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 * Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. 
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
 * Contributors:
 *    Steve Speicher - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.lyo.testsuite.server.oslcv1tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathException;

import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.auth.Credentials;
import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.eclipse.lyo.testsuite.server.util.OSLCConstants;
import org.eclipse.lyo.testsuite.server.util.OSLCUtils;
import org.eclipse.lyo.testsuite.server.util.SetupProperties;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

 * This class provides JUnit tests for the validation of the OSLC CM creation and updating of
 * change requests. It uses the template files specified in as the entity
 * to be POST or PUT, for creation and updating respectively.
 * After each test, it attempts to perform a DELETE call on the resource that was presumably
 * created, but this DELETE call is not technically required in the OSLC CM spec, so the
 * created change request may still exist.
public class CreationAndUpdateTests {
    private static Credentials basicCreds;

    private String currentUrl;
    private String templatedDocument;
    private String updateDocument;
    private String jsonDocument;
    private String jsonUpdate;

    public CreationAndUpdateTests(String url) {
        this.currentUrl = url;

    public void setup() throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, XPathException {
        Properties setupProps = SetupProperties.setup(null);
        if (setupProps.getProperty("testBackwardsCompatability") != null
                && Boolean.parseBoolean(setupProps.getProperty("testBackwardsCompatability"))) {
            setupProps = SetupProperties.setup(setupProps.getProperty("version1Properties"));
        String userId = setupProps.getProperty("userId");
        String pw = setupProps.getProperty("pw");
        basicCreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userId, pw);
        templatedDocument = OSLCUtils.readFileAsString(new File(setupProps.getProperty("createTemplateXmlFile")));
        updateDocument = OSLCUtils.readFileAsString(new File(setupProps.getProperty("updateTemplateXmlFile")));
        jsonDocument = OSLCUtils.readFileAsString(new File(setupProps.getProperty("createTemplateJsonFile")));
        jsonUpdate = OSLCUtils.readFileAsString(new File(setupProps.getProperty("updateTemplateJsonFile")));

    public static Collection<Object[]> getAllDescriptionUrls()
            throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, XPathException {
        //Checks the ServiceProviderCatalog at the specified baseUrl of the REST service in order to grab all urls
        //to other ServiceProvidersCatalogs contained within it, recursively, in order to find the URLs of all
        //OSLC CM simple query services of the REST service.
        Properties setupProps = SetupProperties.setup(null);
        Collection<Object[]> coll = getReferencedUrls(setupProps.getProperty("baseUri"));
        return coll;

    public static Collection<Object[]> getReferencedUrls(String base)
            throws IOException, XPathException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
        Properties setupProps = SetupProperties.setup(null);
        String userId = setupProps.getProperty("userId");
        String pw = setupProps.getProperty("pw");

        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.getResponseFromUrl(base, base, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userId, pw),
                OSLCConstants.CT_DISC_CAT_XML + ", " + OSLCConstants.CT_DISC_DESC_XML);

        //If our 'base' is a ServiceDescription, find and add the factory service url
        if (resp.getEntity().getContentType().getValue().contains(OSLCConstants.CT_DISC_DESC_XML)) {
            Document baseDoc = OSLCUtils.createXMLDocFromResponseBody(EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity()));
            Node factoryUrl = (Node) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("//oslc_cm:factory/oslc_cm:url", baseDoc,
            Collection<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
            data.add(new Object[] { factoryUrl.getTextContent() });
            return data;

        Document baseDoc = OSLCUtils.createXMLDocFromResponseBody(EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity()));

        //ArrayList to contain the urls from all of the SPCs
        Collection<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

        //Get all the ServiceDescriptionDocuments from this ServiceProviderCatalog
        NodeList sDescs = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("//oslc_disc:services/@rdf:resource", baseDoc,
        for (int i = 0; i < sDescs.getLength(); i++) {
            Collection<Object[]> subCollection = getReferencedUrls(sDescs.item(i).getNodeValue());
            Iterator<Object[]> iter = subCollection.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {

        //Get all ServiceProviderCatalog urls from the base document in order to recursively add all the
        //simple query services from the eventual service description documents from them as well.
        NodeList spcs = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate(
                "//oslc_disc:entry/oslc_disc:ServiceProviderCatalog/@rdf:about", baseDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
        for (int i = 0; i < spcs.getLength(); i++) {
            if (!spcs.item(i).getNodeValue().equals(base)) {
                Collection<Object[]> subCollection = getReferencedUrls(spcs.item(i).getNodeValue());
                Iterator<Object[]> iter = subCollection.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return data;

    public void createValidCMDefectUsingXmlTemplate() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template
        //Using Content-type header of OSLCConstants as required by the OSLC CM spec
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, templatedDocument);

        //Assert the response gave a 201 Created
        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
        Header location = resp.getFirstHeader("Location");
        //Assert that we were given a Location header pointing to the resource
        assertFalse(location == null);
        //Attempt to clean up after the test by calling delete on the given url,
        //which is not a MUST according to the oslc cm spec
        resp = OSLCUtils.deleteFromUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "*/*");
        if (resp.getEntity() != null) {

    public void createValidCMDefectUsingJsonTemplate() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template
        //Using Content-type header of OSLCConstants as required by the OSLC CM spec
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_JSON,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_JSON, jsonDocument);

        //Assert the response gave a 201 Created
        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
        Header location = resp.getFirstHeader("Location");

        //Assert that we were given a Location header pointing to the resource
        //Attempt to clean up after the test by calling delete on the given url,
        //which is not a MUST according to the oslc cm spec
        resp = OSLCUtils.deleteFromUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "/*");
        if (resp.getEntity() != null) {

    public void createCMDefectWithInvalidContentType() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template and an invalid contentType
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, "weird/type",
        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    public void createCMDefectWithInvalidContent() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template and an invalid contentType
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, "notvalidxmldefect");
        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    public void createCMDefectAndUpdateItUsingXml() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template
        //Using Content-type header of OSLCConstants as required by the OSLC CM spec
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, templatedDocument);

        //Assert the response gave a 201 Created
        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
        Header location = resp.getFirstHeader("Location");
        //Assert that we were given a Location header pointing to the resource

        //Now, go to the url of the new change request and update it.
        resp = OSLCUtils.putDataToUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, updateDocument);
        if (resp.getEntity() != null) {
        //Assert that a proper PUT resulted in a 200 OK
        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

        //Clean up after the test by attempting to delete the created resource
        resp = OSLCUtils.deleteFromUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "*/*");
        if (resp.getEntity() != null)

    public void createCMDefectAndUpdateItUsingJson() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template
        //Using Content-type header of OSLCConstants as required by the OSLC CM spec
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_JSON,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_JSON, jsonDocument);

        //Assert the response gave a 201 Created
        assertTrue(resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 201);
        Header location = resp.getFirstHeader("Location");

        //Assert that we were given a Location header pointing to the resource
        assertFalse(location == null);

        //Now, go to the url of the new change request and update it.
        resp = OSLCUtils.putDataToUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_JSON,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_JSON, jsonUpdate);
        if (resp.getEntity() != null) {
        //Assert that a proper PUT resulted in a 200 OK
        assertTrue(resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200);

        //Clean up after the test by attempting to delete the created resource
        resp = OSLCUtils.deleteFromUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "*/*");
        if (resp.getEntity() != null)

    public void updateCreatedDefectWithBadRequest() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template
        //Using Content-type header of OSLCConstants as required by the OSLC CM spec
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, templatedDocument);

        //Assert the response gave a 201 Created
        assertTrue(resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 201);
        Header location = resp.getFirstHeader("Location");
        //Assert that we were given a Location header pointing to the resource
        assertFalse(location == null);

        //Now, go to the url of the new change request and update it.
        resp = OSLCUtils.putDataToUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "*/*", OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
        if (resp.getEntity() != null) {
        //Assert that an invalid PUT resulted in a 400 BAD REQUEST
        assertTrue(resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400);

        //Clean up after the test by attempting to delete the created resource
        resp = OSLCUtils.deleteFromUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "");
        if (resp.getEntity() != null)

    public void updateCreatedDefectWithBadType() throws IOException {
        //Issue post request using the provided template
        //Using Content-type header of OSLCConstants as required by the OSLC CM spec
        HttpResponse resp = OSLCUtils.postDataToUrl(currentUrl, basicCreds, OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML,
                OSLCConstants.CT_CR_XML, templatedDocument);

        //Assert the response gave a 201 Created
        assertTrue(resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 201);
        Header location = resp.getFirstHeader("Location");

        //Assert that we were given a Location header pointing to the resource
        assertFalse(location == null);

        //Now, go to the url of the new change request and update it.
        resp = OSLCUtils.putDataToUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "*/*", "text/html", updateDocument);
        if (resp.getEntity() != null) {
        //Assert that an invalid PUT resulted in a 400 BAD REQUEST
        assertTrue(resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 415);

        //Clean up after the test by attempting to delete the created resource
        resp = OSLCUtils.deleteFromUrl(location.getValue(), basicCreds, "");
        if (resp.getEntity() != null)