFailureMessage(final BasicDiagnostic diagnostician,
            final String source) {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(source);
        sb.append(": ");
        for (final Diagnostic diagnostic : diagnostician.getChildren()) {
            sb.append(" ");

        return sb.toString();

    private static void saveTestSnippet(EObject snippet, OutputStream out) throws Exception {

        ClinicalDocument containerDocument = CDAUtil.getClinicalDocument(snippet);

        if (containerDocument != null) {
  , out);
        } else {
            CDAUtil.saveSnippet(EcoreUtil.copy(snippet), out);


    public interface TestObjectFactory<TestObject> {
        public TestObject create();

    protected abstract static class OperationsTestCase<ValidationTarget> extends CDAValidationTestCase {

        private boolean skipFailsTest = false;

        private boolean skipPassTest = false;

        private boolean skipNullFlavorTest = true;

        private boolean checkDependency = false;

        public void skipFailsTest() {
            skipFailsTest = true;

        public void skipNullTest() {
            skipNullFlavorTest = true;

        public void skipPassTest() {
            skipPassTest = true;

        public void runDependencyTest() {
            checkDependency = true;

        public abstract class PassTest {
            abstract public void updateToPass(ValidationTarget target);

        public abstract class FailTest {
            abstract public void updateToFail(ValidationTarget target);

        public void addPassTest(PassTest passTest) {

        public void addFailTests() {


        public void addPassTests() {


        public void addFailTest(FailTest failTest) {

        ArrayList<PassTest> passTests = new ArrayList<PassTest>();

        ArrayList<FailTest> failTests = new ArrayList<FailTest>();

        private static final String[] ENDTAGS = { "<failsnippet>", "</failsnippet>", "<passsnippet>",
                "</passsnippet>" };

        private static final int FAILSNIPPET = 0;

        private static final int PASSSNIPPET = 2;

        private static String escapeXML(int snippetType, EObject objectToTest) {
            String xml = "";
            try {
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet(objectToTest, out);

                xml = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(out.toString());

                xml = xml.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "<br/>");

            } catch (Exception e) {

            xml = ENDTAGS[snippetType] + "<br/>" + xml + "<br/>" + ENDTAGS[snippetType + 1];

            return xml;

        private static String generateSkipMessage(int snippetType, String message) {
            return ENDTAGS[snippetType] + "<br/>" + message + "<br/>" + ENDTAGS[snippetType + 1];

        protected TestObjectFactory<?> testObjectFactory;

        String testLogDir = null;

        public OperationsTestCase(String testTargetDescription, String ocl,
                TestObjectFactory<?> testObjectFactory) {
            this.ocl = ocl;
            this.testObjectFactory = testObjectFactory;
            testLogDir = System.getProperty("testlogdir");

            if (testLogDir == null) {
                System.out.println("Running " + getTestTargetDescription());


        private void runFails(StringBuffer xmlSnippetsBuffer) {

            boolean gotDiagnostic = false;

            for (FailTest failTest : failTests) {

                ValidationTarget target = (ValidationTarget) testObjectFactory.create();

                BasicDiagnostic diagnostician = Diagnostician.INSTANCE.createDefaultDiagnostic((EObject) target);


                if (testLogDir != null) {
                    xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(FAILSNIPPET, (InfrastructureRoot) target));
                } else {
                    try {
                        System.out.println("Fail Snippet");
                        CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet((EObject) target, System.out);
                    } catch (Exception e) {


                validateExpectFail((EObject) target, diagnostician, map);

                if (!gotDiagnostic) {
                    gotDiagnostic = true;
                    for (Diagnostic d : diagnostician.getChildren()) {

                        String message = d.getMessage();


                        message = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(message);

                        message = message.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "<br/>");



        private void runDependencies(StringBuffer xmlSnippetsBuffer) {

            boolean gotDiagnostic = false;

            for (FailTest failTest : failTests) {

                ValidationTarget target = (ValidationTarget) testObjectFactory.create();

                BasicDiagnostic diagnostician = Diagnostician.INSTANCE.createDefaultDiagnostic((EObject) target);


                if (testLogDir != null) {
                    xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(FAILSNIPPET, (InfrastructureRoot) target));
                } else {
                    try {
                        System.out.println("Dependency Snippet");
                        CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet((EObject) target, System.out);
                    } catch (Exception e) {


                validateExpectPass((EObject) target, diagnostician, map);

                if (!gotDiagnostic) {
                    gotDiagnostic = true;
                    for (Diagnostic d : diagnostician.getChildren()) {

                        String message = d.getMessage();


                        message = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(message);

                        message = message.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "<br/>");



        private void runPasses(StringBuffer xmlSnippetsBuffer) {
            for (PassTest passTest : passTests) {

                ValidationTarget target = (ValidationTarget) testObjectFactory.create();

                BasicDiagnostic diagnostician = Diagnostician.INSTANCE.createDefaultDiagnostic((EObject) target);


                if (testLogDir != null) {
                    xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(PASSSNIPPET, (InfrastructureRoot) target));
                } else {
                    try {
                        System.out.println("Pass Snippet");
                        CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet((EObject) target, System.out);
                    } catch (Exception e) {


                validateExpectPass((EObject) target, diagnostician, map);


        private void appendToBuffer(StringBuffer xmlSnippetsBuffer, String startTag, String contents,
                String endTag) {

            if (testLogDir != null) {

                contents = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(contents);

                contents = contents.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "<br/>");


            } else {

        String ocl = null;

        protected EObject getObjectToSerialze() {
            return null;

        public void doTest(EObject objectToTest, BasicDiagnostic diagnostician, Map<Object, Object> map) {

            StringBuffer xmlSnippetsBuffer = new StringBuffer();

            try {

                appendToBuffer(xmlSnippetsBuffer, "<ocl>", ocl, "</ocl>");

                if (!skipFailsTest) {
                    if (!failTests.isEmpty()) {
                    } else {
                        updateToFail((ValidationTarget) objectToTest);

                        EObject objectToSerialize = (getObjectToSerialze() != null ? getObjectToSerialze()
                                : objectToTest);

                        // if (objectToSerialize instanceof EObject) {
                        if (testLogDir != null) {
                            xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(FAILSNIPPET, objectToSerialize));
                        } else {
                            try {
                                System.out.println("Fail Snippet");
                                CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet(objectToSerialize, System.out);
                            } catch (Exception e) {

                        // }

                        validateExpectFail(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

                        for (Diagnostic d : diagnostician.getChildren()) {

                            String message = d.getMessage();

                            appendToBuffer(xmlSnippetsBuffer, "<diagnostic>", message, "</diagnostic>");

                } else {

                    if (testLogDir != null) {
                        xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(generateSkipMessage(FAILSNIPPET, "Skip Fail Test"));
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("Skipped Fail Test");

                if (!skipPassTest) {
                    if (!passTests.isEmpty()) {
                    } else {

                        updateToPass((ValidationTarget) objectToTest);

                        EObject objectToSerialize = (getObjectToSerialze() != null ? getObjectToSerialze()
                                : objectToTest);

                        // if (objectToSerialize instanceof InfrastructureRoot) {
                        if (testLogDir != null) {
                            xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(PASSSNIPPET, objectToSerialize));
                        } else {
                            try {
                                System.out.println("Pass Snippet");
                                CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet(objectToSerialize, System.out);
                            } catch (Exception e) {

                        // }
                        validateExpectPass(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);
                } else {

                    if (testLogDir != null) {
                        xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(generateSkipMessage(FAILSNIPPET, "Skip Pass Test"));
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("Skipped Pass Test");

                if (!skipNullFlavorTest) {

                    EObject nullFlavorTest = (EObject) testObjectFactory.create();

                    updateToFail((ValidationTarget) nullFlavorTest);

                    updateNullFlavor((ValidationTarget) nullFlavorTest);

                    EObject objectToSerialize = (getObjectToSerialze() != null ? getObjectToSerialze()
                            : nullFlavorTest);

                    // if (objectToSerialize instanceof InfrastructureRoot) {
                    if (testLogDir != null) {
                        xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(PASSSNIPPET, objectToSerialize));
                    } else {
                        try {
                            System.out.println("Null Flavor Snippet");
                            CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet(objectToSerialize, System.out);
                        } catch (Exception e) {

                    // }
                    validateExpectPass(nullFlavorTest, diagnostician, map);

                } else {

                    if (testLogDir != null) {
                        xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(generateSkipMessage(FAILSNIPPET, "Skip Pass Test"));
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("Skipped Null Flavor Test");

                if (checkDependency) {
                    if (!skipFailsTest) {

                        if (!failTests.isEmpty()) {
                        } else {

                            EObject dependencyTest = (EObject) testObjectFactory.create();

                            updateToFail((ValidationTarget) dependencyTest);
                            setDependency((ValidationTarget) dependencyTest);

                            EObject objectToSerialize = (getObjectToSerialze() != null ? getObjectToSerialze()
                                    : dependencyTest);

                            // if (objectToSerialize instanceof EObject) {
                            if (testLogDir != null) {
                                xmlSnippetsBuffer.append(escapeXML(FAILSNIPPET, objectToSerialize));
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    System.out.println("Dependency Snippet");
                                    CDAValidationTest.saveTestSnippet(objectToSerialize, System.out);
                                } catch (Exception e) {

                            // }

                            validateExpectPass(dependencyTest, diagnostician, map);

                            for (Diagnostic d : diagnostician.getChildren()) {

                                String message = d.getMessage();

                                appendToBuffer(xmlSnippetsBuffer, "<diagnostic>", message, "</diagnostic>");


            } finally {

                try {

                    String testName = String.format("%stest%s",
                            StringUtils.split(this.getClass().getName(), "$")[0] + ".",
                            getTestTargetDescription().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                                    + getTestTargetDescription().substring(1));

                    if (testLogDir != null) {
                        String logFileName = String.format("%s/test%s", testLogDir,
                                getTestTargetDescription().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                                        + getTestTargetDescription().substring(1) + ".xml");
                        FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(logFileName);
                        BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
                        out.write("<testresult name=\"" + testName + "\">" + xmlSnippetsBuffer.toString()
                                + "</testresult>");
                    } else {
                        // System.out.println("<testresult name=\"" + testName + "\">" + xmlSnippetsBuffer.toString() +
                        // "</testresult>");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());


        public void doValidationTest() {


            EObject objectToTest = (EObject) testObjectFactory.create();
            BasicDiagnostic diagnostician = Diagnostician.INSTANCE.createDefaultDiagnostic(objectToTest);
            doTest(objectToTest, diagnostician, map);

        protected void updateToFail(ValidationTarget target) {

        protected void updateToPass(ValidationTarget target) {

        protected void setDependency(ValidationTarget target) {


        private void setNullFlavor(Object target) {

            final java.lang.Class[] nullFlavorArgument = new java.lang.Class[] {
                    org.eclipse.mdht.uml.hl7.vocab.NullFlavor.class };
            try {
                Method initMethod = target.getClass().getMethod("setNullFlavor", nullFlavorArgument);
                if (initMethod != null) {
                    initMethod.invoke(target, NullFlavor.NA);
            } catch (Exception e) {

        private void setNullFlavors(EObject target, int level) {

            EClass eClass = target.eClass();

            for (EStructuralFeature cdaFeature : eClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) {
                if (cdaFeature instanceof EReference) {
                    EReference cdaReference = (EReference) cdaFeature;
                    if (cdaReference.isMany()) {
                        EList<EObject> eList = (EList<EObject>) (target).eGet(cdaReference);
                        if (!eList.isEmpty()) {
                            for (EObject eo : eList) {
                                setNullFlavors(eo, level++);
                        } else {

                            // if (!cdaReference.getEReferenceType().isAbstract() && level == 1) {
                            // EObject objectToAdd = cdaReference.getEReferenceType().getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(
                            // cdaReference.getEReferenceType());
                            // setNullFlavor(objectToAdd);
                            // ((EList) (target).eGet(cdaReference)).add(objectToAdd);
                            // }

                    } else {
                        EObject eObject = (EObject) (target).eGet(cdaReference);
                        if (eObject != null) {
                            setNullFlavors(eObject, level++);
                        } else {

                            // if (!cdaReference.getEReferenceType().isAbstract() && level == 1) {
                            // EObject objectToAdd = cdaReference.getEReferenceType().getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(
                            // cdaReference.getEReferenceType());
                            // setNullFlavor(objectToAdd);
                            // (target).eSet(cdaReference, objectToAdd);
                            // }



        protected void updateNullFlavor(ValidationTarget target) {
            // setNullFlavor(NullFlavor newNullFlavor) {

            setNullFlavors((EObject) target, 1);



     * An extension of the validation test case framework for testing the constraints that check the resolvability of references to narrative text as
     * defined in CDA Release 2 Section
    protected static abstract class NarrativeReferenceTestCase<T> extends OperationsTestCase<T> {

        Section sectionToSerialize = null;

        protected EObject getObjectToSerialze() {
            return sectionToSerialize;

        public NarrativeReferenceTestCase(String testTargetDescription, String ocl,
                TestObjectFactory<?> testObjectFactory) {
            super(testTargetDescription, ocl, testObjectFactory);

        protected static EClass getEClass(EPackage epackage, Class<?> instanceClass) {
            EClass result = null;
            for (EClassifier next : epackage.getEClassifiers()) {
                if (next.getInstanceClass() == instanceClass) {
                    result = (EClass) next;

            assertNotNull(String.format("Instance class not found in package %s for %s.", epackage.getName(),
                    instanceClass.getName()), result);

            return result;

        protected static void addContainedElement(EObject container, EObject contained) {
            EReference best = null;

            for (EReference next : container.eClass().getEAllContainments()) {
                if (next.getEReferenceType().isInstance(contained)) {
                    // a candidate. Is it better than the one we already have?
                    if (best == null) {
                        best = next;
                    } else if (best.isMany() && !next.isMany()) {
                        // always prefer scalar containment
                        best = next;
                    } else if (best.getEReferenceType().isSuperTypeOf(next.getEReferenceType())) {
                        // prefer the more specific type
                        best = next;

            assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find containment reference for %s in %s.",
                    contained.eClass().getName(), container.eClass().getName()), best);

            if (FeatureMapUtil.isMany(container, best)) {
                Collection<EObject> list = (Collection<EObject>) best.eGet(best);
            } else {
                container.eSet(best, contained);

        protected <S extends Section> S createSectionForClinicalStatement(ClinicalStatement statement,
                EPackage epackage, Class<? extends S> sectionType) {

            S result = (S) epackage.getEFactoryInstance().create(getEClass(epackage, sectionType));

            try {
                Method initMethod = result.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("init", new java.lang.Class[0]);
                if (initMethod != null) {
                    initMethod.invoke(result, new Object[0]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // e.printStackTrace();

            // create an entry for the statement and add the entry to the section
            Entry entry = CDAFactory.eINSTANCE.createEntry();
            addContainedElement(entry, statement);

            return result;

        protected CD createCDWithOriginalTextReference(String text, String reference) {
            CD result = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createCD();
            result.setOriginalText(createEDWithReference(text, reference));
            return result;

        protected CE createCEWithOriginalTextReference(String text, String reference) {
            CE result = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createCE();
            result.setOriginalText(createEDWithReference(text, reference));
            return result;

        protected ED createEDWithReference(String text, String reference) {
            ED result = DatatypesFactory.eINSTANCE.createED(text);

            if (!reference.startsWith("#")) {
                reference = "#" + reference;


            return result;

        protected StrucDocText createStrucDocText(String id, String text) {
            StrucDocText result = (CDAFactory.eINSTANCE.createStrucDocText());

            try {
                Map<Object, Object> loadOptions = new java.util.HashMap<Object, Object>();
                loadOptions.put(XMLResource.OPTION_RECORD_UNKNOWN_FEATURE, true);
                loadOptions.put(XMLResource.OPTION_SUPPRESS_DOCUMENT_ROOT, true);

                Resource xml = new XMLProcessor().load(new InputSource(
                        new StringReader(String.format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + //
                                "<blurb xmlns=\"urn:hl7-org:v3\" ID=\"%s\">\n" + //
                                "    %s\n" + //
                                "</blurb>\n", id, text))),
                AnyType stuff = (AnyType) xml.getContents().get(0);
                result.getMixed().add(ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.demandFeature("urn:hl7-org:v3", "content", true),
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Failed to set up structured document text: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

            return result;

        protected void addText(Section section, String id, String text) {
            section.setText(createStrucDocText(id, text));
            sectionToSerialize = section;


} // CDAValidationTest