Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 IBM Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Keith Wells             - initial API and implementation
 *     Sam Padgett           - initial API and Implementation
 *     Jim Conallen           - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.lyo.samples.sharepoint;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

//import jbugz.exceptions.BugzillaException;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.InputStreamRequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.eclipse.lyo.samples.sharepoint.adapter.SharepointInitializer;
import org.eclipse.lyo.samples.sharepoint.adapter.SharepointResource;
import org.eclipse.lyo.samples.sharepoint.adapter.URLStrategy;
import org.eclipse.lyo.samples.sharepoint.core.IConstants;
import org.eclipse.lyo.samples.sharepoint.exceptions.ConnectionException;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;

import org.odata4j.consumer.ODataClientRequest;
import org.odata4j.consumer.ODataConsumer;
import org.odata4j.core.OClientBehavior;
import org.odata4j.core.OEntity;
import org.odata4j.core.OProperty;
import org.odata4j.core.ORelatedEntityLink;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

 * The <code>SharepointConnector</code> class handles all access to a given Sharepoint installation.
 * Sharepoint uses OData
public class SharepointConnector {

     * Logger for internal errors.
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog("SharepointConnector.class");

    private ODataConsumer odatac;

     * Use this method to designate a host to connect to. You must call this method 
     * before executing any other methods of this object.
     * @param host A string pointing to the domain of the Sharepoint installation
     * @throws ConnectionException if a connection cannot be established
    public void connectTo(String host) throws ConnectionException {
        connectTo(host, null, null);

     * Use this method to designate a host to connect to. You must call this method 
     * before executing any other methods of this object.
     * If httpUser is not null, than the httpUser and the httpPasswd will be 
     * used to connect to the sharepoint server. This currently only supports basic
     * http authtentication ( @see <a href="">Basic access authentication</a>).
     * @param host A string pointing to the domain of the Bugzilla installation
     * @param httpUser username for an optional Basic access authentication
     * @param httpPasswd password for an optional Basic access authentication
     * @throws ConnectionException if a connection cannot be established
    public void connectTo(final String host, final String httpUser, final String httpPasswd)
            throws ConnectionException {

        URL hostURL;
        try {
            hostURL = new URL(host);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            logger.error("URL parameter for host is improperly formed; cannot connect", e);
            throw new ConnectionException("Host URL is malformed; URL supplied was " + host, e);
        connectTo(hostURL, httpUser, httpPasswd);

     * Use this method to designate a host to connect to. You must call this method 
     * before executing any other methods of this object.
     * If httpUser is not null, than the httpUser and the httpPasswd will be 
     * used to connect to the sharepoint server. This currently only supports basic
     * http authtentication ( @see <a href="">Basic access authentication</a>).
     * @param host A URL of form http:// + somedomain + /_vti_bin/listdata.svc
     * @param httpUser username for an optional Basic access authentication
     * @param httpPasswd password for an optional Basic access authentication
    public void connectTo(URL host, String httpUser, String httpPasswd) {
        odatac = ODataConsumer.create(SharepointInitializer.getSharepointUri(), new OClientBehavior() {
            public ODataClientRequest transform(ODataClientRequest request) {
                String userPassword = SharepointInitializer.getUsername() + ":"
                        + SharepointInitializer.getPassword();
                String encoded = Base64.encodeBase64String(userPassword.getBytes());
                encoded = encoded.replaceAll("\r\n?", "");
                return request.header("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);

            public void modify(ClientConfig arg0) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     *  Get the document library collections from sharepoint
    public List<Library> getLibraries() {
        List<Library> libraries = new ArrayList<Library>();
        HashMap<String, Object> map;

        // get the different collections from Sharepoint
        for (String entitySet : odatac.getEntitySets()) {
            try {
                // ignore ReportingTemplates collection, it returns documents we are not interested in
                if (!entitySet.startsWith("ReportingTemplates")) {
                    //see if there is a document in the collection, if so let's save it for the catalog 
                    for (OEntity oe1 : odatac.getEntities(entitySet).filter("ContentType eq 'Document'").top(1)
                            .execute()) {
                        map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                                SharepointInitializer.getBaseUri() + '/' + "provider?collection=" + entitySet);
                        map.put("name", entitySet);
                        libraries.add(new Library(map));
            } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) {

        return libraries;

    /*    public Library getLibrary(String collection) {
           HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
           map.put("uri", SharepointInitializer.getBaseUri() + '/' + "provider?collection=" + collection);
           map.put("name", collection);
           return new Library(map);

     * get the documents 
    public List<Map<String, ShareValue>> getDocuments() throws UnrecognizedValueTypeException {
        HashMap<String, ShareValue> map;

        List<Map<String, ShareValue>> documents = new ArrayList<Map<String, ShareValue>>();
        for (String entitySet : odatac.getEntitySets()) {
            try {
                // ignore ReportingTemplates collection, it returns documents we are not interested in
                if (!entitySet.startsWith("ReportingTemplates")) {

                    for (OEntity oe1 : odatac.getEntities(entitySet).filter("ContentType eq 'Document'")
                            .execute()) {
                        map = new HashMap<String, ShareValue>();
                        ShareValue shareValue = new ShareValue(ShareValueType.URI, URLStrategy.getResourceBaseURL()
                                + '/' + entitySet + '/' + oe1.getProperty("Id").getValue());
                        map.put("uri", shareValue);
                        shareValue = new ShareValue(ShareValueType.STRING, oe1.getProperty("Name").getValue());
                        map.put("title", shareValue);


            } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) {

        return documents;


     * retrieve the documents for a document library collection
    public List<Map<String, ShareValue>> getDocuments(String collection) throws UnrecognizedValueTypeException {
        HashMap<String, ShareValue> map;
        List<Map<String, ShareValue>> documents = new ArrayList<Map<String, ShareValue>>();

        try {

            for (OEntity oe1 : odatac.getEntities(collection).filter("ContentType eq 'Document'").execute()) {
                map = new HashMap<String, ShareValue>();
                ShareValue shareValue = new ShareValue(ShareValueType.URI, URLStrategy.getResourceBaseURL() + '/'
                        + collection + '/' + oe1.getProperty("Id").getValue());
                map.put("uri", shareValue);
                shareValue = new ShareValue(ShareValueType.STRING, oe1.getProperty("Name").getValue());
                map.put("title", shareValue);

        } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) {
            System.out.println("exception from odata");

        return documents;

    protected String getLinkedEntity(OEntity entity, String link, String property) {
        ORelatedEntityLink createdByLink = entity.getLink(link, ORelatedEntityLink.class);
        OEntity ocb = odatac.getEntity(createdByLink).execute();
        return ocb.getProperty(property).getValue().toString();

     * Retrieve the metadata about a documetn from sharepoint
    public SharepointResource getDocumentProperties(String uri)
            throws UnrecognizedValueTypeException, ShareServerException {
        //System.out.println("getDocumentResource: uri='" + uri + "'");
        SharepointResource sharepointResource = new SharepointResource(uri);
        //String uri = resource.getUri();
        try {
            //Split uri -- get /Empire for Entity, get /1 for id         
            //System.out.println("getDocumentProperties: entered; uri='" + uri +"'" );
            //System.out.println("getDocumentProperties: entered; " + URLStrategy.getResourceBaseURL().length()  );
            if (uri.startsWith(URLStrategy.getResourceBaseURL())) {
                String temp = uri.substring(URLStrategy.getResourceBaseURL().length() + 1);
                String[] tokens = temp.split("/");

                OEntity oe = (OEntity) odatac.getEntity(tokens[0], Integer.parseInt(tokens[1])).execute();
                for (OProperty<?> p : oe.getProperties()) {
                    if (p.getName().equals("Id")) {
                    } else if (p.getName().equals("Name")) {
                        sharepointResource.setTitle((String) p.getValue());
                    } else if (p.getName().equals("CreatedById")) {
                        sharepointResource.setCreator(getLinkedEntity(oe, "CreatedBy", "Name"));
                    } else if (p.getName().equals("Created")) {
                        //   System.out.println("Created: ='" + p.getValue().toString());
                        sharepointResource.setCreated(((LocalDateTime) p.getValue()).toDateTime().toDate());
                    } else if (p.getName().equals("Modified")) {
                        //  System.out.println("Modified: ='" + p.getValue().toString());
                        sharepointResource.setModified(((LocalDateTime) p.getValue()).toDateTime().toDate());
                    } else if (p.getName().equals("ModifiedById")) {
                        sharepointResource.setContributor(getLinkedEntity(oe, "ModifiedBy", "Name"));
                    } else if (p.getName().equals("ApprovalStatus")) {
                        sharepointResource.setApprovalStatus((String) p.getValue().toString());

            } else {// TODO problems
                System.out.println("uri did not start correctly");

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return sharepointResource;

     * Create a document in sharepoint using the UI delegate
    public int createDocument(HttpServletResponse response, String library, FileItem item)
            throws UnrecognizedValueTypeException, ShareServerException {
        //   System.out.println("createDocument: uri='" + uri + "'");
        //SharepointResource sharepointResource = new SharepointResource(uri);

        //       String filename = resource.getSource();
        //      OEntity newProduct = odatac.createEntity("Empire").properties(OProperties.int32("Id", 10))
        //                                                       .properties(OProperties.string("Name", filename))
        //                                                       .properties(OProperties.string("ContentType","Document"))
        //                                                       .properties(OProperties.string("Title","Architecture"))
        //                                                       .properties(OProperties.string("ApprovalStatus","2"))
        //                                                       .properties(OProperties.string("Path","/Empire"))   
        //                                                         .execute();  

        // no obvious API in odata4j to create a document, default apache http Create
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        client.getParams().setParameter("http.useragent", "Test Client");

        BufferedReader br = null;
        int returnCode = 500;
        PostMethod method = null;
        try {

            method = new PostMethod(SharepointInitializer.getSharepointUri() + "/" + library);
            String userPassword = SharepointInitializer.getUsername() + ":" + SharepointInitializer.getPassword();
            String encoding = Base64.encodeBase64String(userPassword.getBytes());
            encoding = encoding.replaceAll("\r\n?", "");
            method.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);
            method.addRequestHeader("Content-type", item.getContentType());
            method.addRequestHeader(IConstants.HDR_SLUG, "/" + library + "/" + item.getName());

            //InputStream is =  new FileInputStream("E:\\odata\\sharepoint\\DeathStarTest.doc");

            RequestEntity entity = new InputStreamRequestEntity(item.getInputStream(), "application/msword");

            returnCode = client.executeMethod(method);

            if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
                System.err.println("The Post method is not implemented by this URI");
                // still consume the response body
            } else {
                //br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(method.getResponseBodyAsStream()));
                InputStream is = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
                //br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));          
                //    String readLine;
                //    while(((readLine = br.readLine()) != null)) {
                //      System.out.println(readLine);
                //    }

                //response.getWriter().write("<html><head><title>hello world</title></head><body><p>hello world!</p></body></html>");

                DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document doc = parser.parse(is);
                Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();

                System.out.println("Root element of the doc is " + root.getNodeName());

                //         String msftdPrefix = "";
                //         String msftmPrefix = "";

                String id = null;
                String name = null;
                NodeList nl = root.getElementsByTagName("d:Id");
                if (nl.getLength() > 0) {
                    id = nl.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();

                //nl = root.getElementsByTagName("d:ContentType");         
                //if (nl.getLength() > 0) {
                //   type = nl.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); 

                nl = root.getElementsByTagName("d:Name");
                if (nl.getLength() > 0) {
                    name = nl.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();

                response.getWriter().write("<p>" + name + " was created with an Id =" + id + "</p>");

                //String readLine;
                //while(((readLine = br.readLine()) != null)) {
                //   response.getWriter().write(readLine);
                //   String readLine;
                //   while(((readLine = br.readLine()) != null)) {
                //     System.out.println(readLine);
                //   }
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            if (method != null)
            if (br != null)
                try {
                } catch (Exception fe) {
        return returnCode;
