Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Software Behaviour Analysis Lab, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of XYZ License which * accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * Contributors: * Syed Shariyar Murtaza **********************************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.algorithms.slidingwindow; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.algorithms.IDetectionAlgorithm; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.algorithms.AlgorithmFactory; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.algorithms.Results; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.algorithms.AlgorithmTypes; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.core.Configuration; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.dbms.DBMS; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.exceptions.TotalADSDBMSException; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.exceptions.TotalADSReaderException; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.exceptions.TotalADSUIException; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.readers.ITraceIterator; import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.totalads.ui.modeling.ProgressConsole; import org.swtchart.Chart; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; /** * This class implements the Sliding Window algorithm * @author <p> Syed Shariyar Murtaza </p> * */ public class SlidingWindow implements IDetectionAlgorithm { private String TRACE_COLLECTION = "trace_data";//Configuration.traceCollection; private String SETTINGS_COLLECTION = "settings";//Configuration.settingsCollection; private Integer maxWin = 5; private Integer maxHamDis = 0; private String warningMessage = ""; private HashMap<String, Event[]> sysCallSequences; private String[] trainingOptions = { "Max Win", "5", "Max Hamming Distance", "0" }; private String[] testingOptions = { "Max Hamming Distance", "0" }; private Integer validationTraceCount = 0; private Integer validationAnomalies = 0; private Integer testTraceCount = 0; private Integer testAnomalies = 0; private Boolean intialize = false; private Boolean isTestStarted = false; private SlidingWindowTree treeTransformer; /** * Constructor **/ public SlidingWindow() { sysCallSequences = new HashMap<String, Event[]>(); treeTransformer = new SlidingWindowTree(); } /** * Initializes the model if already exists in the database * @param connection DBMS object * @param database Database name */ private void initialize(DBMS connection, String database) { DBCursor cursor = connection.selectAll(database, this.TRACE_COLLECTION); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject dbObject =; Gson gson = new Gson(); String key = dbObject.get("_id").toString(); Event[] event = gson.fromJson(dbObject.get("tree").toString(), Event[].class); sysCallSequences.put(key, event); } cursor.close(); } // get the maxwin cursor = connection.selectAll(database, this.SETTINGS_COLLECTION); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject dbObject =; maxWin = Integer.parseInt(dbObject.get(SettingsCollection.MAX_WIN.toString()).toString()); maxHamDis = Integer.parseInt(dbObject.get(SettingsCollection.MAX_HAM_DIS.toString()).toString()); } cursor.close(); } } /** * Returns the settings of an algorithm as option name at index i and value at index i+1 * @return String[] Array of String */ @Override public String[] getTrainingOptions() { return trainingOptions; } /** * * Set the settings of an algorithm as option name at index i and value ate index i+1 * @return String[] Array of String * */ @Override public String[] getTestingOptions(String database, DBMS connection) { DBCursor cursor = connection.selectAll(database, this.SETTINGS_COLLECTION); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject dbObject =; //maxWin=Integer.parseInt(dbObject.get(SETTINGS_COLL_FIELDS.MAX_WIN).toString()); maxHamDis = Integer.parseInt(dbObject.get(SettingsCollection.MAX_HAM_DIS.toString()).toString()); } cursor.close(); } testingOptions[1] = maxHamDis.toString(); return testingOptions; } /** * Creates a database to store models */ @Override public void createDatabase(String databaseName, DBMS connection) throws TotalADSDBMSException { String[] collectionNames = { TRACE_COLLECTION, SETTINGS_COLLECTION }; connection.createDatabase(databaseName, collectionNames); } /** * * Trains the model by overriding a method from the interface {@link IDetectionAlgorithm} * */ @Override public void train(ITraceIterator trace, Boolean isLastTrace, String database, DBMS connection, ProgressConsole console, String[] options, Boolean isNewDB) throws TotalADSUIException, TotalADSDBMSException, TotalADSReaderException { if (!intialize) { validationTraceCount = 0; validationAnomalies = 0; int maxWinLimit = 15; // If the option name is the same and database has no model then take the maxwin from user // else maxwin aleady exists in the database. We cannot change it if (options != null) { try { if (sysCallSequences.size() != 0) warningMessage = "Warning: window size was not changed because the model (database) already exists."; else if (options[0].equals(this.trainingOptions[0])) maxWin = Integer.parseInt(options[1]);// on error exception will be thrown automatically //check for hamming distance if (options[2].equals(this.trainingOptions[2])) maxHamDis = Integer.parseInt(options[3]);// on error exception will be thrown automatically } catch (Exception ex) {// Capturing exception to send a UI error throw new TotalADSUIException("Please, enter integer numbers only in options."); } if (maxWin > maxWinLimit) throw new TotalADSUIException("Sequence size too large; select " + maxWinLimit + " or lesser."); } intialize = true; // Initializing if (isNewDB) createDatabase(database, connection); initialize(connection, database); } int winWidth = 0; LinkedList<String> newSequence = new LinkedList<String>(); while (trace.advance()) { newSequence.add(trace.getCurrentEvent()); winWidth++; if (winWidth >= maxWin) { winWidth--; String[] seq = new String[maxWin]; seq = newSequence.toArray(seq); // searching and adding to db // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(seq)); treeTransformer.searchAndAddSequence(seq, sysCallSequences); newSequence.remove(0); } } if (isLastTrace) { // Saving events tree in database treeTransformer.saveinDatabase(console, database, connection, sysCallSequences, TRACE_COLLECTION); intialize = false; } } /** * * Validates the model by overriding a method from the interface {@link IDetectionAlgorithm} * */ @Override public void validate(ITraceIterator trace, String database, DBMS connection, Boolean isLastTrace, ProgressConsole console) throws TotalADSUIException, TotalADSDBMSException, TotalADSReaderException { validationTraceCount++;// count the number of traces //Integer []hammAnomalies=new Integer[maxWin]; Results result = evaluateTrace(trace, database, connection); if (result.getAnomaly()) { String details = result.getDetails().toString(); console.printTextLn(details); // Integer hamming=Integer.parseInt(details.split("::")[1]); //hammAnomalies[hamming]++; validationAnomalies++; } if (isLastTrace) { //for (int hamCount=1; hamCount < hammAnomalies.length; hamCount++){ // console.printTextLn("Anomalies at hamming "+ hamCount + ":" +hammAnomalies[hamCount]); // totalAnomalies+=hammAnomalies[hamCount]; // } console.printTextLn("Total traces in validation folder: " + validationTraceCount); Double anomalyPrcentage = (validationAnomalies.doubleValue() / validationTraceCount.doubleValue()) * 100; console.printTextLn( "Total anomalies at max hamming distance " + maxHamDis + " are " + anomalyPrcentage); Double normalPercentage = (100 - anomalyPrcentage); console.printTextLn("Total normal at max hamming distance " + maxHamDis + " are " + normalPercentage); // Update the settings collection for maxwin and maxhamm saveSettings(database, connection); console.printTextLn("Database updated.."); if (!warningMessage.isEmpty()) console.printTextLn(warningMessage); } } /** * Tests the model by overriding a method from the interface {@link IDetectionAlgorithm} */ @Override public Results test(ITraceIterator trace, String database, DBMS connection, String[] options) throws TotalADSUIException, TotalADSDBMSException, TotalADSReaderException { if (!isTestStarted) { testTraceCount = 0; testAnomalies = 0; initialize(connection, database); // get the trees from db if (options != null && options[0].equals(this.testingOptions[0])) { try { maxHamDis = Integer.parseInt(options[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new TotalADSUIException("Please, enter an integer value."); } saveSettings(database, connection); // save maxHamm } isTestStarted = true; } return evaluateTrace(trace, database, connection); } /** * Evaluates a trace * @param trace * @param database * @param connection * @return * @throws TotalADSReaderException */ private Results evaluateTrace(ITraceIterator trace, String database, DBMS connection) throws TotalADSReaderException { int winWidth = 0, anomalousSequencesToReturn = 0, maxAnomalousSequencesToReturn = 10; int displaySeqCount = 0; Results results = new Results(); results.setAnomalyType(""); results.setAnomaly(false); testTraceCount++; LinkedList<String> newSequence = new LinkedList<String>(); //System.out.println(maxWin); while (trace.advance()) { newSequence.add(trace.getCurrentEvent()); winWidth++; if (winWidth >= maxWin) { winWidth--; String[] seq = new String[maxWin]; seq = newSequence.toArray(seq); Event[] nodes = null; int counter = 0; do {// This loop searches for the tree that starts with the first event of a new sequences, // if not found it starts with a second event, then the third event and so on. Each time //it keeps on increasing the hamming distnace nodes = sysCallSequences.get(seq[counter]); counter++; } while (nodes == null && counter < seq.length); //Boolean isNormal=false; Integer hammDis = counter - 1; // we assign hamming distance if (nodes != null) { // if a tree has been found then we go inside this condition String[] tmp; if (hammDis >= 1) {// if we have found a tree that does not start with the // first event of a new sequence in the above loop then we pass the sequence // from where it matched with the root of the tree in the above loop if (seq.length == counter) { int a = 0; a++; } tmp = new String[seq.length - (counter - 1)]; for (int i = counter - 1; i < tmp.length; i++) tmp[i] = seq[i + 1]; hammDis = hammDis + treeTransformer.getHammingAndSearch(nodes, tmp) - 1;// calculate hamming distance and subtract 1 // because one extra distance is reported from the function // getHammingAndSearch } else hammDis = treeTransformer.getHammingAndSearch(nodes, seq); // just get the hamming and search with a full sequence } //isNormal=searchMatchingSequenceInTree(nodes, seq); // System.out.println(hammDis+ " "+maxHamDis); if (hammDis > maxHamDis) {// It is not normal, it is actually an anomaly results.setAnomaly(true); if (anomalousSequencesToReturn % maxWin == 0) { // add a new sequence when the previous events are gone results.setDetails(Arrays.toString(seq) + "::" + hammDis + "\n"); displaySeqCount++; } anomalousSequencesToReturn++; } if (displaySeqCount >= maxAnomalousSequencesToReturn) { results.setDetails(".....\n....." + maxAnomalousSequencesToReturn + " or less" + " randomly selected anomalies" + "\n"); break;// No need to extract all the anomalous sequences in a trace; // just return and break } newSequence.remove(0);// remove the top event and slide a window } } if (results.getAnomaly()) testAnomalies++; return results; } /** * Updates settings collection * @param datatbase * @param connection * @throws TotalADSDBMSException */ private void saveSettings(String database, DBMS connection) throws TotalADSDBMSException { String settingsKey = "SWN_SETTINGS"; JsonObject jsonKey = new JsonObject(); jsonKey.addProperty("_id", settingsKey); JsonObject jsonObjToUpdate = new JsonObject(); jsonObjToUpdate.addProperty(SettingsCollection.KEY.toString(), settingsKey); jsonObjToUpdate.addProperty(SettingsCollection.MAX_WIN.toString(), maxWin); jsonObjToUpdate.addProperty(SettingsCollection.MAX_HAM_DIS.toString(), maxHamDis); connection.insertOrUpdateUsingJSON(database, jsonKey, jsonObjToUpdate, this.SETTINGS_COLLECTION); } /** * Text Results, an overriden method */ @Override public String getSummaryOfTestResults() { Double anomalousPercentage = (testAnomalies.doubleValue() / testTraceCount.doubleValue()) * 100; return anomalousPercentage.toString() + "%"; } /* * graphicalResults, an overriden method */ @Override public Chart graphicalResults(ITraceIterator traceIterator) { return null; } /* * Creates Instance, an overriden method */ @Override public IDetectionAlgorithm createInstance() { return new SlidingWindow(); } /** * Returns the name */ @Override public String getName() { return "Sliding Window (SWN)"; } /** * Returns the acronym of the model */ public String getAcronym() { return "SWN"; } /** * Self registration of the model with the modelFactory */ public static void registerModel() throws TotalADSUIException { AlgorithmFactory modelFactory = AlgorithmFactory.getInstance(); SlidingWindow sldWin = new SlidingWindow(); modelFactory.registerModelWithFactory(AlgorithmTypes.ANOMALY, sldWin); } /** * Performs cross validation */ @Override public void crossValidate(Integer folds, String database, DBMS connection, ProgressConsole console, ITraceIterator trace, Boolean isLastTrace) throws TotalADSUIException, TotalADSDBMSException { } }